Official road bends

Chapter 417 Available

Wen Yuxi is well aware of the Tai Chi kung fu in these official circles. You push me, I push him, and he pushes you again. 【@】

Li Yi said: "As far as I know, the province's post-disaster reconstruction fund must have this money in the provincial finance. The donations from all walks of life in the province alone are enough to pay for the reconstruction fund. And this money should It is earmarked for special use, and when the donation was first made, the province also made promises to the donating companies.”

Zeng Qingning said: "But our Yongtong City really didn't get a penny!"

Wen Yuxi said slowly: "These things happened before I came to Jiangnan Province. Comrade Wu Dongfang is in charge of all the specific work. I have to investigate this matter thoroughly before I can deal with it."

Zeng Qingning said: "Now we can only ask Secretary Wen to make the decision for us."

Wen Yuxi asked: "Is this problem only your Yongtong family has? Or does this problem also exist in other cities?"

Zeng Qingning said: "This, I don't know, I haven't communicated with the leaders of other cities."

Wen Yuxi looked at Li Yi: "Has your Jiangzhou appropriation arrived?"

Li Yi said: "Our Jiangzhou was less affected by the disaster. The amount is very small, and it has already arrived in the account."

Wen Yuxi tapped rhythmically on the sofa with his right hand, obviously thinking about something.

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Wen, there is one more thing, which is the problem of exhibitors at the wine expo. In our Yongtong City, why are there only two qualified companies?"

Wen Yuxi said: "This matter is not under the control of the province, and I have never been in charge. You should go to the leaders of Jiangzhou City! There will be a special organizing committee for the wine expo, just ask them."

Zeng Qingning said: "I asked, and they said that the rules are set by them, and we just need to abide by them. We went to Vice Governor Cai and asked him to come forward to coordinate, but Vice Governor Cai said that this matter does not belong to the provincial government. In desperation, I had no choice but to come to Secretary Wen for help, please come forward to coordinate."

Wen Yuxi said: "You haven't gone to the leader in charge of Jiangzhou? Isn't there an organizing committee for the wine fair? Go find their team leader!"

Zeng Qingning said: "The comrades below have gone to look for them, but they can't see anyone."

When Li Yi heard this, he couldn't help being funny, thinking, who doesn't know that I, Li Yi, are the director of the wine expo?Zeng Qingning sued me in front of my face!This guy is really unfeeling!

Wen Yuxi looked at Li Yi and said, "Li Yi, isn't this something about your Jiangzhou? You are the leader of the wine expo, right? You answer this question."

Li Yi pondered: "I do know about this matter."

Zeng Qingning pretended to know about it, and said: "It turns out that Secretary Li is the team leader of the wine expo organizing committee, hehe, then please give Secretary Li a high hand and give us more places in Yongtong City to participate in the exhibition!"

Li Yi thought to himself. This Zeng Qingning, who seems to be an honest person, did not expect to be so good at acting.

Good guy, today he is not deliberately pretending to be poor to win sympathy, pretending to be a good official to win favor, right?

Naturally, Li Yi would not poke him, and just said: "Secretary Zeng, the thing is like this, we are going to launch high-quality products in this year's wine expo, so the entry threshold has been raised. There are only two wine companies in Yongtong City. No one is in line with our standards. We choose this exhibitor. It does not distinguish between regions, provinces and cities, but only depends on the strength and quality of the wine company itself. Please understand this point.”

Zeng Qingning said: "Secretary Li, can't you be flexible? Why don't you give us more indicators.

Li Yi said: "The verification of qualifications, we have dedicated people to do this, I can't break this rule. However, Secretary Zeng, these companies that did not participate in the exhibition are not without a place to go, we have another good place. It can accommodate them to participate in the exhibition.”

Zeng Qingning said, "You mean the New Year's Fair, right?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Exactly! This year, we in Jiangzhou will hold an annual expo while holding the wine expo! The two events will be held together, which can greatly stimulate consumption and domestic demand. Participating in the annual expo The qualifications are relatively low, because it is a new year's market, the more varieties the better."

Wen Yuxi said: "Li Yi. This is your so-called trump card, right? Ha ha!"

Li Yi said: "In addition to this, we have many exciting activities! You will know it when you see it. The slogan we put up is 'Wine Expo, Annual Expo, it will be exciting, friends, come to Jiangxi Let's go, a more exciting program than the Spring Festival Gala is waiting for you to come and watch! Heh, how about it? Sensational enough?"

Wen Yuxi said: "It sounds pretty good. Comrade Zeng Qingning, what do you think of Comrade Li Yi's opinion?"

Zeng Qingning said: "This matter is mainly caused by those wine companies. Now that Secretary Li has made arrangements for them, I can give them an explanation. This trip is worthwhile! Thank you, Secretary Li."

