Official road bends

Chapter 415 An Unforgettable Meal

Zeng Qingning was suddenly extremely nervous, his forehead was sweating, he wiped it with his hand, and said, "Not yet. 1卍1"

Li Yi said: "Xiao Nier, go and bring out the leftovers from just now, and give them to Secretary Zeng."

Hearing this, Wen Yuxi stared sharply.

What is Li Yi doing?Does he really regard this place as his own home?

Wen Yuxi has never entertained the subordinates in her own home, Li Yi is an exception, if it is not because of Lin Xin's relationship, it is impossible for Li Yi to enter Wen's house for dinner.

Now Li Yi actually wants Wen Keni to treat Zeng Qingning with food?

Wen Yuxi knows that Li Yi is not a person without measure. He must have his own considerations when he does this. What does he want to do?

Zeng Qingning quickly waved his hands and said, "No, it's really not necessary. I'll just go out and find a place to solve it later."

Li Yi said: "Could it be that Secretary Zeng dislikes the leftovers here? How about I ask Xiaoni to prepare two more dishes for you!"

"Ah, no, no." Zeng Qingning said, "I'm not particular about food.

Ting is good, ting is good. "

Wen Keni listened to Li Yi's words very much, and immediately got up to serve the food.

Although it was leftovers, in fact, the food was basically not touched. Wen Yuxi and Li Yi drank a little wine and ate less food. Chen Hui and Wen Keni are women, and keeping fit is the top priority. Those big fish and big meat rarely move their chopsticks.In order to entertain Li Yi, Chen Hui prepared a lot of dishes.When Wen Keni brought it out, if she didn't say that it was leftovers, it would look like freshly cooked food to outsiders.

If it was really leftovers, it would be impossible for Li Yi to take them out to entertain each of the municipal party committee secretaries!

Zeng Qingning was quite satisfied with the food, but this place is Secretary Wen's house!How could he have the nerve to eat with chopsticks?The constipated look on his face was as ugly as it could be.

Li Yi took a look at him and said, "Secretary Zeng, is the food not to your liking?"

Zeng Qingning said: "No, ting is good, ting is's just me...this,"

Li Yi said: "There is no need to be polite. By the way, your driver and secretary are waiting outside, right? Didn't you eat? Call them and ask them to come in and eat together!"

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Li, this is Secretary Wen's house. It's inappropriate for us to eat here!"

Li Yi said: "What's wrong? You are all the subordinates of Secretary Wen. You came all the way here, and the leader entertained you with a homely meal. What's wrong?"

Wen Keni smiled and said: "That's right, a big man. Why are you so shy? My mother's cooking skills are very good! This food is very delicious! If you don't eat it, we plan to save it for tomorrow!"

Li Yi was very comfortable with Wen Keni's cooperation, thinking that this little girl is smart.

Chen Hui also smiled and said, "Comrade Zeng Qingning, let's just have some food. You must be hungry after driving such a long distance!"

Wen Yuxi can see Li Yi's intentions, Li Yi is helping him to win people's hearts!

But, is this Zeng Qingning really worth winning over?

Why did Li Yi make this decision for himself?On what basis did he see that this Zeng Qingning was worth wooing?

Wen Yuxi slowly exhaled a smoke ring and looked at Zeng Qingning from the corner of his eye.

Mrs. Wen opened her mouth, and Zeng Qingning couldn't evade it anymore. If she didn't eat this meal again, it would not only appear hypocritical, but also disrespect Mrs. Wen!

After all, Zeng Qingning was the leader. After the initial embarrassment and sense of urgency disappeared, he calmed down, thinking that this was a good opportunity to get close to Wen Yuxi!This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, without Li Yi's help, which secretary of the municipal party committee can enjoy it at the home of the top leader of the provincial party committee?

Zeng Qingning glanced at Li Yi with emotion. He had long heard that this young secretary was very capable and talented. Today's day is really well-deserved. It's a bit late to meet!

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient. Secretary Wen, why don't you read my report! I happen to be here too. If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime." Zeng Qingning smiled and took out his phone ·Sure enough, call the secretary and driver outside and tell them to come to Secretary Wen's house.

His secretary and driver were lying in the small car outside the compound of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, starving from hunger!Others went on business trips with the leader, they just had fun, ate and drank, and went home contentedly, and followed Secretary Zeng out by themselves, and they didn't want to eat at this evening, so they had to report to Secretary Wen first!I don't know when I will be able to come out!

The secretary and the driver really wanted to get out of the car and go to a small roadside shop to have a meal, but they didn't dare to take action. The leader didn't even eat, so you dare to eat?Are there any more rules?

The secretary's name is Guo Huai, and he is Zeng Qingning's old secretary. He has been with Zeng Qingning for several years, and he is still loyal to Zeng Qingning. Can sit still.

