Official road bends

Chapter 37 9 to 1

Chapter 37 Nine to One

"Don't get complacent too early. The plane is still under inspection! I'm at the airport now, wait a minute, haha, you boy, I found that Chu Lianxin you mentioned, um, yes, you have a good eye! Don't you want Uncle to help you to show your kindness?"

"Uncle, at this time, you are still in the mood to joke!"

"Just kidding! This girl looks really nice, but she's a bit lonely! But, Yi'er, I want to say something that you may not like to hear. It's best not to make up your own mind about your marriage. I'm afraid there will be other arrangements."

Li Yi glanced at Guo Xiaoling, but didn't dare to answer the question, for fear that she might misunderstand something.

"Yi'er, well, the results are out! There was a flight attendant who found an explosive bag with a timer in the trolley case! The EOD experts are dealing with it."

"There are explosives!" Li Yi gasped, no wonder!

"Yi'er, it's a serious matter. You may not know that a visiting group led by the secretary of the Haidu Municipal Party Committee was on this flight! Now they are all by my side. Well, you should keep this matter a secret. There may be many things involved in it!"

"Will that affect the Li family?" Li Yi thought of this sensitively.The plane was stopped by Li Yi, but why did the Li family stop the plane?Did the Li family know in advance that there were explosives on the plane?

"There must be an impact! How can you know that it is a blessing if you lose your horse? Don't worry! I will report to the old man immediately and ask him to make a decision. Goodbye."

Li Yi hung up the phone and returned the eldest brother to Ding Qianjin: "Thank you, Uncle!"

Ding Jinjin said: "You're welcome. I'm also following orders." After listening for a long time, he only knew that Li Zhengyu stopped a plane with explosives, and there was a woman Li Yi liked on the plane!

Damn, what is this called?

But he didn't dare to curse aloud, the task was completed, he could also withdraw the team, greeted Wen Yuxi, and led the team away.

Li Yi couldn't calm down.

The meaning and conspiracy contained in this incident made Li Yi dare not think about it anymore.

However, Wen Yuxi was thinking, a phone call can ground Haidu City's plane!What kind of energy is this?

Lee's?Li Yi is actually a descendant of the Li family in the capital!

If it is true, the view of this young man needs to be revised!

Li Yi nodded to Guo Xiaoling and said: "Xiaoling, I'm fine." He took out his wallet, counted out 500 yuan, put it gently on the table, and said to Xu Shaonong: "Vice President Xu, this is the compensation and the phone bill. I think that should be enough."

Xu Shaonong grabbed it and fortified it back, but Li Yi blocked it and said, "This is what it should be!"

At this time, Wen Yuxi coughed lightly: "Li Yi, come with me, let's chat."

Li Yi agreed, and followed Wen Yuxi and his party out the door.

Wen Yuxi strode forward until he got into the car, but he didn't say a word to Li Yi.

Li Yi was a little depressed, but he couldn't bear it. He got into the car with him and sat in a well-behaved manner.

Several small cars returned to the provincial party committee compound. Many government officials saw the No. [-] car coming in. who is it?Can you ride with the secretary of the provincial party committee?

Li Yi was not overjoyed. After the life-and-death experience just now, his state of mind at this moment was extremely peaceful, to the point where he was neither happy with things nor sad with himself.

Along the way, people kept greeting Wen Yuxi in flattering or polite manners. Wen Yuxi had long been numb and didn't even nod his head, just walking straight.

Entering the office, Huang Shuqi poured good tea for the two of them, and then heard Wen Yuxi order: "Xiao Huang, you go out first, and temporarily help me put off all social engagements and official duties that must be handled, and ask them to go to Deputy Secretary Gao."

Huang Shuqi agreed, and looked at Li Yi, who was sitting peacefully, with jealousy, and walked out unwillingly.

Li Yi picked up the cup, blew gently, and drank slowly.

Wen Yuxi looked at this young man. At this time, he was completely different from when he was on the phone just now. Li Yi, who was radiant, passionate, fierce, and persistent, was so stable and calm at the moment.

The performance in school is the true face of this young man, right?

Wen Yuxi didn't mean to torture him, so he spoke quickly and broke the silence: "Li Yi, I heard from you last time that you still have some ideas about the steel industry? Can we talk about it?"

Li Yi thought for more than a minute, organized his language, and said: "Strictly speaking, it's not just for the steel industry, but for the entire manufacturing industry."

"Oh!" Wen Yuxi leaned forward and said with great interest: "Tell me."

Li Yi didn't answer right away, but drank the water slowly until halfway through, then put down the glass and raised his head.

Li Yi said seriously: "In the next 20 years or even a longer period of time, our country will become the largest manufacturing base in the world. Foreign capital is constantly pouring in, and foreign companies are blooming everywhere. They are interested in nothing more than three aspects. One is very cheap. Labor costs, the second is the seemingly rich but poor natural resources, and the third is the loose and preferential policies.”

Wen Yuxi was secretly surprised, listening to Li Yi's conversation, he didn't look like a college student in the Chinese department!

"Of course, if we want to develop our economy, we have to introduce foreign capital." Li Yi continued: "In the near future, we will become the world's factory. In my opinion, it is more appropriate to say that it is the world's manufacturing plant and garbage disposal plant."

"Huh?" Wen Yuxi frowned.

"Manufacturing is not a single point, but a long industrial chain. From manufacturing to delivery, it just completes its first point. Product design, raw material procurement, warehousing and transportation, order processing, wholesale operation, must be added. As well as terminal retail, these six major links can form a chain. It is a pity that we are only in the low-end link of manufacturing. Even in this link, we do not have advanced technology or innovative ideas. In addition to workers and land, We have nothing to offer."

Wen Yuxi listened very carefully, got up and took a notebook and a pen, and memorized it seriously.

Li Yi continued: "The consequence is that we create an output value of one dollar, but other countries earn nine dollars' worth of output. That is to say, a thing, manufactured by us, leaves the factory, and only costs one dollar. Cost, after exporting, others can sell it for ten dollars and get a profit of nine dollars. We do the most exhausting work, and we also pay for the environment and resources, but get only one-tenth of it. Even so, many officials are still bragging Faluo, how much the economy has grown! How much the people's income has increased!"

Wen Yuxi drew a big one and then a big nine on the white paper, his heart was very touched.

As a provincial leader, he also invited economists to give classes, and he also listened to the financial courses of the Central Party School, but none of them were as profound and simple as Li Yi said.

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