Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 11 History goes awry

Fast forward to mid-October, Yan Yucheng, director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Red Flag Commune, came to Mr. Zhou's house again.He even brought his dad along.As far as I remember, this is the first time my father came back from the county without going home first.After listening to their conversation, I found out that my father was called back directly from the unit by Director Yan.As soon as Dad arrived at the commune, Director Yan hurriedly dragged him to Mr. Zhou's house.

Since the last time they met at Mr. Zhou's house, Director Yan and his father hit it off. In just one month, the friendship between the two has rapidly warmed up.Whenever Director Yan goes to the county town for a meeting, he must go to the electric tube station to chat with his father for a while.And my dad also reciprocated. Whenever I go to the countryside to Hongqi Commune, no matter how late it is, I have to sit at Director Yan's house and have a drink.

The two of them don't drink much, and they drink tea when they don't have wine, mainly for chatting.The two are about the same age, Director Yan is slightly older, and their views on the current situation and their understanding of history are surprisingly consistent.In the words of my father, it means "smells like each other".

When Director Yan and my father arrived, Mr. Zhou and I, the elder and the younger, were talking in English, and the two intellectuals were taken aback.Although Director Yan is a student of Mr. Zhou, he majored in party history and is not good at English.

Mr. Zhou was rigorous in his studies, turned a blind eye to Director Yan and his father's visit, insisted on finishing the whole conversation, praised me a few words, and then turned his head to greet the two guests with a smile. [

Director Yan knew the teacher's personality well, and he was not angry.Dad naturally has no reason to be angry.

"What wind brought you two here?"

Director Yan laughed, but looked around vigilantly, and didn't speak.

Mr. Zhou knew that he had something important to say, and his face became serious, and he stretched out his hand to invite the guest into the room.

The three adults sat down in the room, and the teacher's wife served green tea.

I smiled, took a book and sat on the small stool at the door, and said, "Uncle, you are talking, and I am reading at the door. If anyone comes, I will call you."

Mr. Zhou nodded.

Director Yan glanced at me, then at Dad, shook his head and sighed.

"Old Liu, Xiaojun is only seven years old, how did you make such a son? He's already become a genius."

"Hehe, are you jealous? Hey, Director Yan, don't you have a daughter, who seems to be about the same age as our Xiaojun, how about it, do you want to have an in-law? For the sake of our friendship, it will be cheaper for you. "

Dad was not such a flamboyant character.But there was no outsider in the room, so he casually joked.

Director Yan's daughter?Hmm, never seen it.But Yan Yucheng is very handsome, and the daughter born to such a handsome father must not be ugly.It would be nice to marry his daughter, we will be the son-in-law of the District Commissioner in the future, haha!

I knew it was a joke, but I was seriously thinking about it.

And who knows, I'm actually 40 years old, and I should think about marrying a wife.

But... I have a wife.My wife in the previous life was also from Xiangyang County, only twenty kilometers away from Liujia Mountain.Should be six years old this year?The quality of the marriage in the previous life was average, let's just make do with it.My wife has a bad temper.Now that I am reborn, I can also choose to marry another wife.But what about the son?In my previous life, I had two sons, whom I loved as dear ones.If the wife is changed, the son born will definitely be different from the previous life.I can't accept this anyway.

Come to think of it, that's my own son, my own flesh and blood.What if we never see them again for decades to come?

Fortunately, it is still early, and my wife is thriving.When the time comes, let's be honest and welcome, just marry me.Who dares to rob me, heh heh, I'm going in and out with red knives!

Just thinking about the viciousness, Director Yan spoke up.

"Teacher, great joy, great joy..." [

"What great event?"

Mr. Zhou has always known this disciple's temperament, he is a very stable person.With such joyful colors now, it can be seen that something big has really happened.

"Over there in the capital... it's time to do something."

Although I have a book in hand, I have been listening to their conversation attentively.When Director Yan said this, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of my mouth.

In 960, it was destined to be engraved in the annals of history.This year, too many major events took place in our country's [-] million square kilometers of land.


Mr. Zhou was taken aback for a moment, but then he was overjoyed.

"Caught them all?"


Director Yan nodded heavily.

"They're all caught!"

"Arrested all three? Including that...that woman?"

Mr. Zhou didn't believe it.

Director Yan shook his head: "Not three, but four!"


Mr. Zhou was confused again.

"Isn't it Jiangqiao Yao? Where did the fourth one come from?"

