Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 10 Einstein was also a time traveler

I learned the principle of wire and electricity from my dad, just pretending.The hard work of the past 20 years in the previous life was not in vain, otherwise he would not be able to be the engineering supervisor of a Taiwanese-funded factory.

It's just that it hurts the second brother and the third brother.

Dad felt that since he wanted to teach, he might as well teach two more.The second brother and the third brother have always had poor academic performance, and they don't seem to be suitable for studying, so my father thought about letting them learn some skills, so that they could have a craft by themselves.

My uncle passed away early, and my second and third brothers were very afraid of my father and dared not not come.

One day I came back from reading English from Mr. Zhou for an hour, my mind was full of crooked foreign characters, and I was walking on the ridge of the field muttering to myself.Alas, if he had to work so hard in his previous life, how could he end up penniless. [

When I got home, my father had already set up a place to teach apprentices in the main room.The second brother Liu Zhaomin and the third brother Liu Zhaohe sat at the table with bitter faces, their eyes full of Gu Yunai's expression.

I couldn't help laughing secretly for a while.

I am happy to see people being embarrassed, which shows that I am naturally kind, not a good person.

Putting down "Hamlet", I sat down at the table, Dad nodded, cleared his throat, and began to teach apprentices.

As soon as Dad started talking, the second and third brothers were confused and miserable, but I, the instigator, was not relaxed and happy.Think about it, things like voltage, current, and resistance have long been ingrained in my mind, and I can't make a mistake when I'm drunk.Now I have to pretend I don’t know anything, open a pair of clear little eyes, look at my father adoringly, nod from time to time, showing a look of joy and admiration, how is the situation different from sitting in class reading new words and rubbing my ass?

I originally planned to squeeze out my dad's electrical engineering knowledge for a maximum of three class hours, then cheat a set of tools and directly tinker with the real thing.As long as my dad agrees with my theory and shows a little bit of "genius" in practice, I'm sure I won't let it go.If the irrelevant guy next to him is ignorant and insists on expressing surprise, we will do our part, give his boss two rolls of eyes, and reprimand him for being rare and strange.

But the second brother and the third brother are so poor that they almost fainted just by a few symbols. Dad taught it n times over and over again, and the two brothers shook their heads like rattles.It was useless to make my father vomit blood with anger, but there was nothing I could do.

Seeing that I can continue to learn so much, I don't know that I have to learn the year of the monkey just for an electrical principle.I was about to use my tricks and tricks, but my father was already very impatient, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you two can go home and have dinner."

The second brother and the third brother got up immediately as if they had been pardoned, without even saying hello, and Fei seemed to run away.The third brother staggered when he crossed the threshold, and almost fell over.

Dad was panting with anger, if it wasn't for uncle's sake, he might have blurted out the word "stupid".In fact, the two cousins ​​are very intelligent people. In the previous life, they were better than me, and their business was flourishing.It's just that I don't like reading, and my cultural background is a bit poor.

"The master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual. Dad, you continue to teach."

If I get cheap, I will be good.

Seeing that I was talking in the same way, my father immediately turned his anger into joy, and asked with a smile: "Master led us in, and the practice depends on the individual. Where did you learn it?"

I smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou doesn't know how many times he has to talk every day, his ears are almost numb."

In fact, this is really wronged. Mr. Zhou, who is so educated, has never used this kind of slang?

"Okay, okay, your memory is so good, it's easy for me to teach you."

I smiled slightly: "Twice the effort with half the effort."

Dad grinned, just a laugh.

I didn't mean to show off on purpose. In my previous life, I was such a virtue when speaking. I like to use some idioms to pretend to be knowledgeable, and to fool my brothers and sisters who are migrant workers. It is difficult to change the habit of decades.Besides, just a few words can make Dad so happy, it is really a benefit without cost, why not do it? [

Once the second brother and the third brother left, our father and I became much more relaxed. Not only can we see ten lines at a glance, but we can see a hundred lines at a glance. Dad just mentioned many things, and I nodded repeatedly to express my understanding.

