Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1312 Different Opinions

The plan submitted by the foundation on the establishment of environmental protection funds and incentives.After it was submitted, a certain disagreement arose at the meeting of the Secretariat of the Youth League Central Committee.

Everyone agrees with the idea and purpose of this plan, and the differences mainly focus on the source of funds and the specific reward plan.

Zhang Chenwen was more democratic. After getting the plan, he asked the executive secretary Zeng Xiaosong and Liu Jun to discuss it in a small area, and decided to hold another secretary's office meeting to conduct a more detailed investigation.

The Secretariat of the League Central Committee, including Liu Jun, has a total of seven secretaries.

In the conference room, Zhang Chenwen maintained his usual gentle smile, and briefly explained the theme of this secretary's meeting.Generally speaking, the meeting of the secretaries of the League Central Committee is customized and will be held according to the regulations. Unless there is an emergency, it will be held temporarily as an exception.This time, for the plan of the Youth Foundation, Zhang Chenwen made an exception and held a secretary meeting, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter. [

Of course, some comrades at the meeting understood that this was Secretary Zhang's respect for Secretary Liu.

Since Liu Jun took office, he has acted very low-key. He has never expressed his views on any affairs other than the department in charge, let alone proposed important cadre adjustments.This made the other comrades very satisfied.

According to the rumors, Liu Jun is a very powerful yamen, and there are "bloody battles" wherever he goes.Now it seems that the rumors may not be completely credible.Not long ago, for the son of Minister He of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, he slapped the face of the Gao family's dude Gao in the Guang'an Club, and it is said that the elite special warfare brigade of the Capital Military Region was also used.There was no disturbance afterwards.

The secretaries also took this matter as a joke after dinner and laughed it off.

Living in the capital for a long time, I have heard a lot about the fights between the yamen. As long as it does not involve myself, no one will really care about it.

"Comrade Liu Jun, this idea was proposed by you and the comrades of the Youth Foundation, please explain it to the comrades.

After the simple opening remarks, Zhang Chenwen said to Liu Jun with a smile.

Liu Jun nodded in agreement.

While flipping through the plans in their hands, the secretaries listened to Secretary Liu introduce the basic idea and operation mode of the plan in a steady baritone voice.Liu Jun's explanation was concise and meaningful, without any extra bells and whistles, and they all went straight to the point. After about 10 minutes, he ended his speech.

This is Liu Jun's consistent style, no matter which meeting he is in.Although he took office not long ago, everyone has gotten used to it.And when Liu Jun's influence has already begun, everyone's speaking time obviously tends to be shortened.

This is also amazing.

Liu Jun was not the first secretary, nor did he show much strength, but everyone was influenced by him unconsciously.

It is unknown what Zhang Chenwen thinks about this phenomenon.At least on the surface, without any evaluation, it seems that this change has not happened.

"Comrades, let's talk about it, what kind of views and suggestions do you have on this plan?"

Zhang Chenwen said with a smile, his eyes swept across the faces of the participants one by one, and fell on Wen Keliang's face.

Wen Keliang's ranking follows Liu Jun, slightly younger than Zhang Chenwen and Zeng Xiaosong, and looks six or seven years older than Liu Jun. He is thin, straightforward, stern by nature, and has always been known for his outspokenness.Many times, when the secretariat discusses issues, Zhang Chenwen deliberately asks him to express his opinions first.

The other comrades also seem to be used to Wen Keliang's "cannonball. Personality". Under normal circumstances, they also wait for him to speak first.

This time, Wen Keliang actually didn't want to take the lead, because he hadn't fully understood Zhang Chenwen's attitude on this matter yet.According to the rumors, Zhang Chenwen and Liu Jun got along very well.This is also easy to understand. After all, everyone is deeply valued by Vice Chairman Li Zhiguo. It is only natural that comrades in the same trench get along well.However, at the level of Zhang Chenwen and Liu Jun, many things cannot be inferred from appearances.Even if the general direction is the same, the two are consistent, but when it comes to this environmental protection plan, it may not be so.

Gein three years ago, it was Zhang Chenwen who proposed the green action to protect the Mother River, which received high praise across the country and became another famous "brand" of the League Central System after the Hope Project.Now that Liu Jun proposed to set up this environmental protection fund, it seems that there is some overlap with Zhang Chenwen's green action.And once Liu Jun's plan is implemented, it will definitely cause a huge sensation. [

Every year, 10 top young environmental protection champions are selected across the country, and each person is rewarded with [-] yuan, which is not an ordinary action.Especially the huge reward of [-] yuan will arouse the longing of many people, and at the same time, it will also cause a lot of speculation and discussion.