Li Yi smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Zeng Qingning came to the provincial capital this time mainly for the post-disaster reconstruction funds, so he said again: "Secretary Wen, can you please say hello to the Provincial Department of Finance and ask them to allocate some of the funds first? The people in the hardest-hit areas should be resettled first."

Wen Yuxi said: "This matter, let me investigate it thoroughly before answering you."

After all, today is just Zeng Qingning's one-sided remarks, and Wen Yuxi will naturally not believe it.

Who knows if there is really something unspeakable about Wu Dongfang, or if Zeng Qingning is lying?

Wen Yuxi has long passed the age of impulsiveness, and will not lose his temper as soon as he hears something dark, and lose his temper regardless of the indiscriminate.Before fully understanding the truth of the matter, he will not easily express his position.

Knowing that it was time to leave, Zeng Qingning got up and said, "Secretary Wen, then I will wait for your news. The people in Yongtong who were affected by the disaster are also waiting for your good news. On behalf of them, I would like to thank you first."

Wen Yuxi said: "Your people are also my people, I will naturally take it to heart, and you don't have to thank me, I haven't done anything now!"

Li Yi asked: "Secretary Zeng, have you finished planting winter wheat in Yongtong?"

Zeng Qingning was taken aback, but he didn't expect Li Yi to ask this question suddenly, so he nodded and said, "Yes, it's finished. By the way, Secretary Li, I have to make a special trip to visit you some other day to learn the sowing technology of wheat and rice."

Li Yi said: "It's easy to say. Sooner or later, wheat interplanting rice will be promoted throughout the province. It is estimated that it will be promoted to more than half of the province next year."

Zeng Qingning said: "Then I will make an appointment with you first, and I will visit you tomorrow." Then he thanked you three times and left.

Wen Yuxi didn't get up to see him off, Li Yi just got up, and after Zeng Qingning left, he sat down again.

Wen Yuxi took two puffs of cigarette slowly and asked, "What do you think of comrade Zeng Qingning?"

Li Yidao: "Quite scheming, but also kind. In this society where material desires are rife and intrigues and deceptions, he can be regarded as a top-notch candidate."

Wen Yuxi said: "I'm curious, did he memorize the data in his mind from this report, or did he really keep it in his heart?"

Li Yi said: "It can be seen that he is a real person, and he has done a lot of practical things for the people of Yongtong. I think it is understandable to use some cleverness and tricks occasionally. In this society, truly honest people cannot survive Comrade Zeng Qingning's ability to sit on the throne of Yongtong Municipal Party Committee Secretary is enough to prove that he is a smart person."

Wen Yuxi nodded slowly and said, "Your analysis is more pertinent."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Actually, you see it more thoroughly than me, right? Haha, for us, no matter what his nature is, we don't care whether he is a good official or a bad official. As long as we can use him to do one thing, we will enough."

Wen Yuxi said: "What do you want to use him for?"

Li Yi said: "I gave up such a big face and let him have a meal at your house. This meal is not for nothing."

Wen Yuxi said: "I thought you thought he was a talent and wanted to win him over!"

Li Yi said with a chuckle: "To tell the truth, Uncle Wen, I did have this idea at first. But later I found out that this person is a bit fake, and I feel that he can't be reused. However, staying for this meal is not without benefits. "

Wen Yuxi said: "Why don't I think there is any benefit?"

Li Yi said: "At the very least, we know that Yongtong has not received the post-disaster reconstruction fund yet!"

Wen Yuxi raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and said, "Is there any gold in this news?"

Li Yi thought to himself, I don't believe you didn't reach this level, you are clearly testing me!He said: "This is the best entry point for dealing with Cai Yanbian and Wu Dongfang!"

Wen Yuxi smiled and said, "What's the use of Zeng Qingning in this matter?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I told him to call the secretary and the driver over for dinner. The purpose is to spread the news of tonight! Zeng Qingning's mouth may be very strict, and he will not go around talking about him having dinner at your house. But the secretary and the driver, these two people will definitely not be able to keep this secret, and they will definitely show it off to others. If my predictions are correct, they will probably call their wives to announce the good news when they leave your house. It is the mouthpiece of rumors! Tomorrow, this news will spread throughout the Jiangnan official circles!"

Wen Yuxi wanted to test Li Yi, and asked, "So what?"

Li Yi said: "After hearing this news, comrades Wu Dongfang and Cai Yanbian, how will they react? Zeng Qingning hit a wall with both of them, but received courtesy from you. For the officials who are excluded, it is really a golden opportunity to join you. Starting tomorrow, it will be a great opportunity for you to win the hearts of Jiangnan Province.

Wen Yuxi said: "Hehe, it sounds like that."! .

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