Official road bends

Chapter 8, Old Gu’s Suggestion

Shama and his party finished their visit and were about to leave for home when something unfortunate happened. .

The beautiful and lovely Princess Paya suddenly contracted a serious illness and was sent to the First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Medical Sciences.

Li Yi truthfully informed Shama about this situation.

Before the flight, Shama rushed to the hospital ward to visit Paya.

Paya was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face and a weak tone.

"What's going on here? Wasn't it fine yesterday?" Shama asked with concern.

Paya hummed weakly, and said, "It may be that the food in Li Yi's house is not clean, and I feel uncomfortable after eating it."

Li Yi rolled his eyes, thinking that you are looking for excuses, and don't use me as a backstop!

Shama said: "You can't blame Mr. Li. You lived in his house for several days, why didn't you get sick before? You got sick just today? There are always some things in the world that we cannot understand and control, just like torture." Human illnesses, as well as sudden natural disasters[***]. Respected His Royal Highness Paya, can you insist on returning to the country with us?"

Paya shook her head slightly, and she shook her head so slowly, to show that she really had no strength left.

Li Yi coughed lightly, called the doctor over, and asked in front of Shama, "How is the patient?"

"Not very optimistic." The doctor said: "We have just conducted various inspections..."

Li Yi interrupted his narration: "Just tell me, can the patient walk or take a long flight?"

"No." The doctor replied, "The patient is about to undergo an operation. Although it is only a minor operation, after the operation, he must stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. It will take at least half a month before he can be discharged."

"Do you need an operation?" Shama asked, "What kind of disease is it?"

The doctor said: "Acute gangrene is appendicitis. This is a severe appendicitis. Thrombophlebitis can occur in the appendix due to lumen obstruction, empyema, increased intracavity pressure, and inflammation of the mesappendix vein. The blood circulation in the appendix wall is impaired, resulting in necrosis of the appendix wall. At this time, the appendix is ​​dark red or black, which often leads to perforation, causing diffuse peritonitis or abscess around the appendix..."

"Enough." Li Yi said: "No need to say."

Shama frowned. Although he didn't understand the terminology the doctor said, he understood that Her Royal Highness could not return to China for the time being.

"Mr. Shama, you and others should go back to the country first. You have high positions, and the country and the people cannot do without you. You don't have to wait for me. I am here, and I will be taken care of by Mr. Li. I will be fine," Paya said. .

Shama pondered for a while, and said: "That's the best. I hope your illness will recover as soon as possible, and don't delay the upcoming wedding."

Paya said: "Who knows? You go. After returning to the country, tell my father that I am only suffering from a minor illness. Don't let him worry about me."

Sharma said: "In addition to your personal servant, Ashira also stay, she can take better care of you."

Paya said: "No. Ashira also has her own work to do, so don't waste your time here with me. According to me, even my servants don't have to stay. I believe that Mr. Li will take care of her. Okay mine. Mr. Li, do you think so?"

Li Yi responded: "Of course. My friends and I will take good care of you."

Shama still insisted on letting Ashira stay, and repeatedly told her to take good care of Paya.

Ashira agreed to her brother's request and stayed with Paya.

The interests of the Sharma family in the Kingdom of Thailand also require the strong support and assistance of members of the royal family. It is a good move to curry favor with the king's most valued youngest daughter, Princess Paya.

"Mr. Li, His Royal Highness Paya and my sister Ashira will be taken care of by you. I believe that you will take good care of them like relatives." Shama said.

Li Yi said: "It's my duty, I don't bother you to order."

Shama held Li Yi's hand tightly and said: "Mr. Li, the time we meet is always too short, but your wisdom and wit have left a deep impression on me again. I solemnly invite you to I would like to invite you and your family to visit the Kingdom of Thailand. It will be my greatest honor, Sharma, if you can make the trip.”

Li Yi said: "Prime Minister Sharma is serious. I will visit you at the right time."

Sharma said: "I still have many important matters that I would like to consult with you. Unfortunately, I can't do it today. I look forward to reuniting with you in the Kingdom of Thailand. I will listen to the lecture then."

The two embraced lightly and warmly.

Shama and the others had to catch a plane, so they left immediately and went to the airport.

Seeing Shama and the others leave the ward, Paya turned over from the bed and jumped out of the bed, laughing happily.

This frightened Ashira and the servants.

"Your Highness, you are ill, please lie down!" Ashira stepped forward to support Paya.

Paya waved her hand and said with a smile, "I'm not sick at all! I just don't want to go back to my country and marry that annoying bearded general!"

Ashira was speechless and a little angry, but she couldn't show it, and looked at Li Yi.

