Official road bends

Chapter 512: Jiangzhou

Who is He Zhenhua?In Hong Kong and Macau, a person who stomps his feet and moves the land three times!

Now Li Yi hooked his fingers and asked He Zhenhua to listen to him, which made him a little embarrassed. ╔y╗

He Zhenhua turned his head, turned his face and said nothing, but after a while, he got up and said, "What are you talking about? Say it quickly!"

Li Yi said something in his ear in a deep voice.

After He Zhenhua finished listening, his complexion changed drastically. He looked at Li Yi, Rao Ruoxi and others in surprise, nodded calmly, and said, "I understand."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Now, do you know what to do?"

He Zhenhua said: "Understood, understood, offended." He straightened up and said to Rao Ruoxi: "Boss Rao, I offended! Someone, help your good master up, remove the banquet and serve new dishes."

Li Yi got up and said, "No need, Boss Rao, let's go!"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Mr. Li, are we leaving now?"

Li Yi said: "What? Do you still want to stay and drink two more glasses of wine?"

Rao Ruoxi smiled and said, "The wine here is too bitter, so you don't need to drink it."

The one named Ah Liang was still lying on the wine table, humming and chirping, trying to speak but unable to speak.

Li Yi and others left safely.

As soon as he left the hotel gate, Rao Ruoxi asked: "Mr. Li, what did you say to that man named He? Why did he listen to you so much? He let us go immediately."

Li Yi said: "I have already said that no matter how big he is, he is still an individual, and no matter how small we are, we represent the whole country. Macau will return to the motherland soon, and his family's property is still in Macau! Can he not Are you afraid of us?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "You revealed your identity?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I just said that I am a member of the government, and I didn't involve you in this mission."

Rao Ruoxi said: "The surname He won't trouble us again, will he?"

Li Yidao: "These people all have one characteristic, that is, bullying the weak and fearing the hard. What do you think the underworld is most afraid of?"

Rao Ruoxi said: "Of course it is Bai Dao. And you are a member of the government. They are naturally afraid of you. I have a friend like you, so they will not dare to bully me."

Li Yi smiled and said, "Correct answer."

On this day, Wonderful Entertainment received a call from Wujiaguo, saying that the aircraft carrier was allowed to go.

Rao Ruoxi reported the situation to Li Yi immediately.

Li Yi was overjoyed, knowing that Sezer's activities had played a role.

Wonderful Entertainment notified the tugboat company that it was ready to sail back to China.

When the aircraft carrier passed the Bosporus Strait smoothly, Li Yi stood by the seaside, looking at the blue sea, his heart was ups and downs.Because of my own efforts.Finally changed the course of history!The prosperity of the country can be advanced several years in advance!

The return journey of the Vayag aircraft carrier is still far away, and it will take several months of voyage before it can enter the country's territorial waters.

Li Yi and Lin Xin spent more than half of their mirage on the small island of Macau.

Li Yi called Comrade Jiang Zhaonan, saying that his mission had been completed, and asked to continue his trip to Miyue.

Comrade Jiang Zhaonan praised Li Yi and agreed to Li Yi's request to let the new couple, Li Yi and Lin Xin, continue their unfinished mi-month journey.

Li Yi left Xiaohe and Xiaoou beside Rao Ruoxi to help.He brought Lin Xin and Qianduo Shangguanjin to continue traveling together. He went to several places and had a sweet mi month trip.

Back in the capital, take a rest, both of them are ready to go to work.

Li Yi stroked her beautiful hair and said with a smile: "If you don't want to go up, you can't go up, just continue to play with me in Jiangzhou!"

Lin Xin said: "You have made such great contributions to the country, I guess you won't be able to stay in Jiangzhou for long and you will be promoted."

Li Yi pondered: "Even if you are promoted, you may be promoted locally in Jiangzhou!"

Lin Xin smiled and said, "I chatted with grandpa yesterday, and grandpa seems to have the intention of transferring you away from Jiangzhou!"

Li Yi smiled wryly and said: "Arrange my life again? No wonder people often say that the emperor's house is not free. We are not considered the emperor's house, so it is rare to have freedom! When will I be able to let myself go? Will to live!"

