Official road bends

Chapter 8, The 770th Book

Nina looked at Li Yi calmly, and after pondering for a moment, she finally said: "Indeed, you saved me. Unexpectedly, I just talked about it, and it caused them to kill me!"

Brown said: "Nina, it's not too late for you to wake up now! You are welcome to join my team."

Li Yi said: "Brown, Nina, welcome to join my team!"

Brown said: "No, Mr. Lee, we are free and do not belong to anyone or any team. However, the deal between me and you is still valid."

Li Yi said: "You have betrayed your motherland and have no home to return to. Why don't you take refuge in me? I will reuse you and give you rich material comforts."

Brown said: "What we betrayed was only the dictatorial Secret Service! We did not betray my motherland. Therefore, I will not join your forces."

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Do you think that I want you to become a citizen of our country? No, you are wrong, I just let you go to a good place where you can display your talents-we can talk about this slowly. Let's settle the matter before us first! Look, the devil instructor has discovered Nina's betrayal!"

Sure enough, the devil instructor found that something was wrong here. He turned his head and saw Harris and the other three agents fell to the ground, while Nina and Brown were smiling. He immediately understood everything.

Before Li Yi reached an alliance with Nina and Brown, the devil instructor beckoned to a room next to him, and followed his mother. In that room, five American agents rushed out, and the devil instructor bowed their heads and obeyed.

"Kill them! No one will stay." The devil instructor said coldly.

The five American agents were tall and strong, with straight bodies, broad shoulders, and legs close together.Place your hands vertically at the trouser seam.Their movements were like robots, no matter what the devil instructor said, they would all nod heavily, expressing their obedience.

Nina looked terrified when she saw the five strong "former colleagues".The tone also became frightened: "Brown, you see, they really succeeded!"

Brown's face also became extremely dignified, even a little scared.

"Oh, my God!" Brown said, "This can't be true? Have they really succeeded in developing it? This may be a blessing to the US intelligence agency and those fat-headed politicians and dignitaries, but For the hostile countries of the United States, it is nothing short of a nightmare!"

Li Yi couldn't understand what they were saying at all, so he asked, "Are you referring to the five men in black? What's so special about them?"

Brown said, "That's not human at all! They're machines!"

Li Yi said: "Robots? Does your country have such advanced technology?"

"It's not a robot. It's a killing machine!" Brown said, his tone trembling slightly: "This is a batch of murderous madmen specially trained by the devil instructor!"

"So, these five people's killing methods are very good?" Qian Shao sneered a little unconvinced: "I'm not bragging. When it comes to killing skills, no one in the West can surpass me!"

Brown and Nina shook their heads repeatedly, making no secret of their fear of those killing machines.

"You don't even know how rigorous training and tribulations they have gone through!" Nina said, "Out of 1000 special forces soldiers, only a dozen or so elites can be selected to participate in the training camp. Oh, don't think .As long as you are selected, you can become a killing machine! Being selected to enter the devil training camp of the CIA is only the first level. What awaits them next is a more stringent selection and elimination. One hundred participate in the training camp There are probably only about ten people who can stay."

After listening to her narration, Li Yi was taken aback.I thought to myself, those killing machines are really one in a million, the best in the draft, and their skills must not be weak!

Brown added: "I also heard that the first training they conducted was to hunt and kill life! It was not the life of wild animals, but the life of human beings. What they conducted was the most realistic training in bloody battles! Using some people's Blood, to hone the willpower and combat skills of the killer machine group—we call them that. Only those who can win three consecutive victories can continue to enter the next round of training. This level alone can eliminate More than half of them."

Li Yi said: "Then these people are all crazy and super-willed guys?"

"That's right!" Nina said, "What's even more frightening is that they are absolutely loyal to their superiors. Even if the orders issued by their superiors are to hunt and kill someone among their relatives and friends, they will execute them without hesitation. They I have developed a conditioned reflex! Immediately execute the order after getting it, never procrastinate, never stagnate and show mercy."

Li Yi and others all took a breath. Can such a person still be called a human?How is it different from a heartless machine?

Brown said: "It was because I discovered their training plan that I became tired of my previous job. I fear that sooner or later, like these men in black, we will become killing machines in the hands of the devil, losing ourselves and humanity surname, reduced to a butcher knife in the hands of others. So, I chose to escape!"

