Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1267 Summary and Commendation

At the end of the year, the summary and commendation meeting of Qianzhou City was being held for the six solemn Qianzhou Zhaohua Birthday Day, and there were many people in the dark.

On the rostrum, the thirteen municipal party committee leaders sat in the middle.Other leading comrades of the four sets of teams and some retired veteran cadres.Also sit on the rostrum.Behind is the solemn national emblem, dozens of red flags, surrounded by flowers and emerald greens, and the arrangement is quite festive.

The commendation meeting was presided over by Acting Mayor Li Hui himself.

In his speech, Li Hui fully affirmed the brilliant achievements of Qianzhou City this year, which can be called a double harvest in the construction of spiritual civilization and material civilization.

According to preliminary statistics, the gross national product of Qianzhou City has surpassed Wuxi City and directly caught up with Yulan City.The government's available financial resources and national per capita income are two major components, and the growth rate is the highest in the province, not only far surpassing Wuxi City, but also far surpassing Yulan City.pull down big [


This data, the province and other evil cities.In fact, they are more opinionated, and there are some complaints and strange words.

The increase in available financial resources in Qianzhou City is nothing more than relying on sellers.If the country and the province also give them such preferential policies, who will have no money at hand?But when it comes to the growth of national per capita income.The voices of everyone talking became much lower.This is a tough achievement.Qianzhou City does not directly subsidize the money that the sellers earn to the citizens.

The great abundance of material civilization manifests itself in great changes in the city and citizens' lives.The happiness index of Qianzhou citizens.A sharp rise, the streets and alleys are full of joy.Especially in the vast rural areas, the income has also increased substantially.This is what makes Liu Jun most happy.

Of the 600 million citizens in Qianzhou City, 400 million have rural household registration.The increase in farmers' income is the real benefit.

In his speech, Li Hui also praised Qianzhou City for its great harvest in spiritual civilization construction in the past two years.Under the leadership of the former secretary Comrade Han Xu and the current secretary Comrade Liu Jun, the team of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee was determined to reform and bravely created a "new model of rural party building work in the new era." It was recognized as a groundbreaking new model by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China .wide across the country.

Compared with the past, the cadre team in Qianzhou City has undergone earth-shaking changes.


Mayor Li said this.There was obviously a "buzzing" discussion in the audience.The participating cadres seemed to be very surprised by this passage, and whispered to each other.

In fact, in Li Hui's speech, the first draft did not have this paragraph.When it was submitted to Secretary Liu for review, Liu Jun personally added this passage to the first draft, and made an appointment with Li Hui to communicate with him.Liu Jun requested, in Li Hui's speech.It is necessary to highlight the collective leadership of the municipal party committee and the role of Han Xu, the former secretary of the municipal party committee.After all, Han Xu didn't resign until the end of October last year. The achievements in the millennium were mainly achieved under the leadership of Comrade Han Xu. Secretary Liu did not rob people of their beauty.

Li Hui understands what Liu Jun means.

The specific details of Han Xu's resignation, not to mention ordinary cadres in Qianzhou City, even Li Minzhong and Wei Haiying, Liu Jun's most trusted deputies, are not very clear.But if they want to believe that Han Xu's sudden resignation is because of the lack of a vice-governor in Haixi Province.In any case it is impossible.Some time ago, there was a fierce game between Han Xu and Liu Jun. As a result of the game, Han Xu left and Liu Jun became the secretary.Anyone can imagine it.In this game, Liu Jun is the winner.As for Fu Xu's promotion, it was undoubtedly the result of Zhai Haojin's hard work.

That's all.In order to maintain the prestige of the provincial party secretary.

The confidant of the secretary of the provincial party committee was squeezed out abruptly.Without this official promotion to cover up, how can it be embarrassing?

This wonderful game has already been studied over and over again by countless interested people.Li Hui is one of the "researchers".Means to Liu Jun.Li Huixin was very impressed.It is Liu Jun's consistent style to be comprehensive and consider his legacy.Every time Li Hui sorts it out in his heart, he has to praise it.Even if he "acted" afterwards, he couldn't find the slightest loophole in Liu Jun's entire plan.The whole game was completed in one go, interlocking, and there was no wrong step.Especially the arrangement for Han Xu to be interviewed on CCTV's news program during the plenum of the Central Committee is simply wonderful.

In this way, Han Xu's promotion to the vice-governor of Haixi Province will not appear abrupt.

While Li Hui admired Liu Jun, he also felt admiration for Han Xu who "failed" in the game. In Li Hui's view, Han Xu was also a talent who couldn't afford it.

Being in the middle of the game, it was impossible for Han Xu to be unaware of Liu Jun's intentions.Han Xu is not stupid. Before he came to Qianzhou, he was already the director of a certain department of the State Council. How can such an idle person achieve this?Li Hui thought that even if Han Xu didn't notice Liu Jun's intentions immediately, he should have already understood Liu Jun's intentions halfway through.But Han Xu didn't point it out, but cooperated with Liu Jun very much in acting.Because Han Xu had figured it out, Liu Jun didn't dare to push him out abruptly!

