Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1010 Mayor Liu is tossing around

Not long after both returned.Mayor Liu proposed the case at the mayor's office meeting.All the deputy mayors, including the executive deputy mayor Zhao Shifan, were stunned.

Mayor Liu's first proposal is quite normal. It is to comprehensively improve Qianzhou's road transportation network within three years.

Liu Jun's proposal is very ambitious. Within three years, all the main roads in Qianzhou will be rebuilt.Speaking of it, as a prefecture-level city, Qianzhou's road traffic situation is far from ideal.There is only one national highway and two provincial highways in the city, and the total mileage is only over 400 kilometers.As far as these main highways are concerned, the road conditions are also very average, and there are many "traps" filled with potholes.A few months ago, Liu Jun rushed to rescue Qianzhou City from Changhe District. From Yulan City to Qianzhou City, it was more than [-] kilometers, and the convoy walked for a whole day.Although the slippery road is one reason, the other, the important reason, is that the road conditions are bad and rough, especially when the road conditions cannot be seen clearly in rainy days, many cars drive like they are dancing.For this "difficult march." After several months, Mayor Liu still remembers it vividly.

Qianzhou has convenient waterway transportation, but the transportation links with most cities in the province, especially Yulan City, the provincial capital, mainly rely on land transportation.As for air transportation, Qianzhou has only one civil aviation airport converted from a military airport in the early 90s.Moreover, due to the serious shortage of passengers, only two routes have been opened, and the airport is losing money every year.

In addition to national highways and provincial highways, Qianzhou's city-level and county-level transportation networks are nothing to boast about.So far, there are still many remote villages without cement or paved roads. [

After Mayor Liu took office, he took it easy.Walking around the eleven districts and counties under the jurisdiction of Qianzhou, even though Liu Jun is strong and strong, with deep inner strength, he was also aching all over from the bumps, and his bones showed signs of loosening.

"With such road conditions, if you want to vigorously develop the economy, you will be deceiving yourself!"

Mayor Liu made no secrets, and openly criticized at the mayor's office meeting.The deputy mayors looked at each other in blank dismay, all with expressions of horror on their faces.Because Liu Hui, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Xiangyang, the former mayor, were both cadres single-handedly promoted by Jin Xiushi. In public, they are all in harmony.

Like Mayor Liu, criticizing without hesitation made it difficult for everyone to adapt for a while.

Liu Yanei really dared to say anything.

Liu Jun's plan is to use one year in Mingdong to comprehensively renovate the national and provincial roads in Qianzhou, widen and strengthen the road surface, all of which must meet the standards of first-class roads.In the next year and the next two years, we will complete the renovation of the city-level and county-level traffic networks, so that every village will have access to roads.

Before the deputy mayors recovered from the shock, Mayor Liu threw out a second proposal: to establish a high-tech development zone that is currently in the middle of the hierarchy.Within three years, the entire high-tech zone will introduce no less than 200 high-tech enterprises, with an annual output value of no less than 10 billion yuan and a total annual tax revenue of no less than [-] billion yuan.

This bill, like the first bill, is impossible for the deputy mayors to realize.

In the early 90s, high-tech zones and development zones were launched all over the country, and all kinds of high-tech zones and development zones sprung up like mushrooms.Qianzhou City is not far behind. One guy set up two city-level development zones and seven county-level development zones.The two city-level development zones, with one exception, are all at the level.Of the seven county-level development zones, the lowest one is also at the department level, and there are also those at the deputy department level.

After these nine high-tech development zones have been in operation for seven or eight years, basically, only two are normal and have a certain amount of profits and taxes turned over. The other seven development zones are all at a loss and need to rely on financial appropriations for maintenance. There are seven administrative agencies that eat imperial food, which are not much different from ordinary townships. They have not helped the city and county finances, but have become a drag.Of course, many relatives of officials took the opportunity to solve their jobs and take up the iron rice bowl, which is not without any benefits.

In an official-based country, it is better than anything else to be able to serve the iron rice bowl and eat the imperial food.

I thought that Mayor Liu would have some clever tricks, who knew that he would stir up the leftovers from eight years ago as soon as he came up.The deputy mayors thought that this was just an idea that Mayor Liu wanted to arrange for his cronies.As for the total output value of 200 billion and the total profit and tax of [-] billion, it is almost like a fool's dream.

If the water is wrung out, I don't know if the total amount of the nine high-tech development zones in the city has reached this value in the past eight years.

However, none of you will point it out.

