Official road bends

Chapter 8, The Shocking Miracle

"Okay, little ghost! I didn't really ask what kind of reward you want. Do you want to go and see? I don't know if it suits you! After all, there is only one day, even if it is a god You can’t make something so big!” Yan Xi’er said, “Oh, no, strictly speaking, it doesn’t even take a day!”

Li Yi said: "Wait a minute, I'll go to the hospital to pick up someone, and we'll go see it together."

Yan Xi'er couldn't help asking, "Who are you picking up?"

"A friend." Li Yi said.

Yan Xier said: "Then you get in my car?"

Li Yi rubbed his nose and smiled: "I have a car, go there and wait for me first, I'll be here soon."

Yan Xier pursed her lips and smiled, turned and left.

Li Yi came to the hospital and went straight into Chu Lianxin's room.

Han Xu is taking care of Chu Lianxin, and Chu's mother is also there.

"Auntie, hello." Li Yi greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Li." Chu's mother wiped her eyes and said pitifully, "This is really a disaster from heaven! We haven't paid off the money we owe you yet! Lianxin's business has just improved, and I hope there will be more Make a little money... who knows..."

Li Yi said: "Auntie, what happened this time was unexpected [***]. Lianxin's business methods are already superb, and the brand effect of Chuyi Theater has been opened, making money is very easy. You just Don't worry anymore." Then, he turned to Chu Lianxin and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's as good as before, and I can be discharged from the hospital." Chu Lianxin said: "Such a luxurious ward, isn't it cheap?"

Li Yi said: "Then get up, I will take you to a place to see."

Chu Lian looked shy, and glanced at her mother.

Mother Chu pretended not to hear anything, and turned her face away.

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Auntie, Han Xu, you should go together too."

Han Xu quickly said, "I won't go, shall I?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "You should all go to this place, and you will know the way in the future."

At first, Chu Lianxin thought that Li Yi wanted to take him on a date somewhere, so she blushed and replied shyly. Now that she heard the words, she realized that she had misunderstood Li Yi.

Chu Lianxin was just overly frightened, and after lying in the hospital for a day, she almost recovered.

Li Yi asked the doctor for leave and took them out of the hospital.

"Where are you going?" Chu Lian asked Li Yi heartily.

"Go and see a good place." Li Yi smiled mysteriously.

"Mr. Li, if you want to go out with Lianxin to relax, why don't Liuxu and I go?" Mother Chu said.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Auntie, it's not to relax, but to see a good place."

"Mr. Li, you really take good care of us. We don't even know how to repay your kindness." Mother Chu said.

Li Yi said: "The person who repays the good fortune in this life must be the benefactor in the previous life. Perhaps, you have been kind to me in the previous life?"

Han Xu smiled and said: "Mr. Li's words are so good, I think our Principal Chu is the best person in the world. In our school, many students come from poor families, and the family has no money to support them." When they went to school, Principal Chu waived their tuition fees, and invested in the establishment of the Chuyi Theater, allowing students to fully display their talents and earn money at the same time. If this is not a living Bodhisattva, what is it?"

Chu Lian said: "However, there is a very bad idea in the society now. It is said that our Chuyi School only uses students to make money. This is to exploit the value of students."

Li Yi said: "I think your approach is very good. Apply what you have learned, and the purpose of learning is to use it. Especially in an art performance school like yours, it is useless to be bored in school. You must practice more and perform more. , Show your face more. Every performance is an exam for the students, and the applause of the audience is their best score."

"That's right!" Han Xu said, "I think this kind of school is the real good school. The purpose of our learning knowledge is to apply it. Now, while we are learning, we can use what we have learned and make money. By the time we graduate, we will already be rich and famous. Principal Chu, you don’t need to listen to those people’s gossip. Most of them are greedy because they see the grapes are too ripe!”

Chu Lianxin smiled and said: "You are the student who has gained the most in our school. Now you are a little star."

Han Xu said: "That's because Principal Chu has trained and educated well."

Li Yi laughed and said, "Han Xu's future achievements must be immeasurable!"

Han Xu said: "I don't have too many extravagant expectations. If I can achieve half of the achievements of my idol Liu Ruosi, I will be satisfied."

Li Yi smiled.

The car arrived at the Forbidden Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Beijing, and then turned to a large three-dimensional parking lot.

"This parking lot is so big!" Chu Lian said heartily, "Is this public?"

"No, this is a theater's own." Li Yi replied.

