Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 151 Eldest sister is admitted to university

My sister is admitted to university.

The whole family was overjoyed when they received the admission notice of finance major from Ningqing University in N Province.Ordinarily, with Dad's current power and position, even if the eldest sister fails to enter the university, the problem is not too big, and he will arrange a suitable way out for her.If Dad sticks to principles and wants to avoid suspicion or something, and now there is a brother who is "the richest man in Xiangyang", why can't he do something for her?

But then again, N Province has always had a strong academic atmosphere, and relatives and friends are often proud of having children who can study.Whose child is admitted to university, that is a big event for the glory of the ancestors.

My father was a teacher, and he is very concerned about this honor.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, Jiang Youxin's hard work in tutoring naturally takes the first place.It is not a little work for me to raise a good teacher and help me from the side. [

While I rejoiced and rejoiced, I secretly wondered.

It seems that this history, as long as you move it, it will undergo some small changes.In her previous life, the elder sister failed to enter the university.But it seems that this financial major will be assigned to work in the financial system after graduation, and my eldest sister worked in a bank in her previous life.This, this, is there really a will in the dark?Although it forcibly changed the trajectory of history, it will still try its best to correct it so as not to deviate too far?

Thinking of this, I feel a little cold sweat.

The mysteries of the heavens and the magic of the Creator are beyond the reach of ordinary people of our generation.

Such a happy event, naturally want to have a good meal to celebrate.

But this time, I have to spend money in the yamen, and my father's "big money" pays for it.Called Yan Yucheng's family, mighty and mighty, rushed to a guest house.

Mom means.Such a happy event.All members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Deputy Director of the County Revolutionary Committee should be invited to the banquet.Dad smiled and vetoed the proposal.This is too conspicuous.It is not very good to spread it out.

As for Yan Yucheng.Everyone knows that he and his father are best friends.If you don't invite him, you will be randomly suspected.

Mom was really happy.If one plan fails, another plan will be born.He said he was going back to Liujiashan to hold a big feast.Please all relatives and friends.

Dad suddenly had a big head.

I laughed and said, "Mom. If it had been left in the past, Dad didn't become the director of the Revolutionary Committee. It should have been. Now it's not suitable. People thought we took the opportunity to collect red envelopes to engage in corruption."

Mom stared.Angrily said: "I only treat guests. I don't accept gifts. What do they have to say?"

Dad couldn't help shaking his head again and again, and I shook my head again and again.

"Mom, do you think people will believe it?"

My mother became even more angry: "You are not afraid of the shadow being crooked! What are you afraid of?"

Hehe, my mother is worthy of being the captain of the Iron Girls team, what a heroine!

My father and I looked at each other in blank dismay, staring at each other, a bit helpless.

Jiang Youxin smiled and said, "Auntie, it's better not to make too much noise."

It's strange to come here, they all say "order tofu in brine, and one thing will drop one thing".When Jiang Youxin said something softly, my mother immediately smiled and let it go.I couldn't help turning my back, and quietly gave Jiang Youxin a thumbs up. [

Unexpectedly, this matter was still spread, and in the next few days, congratulatory guests kept coming to the door.

The first person to visit was Tang Haitian, who not only came by himself, but also brought his lover and children with him, and gave him a "Parker" pen as a gift.For a veteran deputy secretary of the county party committee like Tang Haitian, this was quite interesting.

Courtesy is less important than courtesy, the key is attitude.

Tang Haitian said some words of blessing to the eldest sister, but his eyes were fixed on me.

Um?Uncle Tang, what are you going to do?It seems that your family doesn't have a young daughter who is as old as this yamen!

It wasn't until later that Tang Haitian changed the subject and talked about me, encouraging me to study hard and strive to become a college student like my eldest sister in the future, and it would be better to be admitted to a famous key university in the capital.Dare Tang Haitian came here to thank you for the "obscene party".

Hehe, these people in the officialdom are deep enough in the city.Saying a few words in such a non-marginal manner, the speaker has a heart, and the listener has an intention, and the relationship with Dad has been further improved.

This is a great thing.In the future, there will be changes in personnel, if my father is transferred to him, it will be fine. If it is Yan Yucheng who is transferred, my father will still stay in Xiangyang County. It is of great significance to have a firm ally like Tang Haitian.Even if my father can't take over Yan Yucheng's county party secretary, he will still be the director of the Revolutionary Committee, and another secretary will be transferred from the district. The two local deputy secretaries will be able to fight together and not lose the wind.

Things in the officialdom are turbulent. It is better to make more preparations and make one more ally than one more enemy.

