Official road bends

Chapter 8 Try Your Skills Again!

"Master.." Li Yi drove the car slowly, and said with a smile: "Catch the Speeding Party? This is not what we should do."

"I forgot, you are a novice, you can't drive fast. Get out of the way, I will drive." Song Qian said, and unfastened her seat belt.

"Are you sure?" Li Yi hesitated and said, "Can you really drive fast?"

"Yes!" Song Qian said, "I must catch them today!"

"Miss Song, do you know who they are? They are the famous Erhuan Shisanlang!"

"What Thirteen Lang?" Song Qian said, "It's rare for someone to have such a classic name."

"Hehe!" Li Yi couldn't help laughing: "You really don't know their names? Then you dare to catch them?"

"I have seen them speeding on the second ring road several times. Sometimes they dared to demonstrate to me when they clearly saw that I was wearing a traffic police uniform! I used to ride police motorcycles, and I couldn't catch up with them. I think Your surname is pretty good, you should be able to catch them."

"Song Qian, let me tell you, there is one of them named Zhou Hao. I know this person. He circles the Second Ring Road and it only takes 13 minutes. That's why he was nicknamed Erhuan Thirteen Lang. He is a As long as the speed does not kill the guy."

"Then you should be arrested!" Song Qian said, lowering her head to help Li Yi unbuckle her seat belt. Her hair rubbed against Li Yi's face, and there was a fragrance of shampoo.

Li Yi said: "Hey, you don't want to die? You and I can't catch that kind of desperado."

"I don't believe in this evil!"

"You will be transferred to work in the organization department soon, and the traffic is out of your control."

"I'm still wearing the uniform of the traffic police, so I have to be worthy of this skin!" Song Qian said, "I didn't want to join the traffic police, but my brother could only find a job for me here. After I came to work, I liked it." I got this job. My brother just thinks that I work too hard here and easily offend people, so he wants to transfer me away."

"You still do what you do and love what you do. You are a good and dedicated comrade!" Li Yi laughed.

"Stop dawdling, or you won't be able to catch up." Song Qian was anxious.

Seeing her persistence, Li Yi smiled and said, "Do you really want to catch them?"

"Where are so many real and fake!" Song Qian pulled Li Yi's arm: "Get up and let me."

Li Yi said: "Master, this seems to be against the rules, right?"

"Follow the matter urgently, be careful, I can control it." Song Qian said.

Li Yi couldn't do it if she wasn't satisfied, because she had already sat on him, holding the steering wheel with both hands!

"Be careful." Li Yi yelled, moved his body, and happened to have an intimate contact with her body.

It's like a backward entry!Li Yi thought about it maliciously.

"Ah hey. Go over quickly." In order to avoid Li Yi, Song Qian left room for him to pass. Her body was bowed, and it was difficult to control the speed. When the car bounced up and down, her body jumped up. With a sudden ups and downs, the buttocks just hit Li Yi's sensitive part.

Li Yi was set up like a tent below.

He also wanted to get rid of this embarrassing situation as soon as possible, but he got up several times without moving.

He sat together like this, and then poked Song Qian's body.

The movements of the two are perfectly coordinated.

In a car next to him sat a bald man. He poked his head out, pulled off his sunglasses, let out a long "Oh" sound, and whistled again.

Song Qian didn't realize it at first, and she was only focused on chasing the drag racing party. Only when she heard the laughter of others did she feel that this posture was really inappropriate.

It's okay if she doesn't think about it, but when she thinks about the matter between men and women, she immediately feels itchy down below, and she can't stand being pushed by Li Yi, and her legs are going to be weak.

Li Yi simply supported her waist, moved his body to the right as much as possible, and finally moved his butt over.

I just feel that her waist is full of grips, which is comparable to Liu Ruosi's willow slender waist.

He couldn't help but think, this Song Qian has such a good figure, she can almost catch up with Liu Ruosi!

Song Qian's face was flushed, she glanced at Li Yi, and said, "Fasten your seat belt. I'm going to drive fast later."

Li Yi said: "You can't catch up with them now, wait for them to come over in the next lap. According to my understanding of them, they will definitely have to race for a long time."

"Yeah." Song Qian took two deep breaths to adjust her mood, and at the same time get familiar with the control of this car as soon as possible.

"Have you ever driven a fast car?" Li Yi asked her.


"Fifth gear) 9, have you ever driven it?"

"Ah? No. That's not playing with cars, that's playing with your life."

"You don't have a car, how can you practice it?"

"My brother has a car in his work unit, he often drives out to practice for me." Song Qian said with a smile: "Their bus is not good enough, it can't drive at a speed of 9 per hour."

Li Yi said: "Unexpectedly, you, a frail woman, actually have a hobby of driving fast."

