Official road bends

Chapter 93 I'm Back

Chapter 93 Backcounted Qingqing

Seeing the scene in the room, Hong Tianming couldn't believe his eyes. Didn't this little boy claim to be a dragon?With three younger brothers and four big men, can't even deal with Li Yi's student?

He's not afraid of Li Yi either. Since the matter has been 'revealed', let's talk about it, what are you afraid of him doing?

Hong Tao sneered and said, "What a virtuous and virtuous lady! How about a flower from Sanjiang? Haha, why did you come to this kind of place? What are you doing here? Didn't you have dinner, come here to do some part-time work?"

Both Hong Tianming and the woman laughed wantonly.

Guo Xiaoling's chest heaved with anger, her face was as red as an apple.Unfortunately, she is not good at quarreling, so she can't utter any vicious words.

Li Yi gently held her hand, and did not respond to Hong Tao's unreasonableness and Hong Tianming's presumptuousness, because he saw Liao Yongli walking in with a gentle man wearing glasses. At this moment, he was looking at her with a dark face. Hong Tianming.

Hong Tianming still didn't know that the catastrophe was imminent, and he was still showing off his power: "Guo Xiaoling, it is the blessing of your Guo family's several generations of cultivation that my family Taotao has a crush on you? You are so inferior! Settling with this poor man! Now, I want Sue him for murder and assault, Xiaotao, call immediately. I don’t believe it anymore, on the territory of Sanjiang City, there are still people who dare to ride on my head, Hong Tianming, to do their best!”

Li Yi had a sneering smile.

A cold male voice sounded from behind: "Who is this person? The toad yawned—what a big tone!" The gentle man was Mayor Luo Zhenghao. After saying this, he said to Liao Yongli: "My name is How are you entertaining merchants, is this how you entertain them?"

Liao Yongli came down in a cold sweat. How long has he been away? Hong Tianming's grandson actually caused such a big disaster!He also didn't care about the dignity of the deputy county level, rushed forward, and yelled at Hong Tianming: "Hong Tianming, you bastard! Who gave you such great power to be so unreasonable to investors?"

Hong Tianming is the director of the Municipal Towel Factory. The Municipal Towel Factory is a state-owned enterprise. Butler, that is very familiar. When Hong Tianming saw Liao Yongli, he stuttered, and when he saw Luo Zhenghao, he couldn't speak. He just pointed at Li Yi and said, "He, he..."

Of course, Hong Tao was even more surprised. In his eyes, the deputy director of the Municipal Office was already a very important official. What's more, even the mayor Luo Zhenghao came in person!Naturally, there are important matters to be handled here.What's the matter?See investors?Which investor, what investor is there?Then who is the investor Liao Yongli mentioned?He is indeed a person who has been in the city'government' for a while, and he immediately understood that Li Yi, who dares to love, is the investor!

Liao Yongli bowed his head to Luo Zhenghao and said, "Mayor Luo, this Hong Tianming is the director of the municipal towel factory."

Luo Zhenghao actually knew Hong Tianming, so he sneered and said, "It's just right! Since we're here, let's talk about it together!"

Only then did Luo Zhenghao see Li Yi's appearance clearly. After being startled, he laughed and stretched out his hand, saying, "Section Chief Li! It's you!"

Li Yi smiled and shook hands with him: "Mayor Luo, we meet again."

Luo Zhenghao said with a smile: "I heard that you came down yesterday, and I specially asked Wang Haishan to treat you well."

Li Yi said: "Something happened to my girlfriend's house. My father-in-law and mother-in-law are both old employees of the towel factory in Sanjiang City. They were fired from the factory for no reason, and even the old house they lived in had to be taken back. I am busy I’m looking for a new house for them to live in! So I haven’t had time to meet Mayor Luo. I met Brother Haishan yesterday, and I greeted him. My colleague Tan Jingyi will carry out related work.” Luo Zhenghao introduced Guo Xiaoling.

Luo Zhenghao listened to Li Yi's narration, coupled with Hong Tianming's words just now, and after analyzing the inside and outside, he had a general understanding of the ins and outs of the matter. He smiled and said to Guo Xiaoling: "Hello."

Guo Xiaoling also came to the matter. Seeing that Luo Zhenghao was the mayor and met Li Yi, she immediately told what happened just now and asked the parents and officials of Sanjiang City to make decisions for the people.

Although Guo Xiaoling is not good at swearing, she is still very good at saying: "Mayor Luo, Li Yi and I listened to Director Liao's arrangement, sat here and chatted, and waited for Mayor Luo's arrival, but those hooligans rushed They beat and scolded us as soon as they came in, and then the Hong family father and son rushed in and insulted us. If this story gets out, those who don’t know will think that the law and order in Sanjiang City is particularly bad, and merchants will be punished when they are waiting for the mayor. Waiting for unfair treatment.”

Luo Zhenghao's face was livid, and he said in a cold voice: "Section Chief Li, Ms. Guo, I'm so rude to make you laugh! Regarding this matter, I don't know what you have to say. If you tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I haven't figured it out until now. What's going on? My girlfriend and I sat here and chatted honestly according to Director Liao's arrangement. These people rushed in ferociously, facing We just scolded and beat people. Then, these three people rushed in again, insulting me and my girlfriend again. Or, please ask this Mr. Hong to explain what happened matter, how?"

