Official road bends

Chapter 8, Who Dare To Try The Knife?

After strict rectification, the official atmosphere in Yizhou City has changed, and no one dares to reach out to enterprises. .

Li Yi is a well-known ruthless character, as long as someone dares to touch the red line he drew, he will be merciless and severely punished!

Those who dare to violate the law and discipline mostly have some background or background.

There was a clerk in an industrial and commercial office, relying on the power in his hand, repeatedly asked for money from the company that came to do business. He was more courageous every time, and he asked for it very cleverly. Therefore, many companies would rather send more money to come to him for business.

When the Disciplinary Inspection Commission found him, he didn't panic at all. He tried his best to deny it at first, and then the comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission presented strong evidence, and then he was misfired.

Then he said confidently that the money was given to him voluntarily by the company, and the amount was not large, so it did not constitute a crime.

The comrades of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee took out the relevant regulations and refuted him thoroughly.

The violators still have nothing to fear, and they bring out a certain big shot in the city, saying that I am the younger brother of so-and-so, what do you dare to do with me?

The comrades of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee were really stunned, because although the city leader is not at the Standing Committee level, he is also a leader with legitimate power. There will inevitably be troubles in the future, so I will report it to my superiors.

After Zhao Shuiquan received the report, he was not very good at making decisions, because the relationship between the leaders of the city and several standing committee members was very good, so he found Li Yi and talked about this matter.

Li Yi didn't say a word, he told Zhao Shuiquan to deal with it as he should, and he had to inform the city leader to explain clearly to him face to face, and asked him to strictly restrain the people around him in the future and stop committing crimes.

The leader of the city was so ashamed that he personally took the law enforcement officers of the discipline inspection committee to his brother's house. In front of everyone, he slapped his brother across the face and reprimanded him severely. Go back to double regulation.

This incident played the role of killing chickens and monkeys. The law enforcement personnel of various departments of the party and government agencies, as well as the office staff, dare not ask the company for money anymore, and the atmosphere in the officialdom has been cleared.

Li Yi held another clean government construction meeting for cadres above the department level in the city.

In the past, Li Yi's speeches were as short as possible, and he never procrastinated. If he could finish speaking in 10 minutes, he would never delay it to 1 minutes.

But at this department-level cadre meeting, Li Yi gave a speech for more than two hours!

"Rectify style of work, serious discipline."This is the theme of Li Yi's speech.

Officials are the foundation of governing the country. If we want to govern and develop the local economy and build an efficient, harmonious and clean government, we must have a clean and honest leadership team.

Cadres above the department level are the mainstay of the cadres in the city. Only when this team is well established can the overall construction level of Yizhou be brought to a new level.

The party's style of work influences and determines the relationship between the party and the people, and the relationship between the party and the people reflects and embodies the party's style of work.

Li Yi pointed out in his speech: "Close relationship between the party and the masses, cadres and the masses, and maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties with the people are always the foundation of our party's invincibility. A political party, a government, its future and destiny ultimately depend on It is because of the support of the people. The same is true for our small city of Yizhou! If the party members and cadres in our city are separated from the masses and lose the support and support of the people, they will eventually fail. We must adapt to the new situation of mass work under the new situation. The new requirements of the characteristics, do a good job in the work of organizing the masses, publicizing the masses, educating the masses, and serving the masses, humbly learning from the masses, sincerely accepting the supervision of the masses, always rooting in the people, benefiting the people, always maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, and always being with the people. The people are connected with each other, breathe together, and share a common destiny. We must draw wisdom and strength from the great practices of the people, do a good job of smoothing the epidemic, solving people's worries, and benefiting the people's livelihood, and correct behaviors that harm the interests of the people."

Comrade Li Yi emphasized several times at the meeting: "Style education activities must be done without going through the motions, and punishment measures must be tough. The purpose of our work style education and rectification activities in Yizhou City is to further solve outstanding problems in the ideological style of government officials through education, and promote Change the work style of the agency and improve the efficiency, and create a clean, disciplined, harmonious and efficient working environment. In order to achieve this goal, of course some tough measures are needed. For some things that exist, favoritism, abuse of power for personal gain, and power Rent-seeking, abuse of power, illegal administration, omission, disorderly action, slow action, and even misconduct should be vigorously investigated and punished, and criticisms should be circulated to achieve the purpose of warning and education."