Naturally, I was also very careful to control the rhythm, not to run too fast, so as not to arouse my father's suspicion.Even so, my super ability to accept and understand has already surprised and delighted my dad. He glanced at me from time to time, as if he wanted to get to know his son again.

I feel bitter about pretending to learn knowledge that I have already memorized.Typical "pretend to be confused".This matter is no more than picking up girls and falling in love, and it is not too much to repeat ten thousand times. In order to "learn the teacher" as soon as possible, I don't care about arousing my father's suspicion even a little bit.

Hey, what was I thinking just now? ...Pick up...pick up girls?

After traveling back and going to elementary school for a few days, I almost forgot that I was 40 years old.The things that he talked about all day long in his previous life have been thrown out of the blue these days.

I don't know what happened to my wife and children in another world after I got drunk and got down.

Or maybe, things in that world are still going on as before, I didn't drink and get down, but continued to work to earn money, support my family, and dawdling around.Who can guess God's arrangement?

I shook my head, as if I wanted to get rid of all these things that were constantly being cut and messed up.

This subtle movement did not hide from my father, he has been carefully observing my expression.

"Xiaojun, what's the matter, don't you understand here?"

"Ah... no, no, I need to straighten out my thoughts..."

I squeaked and replied.

"Straighten your thinking... straighten your thinking... hehe..."

Dad is already familiar with the adult words that come out of my mouth from time to time.

"In this way, you have learned too much today, so you should rest for a while. Learn later."

"Don't, don't, dad, keep talking."

I was in a hurry and begged for help.

Dad smiled, and lovingly patted my head: "We have to eat food one bite at a time, and we have to walk step by step on the road. Don't try to eat one bite and become a fat man. Haste makes waste."

"It's okay, it's okay, you continue to talk... Well, you don't go home often, so I will talk more this time, and I will read the book slowly. If there is something I don't understand, I will ask you when you go home next time..."

In my previous life, I was a master at making up nonsense.The melon seeds in the head were spinning very fast, and a hard reason was made up in a short time.

Dad smiled resignedly, and continued.

"Eat, eat, eat..." [

The second sister yelled loudly and served food on the table.

Before you know it, is it already eight or nine o'clock?This class is long enough.

"Wait a minute, the last few pages are about to finish."

Dad waved his hand, and suddenly froze.

last few pages

A whole book of "Electrical Engineering Principles", with more than a hundred and dozens of pages, can be finished in one night?Is this too fast?

Seeing Dad's stunned look, I snickered for a while.

Dad, Dad, are you confused?I don't know how this son was born, right?hehe!Have fun first!

"Xiaojun, do you understand all this?"

"not understand."

I shook my head again and again.

I have to tell Dad, I understand everything, so it’s okay?Isn't it more Einstein than Einstein? …Well, Einstein, the greatest man in the history of science, may have traveled back to the twentieth century from an unknown era.Or is it that his old man invented the theory of relativity?Maybe it is possible, who knows?

Dad let out a long breath, both relieved and a little disappointed.

"then you……"

"Hmm... It's not that I don't understand at all, I understand a little... I'll learn the general idea first, and then I'll understand slowly..."

"Hmph, swallow dates whole!"

The second sister curled her lips and hit me hard.

"Yes, swallow dates whole. Ye Zi, this idiom is well used."

Dad laughed happily.

"Wow, fried pork with chili!"

Maybe I was too involved just now, until the smell of meat hit my nostrils, I realized that there was a large bowl of chili fried pork in the middle of the table, and it was a piece of fatty meat the size of a palm.

In an instant, my saliva fell three thousand feet, and I suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days!

"Learning uses more brains, and fat supplements the brain."

Dad stroked my head and said lovingly.


I nodded again and again, I couldn't even hold my chopsticks, I stretched out the five-clawed golden dragon, grabbed a huge piece of fat, and stuffed my small mouth to the brim. The right one!

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