Chapter 38 Provincial Party Committee Discussion

Li Yi took a sip of tea, and the more he talked, the more heartbroken he was: "This is not the most important thing. More importantly, the damage to the environment caused by manufacturing! This kind of damage is often irreversible. Take the forest coverage rate as an example. Japan's domestic forest coverage rate is nearly 64%, which is one of the countries with the highest forest coverage rate in the world; China's forest coverage rate is less than 17%.

Japan is a country that likes to use chopsticks very much. The annual consumption exceeds 240 billion pairs!At the beginning, they did not import chopsticks from abroad, but produced and sold them themselves. However, as the environment deteriorated, they turned to import from China. Now, 96% of their chopsticks are imported from China.A pair of Japanese chopsticks costs more than ten yen, but a Chinese chopstick only sells for one or two yen from manufacture to export to retail!

Chinese people think they are very smart. They can chop wood and bamboo and process them casually, and they can sell them for money and create foreign exchange.In fact, Japanese people are smart. They not only protect their natural environment, but also import chopsticks at a lower price, and then recycle these chopsticks to make paper and furniture, export them to China, and sell them at high prices. "

It was the first time Wen Yuxi heard such remarks in his life. He stopped the pen in his hand and looked ahead, as if he was thinking about something.

And Li Yi's words continued to echo in his ears: "The endless demand for the environment without thinking about maintenance and maintenance will eventually lead to crazy revenge from nature, large-scale reduction of forest vegetation, flooding, disasters of land veins and mineral deposits. The unrestrained extraction has led to the outflow of rare metals at low prices, and the number of geological disasters is increasing.”

"You raised a very sharp and convincing question, but we are sitting here, not just complaining about others, right?" Wen Yuxi said with a smile.

"Secretary Wen, you are the parent officer of the Southern Province. These problems are up to you to solve." Li Yi smiled lightly and lightly threw the ball back.

Wen Yuxi actually picked up his glass, refilled him with a glass of water, and brought it to him: "Li Yi, I know you have a plan in mind, so you don't have to keep it up, just say anything, I will be a very good friend." audience."

Li Yi was a little moved, got up quickly, took the cup and said, "Thank you, Secretary Wen, you really killed me! Since Secretary Wen is so respectful and virtuous, I have nothing to hide. Naturally, I know everything and say everything."

"That's right! Now, don't help me be a secretary, just treat me as an ordinary old man, an elder of yours, chatting with you about family affairs, don't have any psychological burden. Just speak freely and make sense , I will naturally listen to it, I think there are still things to be discussed, and I will write them down and discuss and verify." Wen Yuxi laughed and said: "You still call me Uncle Wen! I think this is a good name! You are not mine Subordinates, there is no need to be like them."

Li Yi was a little ashamed to see the majestic secretary of the provincial party committee, so unassuming, open-minded and studious, and not ashamed to ask questions.In fact, he also has some ideas, especially after the plane crash was reversed, he has strengthened his belief that many disasters that will happen in the future can be avoided if they are prepared in advance!However, these ideas cannot be realized with his Li Yi's power. Only through people like Wen Yuxi, who can reach the heavens to listen to them and attract attention, may it be possible to realize them.

Therefore, Li Yi calmed down and talked about his thoughts carefully.

"Now that we've talked about chopsticks, let's continue with this. In fact, this is indeed a very good foreign exchange earning project, with low cost and low technology, suitable for ordinary people to make a fortune." Li Yi said, drinking tea with his head bowed.

Wen Yuxi nodded and said, "That's right. Apart from their physical strength, ordinary people have limited skills. It's difficult to get rich!"

Li Yidao: "Actually, while we are cutting down the forest, we strengthen the replanting of saplings, follow-up maintenance and maintenance of the post-harvest forest land, and keep the basic forest area unchanged. In this way, we will not cause major damage to the environment and achieve export earnings In fact, many people understand this truth, but they only see the immediate benefits, and they are not very interested in planting trees for ten years. This requires the supervision of the 'government' functional departments to come up with a rigid 'rule' and enforce it. Another one is to produce more bamboo chopsticks and less wooden chopsticks. Bamboo has a short growth cycle and quick results."

Wen Yuxi nodded slowly: "I've thought of this too. It's just that it's not so easy to do. When it comes to interests, few people are willing to obey."

Li Yi said with a smile: "Because our rule of law is not sound enough! We have truly achieved the law to follow, and the law must be followed. Who dares to try the law?"

Wen Yuxi was stunned: "Today we only talk about the economy! Don't talk about it."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Okay, now I will mainly talk about machinery manufacturing. I will mainly talk about two issues, one is technical issues, and the other is environmental protection issues. my country's machinery mainly relies on imports, and its own technology is weak. Thin. The parts on large machinery, even if a small drill bit is broken, we have to import it from Japan. The cost of this kind of product is very high, and it costs thousands of dollars for a dozen yen! The drawing of a bearing, the Germans will ask for 1000 million copies, and the other one just has an extra hole, and it will sell for 1000 million! No way, who said that we don’t have the technology to produce such fine things?”

Wen Yuxi was silent, but the hand holding the pen exerted force.

Li Yidao: "Technology is the core competitiveness. In terms of technology, while introducing advanced foreign technology, we must increase investment in research and development and be brave in innovation. After all, the real core technology is not easily taught by others. In terms of environmental protection, even more It is serious, we must take off the hat of 'high consumption and high emission', which is extremely irresponsible to the environment and future generations. In this regard, I have some thoughts..."

In Li Yi's previous life, he worked as the manager of the technical department in a leading company in the machinery manufacturing industry. There, he didn't make much money, but he wrote down a lot of technical drawings.As for machinery, he is good at it, and he speaks logically, coupled with the excellent performance of the Iron Summit, and some future development theories, let Wen Yuxi sound meaningful, but not boring.

Both of them have forgotten the existence of time.

Huang Shuqi outside couldn't forget it, he looked up at the watch on the wall from time to time, pushing away people who came to Wen Yuxi one after another.

what's the topic?Talking for so long?It's almost time to get off work!But they didn't even eat lunch!He really wanted to remind him, but when he thought of what Wen Yuxi said, no one was allowed to disturb him, he retracted the hand that was stretched out to the door.His stomach was already croaking with hunger. He got up early in the morning and ate two steamed buns, which had already been digested. He was really hungry at the moment.

As the sky gradually darkened, Huang Shuqi couldn't bear it anymore, and raised her hand to knock on the door.

Wen Yuxi's very displeased voice came from inside: "What's going on!"

Huang Shuqi whispered: "Secretary Wen, it's almost six o'clock, and you haven't eaten Chinese food yet!"

"Ah! That's right!" Wen Yuxi raised his wrist to look at his watch, and said with a smile: "Oh, Li Yi, I'm really sorry, look, did you make you hungry? You are a young man, not as old as me Guys! You are hungry so fast, I often don’t feel hungry! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s treat you to a work meal today. Let’s talk while we eat.”

After hearing this, Huang Shuqi was secretly speechless.

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