Official road bends

Chapter 516 Let me sign!

Chapter 510 Six I Come to Sign!

The fair-skinned doctor shook his head and said, "It's useless to beg me! The beds in our hospital have always been tight, and now is the season when various diseases are high-incidence, the hospital is already overcrowded. ┌* ┐ I advise you to go to another hospital as soon as possible Come on! Don't delay the treatment." The crowd pushed away and left.

Li Yi grabbed the doctor wearing glasses and asked, "Comrade, is there really no ward in the hospital?"

The optician said, "No more."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "I'm leaving the hospital and let him live in my room."

The optician took a look at Li Yi and said, "What kind of hospital are you in?"

Li Yi said: "I just don't have a cold. It's nothing serious. There's no need to occupy the ward. I'll free up the ward to accommodate this more needy patient!"

The optician said: "That's not okay, you can't decide on this matter, who is your doctor in charge? You have to ask him."

The strong man was very happy to see Li Yi willing to give up the ward, and said to Li Yi: "Brother, thank you, thank you! You are such a good person, and you will definitely be rewarded."

Li Yi asked: "What disease does your mother have?"

The burly man was taken aback for a moment, and said, "My mother? My mother is not sick."

Li Yi pointed to the old woman on his back: "Isn't this your mother? Is it your mother-in-law?"

The burly man said: "No. I don't know her. My wife and I took the bus and saw the old man collapsed on the bus, but no one cared about him. He called the driver for help, but the driver didn't answer. I thought it was important to save people. , and his wife got out of the car with her on their backs and went to the hospital."

Li Yi said: "You said that this person has nothing to do with you? Are you just acting bravely?"

The burly man said: "Yeah, we don't know her at all. We went to a small hospital first, and the doctor there said, what is the old man suffering from, what is a sudden heart attack, and he wants us to rush to this hospital The hospital came and said that the doctor here is the best at treating heart disease. We rushed over here."

Li Yi was slightly moved, thinking that if what the two couples said is true, then this is really a model of bravery.

Decades of reform and opening up have improved people's lives and changed people's values.

All the concepts of looking at money have brought about great changes in people's morals and values.

The scene of not picking up things on the road, not picking up gold, and not closing the door at night is just like a river of spring water, gone and never returned.

Instead, all kinds of abnormal phenomena such as robbery, blackmail, immortal jumping, carrying cages, trafficking, and touching porcelain have intensified.

The prevalence of unhealthy trends has made kind-hearted people suffer and be fooled, so they dare not trust others easily, and the integrity between people has disappeared.

The loss of these traditional Chinese virtues has brought great harm to society.

The central government also deeply realized the harmfulness of this phenomenon. In October [-], the Central Civilization Office was established as the central guidance organization for the construction of spiritual civilization during the socialist construction period.At the same time, we set up civilized offices in various provinces and municipalities across the country, and strive to improve the social atmosphere and moral environment.

Like this husband and wife, seeing a strange old man fell ill on the ground, it is really touching to be able to give a helping hand and kneel down to plead for her.

"It's not too late, then go to my ward!" Li Yi said.

The optician said, "Hey, this is not good!"

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "What's wrong? You, go through the hospitalization procedures for this old man immediately, and then invite Dr. Tang Minde to Room [-] on the ninth floor."

The optician said, "Ninth floor? Isn't that the intensive care unit for senior officials? Are you?"

Li Yi said: "I am Li Yi."

The glasses doctor groaned: "So it's Secretary Li, hello. Then this is even worse! The ninth floor is a VIP ward, and they can't live there."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "I said you little comrade, are you annoying? You already know who I am, and you still dare to push and refuse? If you can't make the decision, call your dean come over!"

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Xia Fei ran out. When she saw Li Yi, she felt relieved and said, "Secretary Li, I just turned around and you disappeared, but I was frightened." You are my patient now, if I lose you, how can I explain to the hospital!"

Li Yi said: "I'm not a three-year-old child, can I still get lost? Xiao Fei, you came just in time, take them upstairs and live in my ward."

Xia Fei said: "That can't be done. That's your ward. You live in someone else's room. Where do you live?"

Li Yihu said with a straight face: "I will be discharged from the hospital now!"

Seeing that Li Yi was really angry, Xia Fei smiled and said: "Okay, I know you are a good secretary who loves the people like a son, but it is really inappropriate for them to live in your ward, and the price is expensive, and they are small They can’t afford it. Well, I’ll go and have a look and make room for them. But, you must listen to me and obediently go upstairs and lie down.”

Li Yi said: "Isn't it full?"

