Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 801

Li Yi gave Gu Heng a multiple-choice question, but Gu Heng didn't choose, but gave his own answer. .

"Mr. Gu, you asked me to go back to Beijing?" Li Yi asked with a smile after being slightly taken aback.

Gu Heng said: "It's not that I told you to go back to Beijing, it's that you can only come back to Beijing."

Li Yi said: "There are ways out everywhere, why can I only go back to Beijing?"

Gu Heng said: "It seems that there are many ways out, but in fact, all of them are dead ends. Your only way out is in the capital."

Li Yi groaned for a while, but Mr. Gu's words were too deep and mysterious, which made his expression tremble.

"Please tell Mr. Gu clearly." Li Yi knew that Gu Heng was not a person who talked casually, and there was no need to pretend to be grand and grandstanding in front of him.

"If you want to stay in Yizhou, then you must want to take a step forward and become the secretary, right?" Gu Heng said slowly.

Li Yi nodded: "I do have some ambitions."

Gu Heng said: "You have made achievements in Yizhou, which is obvious to all. Therefore, there are only a lot of people who want to pick this peach. If you insist on going your own way and insist on staying, then think about how many people you have to marry fight?"

Li Yi said: "That's conceivable. Not to mention others, but the current secretary, Comrade Zhang Zhenghua, is enough for me to have a headache. His background is extremely deep, and it is very, very difficult for me to get him to take over."

Gu Heng said: "I know you have the means, and you are not afraid of anyone, but even if you win in the end and become the leader, you must go through a bloody fight. The time of this fight may be very long, long It must exceed your patience and expectations! In the struggle, the development of Yizhou will be suspended or even reversed. Is this not what you want?"

Li Yi shook his head slowly.

Gu Heng said: "If you stay in office, but you don't get promoted to the top, then what's the significance of your staying in office? Isn't it a dead end to stay in office?"

Li Yi nodded slowly.

Gu Heng said: "As for Lingnan, hehe! Wen Yuxi is in a state of desperation, what good is it to catch you as a pawn and cannon fodder? So, if you go there, it will be a dead end."

Li Yi laughed and said, "Old Gu, your words are too rough."

Gu Heng said: "The words are rough and the rationale is not rough. I, a bad old man, can understand the situation. I don't believe that you and Wen Yuxi can't understand it? He has difficulties in Lingnan, and what he needs is not someone to help him. It's about someone backing him up! As long as someone is willing to back him up, then his work will be easy to carry out."

Li Yi said: "You mean, do you want my father-in-law to come forward?"

Gu Heng shook his head: "His weight is not enough."

More important than Lin Guorong, looking at the country, there are only the chief and Comrade Jiang Zhaonan.

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "This is very difficult. The central government asked Uncle Wen to go to Lingnan, because there must be some difficult things to do. They want to use Uncle Wen's hand to pull the power of the Li family and the Lin family to check and balance the situation in Lingnan." .In the short term, the chief ministers will not give much support."

Gu Heng sighed: "That's why I said, if you go there, isn't it a dead end?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Even if I don't go to Lingnan, there are still many places I can go after I leave Yizhou."

Gu Heng said: "It's not good for you to go anywhere, you might as well come back to Beijing!"

Li Yi said: "I just don't want to go back to Beijing."

Gu Heng said: "You will return to Beijing sooner or later. And, this time, I'm afraid you can't help it."

Li Yi said: "What do you know? Who wants to transfer me back to Beijing?"

Gu Heng smiled slightly and said: "You did a good job in Yizhou, but you suddenly returned to Beijing to study. Isn't that enough? You have to learn to see the essence through the phenomenon."

Li Yi said: "I still don't understand. Is there any necessary connection between my return to Beijing for further studies and my return to Beijing to work?"

Gu Heng said: "Before you returned to Beijing, the chief inspected Yizhou. After that, you were arranged to study further. Isn't this obvious enough?"

Li Yi shook his head: "An official of my level can't get into the eyes of the chief, nor can he personally arrange my whereabouts?"

Gu Heng said: "The chief said that it is enough, then you are enough."

Li Yi still didn't believe in Gu Heng's judgment.

Gu Heng said: "Whether you believe it or not! Everything is foregone, and nothing is foregone. You'd better make a plan first, so that you won't panic when things come to an end."

Li Yi said: "Old Gu, tell me, what position will the chief put me in?"

Gu Heng said: "The Sacred Heart is unpredictable. However, you can fight for your own whereabouts. Destiny is better in your own hands than in the hands of others."

Li Yi said: "Mr. Gu, the more you talk, the more mysterious you are. How can I fight for it? I can't find the chief and tell me where I want to work? What will the chief think of me?"

Gu Heng said: "If you must go back to Beijing, which department do you most want to work in?"

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "I really haven't thought about this issue, it's hard to make a decision."

