Chapter 8

Oops!Tian Yuan's head buzzed for a while, secretly thinking that he was so complacent that he forcibly forgot what Zhuang Chunping told him to say!

What can I do?This Zhuang Chunping will be his direct leader in the future!I offended him now!After thinking about it, I am now the secretary appointed by Li Yi. Although I am Zhuang Chunping's deputy, I am relatively close to Li Yi. Why should I be afraid of this old guy?

"Comrade Tian Yuan, what did Mrs. Li talk to you about?" Zhuang Chunping asked.

Tian Yuan said indifferently: "Mr. Li told me about the secretary."

"Oh, then do you recommend Zhuang Youlin?" Zhuang Chunping asked with an eager expression.

"Mr. Li hand-picked me as the secretary, and he used the tone of command. Under that kind of strong aura, I didn't even show my breath. How could I dare to talk back? Only Weiwei is left. Director Zhuang, I'm really sorry, how about I go back now and recommend Comrade Zhuang Youlin to Mrs. Li? Just say that he is the best candidate for No. [-] secretary?" Tian Yuan has been in the officialdom for so long, said He was so impeccable in his speech that Zhuang Chunping couldn't catch anything.

Zhuang Chunping's face turned green, he was silent for a moment, and regained his strength, seeing Tian Yuan turned around to go back to Li Yi's office, he quickly grabbed him and said, "No need, no need. The general that Mrs. Li ordered must be the most suitable one." He has made up his mind, Comrade Zhuang Youlin is excellent, but he can only wait for the next opportunity."

Just a joke, if Tian Yuan really went back and said this, then Zhuang Chunping still needs to work in this county committee?

Tian Yuan also just put on a show, seeing the situation and said: "Is there really no need? Director Zhuang, if there is nothing else, then I will leave. I have to go back to pack up and prepare to serve Mrs. Li tomorrow!"

Zhuang Chunping waved helplessly and said, "Okay, you can go."

As soon as Tian Yuan left, Li Yi called Zhuang Chunping in and told him that Tian Yuan would report to the county committee office tomorrow and asked Zhuang Chunping to make corresponding arrangements.Zhuang Chunping agreed, frowned and said, "Mr. Li, Comrade Tian Yuan is the secretary of the county government office. Is it a little inappropriate for us to transfer him here?"

Li Yi looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhuang Chunping said: "I'm afraid that the comrades of the county committee office will gossip. How many comrades in our county committee office are looking forward to serving you, but now this good opportunity is easily snatched away by an outsider. I'm afraid they will not think about it." Clear!"

Li Yi said coldly: "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it! Are you talking about that Zhuang Youlin? I know this person before. He is your nephew. Although he is a master's student, he studies chemical technology. I was originally assigned to work at the Ningcheng Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory, but because I disliked the smell in the factory area and was too lazy to cook, I was persuaded to leave by the factory.”

The smile on Zhuang Chunping's face froze. He didn't expect that Li Yi knew Zhuang Youlin's past so clearly!

Li Yi said coldly: "Zhuang Youlin then entrusted your relationship to join the Linyi County Committee Office. After passing your operation, he only worked for more than a year and became a deputy chief staff member. During this more than a year, Let him see what he has done? There are so many comrades in the county committee office, you go and ask everyone, who has said something good about him!"

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhuang Chunping's forehead, and he muttered in his heart, which bastard shot me in the back?He leaked all the background of that kid Zhuang Youlin.

Li Yi stretched out his fingers, tapped on the table, and said heavily: "I asked you to report to me the list of comrades who need to solve the establishment of the county party committee office and the list of family members who need to arrange work. You have reported more than 30 lists, and more than half of them are related to you. For reasons, there are still a few who gave you favors! If I hadn’t asked someone to check it in private, wouldn’t I have become a gun dancing in your hand? Comrade Chunping, this matter is a must! If you have private goods in front of me, and if you are yin and yang, you don’t need me to say, you can take the initiative to resign!"

Zhuang Chunping was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he said repeatedly: "Li ***, I really didn't mean that, it was Zhuang Youlin who begged me for no reason, asking me to arrange for him the post of secretary, please rest assured , I will never dare again.”

Li Yi said seriously: "I don't care how you used to be the director, but in front of me, Li Yi, don't take chances. If you have anything to say or any difficulties, you can mention it to me face to face. If you are so self-righteous again, then I will have to consider whether you are still competent. Get out!"

Zhuang Chunping said yes, and stepped back out of the office door, feeling his two legs trembling and sweating profusely.

A tall and thin man wearing glasses came over and asked softly, "Uncle, how is it? Did Mrs. Li agree?"

Zhuang Chunping gave him a gouged look, and cursed: "Zhuang Youlin, you bastard, I was almost killed by you!"

Zhuang Youlin still thought about why, Zhuang Chunping snorted coldly and walked away.