Li Yi said: "Miss Ashira, I'm sorry, this is an order given to me by Paya, I have to execute it, and arranged for the play just now. Let the most sacred hospital also help us make a fake together. "

Ashira said helplessly: "The matter has come to this point, and I can only act according to the will of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Paya was finally free, jumping up and down with joy, like a little girl, she took the hands of Li Yi and Ashira, and said, "Let's leave the hospital! This time, I'm so bored." , I must have a good time playing.”

Li Yi said: "Paya, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you. I still have important things to do."

Paya said: "Hmph, I knew you would say that a long time ago. Forget it, you can go about your business! However, let me explain first that I will still spend the night at your house in the evening."

Li Yi said: "Anyone is welcome."

Paya smiled and said, "Ashila, let's go, accompany me to see the Forbidden City and visit the Great Wall!"

Li Yi sent them away and heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that things had finally been completed perfectly.

The students of the party school were still studying in the red base below, so Li Yi had nothing to do. Every day he either accompanied his wife and children to enjoy the family happiness, or had a party with friends, and spent a few days of rare leisure time.

As for Paya, she has already obtained the freedom she wants, so she no longer embarrass Li Yi, just like a real guest, living in Li's house, and her relationship with Lin Xin, although the two are dissatisfied in their hearts, they are still on the surface. Get along in harmony.

As for Ashira, it was as usual.Her calm and calm attitude once made Li Yi feel suspicious, thinking that the love that night was just a dream.

In many cases, reality and dreams are hard to distinguish.

So, he also talked lightly, without lingering in his arms.

It is worth mentioning that Brown and Catherine arrived in an African country smoothly, and Scout and Walter received them grandly.

After seeing the equipment and size of this special army, Brown and Catherine were very interested. They agreed to the request made by the Boy Scouts and joined the army to help the Boy Scouts improve the construction of the global intelligence system.

With the addition of these two outstanding agents, Lion Dance will become even stronger!

Chu Lianxin's new theater business is surprisingly booming. At the beginning, she was worried that the theater was too big and there were too many performance halls. She was afraid that there would be no business. In a few days, she was thinking of borrowing money from Li Yi, and then the next That building was also sold, and several performance halls were opened.She, Han Xu and the others were busy with school affairs and also busy with theater work. They were spinning like a spinning top every day, and they didn't have much rest time, but they enjoyed it.

Siyi Media will create a new drama, which is still a palace drama with the background of the Qing Dynasty. Liu Ruosi, the head of the family, has become the best choice for the heroine.

With the start of the new play, Liu Ruosi became busy, and the time to meet Li Yi was also reduced.

As for Guo Xiaoling, because of the hospitalization of her mother Liang Ping, she also temporarily alienated Li Yi.

During this time, Li Yi suddenly became extremely clean.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yi spent more time with his grandfather and visited old Mr. Gu Heng.

Gu Heng took good care of Li Yi when he first became an official. In the past two years, the old man's health has gone downhill, and he has to go to the hospital every few days, and he has lost a lot of weight all of a sudden.

Every time Li Yi returns to Beijing, he will take time to visit Gu Heng and listen to his teachings.When we met this time, I saw that Gu Lao was really old, his hair was gray and his body was broken, making people look good, he couldn't help but lament the ruthlessness of time and the limit of life.

Gu Heng lay on the rocking chair, saw Li Yi's sympathy, and smiled slightly: "What? Do you think I'm old? Useless? Are you pitying my old man?"

Li Yi's eyes were sour, and he almost shed tears. Two teardrops rolled in his eyes, and he forced them back.

"Old Gu, you are growing strong, who dares to say that you are old?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Gu Heng laughed, waved his hands, and said: "Li Yi, in life, you can not be afraid of the sky, the earth, and all enemies, but there are two things that you have to fear. One of them is death. From the moment of birth, one is heading towards death, and there is nothing taboo about it.”

Li Yi said: "Old Gu will definitely live a long life."

Gu Heng said: "If the body is healthy, it is meaningful to live a hundred years. With my body, if I live a few more years, I will suffer a few more years of living crimes. Let's not talk about these disappointing things. What are your plans for the next step?" ?”

Li Yi said: "I am going to ask Mr. Gu for advice. Basically, every step of my official career is inseparable from your support. Today, please teach me again. What do you think my next step should be?" What? Go to Lingnan? Or stay in Yizhou? Grandpa means that I want to go to Lingnan to develop, there are many opportunities there. As for me, I still want to stay in Yizhou."

Gu Heng smiled and said nothing, his cloudy old eyes suddenly brightened, and he said slowly: "You come back to Beijing!" (To be continued.)

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