Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 698 Has Been Transferred!

Li Yi followed the noisy voice and saw Song Qian standing in front of a middle-aged female comrade, arguing with that person.

Song Qian said: "Director Wu, why don't you go through the transfer procedures for me? I'm not sold to the traffic police detachment anymore."

"You have not been sold to the traffic police detachment, but your file cannot be transferred for the time being." The voice of the female comrade surnamed Wu was much higher than Song Qian's.

Song Qian said, "You have to give me a reasonable explanation, right?"

"There is nothing to say, if you can't be transferred, you can't be transferred. There is an explanation for everything in the agency?" Director Wu surnamed suddenly made a surprising quotation.

"Director Wu, I finally asked someone to get a good job, and they agreed to it. Now you don't fill in the job approval form for me, and don't go through the relevant procedures for me. How can I go to work?" Song Qian said: "Aren't you Are you making things difficult on purpose?"

"Hey!" Director Wu said, "Song Qian, you have to make this clear. I'm not making things difficult for you!"

"Then who is embarrassing her?" A cold and heavy voice sounded beside her ears.

Hearing this voice, Song Qian looked at Li Yi in surprise: "Mr. Li, you are here, please wait a moment, my side will be fine soon."

Li Yi nodded slightly.

Director Wu glanced at Li Yi and asked, "Little comrade, which unit do you belong to? What are you doing here?"

"I'm Song Qian's friend." Li Yi said: "I also heard your conversation just now. I don't know who is making things difficult for her? Why don't you let her transfer work?"

Director Wu said: "This has nothing to do with you."

"Song Qian is my friend, so it has something to do with me." Li Yi said in a deep voice, "Even if you ask your city leaders to judge, there is no reason why civil servants are not allowed to transfer their jobs!"

"Don't tell me about the city leaders." Director Wu's tone turned cold when he saw that Li Yi's visitor was not friendly. "If you have the ability, go talk to the city leaders!"

Song Qian grabbed Li Yi's arm and said, "Mr. Li, I'll take care of it. Please wait a moment."

Li Yi patted the back of her hand lightly, and said to Director Wu: "I have seen a lot of things in the agency, and the promotion of staff is a great and happy event. It is always a farewell. I have never seen anything like yours. It's hard to stay here!"

Director Wu said: "I've made it very clear. It's not that I'm embarrassing her, but her files are not with us now."

Song Qian asked, "Aren't you in the bureau? Where did it go?"

Director Wu said: "There is already a document in the city to transfer you to work in Huaiwen County below. Your file has already been transferred."

Song Qian was stunned, and said in surprise: "What's going on? It's impossible! I'm still working in the Traffic Police Detachment of the City Bureau! How could the files have gone to Huaiwen County? I don't even know about it!"

"The team is preparing to tell you about this matter. The order was directly issued by the city, and the files were transferred directly by the city, so I missed telling you." Director Wu said in a flattering manner.

Song Qian said: "How can there be such a reason? You all know that I will be transferred to the county below, but I don't know?"

Director Wu said: "Revolutionary comrades are like bricks, and they can be moved wherever they are needed. The city values ​​you and allows you to develop in Huaiwen County. This is for your care and love. Is there any reason for you not to accept love? ?”

Song Qian said: "Director Wu, I joined the city bureau detachment thanks to the relationship of the boss. Now I don't even say a word, so I'm transferred to the county below? I don't agree."

"It's useless if you don't agree." Director Wu said: "Your file and transfer procedures have been completed, and you can report to take up the post anytime you choose! Congratulations, Comrade Song Qian!"

Li Yi frowned slightly, thinking what is this called?How can there be such an unreasonable transfer of personnel in the world?

"Director Wu." Song Qian said, "I won't go to Huaiwen County, I have a better workplace now."

"That's your business. If you want to go through the transfer procedures, you should go to the leader of Huaiwen County." Director Wu sneered: "I can't help you much!"

"Which leader ordered this?" Li Yi asked, "Who wants to transfer her to Huaiwen County?"

"This is an order from above."

"Who's up there?"

"The top is the top! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you want to go through the transfer procedures, go to the relevant leaders of Huaiwen County!"

"Then which department in Huaiwen County has my work relationship been transferred to?" Song Qian asked.

"I don't know, you can ask yourself!" Director Wu waved his hands impatiently, and walked away wiggling his huge buttocks.

"Song Qian, what's going on?" Li Yi asked.

"I don't know what's going on!" Song Qian sighed, "I just found out that I was transferred away."

This sounds like a fantasy!The organization relationship has been transferred, but I don't know it yet!

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll tell Zhang Yifan to keep the position for you, and after you complete the procedures here, you can transfer there."

