Official road bends

Chapter 8, 717 Volume 1

Li Yi really had a few celebrities he wanted to invite, so he immediately mentioned the names of these people. .

"Okay." Lu Kun agreed: "I will definitely invite them all over."

Li Yi said: "Boss Lu, there is one more thing, please help me to the end!"

"What's the matter? Is it something promoted at the charity gala?" Lu Kun smiled.

"It's refreshing to talk to smart people." Li Yi said with a smile: "With performances, someone has to pay the bills and donate money! You have to help me do more publicity work and find more billionaires Just come to the party with Boss Cai."

"It's on me." Lu Kun said: "I will definitely find you more big bosses who like charity."

Li Yi said: "Then there is Boss Lau Lu."

The charity evening hosted by the Billion Foundation is scheduled to be held at the Swan Hotel in Jincheng City, Xishu Province.

With the theme of "Donate a small amount of money, students' dreams will be fulfilled!" The charity party for raising education donations was unprecedentedly grand, and more than a dozen top domestic stars, as well as more than a dozen people like Taishan Beidou in the literary and art circles, came to help out .

Lu Kun's energy in the literary and art world is really not blown out. Li Yi just talked to him and didn't have much hope. Anyway, he can invite a few. I didn't expect this guy to live up to expectations. Dozens of well-known figures came, and they vigorously promoted and shouted for the education cause in Yizhou, attracting hundreds of company bosses.

The convening of this charity gala caused a huge commotion in Xishu Province.

Celebrities and business leaders from Xishu Province, without exception, all came to participate.

Because this is not only a charity gala, but also a gathering of celebrities.

Here, you can not only promote your reputation of caring for charity, but also make friends with many social elites, and maybe one of them can change your life.

On the day of the gala, it was already hard to get a ticket. The admission ticket, which was originally given away and distributed for free, was fired up to hundreds of yuan per ticket.

And all of this was unexpected by the leaders of Yizhou City.

Li Yi did not expect that one of his own ideas could attract so many people to participate.

It seems that in this society, there are not a few people who have money and want to do good deeds and make a name for themselves in the world!

People kept calling the office of the billionaire fund to ask if there were any tickets left.

Lin Ling was very excited. It was the first time in her life that she became such a big official as the "Chairman", and it was the first time she hosted such a big party, and she achieved such a big success!

If Lin Xin hadn't just given birth and was still in confinement, she would have encouraged her to come to this party.

Wen Keni's school has already had summer vacation, and she is leading the staff of the billion-dollar fund to arrange the venue, and she is extremely busy.

Lin Ling found Li Yi and said, "Brother-in-law, there are too many people who want to come to the party, should we consider holding two parties in a row?"

Li Yi said: "Two shows? The problem is, the celebrities we invited won't stay here any longer. They will leave Xishu Province as soon as tonight's party is over."

"Don't wait until tomorrow, just tonight, two games in a row!" Lin Ling said in shock.

"You mean, after one game, there will be another one right after?" Li Yi understood her intention.

"Yeah, one party only lasts for one and a half hours, and two performances in a row will only last three hours. Let's compress the content of the performance and focus on auctions. It is completely possible to hold two performances."

Li Yi said: "Then you have to discuss it with the guests and ask for their consent."

Lin Ling smiled and said, "That's good. For those guests who are willing to stay for the second session, we can arrange accommodation for them. If you are in a hurry to go home, we will not force you. What do you think?"

Li Yi said: "I think your method is feasible, you can do it!"

Under Lin Ling's lobbying, all the guests agreed to participate in the two evening parties.

That night, when the party was about to start, Li Yi received a call from the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, saying that Secretary Feng of the Provincial Party Committee would come to the charity party.

Li Yi and others got busy, not only finding the best seats for Feng Changjian and others, but also paying attention to security measures.

Later, Han Tielin's secretary also called, saying that Governor Han was going to attend the charity gala.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen leaders of Xishu Province all called to attend the party.

Li Yi and others were in a hurry, and finally vacated a row of seats for the leaders from the province.

Gao Tianzhen said: "We have reported to the provincial leaders a long time ago, and they have long refused to come. Now that there is no room for people, they say they want to come again. These leaders are the most troublesome!"

This was originally just an ordinary charity gala, and Feng Changjian, Han Tielin and others didn't want to join in the excitement.

Because Li Yi reported his work to them before, saying that he would conduct a comprehensive renovation of the schools in Yizhou City, and asked the province to give him certain support.

However, both Feng Changjian and Han Tielin did not immediately agree to his request, citing the shortage of funds in the province.

However, they didn't expect that this evening party was so well organized by Li Yi that not only invited domestic first-line stars, but also invited many senior figures in the domestic literary and art circles!