But that driver, Old Gu, is Shiqingning's new driver. In fact, this Old Gu is only in his 40s, but in the small car class of the Yongtong Municipal Party Committee, he is the absolute big brother, not only because of his age, but also because of his qualifications. Old man, I heard that he served as secretary of the municipal party committee for the fifth or sixth term!

The driver and the secretary are both caring people around the leader, but there is a big difference between the two. The chances of promotion for the secretary are obviously higher than that of the driver. Drivers, most likely won't take care of them differently.

The secretary who followed the leader has become an official, but the driver who followed the leader is still a driver!

Some secretaries got promoted later, and when they came to the city, they actually became the leaders of these old drivers!

For these drivers, after serving the old leader, the next step is to serve the old leader's secretary!

Seeing that the little secretary who used to serve the leader like himself, has become the object of his service today, the driver probably feels uncomfortable.

Old Gu has experienced this kind of thing before!

Therefore, Lao Gu doesn't care about anything, and dares to say anything.

Now, he is sitting in the car with his secretary Guo Huai, and he has been talking to Guo Huai: "Secretary Zeng is also true. He came to the provincial capital on a business trip, and he is not rushing to reincarnate. First, find a hotel to stay in, and slowly find a new life." Isn't it good to have time to report to the head of the province? Don't all officials in the world do this?"

Guo Huai said: "Today's matter is rather urgent! Secretary Zeng has no other choice, otherwise, he wouldn't have barged into Secretary Wen's mansion at such a late hour."

Old Gu is an expert in officialdom, wiped his face and said: "Are you hungry? Hehe, in my opinion, we don't have to wait long. Don't believe me? Let me analyze it for you! I've heard that Secretary Wen hates people at night He kicked out everyone who went to his house to talk about work! Secretary Zeng will be able to come out in less than 5 minutes this time."

Guo Huai said worriedly: "I've also heard of Secretary Wen's rules! Secretary Zeng may not be able to get Secretary Wen's approval if he goes this time! , we estimate that we will live here for two days."

Old Gu smiled and said: "It's good to stay for two days, Xiao Guo, the provincial capital is a bustling place, if I have time, I'll take you out for a walk and see the world!"

Guo Huai said: "It is said that you are the drivers, all of you are happy places, master Gu, are you familiar with the happy places in the provincial capital?"

Old Gu said: "Of course! I'm not bragging. I used to follow the leaders to the provincial capital, and every time I had to... I can't tell you that!"

At this time, Guo Huai's cell phone rang, and it was Zeng Qingning who called, telling the two of them to go to the No. [-] Mansion of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee.

Guo Huai respectfully agreed, and said to Old Gu, "Master Gu, Secretary Zeng told us to go in!"

The old man said: "Go in? What are you doing?"

Guo Huai said: "Secretary Zeng told us to go in for dinner."

"Eat? Go to Secretary Wen's house for dinner?" Lao Gu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lao Gu has accompanied many leaders of the municipal party committee to the province, and he has also met many high-level officials in the province, but he has never been honored to have a meal at the home of the head of the province!Secretary Zeng Qingning, this is taking the lead!

If this matter gets out, what will Jiangnan officials think of Zeng Qingning?

After passing the strict interrogation and inspection by the armed police in the Standing Committee compound and making a phone call for confirmation, the two entered the Standing Committee building of the Provincial Party Committee.

When the doorbell of Mansion No. [-] rang, Lao Gu, an old man in the officialdom, was a little nervous and said, "Xiao Guo, am I dressing too casually? This is the first time I've seen the head of the provincial party committee!"

Guo Huai smiled and said, "Aren't you a driver? Do you still want to dress like a celebrity?"

The door opened, and a fairy-like beauty smiled at them, "Come in, please!"

Lao Gu and Guo Huai felt a little dizzy, nodded blankly, and followed the beauty into the room dully.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room is a majestic man. The muscles on his face are drooping, and the blisters in his eyes are big, like two lanterns. Those eyes seem to be able to discharge electricity, although they only aimed at two people One glance, but the demeanor without anger and prestige made both of them lower their heads, not daring to look at each other.

What a meal!Good wine and good food are all on the table!

Old Gu couldn't understand what happened to Secretary Zeng, who had always kept a low profile and was even called incompetent behind his back.How could he be the guest of the head of the provincial party committee?Even I, the driver, helped to receive this kind of courtesy!

In the future, I will have the capital to brag!

Which municipal party committee driver can enjoy this kind of treatment!

"Head, hello!" Lao Gu intuitively knew that the majestic man was Wen Yuxi, the head of the Provincial Party Committee, and immediately nodded and said with a smile.

Guo Huai also hurriedly called out: "Hello, Chief. I am Secretary Zeng's secretary Guo Huai, and this is Secretary Zeng's driver, Mr. Gu."

Wen Yuxi nodded slightly, and said lightly: "Sit down! It's commonplace, you're welcome."

Guo Huai and Lao Gu felt that the bones in their bodies were a little lighter. ! .

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