Luo Zhenghao looked at Hong Tianming coldly. He didn't witness the beating. He thought it was just some quarrel and it wasn't a big deal. Handled as a criminal case!

It was only at this moment that Hong Tianming realized that this Li Yi was actually a member of the system, and he had some background.

Moreover, at his level, Li Yi didn't pay attention to him at all. He didn't like him before, but he just didn't bother to fight with him.

It's a pity that he understood it too late, and he bumped into Li Yi's muzzle abruptly.

Now, he has offended Li Yi to death.

Hong Tianming, who has been in the officialdom for a long time, understands a truth, when you offend a person severely, any begging for forgiveness and apology will only increase the other person's contempt for you.

He was also a bachelor, so he immediately poured beans into the bamboo tube and explained the cause and effect.

When talking about the girl accompanying the wine, Luo Zhenghao gave Liao Yongli a hard look, which made Liao Yongli giggle in his heart. Why didn't he consider this point?Mayor Luo is the cadre who hates the relationship between men and women the most.

He quickly explained: "Mayor Luo, there are people from the province. I was with some colleagues just now to accompany the guests. These women were just called to accompany the wine and help the fun. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary."

His explanation was tantamount to superfluous, Luo Zhenghao frowned after hearing this.

Liao Yongli broke out in cold sweat again.

"Call 110 immediately, and arrest these people and deal with them! Hong Tianming's position as factory director will be removed immediately! I will submit it for discussion at the city's 'government' executive office meeting, and further punish Hong Tianming." Luo Zhenghao quickly said Make a processing decision.

Those few wanted to slip away, but when they thought of the other party's status as mayor, they were afraid and couldn't move forward.It's not a big deal when you think about it, the worst thing is that you get into the prison and get beaten up, shut up for a period of time, and then you can come out and enjoy yourself, just stand there without moving.

However, Hong Tianming's body went limp and fell down. Hong Tao was so frightened that he fell silent and stood with his head bowed, not daring to say a word.

Because Liao Yongli had a good relationship with Hong Tianming, Hong Tao often offered him gifts, but now he regarded Hong Tao as air and didn't even look at him.

Luo Zhenghao smiled and said to Li Yi: "Section Chief Li, I heard from Director Liao that you intend to buy the city's towel factory? I came here specially to talk to you." I was a little confused, thinking about this Li Yi's family so rich?

Li Yi smiled and said: "It's not me, it's my friend. My girlfriend's parents are both employees of the city's towel factory. They were expelled from the factory for no reason and their house was taken back. That's why they came out to buy a house. I happened to meet Liao Deputy director, chatting with him, I heard that Sanjiang City intends to restructure the towel factory, so my girlfriend plans to buy it and give it to two old people to take care of."

Luo Zhenghao was secretly amazed, thinking that although this Guo Xiaoling looked beautiful and dignified, judging by her clothes, she didn't look like someone who could afford to buy a factory!

Seeing that Luo Zhenghao was silent, Li Yi smiled and said, "Mayor Luo doesn't have to worry. The Guo family has an uncle who is doing business in the United States. He is willing to lend money to my girlfriend, so money is not a problem."

Guo Xiaoling blinked her eyes, thinking that I don't have any uncle doing business in the United States, isn't it just Li Yi's money?This guy, when he tells a lie, his face doesn't blush and his heart beats, he is definitely an old hand who often tells lies!

Luo Zhenghao laughed and said, "Section Chief Li, that's not what I'm thinking about. I'm the mayor of Sanjiang City, and I have to be responsible to the employees of the city's towel factory. I can't just sell this burden off by asking myself to be free and easy. Although the city's towel factory is not a big enterprise, it is still an old state-owned enterprise with thousands of employees. If Ms. Guo bought the towel factory purely for the sake of exporting anger and revenge on Hong Tianming, she would buy the company and its employees Regardless of interests, please forgive me for not agreeing."

Li Yi didn't see that he would refuse so tactfully, and the issue he was considering was not his personal interests, so he couldn't help but look at him a few times, nodded and smiled: "Of course not! Since the Guo family bought it, they will be responsible for it In the end, it will never be allowed to collapse, nor will any employee be deprived of food or wages. Not only that, but I think the Guo family will turn it into a profitable enterprise and make it a The pride of the people of Sanjiang City! Xiaoling, don’t you think so?”

Guo Xiaoling nodded repeatedly: "Yes!"

Luo Zhenghao said with emotion: "With the words of Section Chief Li, I feel relieved. The valuation of the city's towel factory is 350 million. If the buyer is sincere, we can consider a little discount. In terms of taxation, Taxes and fees for the first year can also be exempted, so that companies can have a buffer time to grow bigger and stronger."

From this sentence, Li Yi heard Luo Zhenghao's sincerity, and intuitively, this is a leader who works hard and does practical things for the people.Li Yi said sincerely: "Mayor Luo, I am now the plenipotentiary representative of the buyer, and I can make a promise. First of all, the discount is not needed, as long as it is worth, you should pay as much as you want, and you can't lose a penny. This is the national asset. ! As for the tax benefits, we will accept them. Also, I have a request."

Luo Zhenghao was shocked when he heard Li Yi's words. Which investor doesn't talk about it for profit?It is not uncommon to talk about ten days and a half months.However, when he offered preferential policies, Li Yi refused!Luo Zhenghao really admires this kind of mind.Immediately asked: "If you have any requirements, if you can meet them, I will try my best."

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