I know what they are talking about is the crushing of the "Gang of Four" by the Party Central Committee.On October [-], the Party Central Committee crushed the small counter-revolutionary clique headed by Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.

On April [-], [-], during the Ching Ming Festival, the "April [-]th Incident" that shocked China and the world took place in the capital. Passionate youths gathered in the Capital Square to mourn the beloved Prime Minister, and at the same time denounced the crimes of Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and others angrily.At that time, Wang Hongwen was the vice chairman of the Party Central Committee, and ordinary people did not understand the inside story, so they did not rank him with Jiang, Zhang, and Yao.

"And Wang Hongwen."

Director Yan said softly.

"Huh? He too?" [


"When did this happen?"

"October sixth."

Mr. Zhou nodded: "Shoot when it's time to do it, the Party Central Committee is wise!"

Dad smiled and said: "It seems that the central government has made up its mind this time. Mr. Zhou, your day of redress is not far away."

The teacher's wife was always by the side with a smile.She doesn't quite understand these big things.Hearing my father say this, I couldn't help being extremely happy, and said again and again: "Really? That's great, that's great, this hard time is finally coming to an end... Amitabha..."

While discussing state affairs, the teacher's wife suddenly said "Amitabha", and the three intellectuals couldn't help but smile.

I secretly shook my head.A certain veteran in the party has not yet come back, and it will take two years for the day of rectifying the chaos.But of course, you can't say this, because it will spoil the interest of your husband and wife.

With the collapse of the "Gang of Four", the ten-year Cultural Revolution was officially over.Although the reform and opening up did not start until after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in [-], the atmosphere of political repression has gradually eased.Mr. Zhou can't be rehabilitated for the time being, but Director Yan can give him more care, so he doesn't have to have as many scruples as before.

Mr. Zhou rarely showed a smile, and sighed: "It's such a happy event, it should be explained!"

The husband does not drink alcohol on weekdays, and there is no money left to buy alcohol at home.

Dad immediately took out two yuan and said, "Xiaojun, go to the supply and marketing agency to buy a catty of wine and buy some peanut candies."

The teacher's wife hurriedly said: "Mr. Liu, you come to my house as a guest, why do you have the nerve to ask you to spend money for drinks?"

Mr. Zhou waved his hand: "Old lady, everyone is a bosom friend, and Jincai is not a stingy person, so don't slap your face swollen and pretend to be fat. Where do you get the money for drinking at home?"

"Then...I'll go to the bar. Xiao Jun, you guys force him to study all day long, how hard is it? What a crime!"

Dad smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't spoil him. What are children afraid of running errands?"

I got up in time and said with a smile: "Yes, teacher's wife, I am not afraid of hard work. 'The teacher has something to do, and the disciples will do their best', so I should go."

The teacher's wife frowned and smiled: "This child, his mouth is like smeared with honey, and his words are pleasant to hear. He is indeed Teacher Liu's son."

"Hehe, sister-in-law, it's all thanks to Mr. Zhou, he taught well!"

The adults laughed, and finally complied with the teacher's wife.

"Xiaojun, just sit still and don't move. I'm going to drink. You kid, don't drink a bottle on the way."

In a short time, drinks and candies were bought.Before it was served, my wife stuffed a few candies into my hands.

"You guys eat first, I'll go to the fifth sister-in-law's house next door to borrow some eggs, and fry them for you to drink."

"Sister-in-law, there are still a few cents in change here, so don't borrow them, and buy some eggs from her."

"It's all right, sister-in-law fifth is a generous person, a few eggs are all right..."

"Let her go."

Dad wanted to say more, but Mr. stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Come on, let's drink and celebrate."

"Come, drink..."

All three of them drink so-so, and they all sip in small sips, mainly to enhance the atmosphere.

"Yucheng, the central government has made such a big move this time, I'm afraid there will be many changes in the local government, right?"

Director Yan smiled: "The teacher can see clearly. The place has already moved. To tell you the truth, I called Jincai to come together this time. You two discuss it."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Director Yan looked at his father and fell silent.

Dad was surprised: "Why, this matter has something to do with me?"


So my dad looked at him very intently, and Mr. Zhou also had a concerned look on his face, and I pricked up my ears, wondering for a while.The downfall of the "Gang of Four" is of course a great thing, but somehow it has something to do with my father.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't fit the boundaries!

"Jincai, let's change jobs. How about coming to Hongqi Commune?"

Dad just laughed: "Why, the commune wants to set up a film promotion team?"

