└@ ┘On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Qian Duo brought Sang Yu and his son to the capital to soak in *books*(

Li Yi held the child in his hands and asked Qian Duo, "Have you chosen a name yet?"

Qian Duo laughed and said, "I don't want to name it too much, Sang Yu chose one for him, called Qian Duoduo."

Li Yi laughed loudly: "A lot of money? It's really easy for you to name it."

Qian Duo smiled: "Yi Shao, why don't you give him another name? He is also your godson."

Li Yi smiled and said, "Just call Qian Duoduo, it's good." He touched the child's chubby face, and said with a smile, "Son, you are better than your father. Your father only has one 'Duo', and you have two." What about 'many'"

everyone laughed

On this day, Rao Ruoxi came back from vacation, reported to Li Yilai and paid New Year's greetings

Li Yi specially invited her to have lunch outside, thanking her for her hard work and hard work

"It's a big Chinese New Year, and it's rare for you to go back, why don't you stay at home for a few more days?" Li Yi asked with a smile

Rao Ruoxi gently shakes the goblet, the red wine is slowly rolling in it, the president's letter for many years, and the large-scale operations for the past few years, let her fade away from the greenness when she first dabbled in the world. A kind of capable and intellectual beauty

Among the many women Li Yi knew, apart from Lin Xin, Rao Ruoxi can be said to be the smartest and most intellectual person. During the years she worked for Li Yi, she completed the MBA course of Harvard Business School and won the MBA degree. PhD in International Finance

Li Yi admired this ability and talent

"Boss, I can't stay at home anymore. From the moment I came home, my family has never stopped lobbying me." Rao Ruoxi smiled softly, there was a bit of bitterness, a bit of helplessness, and a bit of loneliness in the smile

Li Yi asked: "What are you lobbying for?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "What else is there? A woman of my age may not be considered a big deal in the city, but in the countryside, think about it, am I not a different kind?"

Li Yi understood what she meant, and said with a smile: "Did your family force you to get married?"

Rao Ruoxi nodded lightly: "Yes, friends and classmates who are about my age are all married and have children."

Li Yi said: "You are only 26 years old this year? You are two years younger than me. Why worry? In today's society, getting married in your 30s is not too late."

Rao Ruoxi said: "I'm not in a hurry, but my family is in a hurry. During the few days at home, my mother nagged in my ears all day long, asking me to find someone to marry me and soak *book* (I said this is not buying a commodity.) , do you think it’s enough to just walk into the city and pay for anything?”

Li Yi said: "I've never asked about your personal affairs, today I'm going to make an exception and ask, do you have a boyfriend?"

Rao Ruoxi raised her eyelids lightly, glanced at Li Yi, and said quietly: "No."

Li Yi said: "You are old and not young, so you haven't talked about a few boyfriends you like?"

Rao Ruoxi blushed and said, "Boss, can you talk to a few boyfriends? I haven't even talked to one of them."

Li Yi smiled and said: "No? You are so beautiful and so good, I don't believe that no one pursued you when you were in school?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "There are suitors, but I didn't fall in love with them, because I think my love should be vigorous and romantic, and the premise is that I must love him"

Li Yi said: "For so many years, haven't you found a man you love?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "There is one, but he has a girlfriend."

Li Yi said: "Do you care if he has a girlfriend or not? You are so powerful in the business world, when have you ever been soft? You can't stop earning other people's money just because it belongs to him! As long as the means are right, it will be yours if you snatch it. Love is such a thing, It’s the same as making money, the brave will die, and the timid will starve to death.”

Rao Ruoxi blinked her butterfly-like beautiful eyes and asked, "Can I grab it?"

Li Yi said: "Of course, in the vast sea of ​​people, how difficult is it to meet a true love? If you don't cherish it, don't fight for it, then you deserve to be lonely all your life. If it was me, as long as it is someone I like, I will Do whatever it takes to get her"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, but you are about to get married, are you still going to grab another woman you like?"

Li Yi said: "Hey, hey, sometimes it will happen. You are my little padded jacket. It's okay to tell you. Men are like this. When they see their own beauties, they will have some ideas. Hehe, will you put them into action? Of course not necessarily"

Rao Ruoxi smiled sweetly, took a sip of the red wine, and summoned up the courage to ask, "Boss, you have always wanted to ask you a question. Please answer me directly. How do you feel about me?"