Mayor Liu took office as a new official, and with such a solid background in the yamen, it was only natural to set up a high-tech zone at the top level and arrange some cronies and friends to go there to serve iron jobs.Are you only allowed to take care of your cronies and friends, and I, Liu Jun, are not allowed to take care of you?Who dares to object, Mayor Liu Ruowan, get up, and I will organize you with the personnel of the existing high-tech development zone in Qingyao.Didn't Sui shoot himself in the foot?He is neither bachelor, but also extremely stupid!

Because he had already been overwhelmed by the first two proposals, Mayor Dangliu proposed the third proposal.When a "Museum of Science and Technology" was built in the city, everyone was far less surprised than before. After all, compared with the previous two proposals, building a "Museum of Science and Technology" can only be regarded as trivial.

That is to add a scenic spot. When publicizing and reporting to the superiors, there is another topic to talk about.

However, the newly appointed young mayor is serious about his words. He proposes to invest 6000 million yuan in the construction of this "science and technology museum"!

Six thousand episodes! [

Just to build a "science and technology museum" with no practical use.

Some deputy mayors have already shook their heads secretly in their hearts.

After Mayor Deliu read out his three proposals, the entire conference room fell into silence.The deputy mayors all looked solemn.But if you look carefully, there are very few deputy mayors with meaningful smiles on their lips.

Hehe, everyone said that Liu Yanei was great, but he really couldn't afford to leave.He made such a big move as soon as he came up, and he directly aimed at money and power.Building roads and building museums, no doubt.They are all burning a lot of money, and there is too much oil and water in it.As long as Mayor Liu shows his tone, he doesn't know how many businessmen will pay tribute to him.If all these projects can be selected, according to a conservative estimate, even if Liu Jun is not very greedy, earning 2000 million or [-] million is just like playing.

As for being in a high-tech zone, the target is right.

Generally, the appointment and removal of cadres must go through the municipal party committee, and the mayor only has the right to make suggestions.However, the appointment and removal of cadres in the high-tech zone is dominated by the mayor because of its special circumstances. Liu Jun has a great say in this regard.Secretary Liu Hui looked at the big backstage behind him, so he couldn't care too much about Mayor Liu.

This young man has powerful methods.No wonder people can sit on the mayor's throne when they are less than 30 years old.

"Comrades can talk about what they think."

Liu Jun took a sip from his teacup, glanced at the deputy mayor's face one by one, and said with a smile.

The deputy mayors looked at each other and closed their mouths at the same time.To be honest, everyone doesn't know much about Liu Jun, and can only make a rough judgment based on some rumors and brief contact these days.Such a judgment.Often inaccurate.

Like the team of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee, the team of the Qianzhou Municipal Government has relatively older members.This phenomenon occurred during Jin Xiushi's administration.more common.The youngest of the deputy mayors is also over 40 years old.The deputy city-level cadres who have reached this age are all experienced in storms for a long time, with a calm personality, and they never speak casually without understanding the situation.

Seeing someone make a sound, Liu Jun frowned slightly.

When he was in charge of Changhe District, despite his high prestige, the atmosphere at the working committee meeting was very active.Everyone was able to speak freely, and if they felt that there was something inappropriate about Secretary Liu's proposal, they pointed it out bluntly, and Liu Jun made the final decision after comprehensively summarizing everyone's opinions.

Liu Jun believes that such a model truly embodies "democratic centralism".

"Comrade Shifan, you are the executive deputy mayor. You have worked in Qianzhou for a long time and know the situation in the city better than I do. Please share your opinion!"

Liu Jun waited for a while, and still speaking, he directly called Zhao Shifan's name.

Liu Jun was used to being the leader, so he naturally addressed all the members of the mayor's office meeting as comrades.At the beginning, Zhao Shifan and other deputy mayors who were far older than Liu Jun felt uncomfortable.As time goes by, there is no choice but to accept this fact.Seniority belongs to seniority, and there is still a distinction between superiority and inferiority.officialdom.This is strictly hierarchical.It is the prerogative of leaders to call comrades openly and silently.

There is not a single mayor of Bei who dares to call "Comrade Liu Jun" and calls the city in a proper manner

Although Zhao Shifan has not opened his mouth to speak, in fact, several thoughts have turned in his mind.No matter how absurd or idiotic the proposal proposed by Liu Jun is, since it was raised openly at the mayor's office meeting, there must be a result, and it cannot end quickly.As the executive deputy mayor, the second in command of the municipal government.It is necessary to express your attitude.

Moreover, Zhao Shifan's attitude is also very clear.

No matter how big you are, Liu Jun, or a princeling, when it comes to specific economic construction measures, you have to be more or less realistic. You are too outrageous, and the city's finances and ordinary people can't stand it.

Facing Liu Jun's gaze, Zhao Shifan coughed, straightened his sitting posture, and opened his mouth with an expression on his face. [

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