Official road bends

Chapter 8, The Impossible Mission

Li Yi's words are a little ignorant, a little daring!

Asking the chief is just a matter of routine. Just stand up to a few people and say a few words according to the situation, and his research task will be completed. .

Who would have thought that Comrade Li Yi was so serious?Tell all the thoughts in your heart.

Fortunately, Chief Xiang listened with gusto and didn't mind, so everyone just laughed and treated it as a normal chat.

"This comrade is well said!" said to the chief: "He expressed the most realistic thoughts, and also expressed the thoughts of most people. The current education system is definitely not perfect. This point, We need not deny it. However, until we find a better solution, we can only continue to use this set of methods. What we can do now is to continue to reform and improve. The national plan is education-oriented. This is not a sentence Empty words are not a set of words. How can we better cultivate offspring who develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and labor-wise? This is a question we have to explore for a long time..."

Li Yi talked eloquently just now, but after he said it, he regretted it a little.

Because this is not a chat between friends and relatives, the person who listened to his speech was Chief Xiang who is in charge of the country's cultural and educational work!

A word to the chief might bring about major changes to the entire education system!

"Comrade, I shouldn't have interrupted you, you continue to speak." Said to the chief: "I just like to listen to the words from the heart of the comrades below."

Li Yi smiled wryly in his heart, but since the words were spoken, there was absolutely no way to take them back.

He could only go on with his own thoughts.

"Qian Xuesen pointed out: 'Our country is not fully developed now. One of the important reasons is that there is no university that can run schools according to the model of cultivating talents for scientific and technological inventions and creations. Without its own unique and innovative things, there are always no outstanding talents.' It can be seen that the root cause of my country's slow rise is mainly education. If education cannot cultivate outstanding talents, the country's rise will be constrained in all aspects."

"Let's not talk about major system reforms, but let's talk about the widespread problems in my country's education sector, such as exam-oriented education, cramming teaching methods, academic[***], plagiarism, etc. If these malpractices are not eradicated, my country's education, it won’t get better!”

The more Li Yi talked, the more in-depth and passionate he became.

People who knew Li Yi and cared about him, such as Wen Kejia and Peng Changfu, all looked surprised and worried about Li Yi.

Many phenomena are understood by everyone, and are often discussed in private, but in this kind of formal occasion, the situation is quite different, and some things cannot be said.

In front of Chief Xiang Yan, Li Yi pointed out the long-standing shortcomings in the education industry and complained bitterly. Isn't this hitting the chief in the face?

Wen Kejia reminded Li Yi deliberately, but the seat was too far away, so he was powerless.

There are also people who gloat, like Feng Jian, who is raising his chin slightly with a smug expression on his face. The reason why he helped Li Yi raise his hand was not to make him show off, but to see him embarrassed or hit a wall.And Li Yi, just as he hoped, embarked on this path of "offending the chief".Everything couldn't be better!Feng Jian said in her heart, Comrade Li Yi, you should say more, say more!

The eldest sister Wu Yun, who was sitting next to Li Yi, gently pulled Li Yi's skirt, signaling him not to continue talking.

Li Yi glanced at Wu Yun with gentle eyes, and nodded slightly, expressing that he understood her kindness.

"I remember such a set of data. The number of winners of the three Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine from various countries, there are more than 200 people in Europe, including more than 200 people from the United Kingdom and Germany. There are more than 200 people from North America Except for a few people from Canada, the other [-] people who won the award are all from the United States. There are four from Oceania and two from South America."

"As for us in Asia, there are a few people who have won this kind of award, but most of them are from island countries and other countries. What about our country? Zero! Yes, zero! Not a single one!"

"Why? We have a population of more than one billion, a huge country, and a history of 5000 years of civilization. Why can't we cultivate an outstanding industry-leading talent?"

"Is it because people in our country are more stupid than people in other countries? I think absolutely not! Our country, which accounts for one-fifth of the world's population, does not have a Nobel Prize winner, but it is gratifying that in Eight overseas Chinese who have been trained by overseas universities have won the Nobel Prize. This is enough to show that we Chinese are no worse than others!"

"If the country wants to develop, the future of the country depends on the generation after generation of young people. What are the young people in our country doing? They get up early and return home almost every day, study during the day and read at night, and do the sea of ​​questions all day long. There are so many papers and heavy burdens. Their time and efforts are not less than anyone else. It can be said that they are the hardest and hardest group of young people in the world!"

"Haha!" Hearing this, someone couldn't help laughing.

Chief Xiang Yan's face turned serious.