Comrade Li Yi pointed out: "It should be said that in the face of the new situation, new challenges and new tests, our party members and cadres in Yizhou have shown vigorous vigor and vitality. The political life in the party is generally normal, and the party members and cadres are good. However, we cannot fail to see that there are many problems in thinking and work style, and formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance are quite prominent. ***] is a serious obstacle to the danger of becoming more and better able to cultivate outstanding talents who are good at governing the party and the country and ensuring the continued healthy growth of party members and cadres. Serious obstacles to new tests and new challenges. Carry out positive rather than negative, serious rather than perfunctory, sincere rather than hypocritical criticism and self-criticism, so that those who are infected with the "four winds" are not self-aware, self-examination, and self-purification. comrades to wake up."

At the end of the meeting, Comrade Li Yi said sonorously: "I just want to make you break out in a cold sweat and let you know how to be afraid! Only by scraping the bones to cure the poison can we achieve the goal of curing diseases and strengthening the body! The scalpel has been raised. Let me ask. Everyone here, who dares to try the knife?"

The crowd was so solemn that not even a cough could be heard!

From Mayor Li's speech, everyone deeply realized the determination and perseverance of the municipal party committee to rectify the work style of cadres.

After the meeting, Li Yi's speech was printed into a booklet and distributed to various agencies in the city for everyone to study in depth.

If the economy is to develop, the cadre team must be built, otherwise, the more the economy develops, the more [***] the team will be!

The leadership team of Yizhou City must become a team with super combat effectiveness and resistance, capable of fighting tough battles and rejecting all [***]!

But Lin Ling took office and became the chairman of the charity foundation run by Li Yi, and carried out drastic reforms. She felt that the name of the foundation was not loud enough, so she re-registered a name: "Billion Foundation!"

She thinks this way, there are more than one billion people in our country, as long as [-] million people are willing to contribute to charity, even if one person donates one yuan, there will be [-] million.

She reported her favorite work to Li Yi.

Li Yi smiled and said: "I believe in you, so I let you take charge of this fund. As for how you manage and operate, that's all your business. I have complete trust in you."

"Hee hee! Brother-in-law, I really like this job, thank you!"

"Our city intends to hold an educational charity evening. On behalf of the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee, I formally invite Chairman Lin of the Yizhou Fund to come to our city to host this event."

"The chairman has to convene the company's administrative meeting to conduct research and discussion. After the results are obtained, I will formally reply to you."

"Okay, you're still staring! Fly over here!"

"Hehe, if you tell me to go there, I'll go there? You're not my husband." Lin Ling said with a smile, "I can't go there. If you have the ability, come to the capital and arrest me!"

Li Yi said: "You just talk poorly! I'll ask your sister to treat you."

"Brother-in-law, you gave me the position of chairman, will Xiao Nier have any objections? I think she is very upset."

"I've talked to her. Although she's a little unhappy, she won't object. You can rest assured that you will be your official and enjoy your chairmanship!"

"That's what you said. Anyway, I'm very active. Then the chairman officially gave the order, agreeing that the billionaire fund will go to Yizhou to cooperate with you and hold a charity party!"

Li Yi laughed out loud.

He then contacted Liu Ruosi again.

Of course Liu Ruosi couldn't wish more, wishing to come to Li Yi's side.

Li Yi immediately thought of Chu Lianxin's performing arts company. Their program arrangement is very interesting. It is a good idea to invite them to participate in a charity performance. This is a ready-made stage team!

As soon as he thought of it, Li Yi immediately contacted Chu Lianxin.

Chu Lianxin said: "The charity show is a good thing, of course we are happy to participate."

Li Yi said: "However, your commercial performance will be delayed."

Chu Lianxin said: "We are not just trying to make money, the most important thing is to let the students grow up. If you only study hard at school, you will not be able to get grades, and you will not be able to learn real skills. Only by combining learning and practice Only in this way can students truly become talents. Our school has adhered to this purpose and achieved today's success. Participating in charity performances has a bigger stage and greater significance. My students and I are very willing to accept you Yizhou City invitation."

Li Yi said: "Thank you so much!"

With Liu Ruosi and Gu Yishan as the anchors, plus the performance troupe of Chuyi, this charity gala can already be held in style!

However, it is not enough!

Li Yi also wants to invite some influential film and television stars and celebrities in the literary and artistic circles to come to help out!Thinking of this, Li Yi immediately thought of Lu Kun!

Who else is more familiar with the literary and art world than Lu Kun from Qiyun Society?

After Lu Kun heard about it, he boldly agreed, no matter how many people Li Yi wants, he can pull them over!Calligraphy, painting, acting, opera, as long as Li Yi is famous, he can invite them!

What a big breath!

Li Yi couldn't help laughing, but he admired Lu Kun's boldness and courage. (To be continued.)

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