Gu Heng said: "Then you might as well think about it carefully, and then look for an opportunity to fight for it, and take up the post before the chief arranges for you, then you will take the initiative."

Li Yi said: "If it is true as you think, the chief wants to arrange my whereabouts, then I did as you said, wouldn't I be playing against the chief?"

Gu Heng said: "You rushed ahead of him and killed his ideas in the cradle. What kind of play is this?"

Li Yi said: "Old Gu, let me think about it carefully!"

Gu Heng said: "Li Yi, I won't have too much time to advise you. From now on, you have to analyze and summarize by yourself. Don't panic when things happen, let alone get confused."

"Yes. Thank you, Mr. Gu." Li Yi said: "Take a break, I've been exhausted after talking for so long."

Gu Heng said: "It's okay, I know my body, it's rare for you to come to see me today, take this opportunity, let me say a few more words."

Li Yi poured a cup of tea for him, then sat aside respectfully, listening to the teachings.

After returning from Gu's old place, Li Yi kept thinking about what Gu Heng said to him, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

So, how do you plan for yourself?If you must return to Beijing to work, which department is the best?

That night, Li Yi and Lin Xin talked about this issue.

Lin Xin smiled and said, "It's easy, come to our unit! It's nice to commute together just in time."

Li Yi said: "I think so too. Then talk to your dad tomorrow and let him help me run it!"

Lin Xin said, "Are you really willing to come?"

Li Yi said: "Why not? You are the sun and the moon in my heart. If I can be with you day and night, that will be my great happiness."

Lin Xin hugged her husband and said, "It's time for us to live a good life together."

Li Yi's face was full of guilt.

Since they got married, the two of them have been together less and more apart. This is also an important reason for Li Yi to mess around outside, right?If Lin Xin was by his side to control him, he would definitely be much more stable.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Yi was awakened by a violent ringing of the phone.

He sat up and suddenly felt restless. He pressed his temples and answered the phone.

This is a funeral call!

Comrade Gu Heng passed away suddenly at three o'clock in the morning!

After Li Yi answered the phone, he was stunned.

He could hardly believe the real last name of this call!

Yesterday, he had a long talk with Mr. Gu.Old Gu's eloquent messages still ring in my ears!Before leaving, Mr. Gu still held Li Yi's hand tightly, and shook it vigorously three times!

How is it possible that he just went there?

Not even a word of farewell was left behind!

Lin Xin woke up and saw that Li Yi was holding up the phone but tears were streaming down his face. She couldn't help being surprised, pushed him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Yi choked up and said, "Old Gu is gone."

Lin Xin let out a sound of sleeplessness, got up and said, "Then let's go there quickly!"

Li Yi hummed, got up with Lin Xin, and rushed to Gu Lao's residence.

At that time, the sky had already brightened, and the sky above the city was shrouded in a layer of gray mist, and the light of the morning sun was looming behind the mist.

When he saw Gu Heng lying motionless on the bed, Li Yi suddenly felt sad and cried bitterly.

He thought of the scene when he and Gu Heng went to Sanjiang City to conduct water conservancy research work when he first entered the official career. Those long-ago images are now as clear as new, flashing through his mind.

He grabbed Gu Heng's cold hand, but he could no longer feel the old man's warmth.

He stroked the old man's stiff face, but he could no longer hear the old man's earnest teachings.

The old man's bony body was just as aloof and arrogant as his personality and behavior when he was alive.

After hearing the news, Mr. Li hurried over regardless of his old and frail body.

Gu Heng is Mr. Li's closest comrade-in-arms, his old partner, and his spiritual pillar in the old world.

Now that Gu Heng is gone, Mr. Li looks even older in an instant.

Seeing his grandfather coming, Li Yi had no choice but to suppress the sadness in his heart and go to comfort him.

The medical staff who followed Mr. Li were chattering softly: "Who informed the old chief? Don't you know that the old chief can't bear this kind of grief?"

Mr. Li heard it, and said, "Can you hide such a big matter from me? If I can't come to see Lao Gu for the last time, I will never let you go!"

Everyone didn't dare to say a word anymore, they just took good care of the old chief with all their heart.

Li Yi looked at his grandfather's sad expression and was very worried.With Gu Heng gone, Grandpa will feel even more lonely!

He told himself, stay in the capital!No matter what position you are in!

You can't wait until the child wants to support but the relative is not there, and then regret and feel guilty!

While my grandfather was still alive, I went back to Beijing to work for a while, so that I could spend time with him, and let him have someone to talk to in his old age.

The day of Gu Heng's funeral was the day when the party school students returned from other places.

The next day, Li Yi returned to the party school to study together with Wen Kejia and other students.

After ten days of studying again at the party school, the party school will arrange another extracurricular activity. The next time, it will not be going to the red education base to study, but to go to a certain province or city for investigation and research activities!

Ten days passed quickly, and the city where I went to investigate was also announced. It turned out to be the provincial capital of Lingnan Province! (To be continued.)

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