Official road bends

Chapter 300 Playing cards out of common sense

Qi Ronghua's eyes lit up immediately, this is indeed a good business opportunity!

These five things, tobacco, wine, tea and paintings, take up a large proportion of these five things.If such an art gallery is opened, it would be a good source of income.

After seeing the business opportunities, Qi Ronghua immediately asked Li Yi to talk to him in detail about specific qi operations.Li Yi just came up with this good idea on the spur of the moment, and now Qi Ronghua regards it as a life-saving straw, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and think about it. He said a feasible strategy for opening the museum. The person in charge of the department discussed the feasibility of this matter together, and everyone felt that it was feasible after hearing it.

"Oh, Comrade Li Yi, you should have come to see me, Lou Boss, earlier! It seems that the talents recommended by Mr. Gu are really right! Comrade, you do have a career in economics!" Qi Ronghua said with a smile.

Li Yi took over the topic and said, "Director Qi talked about the economy, I have an international economic analysis article here, which is a doodle I wrote in my spare time and brought it here for you to correct today. .

Qi Ronghua said softly, "International economic analysis? This topic is so big! .

Li Yi took out the manuscript from his briefcase and handed it to Qi Ronghua respectfully.

After Gu Heng recommended Qi Ronghua to the southern province as the director of the counselor's office, he once called Li Yi and asked Li Yi to consult Qi Ronghua if he had any problems.Li Yi has great respect for Gu Heng, and he believes that the people he recommends can't be wrong.

Qi Ronghua carefully read the manuscript written by Li Yi and raised his head and said, "Comrade Li Yi, your point of view is a bit unique. Why are you so sure that Thailand's economy will have a major crisis? And it will spread to Southeast Asian countries?.

Li Yi said, "I have already mentioned this issue in the article. In the past ten years in Thailand,

Although the average economic growth rate is a distance of x, such a high economic growth rate is based on the fact that it is as high as 7

Based on the average annual investment growth rate above x. In the 7s, Thailand made full use of its cheap power resources and natural resources such as agriculture to develop an export-oriented economy, which promoted economic take-off and became one of the five Asian tigers, creating an economic miracle.

In the middle of the [-]s, the competition of labor-intensive industries in neighboring countries intensified, and the competitiveness of Thailand's labor-intensive products was declining, but its industrial advantages were gradually lost.However, the Thai government failed to upgrade the industrial structure in a timely manner, effectively carry out industrial orientation, and direct investment to the advanced technology industries required by the national economic development and the bottleneck industries that restrict economic development.

Therefore, there is a serious irrational phenomenon in Zunzhi's investment structure. A large amount of funds are invested in the tertiary industry sectors such as real estate, securities and services, while the investment in important fields and industries such as research and development, infrastructure and energy is seriously insufficient.The unreasonable side of capital investment has led to insufficient economic development momentum.

On the other hand, it has contributed to the bubble of the national economy....

Li Yi talked eloquently and thoroughly analyzed the current economic situation in Thailand.

People who can't make money don't mean they don't understand economics. After listening to Li Yi's long speech, Qi Ronghua said, "I understand a lot after hearing you say that...

Li Yi is so different.Is the article written by yourself obscure or poorly written?

Or is he really eloquent?

Qi Ronghua kept tapping on the desktop and said, "Comrade Li Yi, I basically agree with your point of view, and I also feel that it is necessary to remind the upper-level leaders to pay attention to this matter. .

Li Yi said, "Director Qi, to tell you the truth, I came to you today because I wanted to borrow from you. Put this article in the newspapers and throw stones in the southern province to see the reaction. .

Qi Ronghua shook his head and said, "No...

Li Yi said in surprise, "Why not? Don't you also think that my point of view is very good?".

Qi Ronghua laughed and said, "I said no, because the method of weighing is not very good. In my opinion, you should go directly to Gu Lao. Gu Lao will come out and suggest to the State Council to make preparations before this crisis breaks out. .

Li Yi said, "Will this be too aggressive? If the present and the [Prime Minister] don't believe this, or if they have other plans... then I don't have a little room for maneuver? .

Qi Ronghua said, "You are thinking about it too. But the purpose of your publication in the newspapers is also for the leaders to see! Instead of letting them ask for guesses, why don't you just go to the door and explain clearly to them? In this way, you can go to Governor Tang first. Or Wen Ji can talk about this issue, but Wen Ji is not in the province for a while and went to Beijing for a meeting. You can talk to Governor Tang. Governor Tang is also a relatively open-minded person, I believe he can listen to your opinions. .

