Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1011

"Mayor. I agree with these proposals in principle. If it's true, it will be a big boost to the economic development of our city.

As soon as Zhao Shifan opened his mouth, he followed the rules and came first. "I agree in principle." It is also a necessary skill for subordinates to speak to their superiors.

liu jun smiles for union 4

Zhao Shifan said "if it is really implemented"!The crux of the matter is that all the deputy mayors believe that these proposals are unlikely to be implemented, especially the first proposal.

"The first proposal mentioned by the mayor just now is to improve the road traffic network in the city. Upgrading of municipal roads and county-level roads requires at least [-] million yuan.” [

The deputy mayors suddenly gasped.

Teacher Zhao paused for a moment, and then said: "Our Qianzhou City's total fiscal revenue last year was 9000 million. Among them, the value-added tax and business tax were each about 200 million, and the corporate income tax was 100 million. Personal income tax three Thousands of 700 million, urban maintenance and construction tax 2000 million, property tax 1000 million. Stamp duty, urban land use tax, land value-added tax, vehicle and vessel use tax add up to about 100 million, slaughter tax 4000 million, agricultural tax 3000 million, Agricultural specialty tax is 500 million, farming occupation tax and deed tax add up to 300 million, state-owned assets operating income is 800 million, state-owned enterprise scrapping loss subsidies are 500 million, administrative fee income is 8000 million, fine and confiscation income is 300 million, land and The income from the paid use of sea areas is 2000 million, the special income is 6000 million, and other income is 8000 million. The general budget revenue is 7000 million in total, and there is also fund income of [-] million. Last year, the city's fiscal deficit was [-] million!"

Zhao Shifan enumerated the city's financial revenue one by one, Liu Jun listened very carefully, leading the way slightly from time to time.When Gein Zhao Shifan reported the data, he basically blurted it out without looking at the notebook in front of him.These data are visible.It has been deeply engraved in his mind, and it is very familiar.

Liu Jun has always admired such meticulous cadres.

But appreciation is appreciation, Zhao Shifan's words are very clear.City finances are losing money.Last year's fiscal deficit reached about [-] percent of total fiscal revenue.This is an astonishing ratio.

Of course, Liu Jun has been in the local area for a long time, and knows that the local government still has some extra income, which does not need to be listed in the statistics of fiscal revenue.However, it is estimated that the hole in the deficit will be filled, and there will be no surplus.

According to the situation of this financial income.The available financial resources of Qianzhou City are basically exhausted.Even if a penny is not spent on other places, it will take five to six years to complete the road construction plan proposed by Liu Jun.

Zhao Shifan didn't say anything against it, but directly flipped Liu Jun's "Yiwei blueprint" with real data.

It's just such a property, you, Mayor Liu, can figure it out.This year was also hit by floods, and various incomes must have been greatly reduced; however, expenditures have been greatly increased. The central government and the province will provide certain subsidies, but the difference with the road construction cost of [-] billion yuan is incomparable.Moreover, the post-disaster reconstruction compensation funds of the central government and the province are all earmarked for special purposes, and the Qianzhou Municipal Government does not have the courage to remove them for road construction.

You used the money to build roads, what about the victims who are starving for food?

Master Zhao finished speaking.He picked up the water glass to drink water, and did not continue to comment on the second and third motions.The first item alone won't pass.

The deputy mayors all raised their eyes to look at Liu Jun, and saw that this "outspoken" Comrade Chief, had anything else to say.

Liu Jun smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Comrade Shifan is very serious about his job, which is worth learning from. The financial situation of Qianzhou City, as Comrade Shifan said, is indeed very serious. I propose to build roads , and I don’t have the idea of ​​making money for the city.”

After hearing this.Everyone was even more surprised.

Road construction does not involve the city's finances. Could it be possible that money will fall from the sky?

Zhao Shifan thought for a while, and asked cautiously: "What does the mayor mean, go to the superiors for help?"

Zhao Shifan's speculation is not justified.There is no money in the city, and roads need to be built. It seems that the only way to reach out is to go up.But the central finance and the provincial finance are not opened by your old Liu family, with [-] billion, you can get it if you want it?Even if your father is the deputy prime minister, you can't be so partial!

Liu Jun still had a gentle smile and said: "Of course it is necessary to seek help from the superiors. It is the money bags of the central and provincial finances. We must make up our minds and ask them to help."

The deputy mayors who attended the meeting showed knowing smiles.The yamen is the yamen, as expected, the hands and eyes are open to the sky.Without this confidence, I dare not open my mouth to talk about improving the traffic conditions in the city. [

"However, the higher-ups also have difficulties with the higher-ups. The central government and the provincial government are not very rich. There are many places to spend money in the whole country and the province. They can help a little, but we have to find a way for the bulk."

