Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 769

The devil instructor won. .

Our personnel really did not dare to act rashly anymore, because at this moment, the lives of the hostages are above all else.

Li Yi asked Brown: "Who is Catherine?"

"Another devil!" Before Brown could answer, Harris said coldly.

"Like this devil instructor, is he also a crazy guy?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

Harris said: "Crazier than him! More powerful! He is an extreme fanatic!"

"Which fanaticism are you referring to?" Li Yi asked.

"In their eyes, the interests and mission of the CIA, above all else." Harris said.

"I understand. They are all fanatics who are only loyal to the CIA. Brown is the exact opposite of them. As for you, you are between them?" Li Yi said.

"You could say that," Harris said.

"Where is Catherine now? Why did he rescue her?" Li Yi continued to ask.

Harris stopped answering.

Brown sneered: "Where else? Of course it's in the hands of your security department!"

The situation was as Li Yi expected.

Catherine was arrested in a certain operation, which was carefully planned by the devil instructor.

"Is she his lover?" Li Yi asked.

"Lover?" Brown said, "A person like Catherine won't have any lovers. She's a poisonous scorpion."

From this, Li Yi speculated that Catherine must have more important information than Brown!

If Catherine could be allowed to speak, the harvest would definitely be much higher!

Don't let the conspiracy of the devil instructor succeed!

In fact, Li Yi is also wondering, even if our Fang Zhengfu meets the needs of the devil instructor and releases Catherine, how will they leave safely?This is the capital of our country!They want to flee our country.Not an easy task!

Chu Lianxin and Qian Duo also thought of this, and brought it up to Li Yi.

"Mr. Li." Chu Lianxin said: "Even if he got Catherine, how would he take her away?"

Qian Duodao said, "Hmph! It's hard for them to fly!"

Qian Shao said: "There is no escape from death!"

Li Yi thought for a while, and sneered: "Or, they didn't want to leave at all!"

Both Chu Lianxin and the Qian brothers gasped.

Li Yi's words are consistent with their guess: "The devil instructor asked to see Catherine. He didn't want to take her away, but to kill her on the spot. Their purpose is to prevent the leakage of confidential information! For this Goals, they're going to do everything they can."

Chu Lian said: "Is that the same as dealing with Brown and Harris?"

Li Yi said: "That's right. I think that in this operation, everyone is a death squad. From the moment they accept the operation order, they are destined to embark on a road of no return! This kind of action is only the devil instructor. It could have been done by someone who was fanatically loyal to the interests of the CIA!"

Although Harris and the others were silent, they trembled slightly!

Although they were extremely reluctant to admit Li Yi's words, they could not come up with any reasons for rebuttal.

Brown gloated and said with a gleeful smile: "Look, this is the CIA that you all serve and die for! I have seen it through and given up! But you are still obsessed with it! Such a political ax is not worth our lives for! To protect Some of the so-called confidential information will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of many outstanding agents! And the information they work hard to protect is not worth mentioning at all, it is just some technical information! Our country lacks these things. Absolutely You have nothing to lose!"

Harris frowned tightly, with a gloomy face and did not speak.

Brown said: "Harris, do you know how I got the information in my hand? It was obtained from the corpse of another guy in the last operation! That guy, in order to protect these intelligence materials, has sacrificed He lost his precious life. Eight fellows who were as good as us died with him!"

Harris' face became even uglier.Like a layer of black mist.

Brown said: "Now, because of this bullshit information, people will continue to die! Me, and you! Including everyone involved in this operation, will die!"

Harris still didn't speak.But his companion's will began to waver, and the only surviving female agent said: "Harris! I think Brown is right. Why did we die in vain? Change a way of thinking, maybe the sea and the sky will be brighter!"

Li Yi was delighted in his heart. If these agents could turn their backs on the evil and turn to the light like Brown, then he would undoubtedly get the help of a few more experts, and it would be easy to destroy the conspiracy of the devil instructor and the others.

Harris looked serious, and said slowly: "Nina! Do you think we can end well like Brown? They won't allow people like us to live in this world, and we won't see the sun rising the next day !"

"That's not necessarily!" Li Yi said lightly: "If you can really rely on me like Brown, then I can guarantee your absolute safety."

