Official road bends

Chapter 416 Official's Tai Chi Pushing Kung Fu

Including Zeng Qingning, the three of them finished the meal in a daze. They didn't know whether they were really hungry or the food was really delicious. They just thought it was extra sweet and delicious. All the food was wiped out!

Chen Hui looked on with a smile on her face. For a chef, what could be more honorable than having his own food eaten by others?Then he asked Zeng Qingning if he would like some wine. (⊙o⊙)...

How could Zeng Qingning dare to drink, he quickly declined Chen Hui's kindness.

Li Yi and Wen Yuxi exchanged a look.

Li Yi said with a smile: "Uncle Wen, you are idle anyway, why don't you just read this report from Yongtong City!"

Wen Yuxi said: "What do you mean being idle? Didn't I push back the arrangement and work, and set aside time to accompany you specially!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I know you have a lot to do every day! Thank you for your love for me! I am flattered!" He picked up the report material and handed it to Wen Yuxi.

Wen Yuxi glanced at him, as if asking Li Yi why he arranged such a trip tonight.

It was inconvenient for Li Yi to say more, but he nodded heavily, indicating that there must be something to say here.

Then patted the material lightly.

Wen Yuxi thought about it, and thought to himself, could there be some important thing in it?Then he reached out to take the report and read it.

First, I browsed through it roughly, but found nothing special. It was nothing more than a very ordinary work report, and there were several money-requesting reports for major projects.

Wen Yuxi glanced at Li Yi again, thinking that you don't want me to agree to all these big projects, do you?

This is not a small amount of money, it has to be decided by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee!Not to mention the project from the Yongtong city newspaper, it was from your Jiangzhou newspaper, and I can't be so arbitrary!

Li Yi is not a god, so it is impossible to think of what was written in Zeng Qingning's report materials.He just saw that Zeng Qingning looked like a good official, and he intended to help him. The opportunity had already been created for Zeng Qingning. As for whether he could seize this opportunity, whether Wen Yuxi would give him this opportunity, that was all unknown. It's not something Li Yi can control.

The three of Zeng Qingning ate like a storm, and Guo Huai and the old and knowledgeable ones left first.

Zeng Qingning had been paying attention to Wen Yuxi just now, Wen Yuxi's reaction when reading the material and after reading it, to his disappointment, Wen Yuxi's expression was always indifferent, and did not appear the expression Zeng Qingning expected.

"Wen [Book] secretary, thank you and your family for your warm hospitality. This meal will become the most unforgettable meal in my life." Zeng Qingning said politely: "Mrs. deep impression."

Wen Yu* closed the report materials and said: "Comrade Zeng Qingning, let me ask you a few questions." Zeng Qingning respectfully said: "Please write it down." Wen Yu* then mentioned a few things to Yongtong City related questions.

These issues are a summary of various tasks in Yongtong City, such as the financial revenue and expenditure in the third quarter, the area and number of people affected by the flood, the amount of funds allocated, the investment in education funds, the investment in several major projects, and the value of agricultural output. ,Industrial output.

That's a lot of numbers.

Of course, this pile of numbers is written in great detail in the materials submitted by Zeng Qingning, but these are just things on the materials. Whether Zeng Qingning has this number in mind and whether he can answer it accurately is another matter. something happened.

During Wen Yuxi's administration, he met many officials like this. They read the materials and reports eloquently and eloquently, but once they left the materials written by secretaries and researchers, they didn't know Just say something, I don't know what to ask.

There are also some officials, he is not a mediocre official, he has indeed done practical things, but limited by the objective conditions and personal ability, no matter how hard he tries, the objective results are not satisfactory, but for the sake of political achievements, he does everything possible to whitewash the data, infinitely exaggerating numbers on the material.

As a result, because these figures are fabricated and random, even he himself can't remember clearly, and in the process of reporting to his superiors, once he leaves this bill, he will make mistakes, either full of mistakes or omissions, or nothing. Be careful to quote actual numbers.

Wen Yuxi has seen a lot of officials of all kinds, and he already has a set of strategies for the officials below.

Whenever someone comes to report on work, Wen Yuxi will collect the report materials of that person, and then randomly ask him some data and questions in the materials.

If the official can't answer, or if the bull's head is wrong, then I'm sorry, Wen Yuxi, the No. [-] provincial party committee, has a pretty temper, and will throw those materials in the official's face on the spot, pointing at the door and telling him to get out.

If Li Yi hadn't helped Zeng Qingning today, Wen Yuxi wouldn't have paid too much attention to it.

