Official road bends

Chapter 517 Conscience

Chapter 510 Conscience

The dean said: "Secretary Li, Xia Fei is right. This is not a small problem. Whoever signs it will be legally responsible! Heart surgery is very dangerous. You are the leader of the municipal party committee. Trapped myself in. [&] "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name""

Li Yi said: "I understand. However, human life is at stake now! At this time, we should not stick to the details of the law. The most important thing is to save lives in time."

Life always goes wrong.Maybe you are in trouble in a foreign country, maybe you are living in a distant place, but on the road of wandering, when you encounter a disease or accident and need to undergo an operation immediately, who will sign the consent form for the operation?

At present, there are no relevant legal provisions in our country to stipulate who can sign the consent form for surgery on behalf of patients without relatives.

Xia Fei said: "Secretary Li, you really can't sign. We have seen many such things. Few of the family members of the patients are reasonable! Even if they can't get someone to blackmail them!"

The dean said: "Secretary Li, please think twice."

Li Yi waved his hand calmly, and said: "The operation consent letter is neither a life-and-death certificate nor a talisman. It is the basis for the doctor to perform the operation on the patient's body. The patient agrees to bear the risk of the operation. It is the rights and obligations of both doctors and patients in the medical process In this case, as a public servant of the people in Jiangzhou, I stepped forward when the people were in crisis, and signed a consent form for the operation on behalf of their family members. What’s wrong? There is no need to say any more, I have made up my mind, Doctor Tang, operate immediately!"

Tang Minde is a good doctor with conscience and professional ethics. He admired Li Yi's actions very much, and immediately said: "Secretary Li, don't worry, I will do my best to save this old lady's life!"

Li Yi said: "I believe in you."

Xia Fei was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, took Li Yi's hand, and said, "Secretary Li, you can't do this!"

Li Yi said: "Xiao Fei, you are a medical worker. If you don't even have this kind of awareness, how can the morality of our society be maintained? Even this couple of civilians know how to save people desperately. You can ask them, When they rescued this old lady, did they consider that they might be blackmailed and blackmailed by the family? Don't you even have their awareness?"

Xia Fei said: "Anyway, I don't allow you to sign it. Dean, I'll sign it! I'm just a nurse, and I'm not afraid that the patient's family will embarrass me."

The burly man said: "What are you doing? Why don't you just sign? This is a good thing to save people, what are you afraid of? Maybe we saved the old man, and her sons and daughters will come and blame us Is there any reason for this? I recited the person, and I will sign it! Which one of you has money, just put it on for me first."

Xia Fei, the dean and the others were silent. Even a migrant worker has this kind of awareness, which really makes them, medical workers, feel ashamed!

Li Yi said: "That's it. I'm a government official, relatively speaking, I have more credibility, so I will sign this word. You don't have to argue or persuade. I am a public servant of the people of Jiangzhou, the people Parents, that is, my parents, I signed this for her child!"

The burly man said: "I will also sign, and I will prove it to you!"

The dean said: "Secretary Li, I will also sign! I am a party member and the director of the hospital. Let me sign this word!"

Li Yi nodded and said: "Very good, Dr. Tang, hurry up and operate! It is important to save people! Xiao Fei, contact the municipal party committee office immediately and ask them to invite comrades from the provincial and municipal TV stations to take a photo of the patient and spread it across the city. Look for her family members!"

Xia Fei said, "Okay, I'll call Secretary Ding right now."

The dean shouted: "Don't be dazed, hurry up and prepare for the operation!"

When Ding Xuesong received a call from Xia Fei, he thought that something had happened to Li Yi, and was very worried. After listening to Xia Fei's words, Ding Xuesong was relieved, and then reported to Comrade Luo Xiangchen, the Propaganda Director of the Municipal Party Committee, and told Li Yi's words.

Luo Xiangchen immediately contacted the city TV station and the provincial TV station, and sent a photography team to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University to shoot.

Zong Yan, Chen Jiahui, Lan Zhanchi and a few others came from Provincial Taiwan. They are all acquaintances with Li Yi. After they arrived, they took photos of the old lady and rushed back to make a show and chat.

The provincial and municipal TV stations broadcast the patient's photos at the same time, looking for her relatives and friends.

After the preparations for the operation in the hospital were completed, Li Yi signed the operation notice, and then Dr. Tang Minde performed the operation.

Zong Yan and others, relying on the sensitivity of the media people, intuitively felt that this incident was unusual and there was a lot of news to dig out. After the program was broadcast, they rushed to the hospital to interview Min Gongfu and Li Yi and others. The event was made into a special program.

Li Yi said: "Miss Zong, this is saving lives, so you media don't have to join in the fun, right?"