"I don't call it a hobby. After I became a traffic policeman, I only wanted to improve my skills to benefit my work. Mr. Li, how did you know those drag racing gangsters?"

"Well, a good friend of mine used to play with them. That's how I got to know them. Just acquaintances."

"Oh, that's good. If it's your friend, I won't be able to catch them."

"Hey, your tone is really big!" Li Yi said with a smile: "Do you really think that you can catch them?"

"If you don't try, you'll never catch them."

"The problem is, so what if you catch it? Last time Zhou Hao got into the game, he came out in less than three days. He still dominates the second ring." Li Yi said: "It's hard to completely stop them from racing."

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart. This time I catch them in, I will report to the superiors, stating the bad deeds and influence of these people, and I must lock them up for a while!"

Li Yi said: "Be careful, they are here."

While speaking, the cars of Zhou Hao's gang roared from behind again.

"So fast! It's really Erhuan Shisanlang!" Song Qian looked over her head, and a sports car brushed against her car, and it flew past like lightning, and a strong wind blew up, causing her hair to flutter in the air .

"Good guy!" Song Qian gritted her silver teeth, shifted gears, accelerated, and chased after him.

"You are not on duty now, and it is illegal for you to drive so fast!" Seeing her driving so fast, Li Yi reminded her.

"I'm different from them, I'm catching them!" Song Qian said while driving after her.

It's a pity that her skills are still far behind Zhou Hao's group. There is a lot of traffic on the second ring road. She is afraid of crashing, so she drives very carefully. After a few minutes, she is left far behind. After a while, their car was no longer in sight, nor even the loud roar could be heard.

"Damn it!" Song Qian patted the steering wheel and said, "Let them run away again."

Li Yi smiled and said: "With your technology, it is impossible to catch up with them."

"How can they drive so fast?" Song Qian was very depressed.

"Because they are familiar with this road, and they are also used to interspersed and yielded in the car gaps. What they pursue is this kind of thrill that can avoid death every time. When a person likes a When stimulated, it will be addictive." Li Yi said.

"I'm so unwilling!" Song Qian said, "Seeing them breaking the law under my nose, I just can't catch them."

"You can call your colleagues to help." Li Yi smiled.

"It's useless." Song Qian shook her head, "I called people to intercept them before. As soon as they saw the police car approaching, they ran away immediately. They ran faster than a rabbit, and they couldn't even catch up with them."

Li Yi said: "Why don't you let me try?"

He was moved by Song Qian's persistent heart.

Originally, he didn't really want to care about Zhou Hao's affairs. One is that Zhou Hao is Zhang Xiaoqing's friend, and the other is that this kind of person has a lot of background. Unless you cripple him once, you can't treat him at all It's just a scratch.

On the other hand, Li Yi really cherishes life now, and doesn't want to risk his life to race with others.

He believed that people like Zhou Hao would not end well one day sooner or later.

If people don't accept him, just wait for the sky to accept him!

"Are you coming?" Song Qian said, "I can't do it, but you can?"

"I'll give it a try." Li Yi said with a smile: "I'm a man, and my mentality is more stable than yours. Besides, I've always had better luck, maybe I can stop them?"

"It's not just luck." Song Qian refused.

"Come on! Let me try." Li Yi imitated her, got up and sat down, and took over the steering wheel.

Song Qian had to carefully move out and give up the driving position to Li Yi.

After Li Yi held the steering wheel, a surge of pride surged up in his heart, as if he had returned to his youthful days, full of vigor and vigor, and dared to compete with the God of Heaven.

"Mr. Li," Song Qian said worriedly, "Don't force yourself, safety first."

"Hehe, don't worry, you have taught me so many driving skills just now, and I can just use them." Li Yi said, driving the car forward steadily.

Zhou Hao and the others quickly finished another lap, and several cars roaring like monsters appeared from behind, and the screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground was heart-wrenching.

"They're here!" Song Qian said.

Li Yi hummed, and said in a deep voice: "Sit still!"

Just as Song Qian was about to speak, she felt her body's center of gravity suddenly pulled backwards, as if there was a huge suction pulling behind her, and her heart jumped upwards, as if it was going to jump out of her throat!

The car is like an arrow leaving the string, driving forward at extreme speed!

"Ah!" Song Qian shouted involuntarily.

It was the first time she felt such a fast speed when she grew up so big!

She firmly grasped everything that could stabilize her body with both hands, and at the same time tried her best to suppress the heart that was about to jump out. She just opened her mouth and shouted, and then closed her mouth. She was afraid of opening her mouth again, so she gave all her heart Spit it out!

"Too fast!" was her first thought.

"Li Yi is lying! He drives so well, how can he say he is a novice? He is obviously wasting my expression!" This was her second thought. (To be continued.)

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