Nina said: "It's also because I have known for a long time that they are secretly developing the training methods for killing machines, and I also have the desire to retire. However, working in this kind of intelligence agency, we can't help ourselves. It's not that I can quit if I want to." Withdrew. Therefore, I can promise you to leave the CIA today, not on a whim."

Li Yi said: "The devil instructor has such a group of diehards, your role is negligible! They doubt you, so they want to test you in this way, or they have found a more perfect substitute than you , you are no longer needed, so they will blow you up without mercy!"

While they were talking, the five black-clothed men had already received killing orders from the devil instructor, and they immediately launched an attack!

These people are probably the third-hand preparations that the devil instructor said?

In order to kill Brown, they sent Harris and others to assassinate them, and they also sent people to plant bombs, trying to blow them up together.Finally, he also brought a new batch of dead soldiers to carry out this task!

Even if Brown is lucky enough to escape the pursuit of Harris, he cannot escape the destruction of the bomb. Even if he is lucky enough to escape the destruction of the bomb, he cannot escape the nightmare of the men in black chasing after each other!

If it weren't for the intervention of Li Yi and others, Brown would be doomed!

"Be careful! The men in black are ready to attack!" Brown and Nina said almost at the same time.

The five men in black quickly approached Li Yi and others in a neat and orderly fan-shaped manner.

They are all agile, and they only need one bounce and one pair of legs to cross a desk!

Qian Shao picked up the special pistol that Harris dropped on the ground and aimed it at the chest of one of the men in black. Then, he moved the gun head up slightly and aimed at the man in black's head.Because this kind of killing machine must be wearing bulletproof vests, such tiny bullets cannot penetrate their chests!

"I don't believe in this evil!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Qian Shao's mouth: "Today I will let your dream team of American agents break the soul of the Forbidden City!"

With a sound of "Poof!", the bullet was shot out of the chamber, and shot at the man in black running in the middle at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Nina, Brown, Li Yi, and Qian Duo also fired a bullet at the other four men in black!

Five bullets were fired from one direction, shooting at the five men in black in a fan shape.

How fast the bullets are!

After Qian Shao pulled the trigger, he saw that the body of the man in black in the middle who was running forward suddenly turned at ninety degrees!

Yes, it is a big turning of ninety degrees, just like bending a straight chopstick from the middle, it is folded into two sections, and the two sections form a ninety-degree right angle!

And the one who completed this action was actually a person!A man who is running forward!

Bullets whizzed past the body of the man in black.

How could this person's upper body bend backward in an instant?

It’s incredible!

Qian Shao was so stunned that he forgot to shoot again.

The weird scene in front of him made Qian Shao, who had always been conceited, exclaim in a low voice!

Almost at the same time, the other four men in black also quickly dodged the bullets that were shot at them!

If you want to save yourself in the cruel battlefield, you must have superb technology!

Accurately and quickly dodging the bullets shot at oneself is undoubtedly the most superb skill to preserve oneself, and these killing machines have been practiced to the point of perfection!

The five people have different ways of dodging the bullets. Some of them fold backwards, while others dodge with a flick to the left or right like a tumbler.There are also wonderful works that leap upwards, and there are even capable people who roll forward!

All in all, the five bullets fired failed to hit a single person!

"Hiss!" Li Yi and others exclaimed at the same time: "It's terrifying!"

Li Yi and Qian Duo exchanged a wordless look, they raised their guns again, and then decided to shoot.

This time, five bullets were fired at the man in black in the middle from different angles and directions!

You can dodge one bullet from one direction, but can you avoid five bullets from five directions?

Five bullets, with the sound of whistling wind, and Li Yi's expectations, broke through the air.

The black man in the middle, like a magician, turned his body like a windmill!

Two seconds later, a black windmill was still spinning, and all the bullets slipped through the gaps in the windmill!

"My God!" Brown grabbed his hair tightly with both hands, and shouted, "Is this still a human?"

The distance between the man in black and Li Yi is not very far. The above-mentioned incident was long, but it was short at that time. It just happened in the blink of an eye!

Li Yi and the others missed two shots, and the five men in black have already bullied them! . )

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