Xia Fei said with a smile: "This hospital bed is like time, if you squeeze it, there will always be something!"

Li Yi also knows that the hospital claims that the beds are full, but in fact they will leave a few beds for emergency needs, and what Xia Fei said is the truth, the hospital's VIP intensive care unit is luxuriously decorated and more comfortable than a hotel , the price there is not affordable by ordinary people. It is a good person and a good deed, and you have to do what you can, so you nodded: "Then you go and arrange it!"

Xia Fei led the migrant worker couple and the patient to find the chief doctor on duty, and quickly arranged the bed.

When the doctor issued a hospital bill and asked the strong man to pay the money, the strong man asked, "Doctor, how much does it cost?"

The doctor said: "Let's pay 2 yuan first, and get back more and make up less."

The burly man was terrified: "Twenty thousand? Why is it so expensive?"

The doctor said: "The [-] yuan is just an advance payment. The real surgery fee is far more than this amount."

The strong man and his wife looked at each other and said, "We don't have that much money."

The doctor said: "Then how many do you have? Hand it in first, and do the examination first."

The burly man said, "I only have 200 yuan in my pocket."

The doctor said: "200 yuan? If you want to save your mother, go back and raise money! 200 yuan is enough to live for a day."

The strong man said: "She is not my mother, my mother is at home and she is in good health."

The doctor looked at the woman: "That's your mother? Let me tell you, you have to raise money quickly, this disease can't be delayed."

The woman said: "She is not my mother either. We found her sick on the ground on the bus, and the man and I brought her here."

The doctor was reasonable and said, "Since that's the case, you should hurry up and contact her family members. For such a major operation, her family members need to sign it. If there is an accident, you can't bear the responsibility."

Li Yi didn't leave. Hearing this, he thought it was true, and the money problem was easy to solve, but the operation notice had to be signed by the patient's family.

Any operation is risky, let alone such a large-scale heart operation, the success rate is not very high.Like old man Li Si, even if the operation was successful, he still died in the end.

But the problem now is, the patient is unconscious, how do I know her contact information?

The nurse searched the patient's body, but only found a purse, which contained only ten yuan in change, without any identification or phone number.

The strong man was helpless.

At this time, Dr. Tang Minde and the dean rushed over after hearing the news. The leaders paid different attention to it. The dean ran over in person, and the efficiency was astonishing.

Li Yi and Tang Minde are also old acquaintances. After shaking hands and exchanging greetings, Li Yi said: "Doctor Tang, look at this patient, is it serious?"

Tang Minde nodded, and after carefully examining the patient's symptoms and conditions, he said, "Secretary Li, the situation is very serious, and surgery is necessary immediately! The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and lost consciousness."

Li Yi said: "Then prepare for the operation quickly!"

Tang Minde said: "The operation is very dangerous, and I'm not sure. The patient's family members should be mentally prepared."

The burly man said: "Doctor, we are not her family members. I don't know where her family members are!"

The dean said: "Secretary Li, this is a bit embarrassing. If something goes wrong with such an important operation, the responsibility is not easy to divide! We have encountered many such cases, even if the family members are listed in the operation notice. After signing, I will still trouble the hospital afterwards. Now that the patient's family is not here, if our hospital has performed this operation, it is good to say that it is successful. If there is an accident, the patient's family will pursue it, so what should I do?"

Li Yi knew that what the dean said was indeed the truth, and said, "Is there a better way to deal with it?"

The dean said: "Hurry up and find the family members of the patient! Let them sign."

Tang Minde said: "The patient has a sudden heart attack and is in the clinical death stage at this time. The best golden rescue time for ordinary people is 4 to 6 minutes. If the rescue is not rescued within 4 minutes, the patient will immediately enter the biological system. At the stage of death, the hope of survival is extremely slim. If this golden time passes, patients who suffer from a heart attack due to blockage of the heart vessels must open the blocked artery within 1 hour, so as not to cause permanent damage to the heart muscle. It is still too late to rescue ! We must seize the time!"

The sturdy man said: "Then what should we do? We don't know her relatives either!"

Li Yi touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said, "Hurry up and do the surgery, I'll sign it, and if something goes wrong, I'll explain it to the patient's family."

Xia Fei said: "Secretary Li, this is not a joke. If you are falsely accused by the patient's family because of this, then your reputation will be..."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Compared with a fresh life, what is my famous name? Besides, things may not necessarily develop in a bad way. I believe in Dr. Tang's skills, and I also believe that the patient's family has Kind citizens with conscience. We are saving people, why should we look forward and backward?"

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