Chapter 94 The Golden Turtle

"The cooperation between the 'government' and the 'towel' factory cannot be terminated."

Li Yi naturally guessed that a large part of the sales volume of the 'towel' towel factory is digested by the 'government'.Leaving aside the "government"'s forced sales methods, as far as the "government" itself is concerned, it is also a huge consumer group, and this is an important way to connect with relevant departments of the "government". Of course, Li Yi does not want to disconnect easily.

"Haha! I thought it was a big request! It's reasonable! The towel factory is still in Sanjiang City, so of course we should give priority to the towels produced by our own people! This, no problem!" Luo Zhenghao was very happy, This is the first major event he has accomplished since he took office!

Li Yi smiled and said: "That's settled! You can sign the agreement at any time."

Luo Zhenghao was in a good mood, and ordered: "Serve the wine! Serve the food, I want to stay with Mr. Li without getting drunk!"

Hong Tianming on the side was so dumbfounded when he heard this!

This kid actually said that he wanted to buy the city towel factory?

Mayor Luo actually believed it?

This is not the plot of the movie, is it?

Isn't he Guo Xiaoling's classmate?

A person who has just graduated from college and has money to buy a factory?

This guy is too good at pretending to be 'forceful'!

Before it was his turn to think of anything more, people from the Public Security Bureau had already come and took several of them back together.

Liao Yongli stood next to Luo Zhenghao, wiping his sweat, feeling uneasy.

Li Yi glanced at him, understood what he was thinking, and casually said: "Thanks to Director Liao today, Director Liao, come, sit down, let's have a drink together."

Liao Yongli looked at Luo Zhenghao.Seeing Li Yi open his mouth, Luo Zhenghao nodded and said, "Sit down." Only then did Liao Yongli breathe a sigh of relief, and cast a grateful glance at Li Yi.

When the manager of the imperial capital heard that the mayor was coming, he led the secretary and strode over, apologizing to Luo Zhenghao again and again, saying some things that were far-fetched and poor hospitality.

Luo Zhenghao said: "I came here on a whim, so I don't blame you. Today, Mr. Li is a distinguished guest and the protagonist. You have to entertain him well." As soon as the manager heard that, he immediately took the glass, filled it with wine, and said to Li Yi toasted.

Li Yi took a sip, but the manager drank it down.With Guo Xiaoling by her side, Li Yi didn't dare to get drunk, and Guo Xiaoling didn't care about the face of the mayor or director, she just kept Li Yi's mouth shut, and after a few more drinks, she would lightly tug on Li Yi's clothes.

Luo Zhenghao was also working, so he didn't dare to drink too much. A few people drank up a bottle of Maotai, shook hands and said goodbye to each other, and made an appointment to sign an agreement tomorrow morning.

Li Yi and Guo Xiaoling returned to Guo's house.

As soon as Liang Ping saw the two of them enter the door, she shouted, "Xiaoling, come here!" Guo Xiaoling's heart skipped a beat, and she walked over, fearing that her mother would get angry, she said first, "Mom! Guess we'll see you when we go out today." Who is it?"

Guo Xiaotian was more interested, and asked first: "Who is it? You can't see the mayor, right?"

Guo Xiaoling smiled and said, "I really met the mayor! Dad, Mom, you don't know that Hong Tianming was arrested by the Public Security Bureau!"

Guo Xingguo also became interested: "Tell me, tell me! What's going on?"

Guo Xiaoling vividly described what happened today.

The three members of the Guo family looked at Li Yi like a monster, with some disbelief in their eyes. If Guo Xiaoling hadn't said it himself, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have [-]% trust.

At the end, Guo Xingguo coughed and asked: "Is this true?" Seeing Guo Xiaoling nodding, he asked again: "Is the city towel factory sold?" Guo Xiaoling nodded again.

Li Yi cleared his throat, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said: "Uncle, Auntie, listen to me. It's not that the city's towel factory can't be done, but because of the corruption of the factory's leadership team, this good factory has been ruined." .I bought the factory with money, and my uncle will be the factory manager to manage it. You are old employees, and you know what to do in order to benefit the factory. I believe that within three months, the factory will be brought back to life."

Liang Ping interrupted him and asked, "Where did you get the money? From your family? What does your family do? I heard Xiaoling say that your father died a long time ago, and your mother seems to be unemployed." .”

Li Yi smiled and said: "Auntie, Xiaoling is flattering my mother. My mother is just a waste picker, that is, picking up junk. I earn all my money. I know you have questions, please listen to me." .” Then he told how to make the first pot of gold at the Steel Summit and how to make a fortune in the U.S. stock market.

Several people, including Guo Xiaoling, were listening to the Arabian Nights.Guo Xiaoling only knew that Li Yi was rich, but she didn't know or care about how much money he had.Now hearing him say it himself, I can't help but cover my mouth, I accidentally caught a rich man!

Guo Xingguo and Liang Ping looked at each other, and they both read the words shock and genius in each other's eyes.

"Cough! Xiaoyi, are you a billionaire now?" Guo Xingguo was a little excited, this is his son-in-law!

