Shangguan would like to ask, "Do you want to tell Li Yi them?" "

Qian Duodao said: "Wake them up first, let them hide in the bathroom. ┃-┃Be careful, both of them have guns."

Shangguan nodded, and when he returned to the room, the two sisters, Xiao He and Xiao Ou, had already woken up.


Qian Duo woke up Li Yi and Lin Xin, and quickly explained the situation.

Li Yi said: "Girl, you and Xiao He and Xiao Ou are hiding, and Brother Qian Duo and I will deal with those American agents together."

Lin Xin said: "Li Yi, the other party is a professional spy team member, and you don't know martial arts, what can you do to help! Hide quickly. There is a lot of money, can you and Shangguan Jin handle it? Our domestic security When will the personnel arrive?"

Qian Duo smiled wryly and said, "It depends on the arrival of those people from the country. I'm afraid it won't be so soon. We are in the dark, and they are in the light. Be careful, and we can still take care of those guys."

Lin Xin said: "Just call the police and ask the local police to come forward! The local government will not allow American agents to act wildly on their territory.

Li Yi said: "What is the relationship between the Portuguese and the Americans? It is not certain whether they will help us! It is better to ask the security guards of the casino and hotel to come up and deal with it."

Qian Duodao: "It's useless. Since these American agents dared to openly carry their guns, they must have some support. The local military and police, at most, turned a blind eye. As for the security guards below, they would die if they came up." It’s better to avoid it! This is the regular secret service unit of the United States.”

Li Yi said: "Then you and Xiao Jin can handle it?"

Qian Duodao said: "Young Master Yi, we don't have time, go and hide quickly! We will leave it to the two of us outside."

Shangguan would like to arrange for Xiaohe and Xiaoou to go out to the window sill, take a look outside, and gesture to Qianduo, indicating that people from outside will come in soon.

Li Yi and Lin Xin didn't dare to delay Qian Duo and Shangguan Jin any longer, and quickly hid in the bathroom.

Li Yi saw a bottle of mousse in the bathroom, so he picked it up and handed it to Lin Xin, and said, "They have a lot of money and they are weak, so I have to go out and have a look. If someone comes in, you can hide behind the door. Spray his eyes!"

Lin Xin took Li Yi's hand and said worriedly: "You have to be careful."

Li Yi shook her hand and signaled her to be at ease.

Outside, Qian Duo stood by the window, and Shangguan stood guard at the door.

Li Yi thought to himself, there is only one door, but there are two windows, Qian Duo alone may not be able to take care of him, so he walked over to Qian Duo.

Qian Duo focused on the window, and when he saw Li Yi coming over, he quickly motioned Li Yi to squat down.

"How is it?" Li Yi squatted and walked over, lowering his voice as much as possible and asking: "Have they acted?"

Qian Duodao: "I think they are all ready, maybe they are waiting for orders."

Li Yi opened a gap in the curtain and took a look outside. He saw three people on the side of the living room and two on the side of the master bedroom. He said, "I'll go inside, you stay outside."

Qian Duodao said: "No need, as long as we get rid of the three people outside, the two inside will be cornered."

Li Yi thought it was the same reason, and Qian Duo had more experience in this area!

Qian Duo pulled out a sharp knife and handed it to Li Yi: "Young Master Yi, take this."

Li Yi said: "What about you?"

Qian Duo raised the cell phone gun in his hand, and said with a smile: "There are three bullets in it, which can kill three of them. If these people are not very skilled, I will try not to shoot them."

While talking, there was a sound from the outside window.

Li Yi knew that the other party had started to act.

This is the first time Li Yi has faced the agents of the United States, and he has faced it with a hostile attitude!My heart is a little hairy, I don't know what will happen next.

The glass window of the living room window was cut into a large circle by the American agents outside, and an agent gently removed the cut glass and placed it outside the window sill.The cat crawled in.

Qian Duo had been prepared for a long time, before he landed on the ground, he kicked over and hit the guy in the chin. How did the US agents expect their actions to be detected by the people inside?Kicked by Qian Duo, the guy let out a muffled grunt and fell to the ground. Qian Duo reached out and pushed his body into the curtain, and then slapped him on the neck to ensure that he would not wake up easily.

The two agents outside didn't know that their companion had fallen, and thought he had already entered the living room.Another guy got in.

Qian Duo concocted it according to the law, and subdued that guy too.

When the last agent was about to come in, the two American agents in the bedroom had already cut the window glass and jumped into the bedroom.

Those two guys thought they hadn't been discovered, so they walked carefully to the g to capture the two alive.

When the quilt was lifted, there was no one inside, only two pillows!