Liu Jun" is worried about Sister Han, what is the purpose? Of course, it is for the secretary of the municipal party committee under Fuji's buttocks, and it is not held in Han Xu's hands. It is not placed in Liu Yanei's own closet, but Put it in the pocket of Zhai Haojin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. Squeeze away Han Xu. It doesn't mean that this black veil will be put on Liu Yanei's head properly. Liu Jun used thunder to drive Han Xu head-on. Xu, the disheveled one is definitely not just Han Xu, Huo Haojin has the same look. [

Liu Jun took off Zhai Haojin's face and expected others to wear the big hat of the municipal party committee secretary on his head with a smile. Wasn't it a daydream?

Fearing that if he didn't win the position of secretary of the municipal party committee, Zhai Haojin would send Liu Yanei to an idle department in the province to provide for the elderly.

If you dare to shake my face, I dare to demolish your platform.

It is precisely because Han Xu has seen this point that he cooperates so well.

Han Xu himself really didn't want to stay in Qianzhou anymore.A boring job, compared to the director of the general office of a national ministries and commissions.The real power may not have increased much, but it has caused a lot of trouble.What's the benefit of staying in Qianzhou and fighting against Liu Ya Nei after already torn face with Liu Jun?

Fu Xu was not born into this world because he wanted to be Liu Yanei's opponent.

The end result is that everyone is happy.Han Xuguan was promoted to a higher level, and he left Qianzhou, which he hated so much, and went to Zhai Haojin's base camp.Liu Jun got his wish.The country is unified.

Zhai Haojin's face was also saved.

A good way to end!

Therefore, Li Hui can fully understand Liu Jun's insistence on highlighting Han Xu's important position and insisting on the collective leadership of the municipal party committee.one.It's all for everyone to see.

This time the summary commendation meeting.It opened very grandly.

, Wang Fabibei

two years.Qianzhou City has made such remarkable achievements.It really should be commended.Jiqing District, Baihu County, Hongshan County and other districts and counties were named and praised by Mayor Li.Mayor Li praised Jiqing District for its urban construction.Amazing achievements have been made and new paths have been blazed.It has made a very useful exploration for building Qianzhou into a garden city and a livable city, and it can be called the pioneer of urban construction in the new era.The reason why Baihu County was commended is that it has embarked on a new path of common prosperity for the majority of farmers.The characteristic breeding and ecological agriculture in Baihu County have created a huge reputation after two years of accumulation. The crayfish raised in the rice fields.Exported to European and American markets, supply exceeds demand.The development of aquatic product breeding in the county is also at an astonishing speed, and aquatic products have almost monopolized the market in the entire Qianzhou City and even surrounding cities.Farmers' income has increased substantially, which is the largest increase among the eleven districts and counties under Qianzhou City.Seriously hit by a disaster two years ago.Poor and backward agricultural counties.In one fell swoop, it became the rich county of Qianzhou City.In two years, he has made great contributions and merits.

Hongshan County was highly commended by the city for its successful development of Hongshan Scenic Area.Even Qianzhou Civil Aviation Airport, which has been losing money, has shown vitality due to the popularity of Hongshan Scenic Area, with two civil aviation flights per week.increased to three shifts.The county has submitted an ambitious plan, and will continue to increase investment in the scenic area next year, making the Hongshan Scenic Area a well-known scenic spot in the whole province and even the whole country, and strives for Hongshan Airport to open direct flights to the capital.

As a representative, Chu Xianmin, the magistrate of Hongshan County, came to the stage and delivered a speech.

Such an arrangement also went out of Liu Jun's preference.Regarding Huang Qiulan as the secretary of the Hongshan County Party Committee.Chu Xianmin has always been brooding.Although after being reprimanded by Liu Jun, he restrained his words and deeds, but it was too difficult for him to respect Huang Qiulan from the bottom of his heart and cooperate with her work sincerely.As soon as Liu Jun became the secretary of the municipal party committee, he immediately adjusted several cadres in important positions. In Chu Xianmin's heart, he hoped that Liu Jun could transfer Huang Qiulan back to the city and let him make progress along the way.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement.

Chu Xianmin's depression can be imagined.

Liu Jun took this opportunity to appease Chu Xianmin.Chu Xianmin.Ability is good.But the adjustment of cadres cannot be done at will.As soon as Han Xuwang left, he immediately took down the cadres he promoted one by one. Secretary Liu's broad-mindedness would inevitably be suspected.It is also not conducive to unity.After all, Han Xu had served as the secretary of the municipal party committee in Qianzhou for nearly two years, and a group of cadres gathered around him.Liu Junqiu's intention to settle accounts later is too obvious.These cadres will be forced to find another way out.

No matter who it is, the party in power will be all in one color and say what it says.It's all taboo.

In the cheerful music, advanced collective representatives and advanced individuals.Walk up to the rostrum in turn.After receiving the plaque and certificate of honor from the leaders of the municipal party committee, all of them were beaming with joy.

This happy smile also represents the future of Qianzhou City, which will be even better. .If you want to know how Zhuo is.Please log in to...Yimu, there are more chapters.Support the author, support genuine reading! [

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