Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1311 President of Sheng Ye Group

Liu Jun and Xiaoqing originally planned to leave.But when they were forced to come to their door, their identity and situation changed.

Liu Jun looked Mr. Park up and down, and said calmly, "Mr. Park, you have to pay for what you did today!"

Mr. Park sneered and said, "I'm happy to pay the price, as long as you have the ability!"

In fact, he was still confused by the appearance. When he was at the Great Wall, he saw an ordinary Changfeng car. At the Tianshan Hotel, he saw two "ordinary people" sitting in the back seat without an invitation letter. . " No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you have a lot of background.Seeing that Liu Jun was still in a daze and said "great." Naturally, he couldn't help retorting.

Tianxing Company is a well-known enterprise in Fuguo. Mr. Pu has never been wronged like yesterday since he was a child, and he will never let it go. [

Liu Jun nodded and said, "That's good. Excuse me, please step aside."

In any case, Liu Jun was unwilling to show off his identity with a young man like Mr. Park who didn't have much social experience in such a public place.

Jin Zhengqiang, the administrative manager of the Tianshan Hotel, hesitated for a moment, but still gave way to the passage.After all, Liu Jun and Xiaoqing didn't really "trouble" the hotel here, and it's not easy to take any coercive measures.In today's venue, there are quite a few famous people from the society, and Michael's lecture is also very important.Once the situation is messed up, the head office will pursue it, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain.

Although Young Master Pu is the son of the president, after all he has not formally succeeded him. The real person in charge of the company is old man Park.

Seeing that Jin Zhengqiang stepped aside to open the passage, Mr. Park immediately turned down and said a few words to Jin Zhengqiang in Korean.

Jin Zhengqiang's face changed, and he also answered a few words in Korean.

Liu Jun and Xiaoqing didn't understand what they were talking about, but based on guesswork, it is estimated that Mr. Park insisted on keeping them, but Jin Zhengqiang thought it was wrong and explained to him.

Amid the commotion, another large group of people came in from outside the door.The first person, wearing a dark suit, was the keynote speaker, Mr. Michael.Seeing this situation, Mr. Park frowned, and could only reluctantly agree with Jin Zhengqiang's opinion.

There was a quarrel in front of Michael, and the consequences were very serious, which affected the normal progress of the lecture. Mr. Park was also worried that he would not be able to explain to his father.

Liu Jun and Xiaoqing didn't say much, and walked straight to the door.

"Wait a minute, please wait a minute!"

Just when they passed by Michael, Michael, who was a little surprised to see this formation, suddenly brightened up, as if remembering something, he hurriedly said to Liu Jun and Qing.

Liu Jun and the two stopped, turned to Michael, and said calmly, "Mr. Michael, what's the matter?"

Michael ignored Liu Jun and just stared at Xiaoqing, with a more and more surprised expression on his face.

Qing smiled and said: "Mr. Michael, it's impolite to look like this

"Ah" I'm sorry, Michael woke up like a dream, smiled apologetically, apologized repeatedly, his face flickered, and finally said: "But, I'm sorry, sister, if I guessed correctly, you should be Miss Liu Qing, right? Shengye Group President Liu, I met you once before."

In fact, Michael would have recognized Liu Qing at a glance if it was at some of the top financial summits.He just didn't expect to meet Liu Qing on such an occasion.

Liu Qing will come to listen to his lecture, which is why Michael can't believe it!When he met the president of Sheng Ye Group on other occasions, he could only look up and listen to his advice.

But Michael was far less surprised than the others. [

President Liu of Sheng Ye Group!

As soon as Michael said these words, the whole venue suddenly fell silent, and there were crows and sparrows. It seemed that everyone had been immobilized, and looked at this petite woman in very ordinary clothes inexplicably in horror.

Most of the people who came to this lecture today are from the financial world, and many of them are elites.

Sheng Ye Fund represents the pinnacle of global financial funds!

The president of Sheng Ye Group is a [-]% legend!

Especially Mr. Pu, his face turned pale in an instant, without a trace of blood.

Liu Qing didn't expect to meet Michael here. She thought that she and Michael didn't know each other well. Dressing up like this and sitting in the audience, she shouldn't be recognized.Unexpectedly, this Michael's memory was really important, and he really recognized himself all at once.

"Hello, Mr. Michael."

Liu Qing nodded, and lightly shook hands with Michael.

Michael was very excited immediately, and said repeatedly: "Hello, hello, President Liu, I really didn't expect you to come to my lecture. This is my Rong Wei, and it is my greatest honor."

Liu Qingya didn't want to stay here any longer. With her, the president of Sheng Ye Group, this lecture could not go on. Not to mention whether Michael could properly explain his point of view, it probably wouldn't take long. There will be countless reporters flocking here, and some CEOs of foreign-funded companies in Beijing will rush over.