Liu Jun

Everyone was stunned again, cooperating with the money.Still have to fall in Qianzhou City?Can this sheep in Qianzhou produce so much wool?

After a while, Ji Andong, the deputy mayor in charge of the traffic intersection, said: "Mayor, is it a local fundraising?"

Ji Andong is 46 and seven years old, and he is relatively young among the deputy mayors.Although he mentioned such a thing in his mouth.The method, in fact, I don't think so.Raising funds to build roads is possible on village-level roads. In order to open roads as soon as possible in many villages, villagers consciously raise funds, and the cities and counties will provide appropriate subsidies to build roads first.

But county roads and city roads.It is not suitable to use the method of fundraising.You can raise funds from related companies, but not too much.There are not many foreign enterprises in Qianzhou, and the profitability of local enterprises is relatively good, all of which have been included in the tax source.It is very difficult to focus on collection and additional fundraising.Businesses are not cash cows, either.What's more, we just suffered from floods this year. Both the villagers and the enterprises are anxious to wait for the rice to go to the pot. Where can we get the extra money to raise funds to build roads.

However, neither the city's financial investment nor all the assistance from the superiors could be relied upon. Apart from raising funds, Ji Andong couldn't think of a better way.

A smile of appreciation appeared on Liu Jun's face.Said: "To get rid of the harshness, Comrade Anton's proposal is also a good solution. But it can't solve the root cause, everyone should think about it again and come up with ideas together."

At this time, everyone was even more surprised.Looking at Liu Jun's appearance, he was confident, as if the huge sum of 40 billion was in the mayor's pocket and could be taken out at any time.Mayor Liu is just guiding everyone to use their brains more.

This mayor's office meeting came up with new ideas, and the mayor actually came up with a "brain teaser. Topic

However, the atmosphere of the meeting was successfully mobilized, and it was no longer as dull as before.The deputy mayors really used their brains one by one and thought carefully.

When you get the money, there is another way to go to the bank for a loan.It's just a huge sum of 40 billion, and there is no mortgage. Which bank is willing to lend?Don't mention this idea.

"Mayor, I heard about the coastal areas. There are roads built in cooperation with enterprises, toll roads"

Zhao Shifan thought about it seriously, and said in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, there is such a precedent."

The admiration on Liu Jun's face grew stronger.How to raise money is just one aspect that he has to consider, and another aspect to abandon. He just wants to gradually change the old way of thinking of these deputies step by step, give them a change of mind, and don't be too rigid.

The two teams in Qianzhou City obviously have the problem of lack of vitality.If some outdated concepts are not changed, economic take-off will always be just a spectacle.A good leader must shoulder the heavy responsibility of transforming concepts.

Zhao Shifan's spirit was lifted for a while, and he seemed to see a ray of hope in the darkness.But this excitement didn't last long, and it immediately dimmed, and he shook his head slightly.

It is possible to build a main road and turn it into a toll road.But what Liu Jun proposed was a package solution. We can't turn every road in the city, including rural roads, into tolls, right?Roads are built for smooth traffic, and there are toll booths everywhere. Who would want to come here?

The establishment of toll booths requires the approval of the provincial government.

The deputy mayors thought hard for a while.Shaking their heads one after another, they really couldn't think of a good way.

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said: "Let me tell you about some practices in the coastal cities and Changhe District of Yulan City, which may inspire you. The construction of industrial zones in coastal areas is very fast, mainly because of the local government and the masses. Spontaneously invest in the construction of industrial zones, first build factories and public facilities, and then rent them out. Investors do not need to invest too much fixed investment at one time, and the investment cost is relatively small. There are many, and everyone is willing to come and invest. When I was in Changhe District, I used loans to build roads. I used the future value-added income of Changhe District as collateral to borrow from banks, and then built infrastructure such as roads and squares, which drove the development of real estate. Appreciate the value, and then use the proceeds from land transfer to repay the bank loan. In fact, if the operation is done properly, there will still be a lot of surplus. That is to say, we will overdraft the future money in advance[

The deputy mayors were shocked.

It's not that they haven't used their brains before on the concept of "paying enough money to pay enough money".But this. "Maoliang" is also limited and cannot increase in value. If the "maoliang" is exhausted, it will not be a big deal.

And Liu Jun now wants to advance 40 billion "mao grains." Everyone really can't think of where such a large piece of "mao grain" can come from Qianzhou City.

Liu Jun paused for a moment, then glanced slowly over the faces of the deputy mayors again, and said, "Actually, we are rich. Qianzhou is very rich. But it's dead money for the time being. We have to find a way to kill the money. Only by making full use of it and turning it into living money can we achieve immediate results

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