The two agents immediately felt that they had been fooled, but they had been well trained and calm in danger, and rushed to the living room quickly.

Meanwhile, outside the living room window, a third agent was crawling inside.

The bedroom door was opened, and the two agents in the bedroom rushed in.

Qian Duo glanced at it, and couldn't wait for the guy outside the window to come in, so he punched him. The agent was caught off guard, and Qian Duo punched him in the face. A strong impact came over him, his mind became dizzy, his body became weak, and his hands loosened. , the body fell from the window.

This is a thirteen-story building!If this person falls, he probably will become a vegetable even if he doesn't die!

The two agents who came out of the bedroom took a look at the living room. Two of the three companions were lying on the ground, motionless like dead fish, and one was knocked downstairs by Qian Duo. The life and death of the three were unknown!

At the moment when the two of them were in a daze, Qian Duo rolled on the spot, and the two pairs separated and hit the waist and chest of the two for blood.

Both agents held suppressed pistols in their hands, and they shot twice at Qian.

Li Yi hid on the side of the TV counter next to the bedroom door. Hearing the noise, he was afraid that Qianduo would be injured. He grabbed a chair and threw it at one of the agents, and followed the chair to the other agent. He rushed over, and stabbed the agent's chest with the knife in his hand.

The two agents were so blocked by Li Yi that they couldn't take care of themselves. One was busy blocking the chair, and the other wanted to avoid Li Yi's ultimate move.Li Yi successfully prevented them from shooting again, buying time for Qian Duo's actions.

With one move, Qian Duo swept away the thousands of troops, hit the tui of two people, brought them to the ground, and took advantage of the situation to snatch the silenced pistol from a US agent.

Another agent fell to the ground, raised his pistol and pointed it at Qian Duo.

It was too late to say it, and it was fast, the moment he was about to pull the trigger, the sharp knife in Li Yi's hand stabbed down, hitting the agent's right wrist.

Although the agent pulled the trigger, the bullet was deflected and shot into the wall.

Qian Duo kicked back with his right leg and hit the agent in the chest. At the same time, he punched the agent's Taiyang Acupuncture with a hollow fist with his right hand. The guy passed out without even groaning.

Li Yi pulled out the sharp knife forcefully, and the agent's wrist was bleeding red. The wound was deep, and the arm was probably disabled.

Qian Duo said to Li Yi: "Thank you, Yi Shao, for saving your life!"

Li Yi said: "Stop talking, go and help Xiaojin!"

It turned out that when the five people broke through the window, the lock on the door was also broken by the agents outside.

These guys really can do anything!

The number of people who came in at the door was the same as what Qian Duo had predicted, five.

Shangguan would like to hide by the door, holding a solid wooden chair in his hand, aiming at the door, waiting for those agents to come in and smashing it down!Although she saw that Qian Duo and Li Yi were fighting fiercely over there, she was too weak to go to help.

The door opened, and a tall white man poked his head in.

Shang Gong would like to aim at that head, and hit the chair with all his might. Hearing the wind, the man reacted quickly enough, and wanted to retreat, but his companions held him back, and he couldn't retreat. He was hit hard on the head. Yes, the world spun suddenly, stars appeared in his eyes, and he fell limply to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the next four guys immediately separated two by two and hid on both sides of the door.

When they saw that there was only one beautiful woman inside, they immediately relaxed their guard, rushed in, and pointed their guns at Shangguan Jin.

Shangguan Jin got short and avoided a round of shooting. He picked up the pistol of the agent on the ground and shot one of the agents in the abdomen. At such a short distance, those guys were tall and big. Totally a living target.One shot knocked one down.

The remaining three people stretched out their hands to twist Shangguan Jin. Shangguan Jin pointed east and west, dodged and moved, and his delicate and flexible body interspersed like a butterfly, so that they couldn't point their pistols at themselves, so they didn't dare to shoot casually.

Fighting together here is also the time when Li Yi and Qian Duo are fighting fiercely.

These agents are all very skilled. If it wasn't for Qian Duo and Li Yi's surprise victory and knocking those five guys to the ground, if they fought with real swords and guns, Qian Duo and Li Yi might not be their opponents.

Shangguan Jin is so good at it, it's a bit strenuous to deal with the three guys!

One of the agents saw that the other party was already prepared, and the two beauties he was looking for were not in the two bedrooms, so his eyes swept to the closed bathroom.He broke away from Shangguan Jin and rushed towards the bathroom!

The mission of their trip was to find the micro-camera. As for how much they had to pay, it was not within their consideration.

This agent is the hooked nose who had a photo with Li Yi and others last night!

He walked to the bathroom, kicked the door open with his tires, and rushed inside with his gun raised. ! .

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