After Tang Haitian, Ma Zhikuan and Wei Yuhua also came to congratulate him successively, and their words were very polite.

Next, all the members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Deputy Director of the County Revolutionary Committee came to the door one after another. For several nights in a row, the house was full of guests and guests.

Chen Liyou, Liang Guoqiang, Sun Youdao, Hu Jiahui, Cheng Xinjian, Xu Guowei, a group of diehard loyalists in the yamen, are naturally not to be outdone. How could they miss this opportunity to accept Director Liu?Even Fang Jinde came.

Laughing and laughing every night until late at night, just cleaning up the room made my mother and eldest sister very tired.Although the second and third sisters don't have to do housework, they are not much better. My mother was encouraged by the "great victory" of the eldest sister's admission to college. She was so excited that she gave a death order that the second and third sisters must also go to college. Then they drove them to a small room to study hard.

The third sister is fine, basically she still loves reading, our fourth sibling, she was the only one who was admitted to the university in the last life, and her disposition has not changed in this life.It was only the second sister who suffered because she didn't like reading by nature, so she couldn't force herself to come anymore, but she suffered from the elder sister's "disaster".

Fortunately, I usually "win over" them pretty well, but at critical moments, I never compare with me.Otherwise, I am afraid that this yamen will also be doomed.

Well, look at my mother who keeps looking at me with her eyes, looking eager to try, the situation is still not good.

I had no choice but to take the initiative and said: "Mom, I will go directly to junior high school in the second half of the year, and I will not go to the fifth grade."

This trick of "advance as retreat" really worked, my mother immediately nodded with a smile, no longer intending to drive me into the small room to suffer.

In fact, although this trick has the intention of fooling my mother, it is not without a little selfish intention-Yan Fei will be in junior high school next semester, let's take a jump and be in the same class with her.

Nizi is now 12 years old, and she is becoming more and more graceful, and everyone loves her.Sisi's "exclusivity complex" has grown slowly and tenaciously in the heart of this yamen like grass after a spring rain.

It seems that the task of "protecting flowers" in the future will be one more layer.

It was noisy at the end of August, and the freshman enrollment date of Ningqing University arrived. The eldest sister packed her bags and prepared to report.Naturally, my mother was worried that a girl like her would travel far away, and clamored to personally escort the eldest sister to the provincial capital. [

I smiled and said: "Mom, there are many things at home, you went to the province

Take care of us?It's better to ask brother Jiang to send eldest sister to go. "

The eldest sister blushed immediately, but her eyes were full of hope.

My mother immediately understood, patted my head, and said with a smile: "That's the way to do it, ask Xiaojiang to ask for two days off."

"Isn't two days enough? It takes two days to go back and forth. Registration, accommodation arrangements, etc. also need time. I think at least four days."

As I spoke, I blinked fiercely at the elder sister, who shook her fist threateningly at me.

"Okay, four days is four days, tell you Brother Jiang and your father to ask for leave."

With a little anxiety, Jiang Youxin asked his father to ask for leave.Section Chief Jiang, who has always been prudent, couldn't help being very nervous when he stated the reasons for asking for leave, and he hesitated in his speech.

Dad smiled and said gently: "Go. Be careful on the road."

Jiang Youxin came out of his father's office and wiped off his sweat.

Ben Yamen, who had been waiting outside, said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, seize the opportunity. How about this, I will send a car to take you there, so as not to suffer from the long-distance bus."

Jiang Youxin is very familiar with my situation.I know that my "Xiangyang County Tongda Logistics Company" currently owns four trucks, three GAZ vehicles, and one jeep.

Naturally, I am as close as Jiang Youxin, but I still don't know that the jeep is actually my personal car.In name, it is a logistics vehicle, but in fact it is parked in the supply and marketing cooperative compound not far from Qiaoqiao Bakery every day.

The driver was Su Jianzhong, a comrade-in-arms called by Zhou Houqun from Qing'an County.His body is strong, his skills are good, and he doesn't talk too much. If I don't call him, he can read a novel upstairs in the bakery for a day.It's like a first-class private car driver.Of course, I don't use the car much for the time being, mainly for running around Liujiashan, visiting factories, and occasionally driving by myself.

Now there are four factories in Liujiashan.In addition to the Brick Factory, Tengfei Machinery Factory, and Hongda Enamel Factory, to let everyone know, the Qingliang Fan Factory has also been established.

The scale of this fan factory is still very small. The main partners are Fang Wentiao and the second brother. They account for [-]% of the shares, of which Fang Wentie takes [-]% and the second brother only [-]%.The reason is simple, Fang Wentiao has more savings than his second brother.The Liujiashan brigade invested [-]% of the investment, which is genuine.Today's Liujiashan is considered rich and powerful, and it is no problem to invest tens of thousands of dollars.