"Ah? What theater is so powerful? It's the parking lot, so big?" Chu Lian asked heartily.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Now, everyone has money, there are more and more private cars, and there is no large parking lot, how can they come out and hang around?"

Chu Lian said: "Did you bring us out to watch the theater? Or let me observe the business model of other theaters and let me learn? However, our theater is completely destroyed, and it may be difficult to reopen it. Although the business of the theater is very good, it is only in the past few months. I still don't have enough money to reopen a theater..."

As they spoke, everyone walked to the gate of the theater.

Chu Lianxin suddenly stopped talking, she opened her big eyes, full of horror, looked at the signboard of the theater, and said in an unbelievably slightly trembling voice: "It's incredible! There is actually a Chuyi theater here! "

Yes, the name of this theater is also called Chuyi Theater, but its scale and area are ten times larger than Chu Lianxin's theater!

It's a whole building!

The floor is not high, but the entire outer wall is full of signs and icons of Chuyi Theater!

The exterior decoration is luxurious and high-grade, and it is more artistic. The gate is made into a long corridor, and many famous works of art are inlaid on the walls on both sides.

The most eye-opening thing is that under the big walls on both sides of the theater, there are two small gardens, in which rare trees are planted, and a few cranes are strolling leisurely.

"What a big theater!" Mother Chu exclaimed, "This style is also unique!"

"Principal Chu, they are infringing rights!" Han Xu immediately thought of legal issues, and said angrily, "We can sue them in court!"

Chu Lian said heartily: "But, I used to come to this street often, but I didn't see such a theater here!"

Han Xu said: "It must be taking advantage of the fire to rob. Seeing that our business is good, they put up our signboard! Huh, I will call someone to smash their signboard!"

After hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help sweating, thinking that this little girl is so murderous!

"What's going on here?" Chu Lianxin looked at Li Yi: "Why is there another Chuyi Theater?"

At this time, Yan Xi'er walked over slowly and bowed slightly to Li Yi: "Boss, everything is ready, please go in and inspect."

Li Yi nodded slightly, and smiled at Chu Lianxin: "Go in and have a look? If there is something unsatisfactory, ask them to change it."

"What?" Chu Lian paused and asked, "What do you mean? Could it be that this theater is for me?"

Li Yi smiled and said, "Of course. Besides you, who would dare to use Chu Yi's golden signboard?"

In an instant, all kinds of feelings surged in Chu Lianxin's heart, her eye sockets turned red immediately, and then swelled uncomfortably, and then, big tears, like broken pearls, couldn't stop flowing down.

She was so touched that she squatted down, covered her face with her hands, and began to cry.

Li Yi was stunned, squatting on the bed quickly, stroking her shoulder, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no!" Chu Lianxin couldn't restrain her feelings any longer, she threw herself into Li Yi's arms, and cried bitterly: "That's great, that's great, you are simply what God bestowed on me... I don't even know how to express it."

Li Yi chuckled: "Then why are you crying? Did you startle me? I thought you were not satisfied with this place, and I was planning to ask them to tear it down and rebuild it!"

Han Xu and Chu's mother beside them were also moved to tears.

Only then did Yan Xi'er understand that Li Yi told her to build the theater in one day, and it was originally given to this beauty.

She looked at Chu Lianxin, and admired in her heart: she is indeed a beauty who is one in a million, and she deserves to be treated like this by the boss!

"The boss ordered us to renovate it in one day. It used to be a movie theater, and it was also the most luxurious movie theater in Beijing. They just renovated it last month. We spent ten times the price of this lot to get it After buying it, in one day, more than 100 most qualified decoration teams were mobilized to start construction at the same time, each responsible for a small area, and quickly renovated the theater."

Yan Xier smiled and said, "It can be said that this is the fastest speed in history. This theater will also be the entire capital, no, it should be one of the largest and most luxurious private theaters in the world!"

"Mr. Li! Mr. Li!" Chu Lian said with tears in his heart, "I don't even know how to thank you. Everything you have done for me is really too much. Let me, no, ten For the rest of my life, I can’t pay it back.”

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Then you should manage this theater well and make it worthy of my painstaking efforts."

"Definitely." Chu Lianxin said: "We must work hard."

"Great!" Han Xu clapped his hands happily: "Principal Chu, we have another place to perform!"

Chu Lianxin said to Li Yi: "Mr. Li, I dare not accept your gift for such a big theater. I can only rent it from you and use it for operation."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Is that too troublesome? Because, its property rights are written in your name!" (To be continued.)

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