Zong Yan said with a smile: "Secretary Li, we did this to promote the spirit of righteousness and justice! In this materialistic society, there are not many good people and good deeds like this. I just happened to catch up. I must catch This news is a big fuss."

Li Yi thought about it, thinking that this is indeed an opportunity, and it will be the day to learn from Lei Feng, and he can just take this opportunity to set off a wave of learning from Lei Feng in the whole city to become a civilized citizen.This is of great benefit to improving the civilized environment of Jiangzhou.

"Miss Zong, you can report it, but you have to focus on this couple. As for me, I didn't do anything at all, so you don't have to catch me." Li Yi said.

Zong Yan smiled and said: "Secretary Li, you are wrong to say that. If you are missing from this news, it will lose its original color, and it will not be able to play a leading role. The biggest bright spot in your news Ah! Believe me, you will be hot!"

Li Yi said: "Miss Zong, I'm a government official, I'm not a movie star, I don't need to be a show, and I don't need to be popular."

Zong Yan smiled and said: "You have to keep a low profile, I know, don't worry, we won't make you a hero, we will only restore everything you do."

While Zong Yan and other reporters were filming with the operation notice signed by Li Yi, several nvnv strode over from the other end of the corridor, and one of them, funv in green clothes, shouted loudly: "Where is my mother?" Where is my mother?"

Xia Fei said: "Please don't make noise, this is a hospital, and surgery is going on inside."

Green clothes funv said: "Where is my mother?"

Xia Fei said, "Your mother? Who is your mother?"

Another funv in red said, "My mother is Wan Xiuqing!"

Xia Fei said: "I'm sorry, we don't have this person here. This is the operating room, you can look elsewhere!"

Lvyi funv said: "Who are you dreaming of? We all watched TV, and the TV said that my mother is in your hospital, undergoing emergency treatment in the operating room! I just asked at your front desk, and she was operated here!"

Li Yi asked: "Your mother, is that old man broadcast on TV?"

Lvyi funv said: "That's her! Where is she?"

Xia Fei said: "Oh, you guys are here, the patient is undergoing surgery, you should wait outside!"

Lvyi funv said: "Surgery? My mother is fine, why do you need surgery? What did you do to her?"

Xia Fei said: "It's not what we did to her, but she had a heart attack and fainted!"

Lvyi funv said: "This is impossible, my mother has always been in good health, how could she have a heart attack? Give us my mother back!"

Xia Fei said: "Your mother was brought here by these two kind comrades. When they brought you here, your mother was in a coma. Our doctor Tang diagnosed it as a sudden heart attack. The condition is very serious. If it wasn't for these two kind-hearted people who delivered it in time, you would never see her again. You should really thank them."

Funv in green pointed at the burly man and said, "What's your name?"

The burly man smiled and said, "My surname is Shi, eldest sister. You can call me Shi Laosan, and everyone in the village calls me that. The old man was memorized, so there is no need to thank him, as long as the old man is fine..."

The green-clothed funv sneered, "Who is your eldest sister? Shi Laosan, right? Be honest with me, how did you hit my mother?"

Shi Laosan was dumbfounded when he heard it: "Eldest sister, I didn't hit your mother!"

Funv in red rushed over: "I hit your mother! If you don't hit my mother, why is my mother unconscious? Shi Laosan, I can warn you, our Wanjia is a native of Dongzhou, relatives and friends What about a big family! We are not afraid of you, a construction worker from other places! Honestly, we can ask you to pay less, or I will ask you to pay with your life!"

Shi Laosan has a strong body, and the red-clothed funv didn't push him at all.

Shi Laosan's wife said: "Why are you people in the city like this? We found her on the bus. She was lying there, motionless. There were so many people on the bus, and no one came to help! My man Good intentions, carried your mother to the hospital, why are we falling behind?"

Funv in red said: "You can do whatever you want? My mother has never been sick, why did she have a heart attack? Let me tell you, you must have knocked my mother out, you can't run away!"

Li Yi frowned secretly when he heard this, and thought to himself that he was really afraid of something. What he feared most when doing such a good deed was meeting unreasonable family members, and Shi Laosan happened to meet him!

"Sisters of the Wan family, please calm down and speak up if you have something to say. Shi Laosan is also kind-hearted, you can't make him feel cold." Li Yi waved his hand and became a peacemaker.

Seeing that Li Yi was wearing a hospital gown, funv in red thought he was just an ordinary patient, and said loudly, "What's the matter with you? My mother had an accident! Shi Laosan, no matter how nice you say it, it's just your one-sided words." , who knows that you didn't deliberately fabricate a lie in order to avoid responsibility?"

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