Official road bends

Chapter 500 US Agents in Action

[ y ] As soon as the gunshot rang out, the three foreigners were shocked, angry and frightened.

The mobile phone guns used by spies are not something ordinary people would use. They will use them as soon as Qian Duo touches their hands. The marksmanship is so accurate and the expression is so calm, which shows that they are not ordinary people.

The blond man was injured, and he couldn't move his hands. He couldn't even reach out to cover his ears. The pain was so painful that he wanted to have an attack but he couldn't do anything. He just stared angrily at his two blue eyes, looking at Qian Duo

The fight here alarmed the security personnel of the casino, a dozen security guards quickly moved closer and surrounded the gambling table No. [-]

The casino manager and bodyguards also arrived immediately

The casino manager, a fat middle-aged man with a cropped cut and a shiny face, asked loudly what was going on

He naturally asked the dealer, Day Lily

Daylily replied truthfully: "These are my guests, they had a good time here, these three foreigners came here and beat them up..."

The three foreigners talked to the manager for a long time, explaining that they were looking for a very important and priceless thing, and they didn't mean to make trouble

The casino manager looked at Xiao He and said, "I'm sorry, miss, thieves are not welcome in our casino. If you really took something belonging to this gentleman, please hand it over immediately, and then ask you to go out."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Macau is about to return to the motherland, why are you still so obsessed with foreigners? My friend never stole anything"

The casino manager said: "For the sake of fairness, we will search you guys"

Li Yi said: "I lost a check of 1 million yuan in your casino, so do you want to search everyone?"

The casino manager's expression froze and his face sank

A foreigner with an eagle nose said: "We have special equipment, and we can tell if there is any of our things on her." He took out a handful of small fish-shaped things and waved them.

The casino manager said: "In this case, please come to the lounge with us. For the sake of fairness, we will do a routine inspection for both of you. Please don't hinder our business. This way please."

The security guards and bodyguards of the casino surrounded them, coercing Li Yi and others and the foreigners into a lounge

The manager took the small fish from the foreigner and handed it to a female security guard. The female security guard said to Xiao He, "I'm sorry, please cooperate with our work."

Xiao He said: "In order to clarify myself, I am willing to cooperate with your inspection, but if I have been slandered, your casino must give me an explanation."

The manager said: "You guys made trouble in our casino and even shot and injured someone. This matter is quite serious. If it turns out that you are indeed innocent, then we can not hold you accountable, and we will give each of you 3 yuan. Dollar Chips”

Li Yi nodded slightly, asking Xiao He to cooperate with them

The female security guard took the detector and probed Xiao He's body, but there was no response

The blond foreigner pointed at Xiao Ou and said, "Maybe she and the two of them look exactly the same."

The female security guard checked Xiaolian again, but there was no response

The manager’s face darkened and he said to the foreigner: “Sir, I don’t care what your background is, but if you dare to cause trouble on our site, I will make you look good. Now, please leave our casino immediately, or I will arrest you and bring you to justice.” go to the police station"

The eagle hooked his nose and approached the manager, and said a few words to the manager in a low voice. The manager gave a oh, but said firmly: "Please leave us. We don't welcome troublemakers, even if you are American agents."

The hooked nose turned to Xiao He and said: "If you take our things, you will have a hard time. I advise you to hand it over quickly. This thing is a top secret thing."

Xiao He said: "I don't understand what you are talking about"

The hooked nose said coldly: "To tell you the truth, we are agents of the United States. We chased down a foreign agent and came to Macau just to snatch this thing back. For this thing, five people have already died. Five people, we don't care about killing a few more people." Or die a few more partners"

Xiao He blinked her innocent eyes, looking completely incomprehensible

Li Yi and Lin Xin looked at each other, thinking that it was something important, worthy of these people's desperate pursuit

After the hooked nose finished speaking, he and his two accomplices were ready to leave

Li Yi smiled: "Wait a minute, the check I lost, I now suspect that you stole it, and I ask you to search your body manager, is this fair?"

The manager knew that Li Yi was talking big, but he had to agree with Li Yi's words and said: "For the sake of fairness, the three of you must also accept our inspection."

The three foreigners yelled and defended themselves, but the security guards rushed forward and blocked the door

The three foreigners seem to know the truth that a good man does not suffer from immediate losses, so they obediently accept the body search by the security guards

The result is naturally nothing, let them go

The manager said to Li Yi: "Sir, I'm sorry, we are also out of helplessness"

Li Yi expressed his understanding. When he came out with Lin Xin and others, he no longer had the pleasure of playing. Both Shangguan Jin and Lin Xin said that they should go back and rest.