Zhuang Youlin 'touched' his head and followed in confusion.

In fact, Li Yi had long been interested in Tian Yuan as his secretary candidate. The reason why he has not made a decision for a long time, and deliberately left Tian Yuan cold, mainly has two purposes.

One is to test Tian Yuan, to see if he can withstand the test of adversity, and whether he can withstand the strange eyes of his colleagues. If he is discouraged and complains about others after a little setback, Li Yi will not reuse such a person .

The second is to test Zhuang Chunping.As the chief steward of the county party committee, the director of the county party committee holds a very important position.The main responsibilities of the director of the county party committee office are to handle the daily work of the county party committee, arrange the official activities of the county party committee leaders, prepare, organize and coordinate various meetings of the county party committee, and handle the work assigned by the county party committee leaders.Also be responsible for the drafting, review, and printing and distribution of county party committee documents, manuscripts, and county party leadership speeches, as well as document processing, archives management, and development and utilization.It acts as an intermediate hub for uploading and uploading.

If this person uses it correctly, how many things can he save himself?If you use it wrong, how many things can you damage yourself?

Zhuang Chunping used to serve Chen Kaiming, and Chen Kaiming's downfall had something to do with Li Yi.When Li Yi took office, he issued a ban on Chen Kaiming, which made Chen Kaiming and Zhuang Chunping, fans of Li Yi, hate Li Yi to the bone.It is unavoidable to secretly play tricks.

Li Yi had foreseen these possibilities, so he took advantage of the selection of the secretary to beat Zhuang Chunping.Li Yi's skill and ability showed Zhuang Chunping's fear from the bottom of his heart. Many things, he thought he did it very secretly, and Li Yi didn't ask carefully, relying on his old qualifications, and bullying Li Yi The young man was successful, thinking that he was mostly frivolous, so he did whatever he wanted, trying to deceive Li Yi and do some private things.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi pretended not to know anything on the surface, but he launched an in-depth and meticulous investigation behind the scenes, and saw through his conspiracy in one fell swoop, which frightened him.

From then on, Comrade Zhuang Chunping no longer dared to underestimate Li Yi, acted with sincerity, and did not dare to make a slight mistake.

It is easy to replace a person, but it is difficult to subdue a person.

Li Yi conquered Zhuang Chunping with a surprise blow.

Through a series of means, Li Yi quickly stabilized the general situation in Linyi County, and under his auspices, all tasks moved forward in an orderly manner.

In Linyi County, where there is no county magistrate, the leadership of the county party committee and county 'government' is completely united.

As for the county 'government', because Li Yi implements a shift system, each deputy county magistrate can only be the squad leader for one day, and there are several other deputy county magistrates watching. Outside of work, you can't use this special power to do private affairs or seek any personal gain, because someone else will change shifts tomorrow. If you are found out, you will not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

There are five people supervising each other, which prevents the situation where one person monopolizes power and reduces the possibility of collusion.

After Hong Weiming served as the acting county magistrate for two days, he immediately admired Li Yi's method. Before the new county magistrate took office, surrounded by five tigers, this is indeed an effective management means.

The situation in the Economic and Technological Development Zone has already been opened. After more than a year in Xizhou, the production of greenhouse planting and farming and animal husbandry has reached an unprecedented peak season. The agricultural products of Xizhou are sold throughout the province through the agricultural wholesale market in the provincial capital. Everywhere, even sold to all provinces and cities across the country.

The vigorous production of raw materials has accelerated the vigorous development of agricultural and sideline industries. Merchants and investors from all walks of life have sensed the business opportunities and gathered from all corners of the country to investigate and invest.

A series of new factory buildings rose from the ground, and batches of workers poured into Linyi.The radiation effect of the economic development of the provincial economic development zone is highlighted. With the development of the economic development zone, the flow of businessmen and people is increasing, which greatly drives the economic development of adjacent regions.

The roads in Donggouzi Township and the construction of the coal gangue brick factory are progressing very quickly. It is gratifying that the coal gangue factory has not yet been put into operation, but has already received many orders, and several of them are famous building materials in the province. Wholesalers are willing to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with Linyi Coal Gangue Brick Factory.This news greatly encouraged the comrades in the leading group for the restructuring of township enterprises, making them step up their horsepower and work hard, and those who worked overtime should build the factory and put it into production as soon as possible.

Comrade Zhu Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly to the project, but he didn't have much time to spend with Sun Wei. Sun Wei saw that he was working hard and was very considerate of Zhu Feng. Whenever he was free, he would go to the construction site to visit Zhu Feng.

Everything is moving forward steadily according to Li Yi's vision. Li Yi designed a three-year development plan and a ten-year prospect for Linyi. According to Li Yi's idea, he will stay in Linyi for at least three years. With these three years, He can completely manage a rapidly developing Linyi County.

However, the changes in the world are always greater than people's good wishes.

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