Li Yi thought about it for the same reason, so he said goodbye to Qi Ronghua and came to the provincial government.

The governor is not so easy to see. If a secretary of the county party committee like Li Yi wants to go through formal procedures to see Tang Chunqiang, he has to wait for ten and a half months.

Li Yi never played cards according to common sense. He went straight to Tang Chunqiang's office and told Tang Chunqiang's secretary that the State Council Counselor's Office had urgent documents to deliver and he had to meet Governor Tang immediately.

Tang Chunqiang was in a state of confusion, looked at Li Yi and asked, "Where are you from?"

Li Yi is used to this kind of inquiry very seriously, took out a work card and flashed it in front of the secretary.The secretary was not fooled and went over to take a closer look to confirm that the photo on the work card of the counselor's office was exactly the same as the young man in front of him. The clear steel seal on the photo proved the authenticity of the work card.

"Are you Comrade Li Yi?" The secretary pushed his glasses and asked.

"Do you want to see my ID card?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"No need." Secretly said, "Please wait for me to report.

The time when Li Yi came coincidentally happened to be Tang Chunqiang's break. He heard the secret that Comrade Li Yi in the counselor's office looked up in surprise when he saw Tang Chunqiang outside, "Li Yi? Is there such a person in the counselor's office?"

The secret said carefully, "I have checked his certificate and it is real."

"Does he have an appointment?"


"Then push it." Tang Chunqiang said flatly.

"The boss said he has something very important. He said that the Council of the State Council has important matters to ask you for." The secretary hurriedly relayed Li Yi's words for fear that the boss would push away the important matters of the State Council.

"Oh?" Tang Chunqiang suddenly thought of someone and said, "Li Yi? Is he a young man?"

"A very young junior." Secretly said, "It's ten years younger than me."

"That's right, Comrade Li Yi quickly invited him in." Tang Chunqiang was sure that it was Li Yi.

Seeing the change in the boss's expression, the secretary muttered in his heart, thinking that Li Yi is still famous, even the boss knows his name!Turning around, he walked out to Li Yi and said, "Comrade Li Yi, please go in and Governor Tang will have an important talk in 10 minutes."

Li Yi nodded, "10 minutes is enough."

He pushed the door open and shouted, "Governor Tang, hello."

Tang Chunbi didn't put down his airs and put down his work and asked Li Yi to sit down.

Li Yi's gorgeous reversal last time left a deep impression on him.The water conservancy report was rejected at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Southern Province, but Li Yi miraculously turned around at the State Council Counselors Meeting and persuaded the [Prime Minister] to pass the water conservancy report from top to bottom.

There are countless reports approved by the State Council every year, but most of them have not received real attention, but this report by Li Yi has received enough attention. The state has allocated sufficient funds to carry out a ** renovation of the national water conservancy facilities!

This is called ability!

A capable young man who can reach the heavens is worthy of Tang Chunqiang's special respect.

And Li Yi grasped this point and knew that Tang Chunqiang must still remember the incident with the State Council, so he used this excuse to fool him in.

"Comrade Li Yi heard that the Counselor's Office of the State Council has something important to convey to me?" Tang Chunqiang asked gently.

"Governor Tang, please read this article first." Li Yi handed over his masterpiece respectfully.

Tang Chunqiang naturally thought that this was an "important document" issued by the State Council, took it and looked at it carefully.

Although the article written by Li Yi is not too long, Tang Chunqiang read it for more than ten minutes.

The secretaries outside have been paying attention to the time. Secretarial work is very time-sensitive. Every work and agenda of the leader is full of arrangements every day. One of the delays will affect the schedule for one day or even several days, especially the attendance. Some important meetings or meetings with important people are tighter and more important. Leaders tend to forget the passage of time on a whim, which requires secret reminders.

When the time was almost up, he gently pushed open the door of the governor's office and took a look inside, seeing that the boss was looking at something seriously, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

When the time came, the person who was dating Governor Tang stepped on time.This person is Luo Maolin, the mayor of Ningcheng City, who is here to meet with Governor Tang because he has important work to discuss.

Luo Maolin greeted the secretary with a smile and was about to walk into the office inside.

Mi hurriedly stepped forward to block it and said, "Mayor Luo, please wait a moment. There are still people inside."

Luo Maolin was surprised, "What's the matter with Kang Chu? This is what I made an appointment with. You won't give up my time to others?"! .

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