But Li Yi said: "We can't leave this casino today. Those three Americans may really be secret agents. The thing they are looking for is definitely not an ordinary thing. Therefore, we will be safer in the casino instead."

Xiao He said: "Above the casino is the hotel, we can open a room and rest on it"

Xiao Ou asked in a low voice: "Brother Li, where is that thing?"

Li Yi said: "I gave it to the croupier surnamed Huang."

Xiao Ou said: "Hurry up and get it back, it's very important."

Li Yi said: "No need for now, it's safer to put it with her than with us"

Xiao Ou asked, "That's why you trust her so much?"

Li Yi said: "She can help Qiu Xiangfeng lose hundreds of games in a row. How difficult is this? Qiu Xiangfeng dared to bet his own wealth and life on her, but he was not disappointed in the end. It can be seen that this woman is a person worth entrusting."

Lin Xin smiled and said, "Li Yi, I found that you are more accurate in judging women than men."

Qian Duodao: "Young Master Yi, do you want to call back and call some people over, I'm afraid they will be bad for us?"

Li Yi said: "Yes, you have a lot of money. You can contact the domestic security department and ask them to send someone over overnight. The information in the hands of these American agents must be very important. We must transfer that thing as soon as possible."

Li Yi found Daylily and said, "Thank you, Ms. Huang, please take care of my things and the country will thank you."

Daylily didn't speak, just nodded

Li Yi and others opened another room in the hotel above the casino

Qian Duo got in touch with the domestic security department and asked them to send someone to Macau immediately

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high

The casino is open 24 hours a day, but at four o'clock in the morning, the number of people in the casino gradually dwindled

It's the darkest hour before dawn when there are few people on the street

Outside the brightly lit casino, under the shadow of night, a group of American special forces in disguise came to the downstairs of the Royal Hotel

After Yinggoubi and others got out of the casino, they immediately got in touch with the intelligence department of the United States. According to their analysis, the things must have been taken by Li Yi's group, because the things were packed in the small pockets of the blond foreigners. That place is very safe and hidden. It is impossible to fall out halfway. The only possibility is that it was stolen by a master thief.

Based on the analysis of the fighting strength of Qian Duo, Shangguan Jin and others, they decided that Li Yi and his group were not ordinary people, they might be agents or spies from the mainland

The U.S. intelligence agency has arranged a lot of personnel near Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. They will immediately mobilize their personnel and prepare for a strong attack. They must take back the lost micro-camera.

The hooked nose pointed to the upstairs, and softly arranged the action plan with his friends

Soon, five American special forces entered from the hotel lobby. Their backpacks were all bulging, and they contained advanced weapons and equipment.

Another team ambushed at the exit of the restaurant, hiding in the car or in the bushes, as soon as Li Yi and others showed up, they could immediately intercept them

There is also a team of people, like a spiderman, using special tools to climb up from the outer wall of the hotel

These American agents have already figured out the room where Li Yi and others stayed. Two teams, one team went up from the elevator of the restaurant, and the other team climbed in from the outer wall of the restaurant. The whereabouts of the tiny camera

For the sake of safety, Li Yi and the others only opened one suite today. Li Yi and Lin Xin lived in one room. To protect Li Yi, they slept on the sofa in the living room. live in another room

Qian Duo has always been vigilant, and when he heard a slight noise outside the window, he immediately woke up

Qian Duo got up lightly, did not turn on the light, leaned forward, came to the corner of the window, opened a crack, and looked outside. With the light of the sky and the lights from the main road below, he could see five black people. Shadow uses a special suction cup tool to fix his body on the outer wall, and is discussing how to break through the window with gestures

Qian Duo was startled, and rushed to the door of the room where Shangguan Jin and others were sleeping, and knocked lightly on the door. Shangguan Jin was also a person who had practiced martial arts for many years, so he immediately woke up, opened the door, and saw Qian Duo asked, "What's wrong?"

Qian Duo pointed to the window and said in a low voice, "There are people outside."

Shangguan Jin said softly: "What should I do?"

Qian Duodao: "It must be those foreign devils from the US who called for help. There are five outside the window, there must be a few more at the door, and there will be ambushes downstairs. According to my estimation, there should be no less than fifteen of us. Two divisions of labor, you deal with the people at the door, and I deal with the people outside the window" (to be continued)

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