Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 696

"Mr. Li, hello, I have known you for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ren Ru's classmate happily held Li Yi's hand, shaking it again and again.

Li Yi thought to himself, I have never met you before, why have you heard my name for so long?

But this kind of politeness on the scene cannot be studied deeply. Li Yi smiled and introduced Zhang Yifan to him.

Zhang Yifan didn't plan to come, he said that he would follow through and he wouldn't have to eat.

But Li Yi told him, just treat it as coming out to get together!He just came here.

Ren Ru introduced her classmate named Song Wen, then pointed to a woman and said, this is Song Wen's younger sister named Song Qian.

Song Qian stared at Li Yi, stretched out her hand, shook Li Yi lightly, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Song Wenfa was confused: "Sister, do you know Mr. Li?"

"Have we met?" Li Yi also asked back.

He did think she looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

"Mr. Li is really a noble person who forgets things too much. We only met twice during the day!" Song Qian smiled sweetly.

"Really?" Li Yi took a good look at her, and saw that she was slender, wearing a short blue plaid skirt, with shawl hair, falling from both sides of her face and hanging on her chest, as simple as a little girl next door.He shook his head, still unable to remember where he had seen her.

Song Qian bit her lips lightly, pulled her hair up with both hands, and said with a smile, "How about this? Can you think of me?"

"You are—you are that female traffic policeman!" Li Yi pointed at her and said with a smile: "You look completely different in uniform and not in uniform!"

"Yes, yes, my sister is now working in the city traffic police brigade. She has to be on duty outside every day, and her skin is tanned by the wind and sun. She used to be much fairer than now." Song Wenhehe He smiled and said, "I never thought that Mr. Li and my sister are old acquaintances. This is really fate! Hey, sister, how did you know Mr. Li? You met twice in one day?"

Song Qian snorted, smiled, and remained silent.

Li Yi let out a hey, waved his hand, and said, "Don't mention it, I violated the rules twice in a row today, and I was caught by your sister! Your sister is upright and fined me twice."

"Ah?" Song Wen was very embarrassed, and said to Song Qian: "You, you! You are too serious about your work! As I said earlier, in these forty-nine cities, if you meet someone who drives a private car, you may be a fool. High official, can we afford to offend her? She just won't listen, and insists on being reckless, punishing whoever is caught. Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, my sister is just too ignorant. I apologize to you on her behalf."

Li Yi chuckled: "It's serious, but I think your sister has a pretty good surname and is quite suitable for being a traffic policeman."

"Mr. Li, it is because she offends people so easily that I want to find another job for her. Otherwise, if she continues to be a traffic policeman, she will have problems sooner or later."

"The traffic police just catch violations and fine them, so what could go wrong?"

"You don't know, my sister is a wonderful flower! Last time, I stopped Deputy Mayor Liu's car and insisted that he was speeding, and I wanted to fine him. Deputy Mayor Liu was sitting In the car, she had a good temper, saying that the little comrade was right to criticize, although I was in a hurry to go to the meeting, but speeding is indeed wrong and should be punished. Look, can she not offend others by acting so recklessly?"

"Brother!" Song Qian stomped her feet angrily when she saw her brother revealing her shortcomings in front of outsiders: "The deputy mayor can't drive too fast! There are no privileges in traffic laws. Car accidents and death, let alone your How high is the position! Could it be that because he is the deputy mayor, there will be no car accidents? When he is damned, he must still die."

Li Yi was happy, thinking that this girl is quite interesting!

Song Wen looked unbearable, clicked his tongue twice, and said: "Sister, you are still stubborn! Transfer me away, if you continue to punish me like this, I am afraid that one day you will be punished for your own job! Fortunately, Deputy Mayor Liu is generous and generous, and doesn't care about you like you, otherwise, your hard-earned iron job would have been dropped by someone long ago!"

Song Qian stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "I don't know who's sitting in that car, how would I know that it's Deputy Mayor Liu, or Mr. Li? Hehe!"

Ren Ru smiled and said, "Okay, don't just talk. Come and sit down!"

Everyone sat down.Song Wendui smiled, got up and bowed, and said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang, thanks to your help, I was able to help my sister change jobs. My whole family is very grateful! Thank you, thank you!"

Zhang Yifan said: "Oh, what are you doing so sourly? I'm just looking at Li Yi's face, and it's nothing more than a little effort. You can thank him if you want. You don't need to thank me."

Li Yi said: "I also helped because of what Ren Ru said. If you want to thank her, just thank her."

Ren Ru smiled and said: "That's good, I didn't do anything, so let's just leave it?"

When everyone heard this, they laughed together.