Li Yi smiled and said, "beautiful, excelle!"

Rao Ruoxi said: "You entrust me with such a huge amount of funds to operate, do you really trust me so much?"

Li Yi said: "Don't worry, I think you make me feel more at ease than my wife"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Why do you trust me so much?"

Li Yi said: "Because I believe that I see people's eyes"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Other than that?"

Li Yi stared into her eyes, and she stared at him bravely. This was the first time she had observed his eyes so closely

"What do you see in my eyes?" Li Yi asked

"I saw myself" Rao Ruoxi replied, because his eyes were indeed his image

Li Yi nodded and said, "Do you understand?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "I don't understand"

Li Yi said: "Maybe, after you have a relationship someday, you will understand."

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, you are implying me that you like me, do you have eyes for me?"

Li Yi said: "Where did you go? I mean, I trust you just like I trust myself."

Rao Ruoxi was a little flustered, picked up the glass, drank a few sips of red wine, and drank up the wine in the glass

After dinner, Li Yi sent Rao Ruoxi back to his residence

Sitting in the car, the two chatted. Rao Ruoxi reported to Li Yi the company's current situation. Responsible to Li Yi

"Boss, the female reporter you introduced is called He Jingshu, do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember, what happened to her?"

"Didn't you ask me to give her money to start an internet company?"

"Yeah, this matter is left to you to manage, and I don't have that much time to manage how they are doing? I haven't looked at it yet."

"Boss, you spread the stall too big, you won't be able to take care of it. Besides, that He Jingshu is not a good person."

"Why do you say that?"

"At the beginning, when she came to the capital, she found the genius Zheng Kecheng you mentioned, and with my help, she established an internet company. At that time, I mobilized 5000 million yuan of funds to go there."

"Well, how is it going now?"

"It's not good. I checked. Their company hasn't made any money yet, and they have lost more than 1000 million yuan."

Li Yi frowned and said, "How could this be?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, I don't know what relationship you have with that He Jingshu. Anyway, she is very confident in front of me. I can't talk about her at all. Once I talk about her, she will use you to suppress me."

Li Yi said: "You are exercising power on behalf of the president, are you still afraid of her being a little girl?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "But, she told me..."

Li Yi said: "What did you say?"

Rao Ruoxi said softly: "She told me that Li Yi has overwhelmed her, can't she overwhelm me, a little secretary?"

Li Yi reached out and patted the steering wheel, and said in a deep voice, "Did she really say that?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, there are still many things, I don't know if I should talk about it or not"

Li Yi said coldly: "Speak"

Rao Ruoxi said: "She and that Zheng Kecheng are in love with all the company's affairs and finances, and they don't listen to my assignment. As soon as I say it, she uses you to pressure me, and says that this company is a mental loss you gave her to pay me. When I think about the relationship you have, I don't care about her, I'll wait for you to deal with it."

Li Yi was completely speechless. He judged people by himself and never missed his aim. He didn't expect to miss He Jingshu.

Painted painting difficult to draw tiger bone, Clothes make the man

"Boss, do you want to trouble her?" Rao Ruoxi saw that Li Yi's face was a little ugly, so she asked

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let her go"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, you are really generous to a woman. How long will she stay with you? You give her so much money? I heard the market outside, it only takes a year to have a mistress..."

Li Yi glared at her fiercely, Rao Ruoxi paused for a moment, and then said softly: "This much money is enough for you to build a harem."

"You..." Li Yi really wanted to teach her a few words, but when he glanced at her, his heart softened again, and he said, "Okay, I have my own measure. This year, there are a few things you have to do for me. The first one, Help Ms. Chu Lianxin set up an art training institution. Second, set up an earthquake research institute. I will introduce someone to meet you. Third, set up my own Internet company. We're already behind"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Boss, I see that you really enjoy it. He Jingshu just left, and now Chu Lianxin is here. Can't you fix a few lovers? It also saves such a waste of money."

"Why do you meddle in my affairs?"

"I'm your secretary, boss, I have to be responsible for you"

"You are my administrative secretary, not my emotional consultant." Li Yi said: "You don't have to worry about my affairs."

"Boss, you..." Rao Ruoxi was about to speak, when he suddenly saw a man on a bicycle crossing the road in front of him, bumping into the car, and shouted: "Be careful!"

Li Yi was in a mess. Although he stepped on the emergency brake in time, he still bumped into that person (to be continued)

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