"Absolutely safe?" Harris sneered.

Li Yi said: "Of course, at least, it will allow you to spend the rest of your life safely. If your family is willing, I can also take them over and live with you."

"That's impossible," Harris said.

Li Yi said: "Some things are indeed impossible if you just think about them. But some people can make the impossible possible."

Harris said: "Why do you make us believe you? Who are you?"

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Haven't you been watching me? You don't even know who I am?"

"You are - Li Yi!" Harris said.

Li Yi said: "That's right. My name may give you three points of trust."

Harris said: "I know you have the power to reach the sky, but you said you can keep us safe for life? You can also bring our relatives out of the mainland of the United States? This is like a fantasy."

Li Yi said: "Is it more difficult to take your relatives out of the border of the United States than to make more than 1000 outstanding American soldiers disappear?"

"What?" Harris, Brown and others were stunned.

"You should understand." Li Yi smiled slightly: "What incident am I talking about. Because, you should have participated in the investigation of that incident."

"Are you talking about the mysterious disappearance and reappearance of soldiers in Central Asia?" Harris asked sharply.

"Not bad." Li Yi said: "It seems that you are really clear."

Harris took a breath: "You mean, the case of missing soldiers that shocked the ruling and opposition parties in our country was planned by your country alone?"

"No, it's not our country, but me." Li Yi said: "And this answer, isn't it what you have been pursuing all this time? Now, let me tell you clearly that it was planned by me and has nothing to do with our country. "

"Hiss!" Harris shook his head and said in a skeptical tone: "Impossible! Even your country must be able to have such a perfect action! Let alone you alone?"

"Of course I won't be alone." Li Yi said: "I have my secret."

"Impossible!" Harris said, "It's incredible!"

Li Yi said: "As I said just now, in my opinion, there is nothing that can never be done. As long as we think about it and do it, we will succeed."

"Harris!" Brown said excitedly: "Why are you still hesitating? According to our research on Mr. Li, it is enough to prove that his words are not completely fictional! He is very likely to be the super mysterious person we are looking for! "

Harris was still hesitating, but Nina couldn't help it: "Can you really promise to do everything you just promised?"

Li Yi nodded: "Of course. I don't need to lie to you. Your betrayal or not has no effect on me personally."

Nina said: "Don't you ask us to pay anything? You only need us to betray the government and institutions we are loyal to now?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "If you are willing to tell some important information like Brown, I will be very happy. Of course, I will pay you a lot of money so that you can live the most that the rich can have. Luxury living."

Nina's eyes sparkled: "I do! I can cooperate with you like Brown, and say what you are interested in, if you can really set me free!"

Li Yi said: "Freedom, that's just a very simple thing. I assure you, what you will get in the future will far exceed your current expectations."

Harris asked, "Nina, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm finally normal," Nina said.

Harris was like a deflated ball, limp all over.

At this moment, more money and less money, at the same time captured the best opportunity to make a move!

Like cheetahs, they jumped out of the spot and rushed towards Harris and the other two male agents.

Qian Duo's hands turned into uppercuts, hitting the temples of the other two male agents at the same time with lightning speed.

The impact of gravity caused the two male agents to instantly lose their fighting power, their bodies shook slightly, and the weapons in their hands were also unstable, falling to the ground.

At the same time, Harris saw a black shadow rushing towards him, and instinctively stretched out his hands to block it.

Qian Shao didn't give him any chance. He grabbed Harris' neck with a fierce move, and at the same time he pressed his right knee against the opponent's chest. He twisted his hands forcefully, and there was a soft crisp sound, Harris Like a pricked leather man, he fell limply to the ground.

This change came so suddenly!So fast!

It was like a flash, the situation was reversed!

Only Nina was still dumbfounded, she subconsciously raised the weapon in her hand and pointed at Li Yi.

But Li Yi just smiled slightly: "Nina, have you forgotten what you just said? You are already mine! Therefore, you can be lucky enough to save your life."

Brown said: "Nina, didn't you see? Just now, the guns in the hands of Harris and the three of them were all aimed at you. If Mr. Li and the others hadn't rescued them in time, you would have gone to hell!". )

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