Official road bends

Chapter 8, Talking about "Love" to the Cow

Li Yi sweated a lot, thinking that he had to violate the regulations twice, and was caught by the same traffic policeman.

"No—oh, yes, Comrade Traffic Police, I'm a novice." After thinking twice, Li Yi decided to admit that he was a novice. Sometimes, white lies can save many unnecessary troubles.

"You have violated the rules for the second time today!" The traffic policeman said with a business-like attitude: "You are a novice, and you should pay more attention to traffic rules and regulations. If you drive and stop indiscriminately like you, within three days, your driver's license will expire." It must be revoked!"

"Comrade, please raise your hand high?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"A fine is necessary. This is a means to force you drivers to obey the law." The traffic policeman saw Li Yi's smiling face and thought he was a frivolous prodigal, so with a straight face, he issued a ticket and threw it into the In the car, he said: "Don't violate the rules again, if I catch you again, I will deduct your points." Then he turned and left.

Li Yi smiled bitterly, thinking what happened to him today?Always make mistakes.

He didn't want to go shopping elsewhere, so he drove home directly.

Coincidentally, Qian Duo and his wife Ren Ru came to play together.

They were telling funny stories about little money.

Li Yi asked with a smile: "You have less money? What's the matter? Look at you smiling so happily."

Qian Duodao: "Didn't he ask Hao Meili to go out to watch a movie? Hao Meili said he would lend him a shoulder to lean on. He was so nervous that his body was tied up straight. After watching the movie, his body was so stiff that he couldn't straighten up."

"Haha!" Li Yi laughed and said, "Your brother is too cute! Has he really never been in contact with girls?"

Qian Duodao said: "Isn't that right! Not to mention, he is an honest man, and he has won Miss Hao's favor, and made an appointment to go to the park together!"

Ren Ru was also pregnant, and talked about the child with Lin Xin and Hua Xiaorui. Hua Xiaorui was a pastor and was teaching the two of them.

Ren Ru asked: "In the obstetrics and gynecology department, are female doctors delivering babies?"

Hua Xiaorui said: "There are women and there are men. I was delivered by an elderly female doctor at that time."

Ren Ru became worried: "Then I must find a female doctor to deliver the baby! The hospital is so unreasonable, why should a male doctor do the job of delivering the baby? It's too much."

Lin Xin pursed her lips and smiled: "You, you think too much. When you are about to give birth, you will be crying in pain. How can you care about whether it is a man or a woman who will help you deliver the baby?"

Li Yi said: "Yes, let's talk about it, doctors are parents! What's more, male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology are well-informed. I'm afraid they have no feeling for women's place? It's just an organ!"

"It's disgusting!" Ren Ru said, "Anyway, I can't accept having a male doctor deliver the baby."

After chatting for a while, Lin Xin said: "Ren Ru, don't you have something to ask Li Yi to do? He is rarely at home now, why don't you tell him quickly?"

Li Yi asked what was the matter.

Ren Rudao: "It's like this. I have a classmate's younger sister who wanted to transfer her job. I found me here. I'm a member of the discipline inspection department. I can't help him to intercede, so I want to ask you for a favor. You see If it is convenient, please help me."

Li Yi said: "Which unit do you want to go to?"

"Civilian jobs in the central ministries and commissions are fine, but his younger sister was born weak and majored in Chinese language and literature, and her writing skills are not bad," Ren Ru said.

"Well, then let her go to the organization department! Let me tell Zhang Yifan and ask him to help." Li Yi thought for a while and said.

"That's great! The organization department is the best department!" Ren Ru smiled happily.

People begged her to do something, and she got face when she got it done.

"Then tonight, I'll call them out, and invite you to have a meal with Comrade Zhang Yifan!" Ren Ru said, "It's just as it should be."

Li Yi smiled and said: "That's unnecessary! Everyone is so familiar."

Ren Rudao: "This is necessary, you have helped her so much!"

Lin Xin smiled and said, "Just go!"

Only then did Li Yi agree.

"By the way, Li Yi, Xiao Nizi came to see you at noon." Lin Xin said.

"Keni? What does she want from me?" Li Yi said, "Why don't you call me?"

"I asked her, and she said it was about work. It's strange, she is a college student, what work do you want to ask you for? She hasn't graduated yet, right? She's about to find a job, right?"

"Hehe, it's not just about the charity organization she manages!"

"I haven't seen any big moves by your charity!"

"Hey, she's still a student, she only has so many ideas in her head, let her manage it and have fun! I really can't find the right people to do this right now."

"Then ask Xiaohua to do it!" Lin Xin said, pointing to Hua Xiaorui: "I think she is quite suitable, she is kind-hearted and gentle."

Li Yi looked at Hua Xiaorui, with some expectations in her heart. She has been idle for too long, and if this continues, it will inevitably be boring.

"I can't." Hua Xiaorui shook her hand and said, "Of course he's still so young, I can't bear to leave him and go to work."

Li Yi said: "Forget it, let Xiao Nizi play around!"