Once the operation is successful, it seems to overshadow the light of the green operation.And once it fails, the martial artist makes a mistake in operation, which will naturally lead to criticism or even blame from the high-level.

purely steady

However, vetoing this plan seems to be in trouble with Liu Yanei again.No matter under what circumstances, it seems that offending Liu Jun is not an act worthy of admiration.

After pondering for a while, Wen Keliang nodded to Zhang Chenwen, and said with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, comrades, let me talk about my personal views. I personally think that this plan is generally feasible. Propagating the concept of environmental protection is important for improving the awareness of all citizens." The awareness of environmental protection has a certain role in promoting. Moreover, raising a certain amount of environmental protection funds is also of great help in improving specific environmental problems. Comrades of the Youth Foundation, this kind of daring to be the first in the world is worthy of recognition. However , I have somewhat different approaches to raising funds, as well as the scope and magnitude of rewards

At this point, Wen Keliang paused for a moment, took a sip of water from his cup, and observed the expressions of Zhang Chenwen and Liu Jun calmly, hoping to see some clues.However, Wen Keliang was disappointed.

Both Zhang Chenwen and Liu Jun had gentle smiles on their faces, without any emotional fluctuations.

Zhang Chenwen was calm and composed, and this expression was reasonable. Liu Jun was so calm at such a young age, which made Wen Keliang feel a little nervous.

However, in any case, he had to finish his opinion.

Only, I think that the selection of 10 outstanding young environmental protection guards across the country every year is more reasonable and the coverage can be more extensive. However, each person will be rewarded with [-] yuan in cash.Is it too much?Ah, hehe, this is a huge sum of money.I think rewards should still be based on spiritual encouragement, supplemented by material encouragement.Otherwise, I am worried that this evaluation will change its flavor and become more utilitarian.One reward is equivalent to the total income of ordinary employees for several years.Still fascinating,"

Wen Keliang said with a smile, trying to make the atmosphere of the meeting more relaxed.

As soon as this remark came out, the other secretaries nodded slightly, as if they agreed with Wen Keliang's statement.Facts in the past have proved that many advanced and excellent selections will have some distortions at the grassroots level, which is inconsistent with the original intention above.After all, this honor and award is a considerable wealth for the recipient, which can be called a double harvest of spiritual civilization and material civilization.It is also impossible for the Youth League Central Committee and the Youth Foundation to personally intervene in the grassroots selection. At most, they can only check during the review.Even so, there is no guarantee that the checks will be completely accurate.Who can guarantee that he has no selfishness, no acquaintance and friend with better relationship? "If this selection ends up being for honors and bonuses, that would be bad. It would run counter to our original intention and cause unnecessary disputes and gossip. Therefore, I personally suggest that the amount of awards should be Should be less."

Wen Keliang said.

Zhang Chenwen asked with a smile: "Comrade Keliang, what do you think is a more appropriate amount for the bonus?"

Wen Keliang pondered again, and said: "In my opinion, it is more appropriate to set it between [-] and [-]. The reward should still be based on spiritual encouragement."

Zhang Chenwen nodded, noncommittal, glanced around the meeting room, and said: "Other comrades have any opinions, please bring them up for discussion and brainstorm."

"Secretary Zhang, comrades, let me share my personal views."

After a while, an elegant female voice sounded slowly.

Everyone's eyes fell on Director Ouyang Hua's face.Dong Ouyang Hua is the only female comrade in the Secretariat of the League Central Committee. She is delicate and quiet, with a pair of delicate framed eyes, showing the demeanor of a senior intellectual woman.Ouyang Huahuang is two years older than Zhang Chenwen, and among all the people present, she is a veritable elder sister.

Of course, this is also relative.In any other unit, the 43-year-old main hall level is absolutely young high-ranking cadres.

Zhang Chenwen smiled and said, "Comrade Hua Dong, please tell me."

Before Mr. Ouyang Hua opened his mouth, he stretched out his long and slender fingers, stroked his ear-level short hair, and said with a smile: "Basically, I agree with Keliang Fengzhi's opinion, which is a good thing. We didn't pay enough attention to environmental issues before, so that Many good places with beautiful mountains and rivers have become unrecognizable due to blind development. Because of this, Secretary Zhang proposed the green action to protect the mother river three years ago, and achieved very obvious results. The Youth Development Foundation proposed This plan. I think it is a powerful supplement to the action to protect the mother river, and this idea should be absolutely affirmed” [

Zhang Chenwen and Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

Director Ouyang Hua, like Wen Keliang, attributed this plan to the Youth Foundation, and did not involve Liu Jun in the slightest.If this plan fails in the end, at least it can save some face for Secretary Liu.

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