Yang Yi has been paying close attention to the development of the international financial situation recently. Guo Xiaoling works in the media.

I also have a lot of contact with these aspects, and I often collect various newspapers and periodicals on economic news for Li Yi to read according to Li Yi's request.

When Lin Xin was in the capital, she had access to more extensive information. Li Yi often called her and asked her to help pay attention to economic news in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand.

Lin Xin asked him what he did for collecting these things, and Li Yi replied with a smile that only by looking at the world can one become a self.

With a lot of information and materials for reference, plus the memory of his previous life, Li Yi began to write analysis articles on the economic and financial situation in Southeast Asia in his spare time.

After five drafts, Li Yi finally finished the first article.

Economic analysis articles are niche articles with a very limited audience. Where should they be published?Li Yi first wanted to send the article to Lin Xin and asked her to help, and published it in the Central Party magazine "Red Flag". The Red Flag magazine is an internal reference for senior party leaders. Most of them can be noticed by the top leaders of the country. If it can be published on the above, it will naturally attract the attention of the top leaders as quickly as possible, and then the influence of this article can be maximized.

But Li Yi thought about it, especially after reading related economic review articles in recent issues of Red Flag magazine, and changed his mind.

The recent Red Flag Fortnightly Magazine and Spark Weekly have successively published articles by several well-known domestic economists, analyzing the recent economic momentum in Southeast Asia.The conclusion they drew from their analysis is exactly the opposite of Li Yi's argument. They believed that the economic development of Southeast Asia began in 1991.

Since 1985, it has entered a period of rapid development. Taking Thailand as an example, they pointed out that although the average economic growth rate of Thailand was 1995% from 8.5 to 18.7, the average annual growth rate of exports was [-]%.It also analyzes the economic development of the Four Tigers in recent years, and draws a conclusion that the global economic development has entered the era of Southeast Asia.

The appearance of these articles is not independent, nor is it aimless, but to whitewash the current bottlenecks encountered in the economic development of Southeast Asia, strengthen the confidence of investors, stabilize the hearts of the people, and hope to restore the confidence of the people.

Since the beginning of spring, various small countries in Central and South Asia, which are developing rapidly, have appeared in different degrees of danger one after another.


Soros thus began to strike preemptively.He ordered the selling of stocks in Thai banks and financial companies, and depositors withdrew a large amount of money from all financial and securities companies in Thailand.

At this time, the Western shock funds headed by Soros, holding a large amount of Southeast Asian currencies, jointly sold Taizheng on a large scale. Under the siege of many Western "heroes,...", Taizheng was unable to resist for a while and continued to decline.

It is against this background that these articles are published.

Economists believe that this situation is only temporary, and that international hot money will soon be crushed and withdraw from the Southeast Asian financial market.

But Li Yi clearly understands that these large sums of money are only the first wave of tentative attacks now!The real frenzy is still brewing in the rain!If there is a slight mishandling, the consequences will be devastating.

Li Yi is not a savior, and he is not capable of confronting so much Western hot money now. He is not a superman, and has no obligation to save the economies of small countries such as Thailand.

Even if he has the heart and ability, it is impossible for other countries to listen to his opinions.

If there is no paranoia and fanaticism in the world, how can there be war and development?

Thais are caught in a kind of paranoia and fanaticism and cannot extricate themselves.

Li Yi came to the provincial capital, found Guo Xiaoling, and planned to publish the article in the Southern Evening News first, to test the reaction of the society.

Although politics is now enlightened and speech is free, theories that are clearly contrary to the ideas of most people will still be regarded as heresies and criticized in words and in writing.

The purpose of Li Yi's writing these articles is also to gain a certain amount of political capital for himself. If they are published in famous domestic magazines from the beginning, it may trigger a large-scale war of words, so they want to publish them in the southern province first. Let's see responses from all aspects of society.

An editor of the Southern Evening News read the manuscript and felt that it was not in line with the mainstream of society, so he decided not to publish it. Guo Xiaoling pointed at him and scolded him for being too pedantic.Guo Xiaoling, a little girl, listened to Li's analysis and discussion day and night, and was completely poisoned by Li Yi's theory!

Li Yi also understands the behavior of the Southern Evening News. Now that the mainstream media are supporting Thailand, a sudden article criticizing Thailand will definitely not be accepted.

Guo Xiaoling said: "Li Yi, why don't you try to vote for the daily? The editors of the daily have a different vision. Maybe they can accept it."

Li Yi shook his head and said: "The editors of the Evening News don't dare to publish it, let alone the Daily News?" He pondered: "It's not impossible, I have to find someone.,,

Guo Xiaoling asked, "Who?"