Lin Xin smiled and said, "I still have a suitable candidate, but you still have to go out and invite it yourself."

Li Yi said: "Who? You don't mean Shangguan Jin, do you? Her carefree surname is not suitable for this job."

"I mean Lin Ling!" Lin Xin said, "What do you think of her?"

"Lin Ling?" Li Yi said: "She is indeed very suitable! She is smart and capable, but she is not inferior to you! But, can she agree to come out and do things?"

"That's why I said, you must go out and invite them yourself." Lin Xin smiled and said, "She will come with Shangguan Jin tonight, and I will let them rest for a night. You can tell her when the time comes."

Li Yi thought to himself that charities should indeed become bigger and stronger. He has earned so much money and should give back to the society.

Although Wen Keni is kind and lovely, she is still young and still in school, so she doesn't have much time and energy to develop her career.

Lin Ling is different, she has a high degree of education, strong ability, and intelligence, compared to her sister Lin Xin, she is not much better!

If Lin Lingken came out to help, then charity would definitely be done.

Li Yi looked at the time and said, "Then I'll go to school to find Xiao Nizi!"

Qian Duo stood up and said, "Young Master Yi, I'll accompany you."

Li Yi waved his hand: "No need, you should spend more time with Comrade Ren Ru!"

Come to Winkoni School and find her.

"Brother Li Yi, you're here!" Wen Keni called out happily, ran over, threw herself into Li Yi's arms without any shyness, and said coquettishly, "I went to your house to find you!"

"Hehe." Seeing that other students were looking sideways at him, Li Yi hurriedly helped her up, and said with a smile, "What do you want from me?"

Wen Keni didn't care about the eyes of other students, took Li Yi's hand and walked to the campus.

The two walked along the avenue.

Wen Keni said: "Brother Li Yi, my brother and my dad have fallen out!"

"Oh?" Li Yi said, "Is it because Kejia doesn't want to work in Lingnan Province?"

"No," Wen Keni said, "My brother made her belly bigger, and now he's forcing her to marry her!"

Li Yi laughed loudly and said, "Congratulations, you are going to be an aunt!"

"Oh, I'm so ashamed!" Wen Keni held her face in her hands and shook her head.

"Having children is a common thing in human relations. What's there to be ashamed of?" Li Yi smiled and said, "You will also be pregnant when the time comes!"

Wen Keni's face was like a blushing apple, and she said, "Oh! I'm telling you about my brother! You're getting me involved again."

"Well, then your dad disagrees?" Li Yi stopped teasing her.

"Not only do you disagree, but you also want to sever the father-son relationship with my brother!"

"What about your brother's attitude?"

"What kind of attitude can he have? He's so stubborn! I have the same surname as my father! He's discussing about his marriage, and he invites me over for a wedding reception!"

Li Yi chuckled, thinking that he had talked with Wen Kejia last time, he and Zhang Xinyi were already engaged and were about to get married, it seemed that this matter might be true!

"Brother Li Yi, can you help persuade my brother? Tell him to change his mind and not marry that Zhang Xinyi."

"I can help you persuade, but not your brother, but your father."

"Huh? Can't you persuade my brother to change his mind?"

"No." Li Yi shook his head: "It's better to demolish ten temples than destroy one family! This is your brother's choice, and I can't influence him. I advise Uncle Wen, it's best not to stop him. Regardless of his future life Whether it's good or not, this marriage will become his lifelong treasure."

"Brother Li Yi! You don't promise me?" Wen Keni pouted.

"Xiao Ni, think about it, if you find a boyfriend in the future, you know each other and love each other, if your father objects and asks you to break up, will you listen?"

"I don't know." Win Keni replied after a moment of hesitation: "Because I haven't been in love with anyone before, I don't know how deep that kind of love is, and whether it is really more important than my father."

Li Yi rolled his eyes speechlessly, he really played the piano to the cow!

"Brother Li Yi, invite me to dinner tonight!" Wen Keni said, "I haven't been out to eat out for a long time."

Li Yi said: "Aren't you hungry? Hehe, you won't go to my house to eat?"

"It's not good to go to your house all the time." Wen Keni shook her hair: "Besides, the round trip fare is quite expensive, enough for me to eat a bowl of good noodles!"

Li Yi sighed softly, and said, "Who can tell that you are Wen Yuxi's daughter? You are so stingy!"

"I'm not being stingy! It's frugality! One porridge and one meal, it's hard to think about where it comes from; half a thread, half a thread, constant memory is difficult." Wen Keni giggled.

Only then did Li Yi notice that the floral skirt she was wearing had been worn by her the year before last.

Although the clothes are old, they show a plain and simple youthful beauty when worn on her body.

"Very good." Li Yi said approvingly: "Keep this hard and simple style and carry it forward. In the evening, I will take you to a big meal!"

That night, Li Yi brought Wen Keni to Renru's friend's banquet.

After entering the box, Li Yi was taken aback when he saw a young woman sitting on the seat, thinking that this person looks familiar! (To be continued.)

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