In Uncle Wu's words, that is, "Our public can still take advantage of a disabled person"?

These words are obstinate, revealing a domineering air!

As for the other 21%, it was invested by the yamen.I didn't want to take up [-]% of the shares. It's meaningless. I don't want to get involved in any business.Although I also know that in the next few years, before the large-scale rise of air conditioners, there is still a lot of market space for fans, which are cheap and high-quality summer products.Even in the [-]st century, fans of some brands that are hard-pressed have been selling well.If this project continues to be invested and operated well, it will definitely create a well-known brand.

But Fang Wentiao insisted that I must become a shareholder.

He couldn't let go of the business of "Limin Maintenance Service Department", and he didn't have much time to stay in the factory. He wanted to learn from the yamen and be a hands-off shopkeeper who only collected money.If I don't buy a share, he is really worried.

Liujiashan is the hometown of my second brother and I, not his.

But he was very relieved of me, knowing that I would never cheat him.With [-]% of my shares mixed in, he believed that no one would dare to overshadow his factory.I quite understand the narrow-mindedness of the grassroots class, so I fulfilled his wish and took out some money to invest in it.

Liang Jingwei helped me to contact an old fan factory in the provincial capital for the technology transfer.His old battalion commander won the first-class meritorious service in the self-defense counterattack. Because of his injury, he was not suitable to continue to serve in the army, so he transferred to this district-owned fan factory as the secretary of the party committee.Liang Jingwei was brought out by the old battalion commander and was the most valued soldier. He also heard that it was to support the economic construction of the inland area. Without saying a word, he agreed to support the Qingliang Fan Factory.Even the machinery and equipment are second-hand goods from their factory.In a way, this is also called reciprocity.

Thanks to Liang Jingwei's go-between, otherwise it would not be easy to build the fan factory and put it into operation in just two to three months.Fans are very seasonal. If you can’t produce products before the dog days, then wait for the warehouse.Fang Wentiao invested all his savings in it. If such a result came out, I'm afraid that the "glorious image of taller than tall" in his mind would collapse in an instant, and he would become a mortal enemy!

Thinking of him as a disabled person, dragging a lame leg, and bumping his way to today, it's not easy, we can't cheat him.

For factory management, Liu Zhaoyu was chosen.The brick factory is all handed over to Uncle Qi.

The brick factory was established the earliest, and its internal management and external operations are quite mature. Although Uncle Qi is not good at management, he is not afraid of any mistakes.After all, he is the "technical director", and people will not accept his authority.

Liu Zhaoyu’s annual income of nearly 1 yuan in the brick factory is the highest salary among all the “executives” in Liujiashan, even much higher than the salary of Zhang Li, the director of Tengfei Factory, and Tang Yuanying, the chief engineer of the Enamel Factory. Giving up such a good salary and going to "succumb" to the director of the fan factory, the salary was much lower, and I really had an ideological struggle in my heart.

In the end, it was Uncle Wu who said in a muffled voice, "To be a man, we must look forward" to solve this knot.

Uncle Wu's words are correct, just like Yan Yu's idiom enlightening me with earnestness and earnestness, sometimes we really have to look forward and have enough "pattern" in life and work.Brick factory wages are high, but the scale has reached its peak, and the development prospects are very limited.Uncle Qi is 50 years old, so it is natural to keep such a small stall, and Liu Zhaoyu is in his prime, with a bright future ahead.It is uneconomical to trap yourself in the brick factory for a moment of profit.

Without mentioning the factory table, let’s get down to business.

Jiang Youxin was very happy to hear that there was a special car to pick him up.Given the relationship between him and me, it is natural that there is no need to say a word of kindness.Immediately, I bid farewell to my parents with my eldest sister, happily boarded the jeep, and rushed to the provincial capital.

Originally, I intended to go to the provincial capital with them to see Mr. Zhou and his wife, and by the way, introduce my eldest sister to Bai Yang.Think about it or forget it, don't make this light bulb annoying.He just gave Bai Yang's contact information to the elder sister and told her to get closer to Bai Yang when she had time.

Ever since the last "sunspot incident", I have been in touch with Bai Yang and Peng Fei.Naturally, it mainly relies on writing letters. Although Qiaoqiao Bakery has installed a telephone, it is still inconvenient to switch through the switchboard.Besides, I always feel that the friendship established on the phone is far less reliable than the friendship established in black and white.

Not long after Jiang Youxin returned from the provincial capital, his job transfer was put on the agenda.

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