Song Qian was sitting on Li Yi's left. She glanced at Li Yi and asked, "What do you do? How can you be so capable that you can do my transfer job? It took a lot of effort for me to find a job as a traffic policeman." , It’s just a field job. You can actually transfer me to the organization department to work as an office?”

Li Yi smiled slightly and shrugged his shoulders: "I am me. In your eyes, I am just a car owner who is used to violating the rules."

Song Qian said: "You are a novice, and you don't know the traffic rules, so you will inevitably break the rules. How about I teach you?"

Li Yi asked with a smile: "Are you good at driving?"

"Of course!" Song Qian said, "If you can't even drive a car, can you still be a traffic policeman?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "There is actually no necessary connection between the two, right?"

Song Qian said: "Of course there is a connection. It's like a policeman who can't shoot, so what kind of policeman is he?"

Li Yi said: "Hey, don't tell me, there are a lot of policemen now, who can't even fire a gun! Why don't you just act well."

Song Qian said: "I don't know about others. Anyway, my driving skills are top-notch. If I teach you, it's more than enough. Well, I'm free tomorrow, so I'll teach you how to drive! What's your phone number? I'll call you .”

"This," Li Yi hesitated a little.

Song Qian said: "You old man, why are you such a mother-in-law? Can't remember your phone number? Then take out your phone and have a look!"

Li Yi only had his most private mobile phone with him, so he had to take it out at this moment.

Without seeing anyone, Song Qian stretched out her hand, grabbed it, turned on the phone, and made a call.

After a while, Song Wen's phone rang.

Song Wen quickly took it out and said, "It's ringing, it's ringing. I'll write it down right now."

Song Qian hung up the phone. As soon as she did, the phone rang.

She giggled and said, "Mr. Li, you're calling." Then she handed it to Li Yi.

Li Yi picked it up and answered it, but it was Liu Ruosi who called, asking where he was, and saying that he missed him.It is not convenient for Li Yi to talk about his own love at this moment, he only said to have dinner with his friends.

Liu Ruosi understood, so she had to hang up the phone melancholy.

"Mr. Li," Song Qian asked softly, "The phone call just now was from Liu Ruosi. Your friend Liu Ruosi is the big star Liu Ruosi, right?"

Li Yi said lightly: "No."

Song Qian said: "It's no wonder, there are many people with the same name and surname in the world! Liu Ruosi is so famous, how can she call ordinary people? Do you think so?"

Li Yi just smiled and didn't answer.

Wen Keni was sitting on Li Yi's right. She kept looking away deliberately, but she pricked up her ears and listened to the conversation between Li Yi and Song Qian.

She is slightly upset, why is she upset?She couldn't explain it either.

Seeing Li Yi chatting so closely and happily with another innocent beauty, she just felt a little unhappy.

"Brother Li Yi." Wen Keni called out.

Li Yi turned his head and talked to her.

"Xiao Nier, go to my house to sleep tonight. I happen to have something to talk to you about." Li Yi said.

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"Big event." Li Yi said with a smile: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you to school without spending your bus fare!"

Wen Keni giggled: "Okay! Can you also pack my breakfast?"

Li Yi said: "Okay. Hey, will your family pay you back your living expenses?"

Wen Keni said: "I don't want them for a long time. Don't I have a job now? It's enough to save money."

The job she said was to help Li Yi manage the charity foundation.

Li Yi pays her 500 yuan a month.

If there are too many, she doesn't want it.

"Good! Ambitious!" Li Yi said with a smile: "When I was your age, I had to rely on my mother to make money for my school expenses. You have already learned to be self-reliant, much better than me."

"Hehe!" Wen Keni laughed and said, "Then my future achievements will be higher than yours?"

Li Yi said: "I hope this day will come."

Wen Keni leaned into Li Yi's ear and whispered, "I don't like that woman named Song Qian very much, so don't associate with her in the future."

Li Yi said: "Why is that? I think she's pretty good."

Wen Keni pouted and said, "I just don't like it anyway! Do you agree?"

Li Yi said: "This is unreasonable..."

Wen Keni said: "Hmph, if you still get involved with her, I'll tell Sister Lin that you're messing around outside!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Whatever, try it, she will listen to me or you."

"You!" Wen Keni said, "You are too much!"

Li Yi said: "It's inexplicable! Xiao Ni, you can't do this, you are my friend, and Comrade Song Qian is also my friend now. How can you ask me to alienate her for no reason?"

Wen Keni gritted her teeth, and stopped talking in anger.

"Mr. Li, what are you talking about?" Song Qian smiled and said, "Did you mention me? I seem to have heard you say my name?"

Li Yi said: "It's nothing, let's talk about homework with my sister."

Song Qian smiled and said, "This is your sister? She looks so cute!"

Wen Keni rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not his sister! Whoever is his sister is a puppy!" (To be continued.)

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