Li Yi's move is also winning the support of the Jiang family. ╭(╯3╰)╮《》..《》..

Jiang Zhifeng is Jiang Zhaonan's beloved grandson, no matter how selfless he is, he still hopes that his children and grandchildren will have a bright future.

Although Jiang Zhifeng was the first to ask to come to work today, Li Yi also needs to know how to be a human being, be a good friend, and give him a leader. Naturally, he can greatly win Jiang Zhifeng's heart, and he can also please Jiang Zhaonan.

Jiang Zhifeng was really useful, he laughed.

Jiang Zhaonan nodded slightly, and said, "Zhifeng, are you really willing to give up your job? To do scientific research?"

Jiang Zhifeng said: "Grandpa, this has always been an ideal! What about an iron rice bowl? In today's society, if I want to find a job, isn't it easy? What I need is someone who can freely display my talents and hobbies." Work."

Li Yi said: "Don't worry, your treatment in the scientific research institute will only be better than that of you as a national employee! My philosophy is that anyone who works hard should live well, eat well, and be happy. Worry about the future!"

Jiang Zhaonan said: "This has reached my heart, Li Yi, if all the working people in the country can meet the standard you said, then our country will be truly prosperous and prosperous! Eat well and live well , be happy, and have no worries, this is the goal we politicians should strive to achieve!"

Li Yi said: "Yes, the chief has a high vision and is worried about the people of the world. We should work hard and work hard for the well-being of the people."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "The people are the foundation of the country. Only when the people are rich can the country be truly prosperous and strong. Only when the country is prosperous and strong can it gain a firm foothold in the world and stand among the nations of the world!"

While talking, someone came to congratulate the New Year again. Li Yi got up and said goodbye wisely, saying that he would visit the chief again in the future.

Jiang Zhifeng and Li Yi were quite speculative, and they felt a little sympathetic to each other. They sent Li Yi to the door and asked Li Yi to come and sit when he was free. Li Yi agreed with a smile.

Driving on the highway, the phone rang and a loud snorting voice came from inside: "Boss, I'm in the capital!"

"Fatty, didn't you go to South Africa? Why did you come back? Isn't it a new year in Africa?" Li Yi laughed.

"Boss is getting married, even if I live on Mars, I still have to fly back by rocket!" Boy Scout sneezed and said, "Why is this capital so cold! It makes me shiver!"

Li Yi said: "Damn you, you won't come back to the capital after wearing a suspenders near the equator?"

Boy Scout laughed and said, "It's almost there. Boss, you have to come and pick me up. I'm hiding in the airport right now and I dare not go out!"

Li Yi said: "Okay, I'll come now.

Driving past the clothing store, Li Yi got out of the car to buy a set of warm clothes, and then went straight to the Beijing airport.

Boy Scout really only wore two thin clothes and pants, no wonder he was shivering from the cold!He said it was already the thickest he had over there.

Li Yi stuffed the clothes to him and said: "Talent! It just snowed in the capital! Put on your clothes quickly, and I will take you to eat hot pot to warm up."

Boy Scout hugged Li Yi tightly and said, "Boss, I'm so touched, I knew that you are the best to me."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, everyone is looking at us. Those who know say that we are brothers, but those who don't know think that we are full of love!"

Boy Scout laughed and put on all his clothes and trousers on the spot, drawing the attention of a crowd of passers-by.

"How are you doing in Africa?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Oh, that place is really not for people!" Boy Scout waved his hand and said, "Didn't you see that poor, poorer than when we were young! No, poorer than before liberation! Many people even ate None. There is a famine in one area, no crops, waiting for government relief, but that place is seven days away from the nearest town, and there is no road! We can only send food and water by plane.”

Li Yi said: "Then is the local government in charge?"

Boy Scout said, "What the fuck! The government can't take care of itself, why should it care about the people in places where the birds don't shit!"

Li Yi said: "Doesn't that mean that many people starve to death?"

Boy Scout said: "That's for sure, piece by piece will die, family by family will be extinct!"

Li Yi sighed silently, and said, "That is also life! It is also our fellow human beings."

Tong Jun laughed and said, "I knew you had a Bodhisattva heart of compassion, so I went to save them."

Li Yi said: "How did you save it?"

Boy Scout said: "I dragged dozens of trucks of food over there, and in exchange for dozens of trucks of death squads."

Li Yi said: "Oh? You just pulled up the team?"

Boy Scout said: "Of course! That area has been impoverished for generations, so everyone is not afraid of death. A bag of food can be exchanged for a life! It is also the hometown of mercenaries. Many African mercenaries come from there. Yes. As long as you have stuttering food, they can work hard for you!"