With so many old artists on stage, the value and reputation of this gala skyrocketed immediately.

Many domestic news media came to interview after hearing the news, and there were hundreds of reporters who came.

Provincial leaders such as Feng Changjian and Han Tielin decided to attend the party after receiving reports from their subordinates.

Political leaders, business tycoons, film and television celebrities, literary and art masters, gathered together!

Li Yi and others couldn't help becoming nervous. With so many celebrities together, if the security work is not done properly, there will be big troubles!

Lin Ling also realized that security is a weakness, and discussed with Li Yi.

Li Yi thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It's okay. Feng Shuchang and Governor Han are both here. Think about it, can the relevant security departments in the province not strengthen the security work here?"

Sure enough, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Armed Police Corps sent a large number of personnel to the venue to maintain order and take charge of security.

Lin Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

The party officially begins.

The hosts of the party were initially determined to be the two head hosts of Yizhou TV Station, but later with the promotion of guests, two famous male and female hosts from the provincial TV station were invited.

Later, Lu Kun told Li Yi that there were two well-known program hosts in Beijing, and after hearing about this charity show, they were willing to provide hosts for free.

When Li Yi heard it, he was like a treasure. These two hosts are the most famous TV hosts in the country. One is the famous national mouth, and the other is the famous national flower!

With these two hosts hosting the show, the level of this evening show has directly risen to the height of the national level!

When the two handsome male and female hosts appeared, the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

From the very beginning, the party was carried out in a warm atmosphere.

The Buddhist song created by Liu Ruosi was presented to the world for the first time. The soft and beautiful melody, the lyrics exhorting people to be kind, and the exquisite and unique interpretation perfectly complemented this charity gala!

The artists splashed ink and improvised, and a pair of excellent calligraphy and paintings were hung on both sides of the stage.

After Liu Ruosi sang, the host began to host the charity auction.

All the participating business owners donated generously and bought a pair of fine arts at a price many times higher than the market price.

At the end of the first party, more than 1 million funds had been raised!

This number was far beyond Li Yi's surprise, and made him and his team even more excited.

The income of the second party was higher than that of the first.

Many social celebrities have donated money.

Artists' works are sold at higher prices than before, which also stimulates their creative enthusiasm and encourages them to create better boutiques.

Among them, the paintings of old Mr. Gu Yishan even fetched the highest price in history, and a pair of "Seated in the Autumn Mountains" sold for a high price of more than 200 million.

This painting was actually taken by Young Master Hong of Changtian Group.

At this evening party, Rao Ruoxi from Longteng Fund and Song Jia from Sihai Group generously donated money, bought a large number of fine arts, and contributed love to the education cause in Yizhou.

Song Jia even took out two works of Mr. Gu Yishan from her collection and donated them to the party for charity sale.

Gu Yishan identified the authenticity of these two works at the beginning, and confirmed that they were authentic works from his early years.

Calligraphy and paintings are more valuable the older they are, everyone understands this truth.As a result, rich people scrambled to buy these two works, and the price went up all the way, selling for a sky-high price of more than 100 million.

Li Yi has sharp eyes, and he recognized at a glance that these two works are exactly the two works that Song Youlin exchanged with Liu Yiping!

Liu Yiping also noticed it, walked to Li Yi, and said in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, Song Youlin's collection is actually an authentic work!"

Li Yi said: "The two pairs you gave him? Are they authentic?"

Liu Yiping smiled wryly, "I don't know either."

Li Yi said: "I'm afraid that Song Youlin will ask Gu Yishan to verify the authenticity!"

Liu Yiping said: "There is no way to do that. Besides, he is willing to change it. In the antique industry, there is a rule that you will not admit it when you go out. He changes everything, even if it is fake. We have nothing to do with us, we can't spend money to buy those two genuine products and give them to him, right? That's more than 100 million yuan!"

Li Yi said: "Although he won't know what to do to us, he will definitely not feel comfortable in his heart. It will be difficult for us to ask him to do anything in the future."

The party ended successfully, and all the guests came to the stage and sang a song together as the ending song.

Li Yi was talking to Liu Yiping when he suddenly saw that Song Youlin had found Gu Yishan. He thought that Song Youlin must have gone to Gu Yishan to talk about the paintings at home.

I'm really afraid of what to do!

Liu Yiping said: "Mayor Li, why don't we talk to Mr. Gu and ask him to confirm that the two copies are authentic?"

Li Yi shook his head, thinking who is Gu Yishan, how could he make such a fake?

Over there, Song Youlin actually asked the secretary to take out several paintings and asked Gu Yishan to appraise them on the spot!

Li Yi and Liu Yiping looked at each other. (To be continued.)

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