Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1268 Complete Cancellation of Agricultural Tax

Next, I invite Comrade Liu Jun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, to give you a speech! "

After the commendation, Li Hui loudly announced the last and most important part of the conference.

In the Qianzhou auditorium, there was a tsunami-like applause.

Liu Jun smiled, raised his hands and pressed them down. The wave-like applause lasted for a long time before subsiding slowly.

Most of the cadres respect Secretary Liu from the bottom of their hearts. [

For nothing else, it took him two years to develop Qianzhou's economy into what it is now, which is the blessing of the people of Qianzhou.The cadres in Qianzhou regained the good feeling that Jin Xiushi had when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee. They went out and said to others, "He is from Qianzhou."

"Comrades, today's commendation meeting was very successful. In the past year, we in Qianzhou have indeed achieved certain results. We have achieved a double harvest in the construction of spiritual civilization and material civilization. Especially in the rural party building In the field of work, under the correct leadership of the former secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Han Xu, we have made useful explorations. Of course, these achievements are inseparable from the comrades present, without the joint efforts of all cadres and masses in Qianzhou , working together, it is not easy to achieve results."

Liu Jun's steady baritone came out of the microphone and echoed in the spacious hall.

All the cadres held their breath and stared at the tall young man in the middle of the rostrum, all engrossed.This is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of Qianzhou cadre conference.Everyone knows Secretary Liu's character, he doesn't like to talk too much, and he rarely gives long speeches.Speech at this summary commendation meeting.It is not only a summary of the achievements of the past year, but also a programmatic arrangement for the work in the new year.

None of the cadres dare to miss this point.

Although there will be special documents issued after the meeting, but the documents are dead, and definitely not as rich and accurate as what Secretary Liu said personally.

"Make progress and achieve results!"

Secretary Liu's six-character mantra has long been familiar to Qianzhou officials.When he was the mayor, many people had benefited a lot from it. Now that he is the secretary and the work of cadres is in charge, he will be even more able to implement this program.

If you want to achieve results, the key is to keep up with Secretary Liu's thinking and pace.

For example, Jiang Hongmu in Baihu County is the cadre who can best understand Secretary Liu's intentions. Two years ago, he was just a secretary of the township party committee, but now he has become the mayor of Jiangcheng City.Generally speaking, the location of Jiangcheng City is tied with the three city districts, and the mayor of Jiangcheng City is more important than the county magistrate.

Jiang Hongmu is a typical example of An's progress.

As long as the work is done well and Secretary Liu's appetite is met, how do you know there won't be a second or third Jiang Hongmu among the cadres present?

It turns out that promotion is not so elusive.

"As for last year's work summary and this year's work arrangement, Mayor Li Hui has already talked about it in great detail just now, so I won't add anything here. Taking this opportunity, I mainly talk about three issues. The first is the [-]th plan. The second is to build the cadre team; the third is to effectively reduce the burden on farmers and increase the income of the rural population.”

Liu Jun said calmly.

, Wanbi North

The cadres became more and more straightened up and cheered up.

Secretary Liu's next words will become the general outline of this year's work.

"The Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifteenth Central Committee of the Party held in October last year clearly proposed the Tenth Five-Year Plan. During the Tenth Five-Year Period, the main goals of China's economic and social development are: to maintain a relatively rapid development of the national economy, and to achieve strategic adjustments in the economic structure. Obvious results, the quality and efficiency of economic growth have been significantly improved, laying a solid foundation for doubling the GDP of 0 by 0; state-owned enterprises have made significant progress in establishing a modern enterprise system, and the social security system is relatively sound and perfect The socialist market economic system has taken substantial steps to participate in international economic cooperation and competition on a large scale and to a greater extent; employment channels have been expanded, the income of urban and rural residents has continued to increase, material and cultural life has been greatly improved, and ecological construction and environmental protection have been strengthened; The development of science and technology education has been accelerated, the quality of the people has been further improved, and significant progress has been made in the construction of spiritual civilization and the construction of democracy and the legal system. The Fifth Plenary Session emphasized that the formulation of the "Tenth Five-YearTo plan and achieve the above goals smoothly, we must take development as the theme, structural adjustment as the main line, reform, opening up and scientific and technological progress as the driving force, and improving people's living standards as the fundamental starting point.To this end, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have formulated more detailed implementation measures.This document has been distributed to various districts and counties and various agencies, which will serve as a guide for our work in the next year.It is hoped that all districts, counties and functional departments can conscientiously implement it.Our understanding of the spirit of the Plenary Session of the Central Committee cannot remain superficial or superficial, and we must deeply understand the spirit.It can be said, on which.A unit, a whole department or an individual.As long as the requirements of the Central Plenary Session and the requirements of the city's documents are truly implemented, he will definitely have a place in the commendation conference at the end of this year.