Li Yi said: "Is it that simple? Can you manage them?"

Tong Jun said: "I'm following your example. I don't care about soldiers. I just need to control ten generals, and then let these ten generals lead the troops! Boss, our team has grown to 800 now." There are many people! Hehe, in less than two years, we can fight against the local government army!"

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Fatty, you must remember that the purpose of our mercenary army is not to fight against the local government!"

Boy Scout said, "Boss, what are we doing?"

Li Yi said: "In order to maintain world peace!"

Scout laughed and said, "Boss, we are not Ultraman. How can we shoulder the important task of maintaining world peace? It is the task of Superman."

Li Yi said: "No seriousness! The center of world peace, of course, is our country! Hehe, don't you think so? So, what we want to maintain is the security of our country. From now on, who dares to be right with us If the country is violent, you go and fuck him!"

Boy Scout laughed and said, "That's about the same!"

Li Yi said: "The reason why I agree with you to develop in Africa and to set up mercenaries there is because there are too many egomaniacs who bully our country. Our country is still in the stage of development. We need tolerance and peace. Western powers And some bird kingdoms thought we were afraid of them, and they wanted to poke two sticks from time to time to see if this eastern lion really woke up. For the sake of the overall situation of the region and peaceful development of our country, we can only Bear with it again and again, but let these egomaniacs feel that we are easy to bully, and come to harass us from time to time. At this time, when the national army is difficult to show up, you can send your people to do some pleasing things?"

Tong Jun said: "Hearing what you said, it seems to be somewhat reasonable! Hehe, Boss, I hope that such a happy thing will come soon! I can lead a group of tigers and wolves on a journey and kill them with swords and horses!"

Li Yi said: "Look at you, you haven't been there for long, you've got a lot of money, and you're almost turning into a coal digger!"

Boy Scout fumbled on his body, took out a box, and handed it to Li Yi: "Boss, this is a wedding gift for you."

Li Yi said: "Why is this box darker than yours! Could it be filled with coal?"

Boy Scout stuffed the box into Li Yi's hand and said, "See for yourself!"

Li Yi said: "What are you looking at! What you gave me, even a stone, is more precious than gold in my eyes."

Boy Scout chuckled: "Boss, you should take a look!"

Li Yi opened it and saw it, and was immediately stunned, it turned out to be a diamond!A hunk of diamonds!It was as big as a pigeon's egg, and it radiated a faint blue light!Let people know that this thing is extraordinary at a glance!

Unexpectedly, the wedding gift that Boy Scout gave him was actually a diamond that was more expensive than gold!

Boy Scout laughed and said, "It's just a stone! It's not a respect."

Li Yi said: "Where did this come from? Such a big blue diamond is not easy to get."

Boy Scout said with a smile: "I heard that the Premier Mine once produced the largest diamond in the world. It was as big as my fist and weighed three catties! After polishing, it was made into nine large diamonds and 96 small diamonds. , the largest one is inlaid on the British king's scepter, and the second largest is inlaid on the British king's crown. These two African stars are the largest diamonds in the world today. I'll just ponder them. To get such a precious treasure, maybe I am luckier than them, and can I get a better treasure? I searched everywhere, and in the end I really picked up such a big stone."

Li Yi said: "Who are you fooling! Do you think that anyone can go up the mountain to pick up diamonds? If you don't explain the origin of this diamond, I dare not accept your gift.

Boy Scout said: "Don't, boss, let me tell the truth! These diamonds are the spoils we captured

Li Yi said: "The spoils of war? Have you fought a war?"

Boy Scout said: "It's not with the government army, it's with another mercenary organization, led by an islander! The little devil's team, if you don't grab the white, don't grab it! I'm so determined, I'll do it. He's fucked!" Kill all the little devils from the island country! Reorganize their troops, seize their territory, and snatch all their guns and gunpowder! F*ck, it’s so enjoyable! This diamond is from It was snatched from the hands of the little devil from that island country."

Li Yi said: "In that case, that's all. It's just such a big thing, what is it used for? It's too tiring to wear around the neck! It's too big to make a ring!"

Boy Scout smiled and said, "Boss, this diamond is really for making a ring, and that little devil wears it on his hand. But the ring is made of gold. Here, it's at the bottom of this box. Look, I accidentally tore it off when I was pulling it."

Li Yi thought to himself that he was worrying about what gift to give Lin Xin, so he took this diamond and processed it to make a diamond ring, which would be the best wedding gift for Lin Xin!Last time I gave her a priceless necklace, so it's not bad to give it this time.

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