Lin Xin smiled and said, "You, you don't know your blessings! How many people want to have your status and background but can't get it! You are the only one who is good-looking when you get it."

Li Yi said: "To be honest, with my ability, even without the help of my family, I can still climb up. Now my grandfather always arranges my work. It seems that I have to rely on the shadow of my family to get promoted. Now The comrades below know my family background, what will they think of me?"

Lin Xin said: "It doesn't matter what others say or think. People who know your background are still a minority after all. And the people below know that you have such a strong background. Isn't this more beneficial to your future career development?"

Li Yi said: "Okay. No matter what, let's talk about it then!"

Lin Xin sighed quietly, but she didn't say a word. He really wanted to ask her husband, did he really not want to go back to the capital to work?Is it because there is a sister Guo in Jiangzhou, so I don't want to come back to the capital?

In two days, Li Yi was going back to work in Jiangzhou. Suddenly, he received a call from He Jingshu asking Li Yi to meet.

Li Yi wanted to refuse and didn't want to meet this kind of person, but for some reason, when the words came to his lips, they turned into a promise.

The meeting place was in a Chinese-style teahouse. The business of the teahouse was not very good, and it was deserted. There were only two customers, Li Yi and He Jingshu, in the whole shop.

Li Yi took a sip of tea, then vomited it out, thinking that it's no wonder the business here is so bad. Anyone who drinks this kind of tea for the first time will never drink it for the second time.

He Jingshu has completely changed her appearance. She is no longer the pure and simple reporter He she used to be, but a fashionable and beautiful city girl.

"Li Yi, when you got married, I happened to have something to do, so I didn't attend." He Jingshu said in a low voice, with an unnatural expression.

Li Yi said lightly: "I understand. When you get married, remember to send me a wedding invitation, and I will definitely go."

He Jingshu blushed and said, "Li Yi, have you heard any rumors?"

Li Yi said: "Rumors? What kind of rumors?"

He Jingshu said: "Did you hear that I have something to do with him?"

Li Yi said: "Who is he?"

He Jingshu said: "Zheng Kecheng! Didn't you tell me to find him?"

Li Yi said: "Who do you make friends with and who will marry in the future. This is your freedom. Although I am your boss, I have no right to interfere with you. You don't have to tell me."

He Jingshu blushed and said, "Li Yi, I knew it, you must have heard some bad rumors! Secretary Rao told you, right?"

Li Yi said: "It's true, so don't spread unnecessary rumors. To be honest, I don't care."

He Jingshu suddenly shed tears and said: "Very good. I finally heard you speak the truth. In your heart, you don't care about me at all, right? That's right, there are so many beautiful women around you, and anyone is better than me If you want to be beautiful, how can you look up to me? I'm just your playmate when you're lonely!"

Li Yi said: "Is it interesting to say such things now?"

He Jingshu said: "Whether it's interesting or not, I have to tell you clearly! Li Yi, you asked me to come to the capital, right? Did you tell me to find Zheng Kecheng?"

Li Yi said: "Not bad."

He Jingshu said: "Then do you know what the conditions for Zheng Kecheng to agree to come here are?"

Li Yi said: "What is it? High salary?"

He Jingshu said bitterly: "His condition is that I be his girlfriend!"

Li Yi frowned and said, "You haven't reported this to me."

He Jingshu said: "Didn't you ask me to be responsible to Secretary Rao? I report all my affairs to Secretary Rao, and I also work under her guidance! It's good now, if you don't know a word, you can make excuses Net! In order to pull him over, I had to pretend to agree to be his girlfriend. I was tired of dealing with his appointments and invitations every day, and I had to guard against him carefully, lest he hurt me! All the pain I have suffered. Just for you Talk! Why do you say that I am doing this? I am a good reporter, and I came here to work for you, and in the end I am a good one!"

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "What did you say? You just pretended to be Zheng Kecheng's girlfriend? And you have reported all your work to Secretary Rao?"

He Jingshu said: "Is it necessary for me to lie in front of you? Although I, He Jingshu, never expected to be your wife Li Yi, even if I want to break up with you, I will at least tell you ? You didn’t ask me anything. You didn’t do any investigations. You just rejected me based on Secretary Rao’s one-sided words. What’s your thinking? Have you longed for me to leave you as soon as possible?”