Today's Sheng Ye Group has long been a small financial institution.It is involved in many economic fields around the world, and its power is far beyond what the outside world can speculate.Many bosses dream of establishing a relationship with Sheng Ye Group, but they can't wait to get in.Now is a rare opportunity, how can we miss it?

"Mr. Michael, I'm sorry, I have something to do, I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to your lecture, wait for the next opportunity! Goodbye!"

At this time, Liu Qing showed the decisive character of the world's richest man, nodded to Michael, turned and drifted away.

Michael stood there in a daze, as if he wanted to make a sound to stop him, he opened his mouth, but he didn't make a sound after all.A giant crocodile of this level cannot behave in a normal way. If it offends her, it will be terrible.

Not everyone can resist the fury of the super rich.

The security guards who were following behind Jin Zhengqiang were aggressive at first, but when they saw Liu Qing approaching, they all looked in awe and moved out of the way one after another.A beautiful woman who was just mediocre, this mystery has evolved into a superior existence in their eyes.

The human mind is really amazing.

As for Pu Gongzi and Jin Zhengqiang, their faces were ashen.

Tianxing Company may be regarded as a huge enterprise with a high reputation in South Korea, but it becomes very small in the world.It is not at the same level as Sheng Ye Group.They are stupid and want to check other people's identity documents.

"Industry refugees"!

Thinking of their evaluation of Liu Qing, Mr. Park and Jin Zhengqiang couldn't help shaking slightly [

There is no modern large enterprise that is not closely related to the global financial market. If Sheng Ye wants to target Tianxing Company specifically, how long Tianxing Company can last is really a question.

This is a big disaster!

Three days later, the shares of Tianxing Company listed on the Liantun stock market were hit hard and plummeted all the way. In just a few days, they fell by nearly 12.00%.And Tianxing Company's investment in the global futures market and other financial markets also suffered a head-on blow and suffered heavy losses.

That's all, Tianxing's headquarters suddenly received formal notices from several big customers. In view of the quality problems of Tianxing's products, the supply contract will not be renewed after the contract expires.

All of a sudden, Tianxing company was in chaos.

In the headquarter of Tianxing Company in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in the office of the president, 60-year-old Park Zhishan is like a trapped animal in a cage, with red eyes.The two bags under the eyes caught up with the goldfish.His gray hair was messy and his face smelled of alcohol. It was obvious that he had not slept well these days. In order to refresh himself, he could only rely on the power of alcohol.Even so, the whole person still looks exhausted.

The whole office was quiet, even the secretary ran out, not daring to stay, only Mr. Pu stood in the middle of the office, with his head lowered, his face full of fear, and he kept biting his lips.

"You pig!"

Park Zhishan stared at his son in the middle of the room, cursed viciously, grabbed a folder on the desktop, threw it at Mr. Park, and hit his son in the face with a "slap".

Mr. Park trembled all over.Still dare not move.

He knew that because of his publicity and arrogance, he had brought disaster to the entire company.

Maybe relying on Tianxing Company's accumulation of contacts over the years, it can still support it for the time being, but this is only temporary.Knowing that Sheng Ye Group will target them, soon other peers will start to snatch their market resources.The company's stock fell again and again, and investors would lose confidence in Tianxing before long.Internal and external difficulties, the final collapse is only a matter of time.

However, he never dreamed that the president of Sheng Ye Group would be like that.From childhood to adulthood, I have met so many famous ladies and strong women, not the graceful and luxurious.

The contrast is too great!

"You idiot, look what trouble you've gotten into,"

Park Zhishan was still babbling and cursing.In fact, in Park Zhishan's heart, he couldn't stop scolding himself.In the analysis and judgment of the whole matter, there was a big problem, and he thought that Sheng Ye Group was only dominant in the financial field.Looking at it now, I was very wrong. I didn't expect Sheng Ye Group to penetrate so deeply in the industrial field.

If I knew this was the case, I should have rushed to Hong Kong as soon as possible to plead guilty, instead of just thinking of asking someone to intercede when the disaster is imminent.I don't know if they will sell this face.

The minister of commerce has already been invited to come forward in person, Han Xuan, it should have some effect, right?

Just when Park Zhishan was scolding his son vigorously, the phone on the desk rang. Park Zhishan almost used a "pounce" posture, and couldn't wait to grab the phone. After listening to a few words, his face showed a look of ecstasy, Thank you again and again into the microphone.

Seeing this situation, Mr. Pu breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lips, but it turned out that he had bitten his lips just now, but he didn't notice it because he was too nervous.

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