Li Yi said: "A person who is open-minded and able to make decisions."

Guo Xiaoling said. "Is there such a person in the Southern Province?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "What kind of talk is this! There are still a lot of people like this, but they are usually too busy to notice these situations. Once I say it, they will understand!" Guo Xiaoling suddenly said : "I remember you are still a counselor, right? Did you ask your former colleagues for help?"

Li Yi held her face and kissed her, and said with a smile, "You are so smart!"

After bidding farewell to Guo Xiaoling, Li Yi went straight to the provincial government counselor's office.

The current director of the counselor's office is named Qi Ronghua. This person is not well-known in the political arena of the southern province, but he has made great achievements in the history of the development of the Republic. He has been working in the capital since then. Recommended by him, he returned to the Southern Province to preside over the work of the Counselor's Office.

Qi Ronghua is more than 60 years old, energetic and energetic, with black hair and shiny black hair, his true age cannot be seen at all.

Li Yi found Qi Ronghua's office and knocked on the door.

Qi Ronghua was looking at things wearing old hua glasses. When he saw Li Yi, he smiled and said, "Comrade Li Yi?" , Counselor Li Yi came to report to you." Qi Ronghua smiled and said: "Haha, you little comrade, Mr. Gu told me many times that after he asked me to come to the southern province, if he couldn't find a chess opponent, he would drag you But, I've been in the Southern Province for so long, and I still don't see your face!"

"Director Qi, what are you busy with?" Li Yi sat down across the desk, glanced at the pile of papers on the table, and asked curiously.

Qi Ronghua sighed and said: "The counselor's office is a poor yamen. Look, in the provincial government, which yamen's office doesn't have any enterprises and institutions in charge? Even the cultural relics administration, isn't it unpopular? What about the Provincial Museum! Does it make some money every year?"

He patted the palm of his hand and said, "What do we have in this yamen? Except for a bunch of old men who are fast-moving into the loess, there is nothing valuable! The office building is still a building built with Soviet aid, and the desks and chairs have been used for decades. Second-hand goods, entertainment? Basically, you can only rely on chess pieces? Such conditions make us old revolutionaries feel so miserable."...

Li Yi laughed and said, "Go to Governor Tang for some funds to repair it! With your old face, Governor Tang will approve the money, right?" Qi Ronghua shook his head and said: "I've found it, approved A little money, just enough for us old men to buy a pair of chess." Li Yi smiled and said: "Is it impossible? The provincial government is so stingy?" Qi Ronghua took out a brand new pair of chess from under the desk, Put it on the table, and said: "Here, here it is, one pair for each person." Li Yi looked at the sandalwood box and knew that this was not an ordinary thing. He took it over and opened it, and the chess pieces inside were the size of the mouth of a wine glass. , crystal clear and transparent, are carved from fine jade.

"Director Qi, it's hard to be afraid, such a good chess set, each person has a pair, that's not a small sum!" Li Yi played with a chess piece, holding it in his palm, and a slight coolness refreshed his heart.

Qi Ronghua said: "Hey, Comrade Li Yi, Mr. Gu said that you are a good hand in economics. Can you help our counselor's office find a way to make money? It would be good to improve the conditions!" Li Yi smiled and said: "This is easy to do. I can make money for the counselor's office with a little trick."

Qi Ronghua just asked casually, but he didn't expect Li Yi to have a way to get money, which aroused his curiosity and asked, "What way?" Li Yi put down the chess and said with a smile: "There is an old man in the family, There is still a treasure, you old counselors are all treasures! This money comes from these counselors."


Li Yi didn't expect Director Qi to be so funny even at his age, and said with a smile: "It's true that you're selling things, but not people." Qi Ronghua said: "If you don't sell people, what else can you sell?"

Li Yidao: "The counselors in our counselor's office are all versatile. They are proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I think we can set up a calligraphy and painting exhibition hall. Everyone puts all the works they usually create in the exhibition hall for sale. Isn't the money here?"

Qi Ronghua said: "There are a lot of old comrades who know calligraphy and painting, but how much can this thing sell for?

Who will come to buy it? "

Li Yi smiled and said: "As soon as this exhibition hall opens, you can invite the leaders of various departments of the province and city to visit, and sell the products here to them to ensure that someone will buy them. You can also talk to the purchasing department of the provincial government and the provincial party committee. Contact, from now on, all calligraphy, painting and wall charts for office decoration must be purchased from here first. This is not a small business!"! .

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