Li Yi is really a little entangled now. His feelings for He Jingshu can be said to be love because of sex. When he first heard about her empathy, he was indeed a little lonely.But when he thought that his relationship was a mess, the woman left and left, it was no big deal.

Even now, even if He Jingshu didn't have any emotional entanglements with other men, it is impossible for Li Yi to have any improper relationship with her because of physical desires.

But the situation provided by He Jingshu.But Li Yi was secretly startled.

Because what He Jingshu said was different from what Rao Ruoxi told herself!

One of them must be lying.

If it was He Jingshu who lied, that would be easy, just kick him away.

What if Rao Ruoxi lied?Then the consequences will be serious!

Li Yi has never thought about how much damage it will bring to him if Rao Ruoxi betrays him one day?

If there is such a day, the blow to Li Yi will be multifaceted, the economy is only one aspect, and the greater is the spiritual blow.

Li Yi has never trusted an outsider who has little relationship with him so much!

Even scouts mostly work under their own leadership!As for Rao Ruoxi, he actually had a kind of blind trust in her. He didn't know where this trust came from. In short, he trusted her very much, even more than he trusted the person next to him!

Li Yi frowned slightly, thinking of his uncle's advice to him again, thinking that this day must never come!

He Jingshu said: "Li Yi, let me report to you the progress of the company!"

Li Yi shook his head slowly and said, "No, you can just report to Secretary Rao directly."

He Jingshu said: "Secretary Rao is not in the capital, so who will I be responsible to from now on?"

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "Actually, I have a plan for a long time. This Internet company should be regarded as a wedding gift for you. Therefore, you don't have to be responsible to anyone, you are the boss yourself."

He Jingshu said: "That can't be done, Li Yi, I work for you, and I have always been clear about this."

Li Yi said: "How about that Zheng Kecheng?"

He Jingshu said: "Same as you, smart and seductive!"

Li Yi stared and said: "How can this be compared to me? When is such a good man like me better?"

He Jingshu still reported the company's relevant performance to Li Yi.To Li Yi's surprise, this online company was not as bad as Rao Ruoxi said. Not only did it not lose money, but it also made a lot of money.

The doubts in Li Yi's heart grew stronger, but he still remained calm, just nodded, thinking about his own affairs silently.

He Jingshu didn't say anything too much, and after saying what she should say, the two broke up.

Although Li Yi has a lot of doubts, but at the moment Rao Ruoxi is still staying in Macau to deal with the matter of the aircraft carrier, it is impossible to take care of her side, this time is not suitable to disturb her mood, this question, Li Yi can only bury it deep in his heart , wait for the right time to ask Rao Ruoxi.

Li Yi discussed with his younger uncle Li Yuanxiao, saying that Rao Ruoxi has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and for quite a long time, he will not be able to come to manage the Longteng Fund, and that his younger uncle should be replaced by another person with outstanding qualities.

Li Yuanxiao was very sensitive, and asked Li Yi if he had noticed anything, Li Yi replied that there was nothing, it was purely because of the job transfer.

Li Yuanxiao asked Li Yi to accept Rao Ruoxi again, saying that there would be problems sooner or later when such an older woman was placed in such an important position, but Li Yi still did not agree to his uncle's request.

Before returning to Jiangzhou, Li Yi had a small meal with Zhang Yifan, Gu Zhiwu and others, and the brothers got very drunk.

Secretary Li, who has spent the newlyweds and the moist months, is finally going back to Jiangzhou.

Before leaving, Mr. Li had a secret conversation with Li Yi. The conversation lasted for three hours. Except for the two of them, no one knew what they said. Even Lin Xin didn't ask much, but She knew that it must be a major event related to the future and destiny of the country and Li Yi's future and destiny.

Love between husband and wife, there will be a time of separation.Lin Xin sent Li Yi to the plane, watching the plane disappear without a trace.A faint sadness of parting came to my heart, which was a feeling I had never felt before getting married.

And Li Yi has to regroup to deal with the complicated official situation in Jiangnan Province and Jiangzhou City. ! .

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