Official road bends

Chapter 513 Jiang Nanchun

▃ ( v?v )▃Thousands of miles orioles sing green and red, water villages, mountains, Guojiu flag wind

480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, how many towers are in the mist and rain

This four-line poem "Jiangnan Spring" has been well-known for thousands of years. It not only describes the richness and variety of Jiangnan spring scenery, but also expresses its vastness, depth and confusion.

When Li Yi arrived in Jiangnan Province, Jiangnan was in the season of spring. In the compound of the Municipal Party Committee, several peach trees were vying to bloom in early spring, adding a touch of spring

Xing Wending, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ding Xuesong, Secretary, came to pick up the car. When the car slowly drove into the compound of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Yi saw many comrades from the Municipal Party Committee greeted him at the door.

Li Yi hurriedly called to stop, then got out of the car to shake hands with comrades one by one

Comrade Zhu Wen, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, held Li Yi's hand tightly, and said with a smile: "Secretary Li, welcome back, have a good honeymoon? Comrades heard that you are coming back, and they are eager to see you, so they came here to make a special trip come to welcome you"

Li Yi laughed and said: "Comrade Zhu Wen is too polite, comrades are too polite, I will be the host tonight, and I will not get drunk with everyone in Xiangmanlou"

Everyone surrounded Li Yi back to the office, Li Yi took out the prepared wedding candy and fruit, and everyone chatted while eating

When he arrived at the municipal government, Li Yi was also warmly welcomed by his comrades

Li Yi hasn't been to Jiangzhou for more than a month, and all the work in Jiangzhou is progressing smoothly and orderly, but there are a few things that make Li Yi depressed and annoyed

The first one was reported by Ding Xuesong to Li Yi

During the Chinese New Year, government departments such as the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government all have welfare distributions. According to the different levels of each comrade, the amount of welfare distributed is also slightly different.

Li Yi went back early because of his marriage, and Ding Xuesong helped collect the welfare items issued by the agency

Ding Xuesong said to Li Yi: "Secretary Li, you are the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, and you are the deputy secretary of the main hall level. You are also the deputy mayor and the executive deputy mayor of the government. Logically speaking, you can receive double copies. Welfare, both the municipal party committee and the municipal government should distribute it to you, and it should be distributed to you according to the specifications of the main hall level."

Li Yi smiled and said: "I've never paid attention to this issue. Anyway, it's all the country's stuff. What's wrong with taking as much as you give? Did you send out a lot of good things this year?"

Ding Xuesong let out a hey voice and said, "Secretary Li, it's because you are too casual that you are easily bullied."

Li Yi said: "Oh? Who dares to bully me? Tell me what's going on"

Ding Xuesong said: "You are at the level of the main hall, and there should be welfare distributions in the municipal party committee and the municipal government, but in fact, only the municipal party committee gives you benefits, and the level is still issued by the main hall. As for the municipal government, No sign at all”

Li Yi lit a cigarette, took a slow puff and said, "What do you have? Forget it, I don't need anything anyway. If I don't send it, I will save some money for the country."

Ding Xuesong said: "Secretary Li, this is not a matter of something. It is a matter of principle. Before the new year, your administrative level has been promoted to the main hall, and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has clearly published it. Is this true? Why do they only How about giving you a vice-department treatment? Isn’t that contemptuous? And why doesn’t the city government give you benefits? You also hold the position of executive deputy mayor, isn’t that clearly a bully?”

Li Yi pondered and said: "Maybe it's too complicated, comrades made a mistake, or maybe my rank has just been set, but the benefits and benefits have been set a long time ago. They don't have time to change it.

Ding Xuesong said: "Secretary Li, even if the issue of rank is due to too much haste and there is no time to change it, there is definitely a benefit from the city government that belongs to the leader of the executive deputy mayor, and most of it was deliberately withheld by some people. up"

Li Yi said: "Why do you think so?"

Ding Xuesong said: "It's not that I think so, but I heard someone say, say..."

Li Yi said: "What did you say? What about mother-in-law?"

Ding Xuesong said: "It is said that you are the one who will be transferred after the Chinese New Year. They think that you are the one who will be transferred anyway, so that's it."

Li Yi heard the smell now, and said, "Is there news in the agency that I'm leaving?"

Ding Xuesong said: "It's not just a rumor, everyone said it clearly, saying that Secretary Li has such a high background and made such good achievements in Jiangzhou, he must be promoted. Didn't the mayor of Guangling die a while ago? Everyone They thought you were going to take over the job.”

Li Yi thought to himself, there is really no wind without waves! There is no impenetrable wall in this institution

"How did the authorities report the death of the mayor of Guangling?" Li Yi asked

Ding Xuesong said: "Didn't he die in a car accident? It is said that he was rear-ended by a large truck on the way out of business, and died on the spot. What's wrong, Secretary Li, isn't that the case?"