Li Yi smiled embarrassedly: "Forget it."

Liang Ping was a little dazed. The change came too fast. Just a moment ago, the Guo family had nothing, no job, no house, no savings, and even tomorrow's food money. The Guo family suddenly rose from hell to hell. Paradise, you can live in a villa soon, have your own factory, and have a billionaire son-in-law!All this is not a dream, is it?She said with difficulty: "But, the money is all yours, why give it to us?"

Li Yi smiled, took Guo Xiaoling's hand, and said to Liang Ping: "Because I love Xiaoling, I am willing to share everything with her, including my life. The villa and factory should be given to the two for retirement." , In addition, I have also prepared 200 million cash for your emergencies."

Liang Ping looked at Guo Xingguo, Guo Xingguo shook his head, Liang Ping nodded, and said firmly: "We can't accept it, no matter how rich you are, we can't take yours, first, we are not selling our daughter, second, You don’t get paid for nothing.”

Li Yi said anxiously: "Just treat it as a dowry, can't it? Uncle, auntie, I just want to do my best to help you, and there is no other meaning. My feelings for Xiaoling are also sincere. "

Liang Ping insisted: "Since you have the ability to give Xiaoling happiness, I will no longer object to your affairs, but I still cannot accept this money."

Guo Xiaoling yelled: "Mom!" and threw herself into her arms, shedding tears of happiness.

Why is this family like this!Li Yi was very depressed.

Guo Xiaoling wiped her eyes, and said: "How about this, Li Yi, you bought the factory, and the factory still belongs to you. You just invite my parents to work and pay them wages. How about it? Dad, mom, I'm busy. It's impossible for you not to help?"

Li Yi listened, and said with a smile: "I work in the 'government' department. It is inevitable that there are some things that are not clear when running a business. The real estate and the factory are under Xiaoling's name. That's it, uncle will be the factory manager , Auntie is an accountant! The villa is considered a preferential treatment for the factory manager."

Guo Xingguo and Liang Ping exchanged glances, nodded, and smiled at the same time: "That's almost the same! There is no need for a villa, we are not used to living in that kind of bungalow! Anyway, the factory is yours , you won’t drive us out again, right? We’ll just live here, and the neighbors are familiar with it, so we’re comfortable!”

Li Yi still had to insist, Guo Xiaoling shook his hand lightly to him, signaling that he didn't have to say any more.Li Yi had no choice but to say: "I'll still buy the villa. When you want to live in it someday, you can move in at any time. Besides, when Xiaotian gets married, he will also use a new house, right?"

Guo Xiaotian jumped up happily, and shouted: "I knew it, my cry of brother-in-law is not in vain!"

Liang Ping said: "You also have to work in the factory! And there is no salary!"

Guo Xiaotian raised his mouth and looked at Li Yi as if asking for help.Li Yi smiled and said: "Xiaotian, I have other arrangements. I am going to ask him to go to Binhai to work with my best friend Scout." Guo Xiaotian then broke his mouth and smiled.

The next day, when the news came out that Li Yi had signed a purchase agreement with the municipal government, the entire towel factory community immediately exploded. Guo Jiayong.The Guo family's small house was packed to the brim.

Guo Xingguo and Liang Ping, now tasted the sweetness of the superiors. Listening to the flattering words of former workers and immediate superiors, looking at the mountain of gifts in front of them, and thinking about yesterday's situation, it really seems like a lifetime away.

Liang Ping's perception of Li Yi has finally undergone a 180-degree change. After all, all the affluent life now is brought about by him.

Li Yi's management of the towel factory is not much better than those professional managers and old employees. His purpose of buying the towel factory is just to give a sigh of relief to Guo Xiaoling's family. You can retire.

He just gave Guo Xingguo a few ideas based on the experience of future generations. The first one is to develop more patterns, such as family portrait towels, couple towels, student towels, small square sweat towels, etc. .The second is to produce high-end products, create a boutique brand, and specialize in high-end routes.Li Yi believes that with these two items, coupled with humanized management, the towel factory must be prosperous.

Li Yi only said to give some suggestions, but Guo Xingguo regarded him as the boss, and carefully recorded every sentence and every idea in his work diary.Seeing him working so hard, Li Yi also felt helpless.

The 'government' department was assisted by Luo Zhenghao and Wang Haishan, and the Water Conservancy Bureau was assisted by Qin Fan. Li Yi's work in Sanjiang City went smoothly, and the task was completed in a few days.

This time, Sanjiang City attaches great importance to the reconstruction of the reservoir, strictly controls the quality, and dare not be careless.

Li Yi was very satisfied with the water conservancy work in Sanjiang City and spoke highly of it in the report.

After reading the report written by Li Yi, Tan Jingyi said in surprise, "Section Chief Li, why did you sign my name?"

According to common sense, she is a temporary employee and a subordinate, so she is not qualified to sign the report.

Li Yi didn't answer her directly, but asked instead: "Xiao Tan, do you like the work of the Water Superintendent?"

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