Liu Jun delivering a speech

Shaozhao Benfu was divined at the cadre meeting in Qiyangcang City.Also." The secretary was empty-handed, waving his arms from time to time to strengthen his tone.

Some cadres secretly admired him in their hearts.He narrated a paragraph of the meeting communiqué of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China without any delay. It can be seen that this document has already penetrated into Secretary Liu's mind.When it comes to not doing anything, Secretary Liu has already set an example.

"The second point I want to talk about is the construction of the cadre team. Comrades, what is the foundation of sustainable development? It is not how many industrial enterprises we have, how much profit and tax revenue we have, how much foreign investment we have obtained, let alone How many honors we have won, but the cadre team. A strong cadre team is the foundation of our sustainable development in Qianzhou, the whole province, and the whole country!"

At this point, Secretary Liu raised his arm, waved it from top to bottom, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"I don't think you need me to explain what a solid cadre team is. What kind of cadres are qualified and what kind of cadres can be promoted and reused. The criteria are very simple. You pretend to be the masses and work. As long as you are To do practical things for the masses in a down-to-earth manner, you don't have to have earth-shattering performance, and you don't have to have a surprising coup, you are a qualified cadre, an excellent cadre. I have been influenced by a lot of bad things from the outside world, and I think that to make progress, you need to rely on strong relationships, running and giving. Here, I would like to ask everyone, which one of you has given me any gifts?.

As soon as Liu Jun said this, the cadres were all shocked.

In this commendation meeting, basically all the cadres above the official department level in the city participated in the meeting.Needless to say, department-level cadres, except when there are general meetings.I saw Liu Jun from a distance, and I was lucky enough to have acquaintance with Liu Shuping when Liu Jun went to the grassroots for investigation and research.

As for gift-giving and friendship, there is still a long way to go.Even cadres at the deputy director level generally do not have this "honor".Only the secretaries of the district and county party committees and district and county heads who sat in the front row were eligible to be summoned by Liu Jun alone.I don't know what other people are like. It seems that I haven't given Secretary Liu any valuable gifts.

During the holidays, it is necessary etiquette to bring some cigarettes and alcohol to the door. Secretary Liu never refused, but when he left, there must be something else as a gift.The value is not under one's own gift.It's a pure exchange of courtesy.

, Wanbi North

It is not that no cadres have tried, but the results are not ideal, and it can even be said to be relatively bad.After a few trials, everyone calmed down and didn't dare to give gifts indiscriminately.

"The criteria for appointing cadres are very simple. It is still the same six words. Make progress and achieve results! As long as I, Liu Jun, stay in Qianzhou for a day, this standard will not change. Cadres at all levels, especially the main leading cadres, must pay attention at this point

Liu Jun's voice was not very impassioned, but it reverberated in the minds of the cadres. This, probably, was Secretary Liu's official inauguration declaration.Everyone has no doubt that Liu Jun will do as he said.Because he has always done this before.

"The third point I want to talk about is to effectively reduce the burden on farmers and increase the income of the agricultural population. This is a hard target. Qianzhou's economy has made some progress in the past two years. Compared with the past, the available financial resources are a little more abundant So, if you have money, how should you spend it? You may be thinking, of course, reinvest, make the cake bigger, and raise more hens, so that more eggs will be produced. This idea cannot be wrong, But it is not comprehensive. The economy has developed, and more people should benefit. Strictly speaking, our Qianzhou is still a large agricultural city, and 70.00% of the city’s population is agricultural population. Therefore, from this year onwards, the full exemption Agricultural tax! The city and the districts and counties will bear all the part that should be paid. If individual districts and counties have temporary difficulties, the city will give certain subsidies according to the actual situation

Liu Jun said calmly.


The cadres couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at each other in blank dismay. Even the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee on the rostrum were shocked, and consulted each other with their eyes.Everyone saw that even Mayor Li Hui's face was blank for a moment.

Obviously, Li Hui didn't even know about this decision in advance.

"In 7000, the city's total fiscal revenue was 7000 million yuan, and the combined agricultural tax and agricultural special product tax was only 21 million yuan; in 500, the total fiscal revenue was [-] billion yuan, and the combined agricultural tax and agricultural special product tax [-] million; last year, the city's total fiscal revenue was [-] billion, and the combined agricultural tax and agricultural special product tax was only [-] million. Therefore, the conditions are fully ripe for the complete abolition of agricultural tax and agricultural special product tax! This is a hard target, no The main responsible cadres in the districts and counties who have completed this target must take responsibility!"

Liu Jun's tone was decisive.

After a while, Li Hui took the lead in applauding, and the audience once again burst into thunderous applause. , [

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