Director Yan frowned and said, "Don't tell me you just want to play movies for the rest of your life?"

Seeing that Director Yan didn't intend to make a joke, Dad's face became more serious.

"Then tell me, how do you change this job?"

"Come to the commune and form a team with me, as the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee, in charge of publicity and cultural and educational work, and the administrative level is tentatively set at the sub-section level, how about it?"

The Revolutionary Committee was the organizational form of political power at all levels throughout the country during the Cultural Revolution, referred to as the Revolutionary Committee.After the Shanghai turmoil in January [-], the masses seized power from the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai governments at all levels, and established a large political institution similar to the "Paris Commune". Zhang Chunqiao named it the Shanghai Commune.All over the country followed suit to seize power, with different regime names.The great leader thought that the Shanghai Commune was not pleasant, and issued a supreme instruction, saying, "It is better to call it the Revolutionary Committee."As a result, all levels of political power across the country, from self-examination to schools and factories, were all renamed "revolutionary committees."

The revolutionary committee is unified, that is, the party and government are not separated, and the party committee and the government are integrated.The director of the Revolutionary Committee is a veritable leader.Of course, some places resumed the county-level and district-level and township-level party committees around 70, but in province n, the work of local party committees to resume exercising their powers lagged behind. Only after the restoration of the party committee, the revolutionary committees at all levels were transformed into pure government agencies, and in the early 80s they were renamed the people's government.

I can't help but turn around.

Dad was even more cautious and asked: "Is it suitable? I am an ordinary cadre now, and I am a technical cadre. I have never caught any administrative work."

Director Yan said with a smile: "Aren't technical cadres better? They can be civil and military. Can you tell me something."

"My level is not enough."

"Hey, don't worry about this. I understand that you were a soldier in 18, and you have [-] years of work experience. What's the big deal about being a deputy department? At the county organization department, I I have already said hello, absolutely no problem. Now it is up to your own opinion."

At that time, the distinction between government departments, public institutions and administrative units was not clear, only the difference between state cadres and collective cadres.Dad is a serious national cadre, as long as the county organization department agrees, there will be no problem in job transfer.

Dad was silent.

"Jin Cai, this is a good thing."

Mr. Zhou persuaded.

"Why, can't you let go of the life of the people in the city?"

Director Yan was a little impatient.On weekdays, he doesn't appear to be that impatient character.Probably there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to put on a show.

Dad laughed: "What is the life of people in the city? Xiangyang County is also called the city? I am worried about the education of the children. I originally planned to transfer all the children to the county to study next year. After all, the teachers in the county school Be stronger."

Director Yan scowled, a little unhappy.

"Comrade, you are such an ideological consciousness? Patronizing Xiaojia and ignoring everyone! To tell you the truth, what I want you to form a team is not our friendship, but your talent. Our country has been engaged in sports for so many years. , tossing and tossing, tossing and tossing, and tossing the common people to the point of poverty. Look at Teacher Zhou... Huh, if we don't focus on production to promote development, the national economy will collapse... Socialism doesn't make the people poor!"

I looked at the upright Director Yan, full of admiration.What is a real g party member?This is called a real g party member.

No wonder it was a matter of course for him to be the secretary of the county party committee a few years later.

"Dad, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!"

I suddenly said a word.

All three adults laughed.

"You, you, your consciousness is not as high as your son's!"

Dad smiled and said, "I'm also worried that I won't be able to do this job well. After all, I haven't worked in administration before."

Mr. Zhou quickly cheered him up: "As long as you walk and stand firmly, keep the people in your heart, and use your brains, you can do any job well. As for children's education, don't worry. As long as I stay in Matangwan, according to Xiaojun I promise to let him reach the level of primary school graduation in half a year!"

Director Yan laughed loudly: "Look, look, there is nothing to worry about. Teacher Zhou is a serious professor. If you teach your son a small lesson, are you afraid that you won't be able to teach a college student?"

At this time, speaking of it, I was the one who was most nervous.

Because I found that the trajectory of history has begun to deviate.At least in Xiangyang County, in the small part of Hongqi Commune, deviations have occurred.In the previous life, my father had never been an administrative cadre in his life, and he was only a technician when he was old.

If Dad agrees, this deviation will become a reality.It also means that in the world where I was reborn, his life path will undergo tremendous changes. Not only my father alone, but also our family's life path will undergo unexpected changes.

"Okay, I promise!"

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