In so many cities in Jiangnan Province, there are endless jobs and people to receive every day. Wen Yuxi has a full schedule of working hours, and even after get off work, in busy seasons, he will spare an Two hours out to work.

His work is planned and arranged. At his level, there are very few interviews and banquets that are not arranged.

If everyone behaved unrulyly like Zeng Qingning, then he, the No. [-] provincial party committee member, would not have to rest, and the whole work in the province would be messed up.

This head cannot be opened.

It's a pity that Li Yi actually made this exception for him.

Since this is the case, Wen Yuxi naturally needs to take a good look at this Zeng Qingning to see if he is worthy of the meal he paid for today!

Zeng Qingning answered very quickly. No matter what Wen Yuxi asked, he could answer it right away. Even if it was a very biased question, he could answer it very quickly, and the numbers he answered were very accurate.

Zeng Qingning was secretly startled while answering.

Just now Wen Yuxi just casually browsed through the materials, but he was able to remember so many things!

This ability is not covered!

It is an excellent quality for an excellent leader to read ten lines at a glance and never forget. If you read every word in detail in the face of vast materials and documents and reports, the workload will be huge. I can't be too busy.If you have this ability, the efficiency will be greatly accelerated.

Wen Yuxi's cultivation in this area is obviously very high, which made Zeng Qingning's understanding of Wen Yuxi deepened. He couldn't help but sit upright, with his hands on his legs, just like a primary school student sitting in front of the teacher, restrained and respectful.

After Wen Yuxi asked more than a dozen questions, he nodded slowly and said, "That's right, Comrade Zeng Qingning, at least you memorized these data, which is much better than ordinary officials."

Zeng Qingning said: "I deal with these data every day, so I am naturally familiar with Xiong. Even if I don't write these materials, I can still report to you in detail about the various tasks in Yongtong City." Wen Yuxi said: "Then you today Come on, is there anything particularly important?" If it's just a general work report, there's no need to come home so late to report, right?

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Wen, there are two main things. I also wrote in the report. One is the post-disaster reconstruction funds after the flood. For some reason, they have not been in place. The other is that our city A total of eight wine companies in the city signed up to participate in the upcoming wine expo, but only two passed. Is this ratio too low? I see that in other cities, there are at least four or five companies participating in the exhibition. " Wen Yu* glanced at Li Yi, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that you don't need to come to me to solve these two things, right?"

Li Yi's face was not collected, and he sat with a flat expression, and did not interrupt to speak.

Chen Hui and Wen Keni got up, packed the dishes and went into the kitchen.

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Wen, you don't know something. Let's talk about the post-disaster reconstruction funds first. It's been several months. The relevant comrades in our city have gone to the province several times, but they haven't been approved yet. , I kept asking Governor Wu, but the reply we got was to wait." Wen Yuxi raised his eyebrows thickly, as if he had thought of something.

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Wen, we can afford to wait, but the affected people can't afford to wait! Yongtong was severely damaged in the flood, and many houses were destroyed. The post-disaster reconstruction funds are life-saving for ordinary people. Money is also the hope of life! Now the money has not been in place for a long time, which makes me very anxious. It seems that the Chinese New Year is coming soon. If the funds are not implemented, this year,

There is no way to pass! "

Wen Yuxi said: "Haven't you ever gone to Governor Wu? The government is responsible for these things."

Zeng Qingning said: "Two days ago, Mayor Liang Yonghua came to the province for this matter. He went to Governor Wu specifically. The reply from Governor Wu was to tell us to wait, but when we have to wait, there is no A specific deadline. There is really no other way in our city, so I went to Secretary Wen to ask for an explanation." Wen Yuxi said: "Hasn't all the post-disaster reconstruction funds in place? You guys Why hasn’t Yongtong City received the appropriation yet?”

Zeng Qingning said: "I don't know which link is wrong! The documents from the province have arrived long ago, but the funds that should be allocated have not been seen for a long time. We first went to the Provincial Finance Bureau, took the documents and asked for the funds. People said that there was no signature on the appropriation, and they dared not allocate it without authorization, so we asked the governor in charge to sign it. We found Vice Governor Cai, and Vice Governor Cai said that the province's financial pen is Governor Wu, and he signed it himself. Forget it, let us go to Governor Wu.

When we went to find Governor Wu again, Governor Wu kept pushing and pushing. First, he said that the finances were tight and told us to wait, and later he said that the funds were not in place and told us to wait. Now there is no excuse, and he just called We wait. "Li Yi couldn't help but sneered after hearing this.

For this flood, the donation from the Four Seas Group to Jiangnan Province alone is enough for reconstruction and subsidies after the disaster, but now the funds are not in place?

Big joke! ! .

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