Li Yi sneered slightly, thinking that this must be the province's whitewashing of right and wrong in order to protect his face. Li Yi has long been familiar with such things. He waved his hand and said: "The province said how he died, so that's how he died. Everyone is dead, so what else is there to discuss? Isn't Comrade Xue Xue the mayor of Guangling now? I have also come back to work, so the rumors of the agency will be self-defeating?"

Ding Xuesong said: "That is, that is"

Li Yi said: "You just said about the welfare, is it just me who didn't pay in full, or is there a shortage of everyone?"

Ding Xuesong said: "Many comrades are in short supply, especially comrades who are close to you, Secretary Li."

Li Yi said: "You are the same?"

Ding Xuesong said: "Yes, other secretaries and secretaries all have a rice cooker, but I don't have Secretary Li. My family does not lack a rice cooker, and I don't care if I have this thing, but although this matter is small, it reveals the truth. Weird"

Li Yi almost finished smoking a cigarette, pointed to the cigarette in his hand, and said, "Cedar, do you smoke too?"

Ding Xuesong couldn't keep up with his thinking, so he nodded and said, "I usually smoke and play."

Li Yi said: "Then you should know that a cigarette, at the beginning, its fragrance and breath are very gentle and long. If you are in good health, you only smoke the first half."

Ding Xuesong said: "That's why my grandfather is not in good health. The doctor told him to quit smoking. If he couldn't, the doctor told him to smoke half a cigarette to control the amount of poison entering his lungs."

Li Yi said: "The communication between people is basically the same. It's best to meet each other first. I have been in Jiangzhou for more than a year, and it's the same as the second half of this cigarette."

Ding Xuesong scratched his head, vaguely understanding, but he couldn't grasp the edge if he really wanted to say it.

Li Yi said: "Go and invite Secretary-General Ji and Secretary-General Lu together"

Ding Xuesong agreed and went out, thinking that Secretary Li was Secretary Li, and what he said was unpredictable.

Ji Changze is the chief steward of the municipal party committee, and he is close. After receiving a call from Ding Xuesong, he came over quickly, walked in, and said with a grin: "Secretary Li, hello, what can I do for you?"

During Li Yi's absence, he had a backlog of work and was dealing with it. He knew that Ji Changze was here, but he hummed without raising his head, and said, "Secretary-General Ji, sit down for a while."

Ji Changze responded, sat down, and waited for about 5 minutes. Li Yi still had no intention of talking to him. He frowned, wondering what Li Yi meant by this?You called yourself over just to hang yourself out?But tentatively said: "Secretary Li, I still have very important work over there. If you have nothing urgent, can I come back later?"

Li Yi raised his eyelids and stared at him sternly.

Ji Changze's heart pounded, and he said quickly: "Secretary Li, you are busy, you are busy, I will be fine later."

After ten minutes or so, Ji Changze became more and more helpless when he sat, his buttocks seemed to have acupuncture points, he couldn't sit still, he kept twisting and turning, looking at the time from time to time, and then at Li Yi, feeling in his heart Guess why Li Yi did this, but this has never happened before.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, there was a knock on the door, and Ding Xuesong came in to report that Secretary-General Lu had come.

Li Yi said: "Let him in"

Lu Yantong is the secretary-general of the government. When he came in and saw Ji Changze sitting here, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Secretary Li, I had something to do outside just now. After receiving the notice, I rushed back immediately. I kept you waiting for a long time."

Li Yi chuckled, slowly put on the pen holder of the pen, stood up, walked to the reception sofa, sat down on his buttocks, and said: "I invite the two big housekeepers here today. I have a small matter. I want to ask the two of you. bit"

Ji Changze and Lu Yantong kept saying they didn't dare, if Secretary Li had anything to ask, we would do our best to do it well

Li Yi said: "If it's about ordinary people, I won't disturb you two. Comrade Dan Ding Xuesong is my secretary. I can't ignore his affairs?"

Ji Changze said: "That's that, what's the matter with Comrade Ding Xuesong?"

Li Yi said: "The thing is like this. I was chatting with Comrade Ding Xuesong just now, and we talked about the welfare of the Chinese New Year. I don't know something about this. I want to ask you two. Comrade Ding Xuesong is on the side of the municipal committee. My secretary, who is also my secretary at the city government, does the work of two people by himself, so logically speaking, he should also get double benefits? Is this the reason?"

Ji Changze said: "That's the reason. Comrade Ding Xuesong runs both ends and serves the leaders, so he deserves two benefits."

Lu Yantong: "According to the rules, it should be so"

Li Yi snorted coldly: "Then I have to ask, why did Comrade Ding Xuesong only get one benefit, and it was less than others?" (To be continued)

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