"What can a high score represent? A high score does not represent high energy, let alone innovation and creation! A person's golden years are all spent studying and studying textbooks. They have no time or energy to develop their own interests and interests. Hobbies. The education they receive is passive, they accept what the teacher instills, and few people know how to create and innovate."

"This is the tragedy of exam-oriented education. The reason why I boldly raise these questions is not to criticize the current situation, nor to be cynical. I sincerely hope that the education in our country can truly teach good talents. I hope that our next generation will produce a few outstanding scientists, inventors, and artists. The young people in our country can lead the development of the whole world. Trend! I firmly believe that as long as we are willing to work hard to change, this day will eventually come!"

After Li Yi finished speaking, he bowed slightly to salute Chief Xiang Yan, indicating that he had finished speaking.

"Okay!" The first person to applaud was Chief Xiang Yan.

The audience burst into warm applause.

Feng Jian clapped his palms reluctantly, he was a little surprised.Li Yi said it so badly, why didn't Chief Xiang scold him face to face?Applause for Li Yi instead?

"This comrade is really good at speaking." Xiang Yan said with a serious expression: "These problems are exactly the problems that haunt me day and night! We must not only ask questions, but also have the courage to solve them. Education in our country Work, how to go? Where is it going? This is a big topic. I hope that everyone can actively speak up and express their own ideas. As long as it is objective and useful, I will adopt it."

However, no one stood up to speak.

Everyone is careful, hiding their clumsiness.

Xiang Yan pointed to Li Yi and asked, "What's the name of the comrade who spoke just now?"

"Hi, Chief Xiang, I'm Li Yi. Muzi Li, Yi of Perseverance." Li Yi replied.

"Li Yi?" Xiang Yanyan nodded slowly: "This name is so familiar!"

"He is the mayor of Yizhou." A party school leader reminded him.

"Haha! Li Yi! Let me just say, I recognize you!" Xiang Yan said with a smile: "The chief mentioned your name at a certain meeting."

Li Yi smiled faintly, thinking that it was not a good thing to have a big reputation.

Sure enough, the eyes of the students looking at Li Yi have changed a lot. Some people's eyes have clearly become the same as Feng Jian's, and they all look sideways at Li Yi.

After the meeting, Chief Xiang Yan specially recruited Li Yi.

Xiang Yan and Li Yi shook hands. At the same time, he patted Li Yi's arm with his left hand, and said with a gentle smile: "Not bad! It's better to meet you than to be famous! You really are a talent!"

Li Yi said in fear: "Chief Xiang, I really don't know the level of depth, and I have talked nonsense. If there is anything wrong, please ask Chief Haihan."

"No," Xiang Yan said, "You're telling the truth. Only by facing the facts can we make correct decisions! Young people, work hard!"

"Thank you for the encouragement to the chief. I will work hard and live up to the expectations of the party and the country." Li Yi said a few words on the scene.

After Xiang Yan left, Wen Kejia leaned over, grabbed Li Yi's shoulders, and said with a smile: "As long as you are there, you will shine brightly and shine in the audience."

Li Yi smiled: "You still have the nerve to tease me! I'm so worried. Didn't you see the look on the chief's face just now? It's as if I hit his grandson, and he is looking for me desperately!"

Wen Kejia laughed, and said: "Chief Xiang is angry, but this anger is not aimed at you. It is aimed at the unhealthy phenomena in the education field. He wants to reform, but the pressure is not small. And there is no successful experience to learn from, so can he not worry?"

Li Yi said: "That has nothing to do with us! All I can do is to manage Yizhou well."

Wen Kejia said: "Shall we get together tonight?"

Li Yi said, "I can't do it these days, I'm very busy with things. Instead, Fang Chang is here, and I can just invite you another day."

After school was over, Li Yi called Yan Xi'er over and asked, "How are you doing with what I ordered you?"

"Boss, you are really unreasonable. You only gave me one day and asked me to do so many things. You might as well cook me and eat me." Yan Xier's small hand beat her beautiful leg, It seems that she has really worked hard.

"Thank you for your hard work." Li Yi said: "This task is indeed a bit embarrassing."

"Not only is it difficult, it is simply an impossible task!" Yan Xi'er said, "If it weren't for me, who would have accomplished it?"

"It seems that you have done it?" Li Yi smiled slightly.

"It will definitely be done! Is there anything I haven't done that you told me?" Yan Xi'er smiled: "Then, do you have a reward?"

"If you do it well, there is no reward. If you fail it, you will be punished. This is the rule of doing things for me." Li Yi said. (To be continued.)

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