"Then what should we do now?" Song Qian looked at Li Yi helplessly.

Li Yidao: "Call Huaiwen County first and ask. If your organizational relationship is really there, go there and go through the transfer procedures. It's not very difficult."

Song Qian said: "This is too strange. How could the city transfer me to Huaiwen County for no reason?"

Li Yi said: "The personnel affairs in the city are also very complicated, and job transfers are also normal, so don't think too much about it."

Indeed, in Yizhou City, when Li Yi was engaged in reducing deputy work, so many cadres were no longer cadres after waking up overnight, and before that, they didn't know that they had been judged by the city for their future.

Song Qian sighed helplessly, and said sorry to Li Yi: "Then please wait a little longer, I'll call and ask, okay?"

Li Yi wanted to say that there is no need to bother you to teach me how to drive, but after Song Qian said that, she didn't give Li Yi a chance to explain. She turned around and trotted away. The body looks more and more beautiful.

After smoking a few cigarettes, Song Qian came over and said with a frustrated face: "Mr. Li, I called the Huaiwen County Organization Department to ask. I was actually transferred to a town below Huaiwen County The police station went to work!"

"Ah?" Li Yi, relying on his professional instincts as an official for many years, guessed that this matter is not that simple.

"Are you transferred to the township police station?" Li Yi said happily: "This is not an ordinary 'valuation'! I don't know who cares about you so much?"

"Mr. Li, I'm so worried, you're still laughing at me." Song Qian raised her lips.

"Hehe, then it's the same if you transfer your work relationship directly from Huaiwen County to the new unit." Li Yi said.

"The problem is, people don't want it." Song Qian said: "Their reply to me is that although my relationship is over, I haven't reported it yet, so I'm not under their control."

Li Yi said: "So, you don't care about it now?"

"Then what should I do?" Song Qian said, "Could it be that I can only go to the police station in Huaiwen County to work first? Then I can be transferred?"

Li Yi saw that she was in distress, so he stopped laughing, thought for a while, and said, "You have to tie the bell to untie it, and it will only work if you find the person who intentionally mobilizes your working relationship."

Song Qian said: "The problem is, I don't even know who is playing tricks on me behind my back! Who is so boring and playing tricks on me?"

Li Yi said: "Have you offended anyone?"

Song Qian said: "You also know that I work as a traffic policeman, and I usually do things in a rigid manner. I am afraid that there are not a few people who offend me. Ah, I remembered, could it be Deputy Mayor Liu? I caught him last time It's against the rules!"

Li Yi said: "Deputy Mayor, I won't give you small shoes just because of such a trivial matter, right? He can't do it!"

Song Qian said: "That's true. Last time, he had a very good attitude. He admitted his mistake and accepted his punishment, which made me feel embarrassed—then, who else would it be?"

Li Yi thought to himself that an official at the level of Deputy Mayor Liu would not be so small-minded. Even if he felt uncomfortable, he would not be able to argue with a small traffic policeman.

Song Qian waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. At worst, I will report to Huaiwen County first, and then apply for a transfer. Mr. Li, I'd better teach you how to drive first! Delay You have a lot of time!"

Li Yi rubbed his nose, smiled, and nodded. He wanted to see how good Song Qian, who wanted to be his driving instructor, was.

The two got into Li Yi's car, and Song Qian sat in the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt.

Li Yi started the car slowly, and said with a smile, "Master, where do you go to study?"

Song Qian was amused by the sound of master, and said with a smile, "You can do whatever you want. Where there are more cars, you can learn better skills."

"This is the truth. If I drive a big road by myself, then I can drive on a rampage." Li Yi smiled and said, "Then let's go to Forty-Nine City?"

Song Qian really wanted to be a teacher, explaining the basic driving movements beside her, and explaining various traffic rules to Li Yi according to the situation on the road.

She regards this as a kind of repayment, so she is very careful.

After driving for a while, I came to the second ring road before I knew it.

When passing Yongdingmen Bridge, Li Yi couldn't help but think of Zhang Xiaoqing. Last time for her, he had a car race with a family member named Zhou Hao.

This time when I returned to Beijing, I heard that Zhang Xiaoqing was in a bad mood and went abroad to travel around the world. I don't know when she will be able to come back.

"Mr. Li!" Song Qian suddenly pushed him.

"Huh?" Li Yi asked.

"What are you thinking? You almost hit a car just now." Song Qian said, "When driving, you must concentrate."

"Yes." Li Yi responded.

At this time, several sports cars suddenly roared past, with the sound of a huge engine roaring like thunder.

"It's these racing guys again!" Song Qian pointed to the few racing cars outside, and said loudly: "Mr. Li, catch up quickly, this time I must catch them!" (To be continued.)

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