Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1562 Let Jing Yumin

Cars drive on the broad avenues of St. Petersburg.The accompanying Russian personnel introduced the basic situation of St. Petersburg to Secretary Liu.

St. Petersburg is Russia's largest port and second largest city, located on the east coast of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, at the mouth of the Neva River.The area is 540 square kilometers, and the total population of the city is more than 300 million.St. Petersburg is a city on water, and the river covers more than ten percent of the city's total area.Because of the vertical and horizontal rivers and beautiful scenery, it is known as the "Northern Venice".St. Petersburg is connected by more than [-] bridges, and its number of rivers, islands and bridges ranks first in Russia.

This big city, which was built by Peter the Great, the hero of Russia, was originally built to enable Russia to learn from the West, learn from Qinzhou, and learn from the advancement of capitalism.And in St. Petersburg, he performed European gentlemanly demeanor, held dance parties, practiced French, and opened schools. It is known as "the most European city in Russia" o

St. Petersburg is the epitome of Russia's history, the capital of education, and the center of culture. It is also known as the northern capital of Russia.

St. Petersburg was once Russia's "gateway to Europe" praised by Pushkin. It is one of the most famous tourist cities in the world.Orthodox cultural landscapes abound here.Whether it is the famous Hermitage Museum, the magnificent Peterhof, the traditional classic classical ballet, or the painters on the street corners, they all reveal a unique atmosphere that is different from Western countries.The ancient architectural complex in the city enjoys a high reputation, and the large buildings all have a Western European style.There are many places of interest, such as the Winter Palace and the Summer Palace, which are worth sightseeing.There is such a proverb in Russia: "If you haven't been to St. Petersburg, you haven't really been to Russia." [

St. Petersburg has a history of more than three hundred years.At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Peter the Great established the Peter and Paul Fortress on Rabbit Island in the Neva River Delta, and later expanded it into a city, called St. Petersburg, which was the gateway to the sea in the Russian era.It has been the capital of the Russian Empire for more than two hundred years since [-], and it was renamed Petrograd in the early twentieth century.In [-] it was renamed Leningrad in memory of Lenin, and in [-] it was renamed St. Petersburg again.Historically, St. Petersburg was once the political, cultural and industrial center of Russia, and is now the capital of the Northwest Federal District of Russia.

9 in Russian history!Many famous people are closely associated with the name of St. Petersburg.For example, the great Russian poet Pushkin spent the most important time in his life here; musicians such as Tchaikovsky and Glinka also spent the most important time in their lives here. Dostoevsky's masterpiece Crime and Punishment was also completed here.From time to time, buildings full of European style flashed outside, which also confirmed the Russian personnel's statement.

The office of the St. Petersburg city government is also a famous tourist attraction in itself, called Smolny Palace.

Smolny Palace sāh. Located in the northeast of St. Petersburg, where the Neva River turns, is an elegant three-story building built in the early [-]th century, which was originally a noble women's college. The word "Smolny" comes from the Russian word "bitumen". When it was first built, it belonged to an asphalt plant.The Smolny Palace is located in the center of St. Petersburg. The overall color is the same as that of the Ekaterina Palace in the Imperial Village. The refreshing and clean blue and white is a fusion of Baroque and Russian styles. In St. Petersburg In the church, it is quite representative.

The two wings of the main building of the Smolny Palace stretch out to form the main courtyard in the palace.In the 60s of the twentieth century, eight magnificent columns and seven arched porches were added to the main entrance, which are integrated with the Baroque-style Smolny Monastery on the right side, collectively known as the Smolny Building Complex.

The Smolny Palace has a rich revolutionary tradition.

During the "October Revolution" in [-], the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Bolshevik Party was established in the Smolny Palace as the headquarters of the October Revolution.Lenin issued a letter of appeal to the Russian citizens in the Smolny Conference Hall, announcing that all power would belong to the Soviets.From mid-November to March of the following year, Lenin once worked and lived here.The conference hall, Lenin's first working room on the third floor, Lenin's studio and living room on the second floor are the revolutionary holy places of the Smolny Palace.The conference hall is decorated with white marble.The studio and living room are simply furnished, and were later converted into a literature showroom.There are monuments to Marx, Engels and Lenin here.On the left bank of the Neva River stands a noble and elegant Smolny Resurrection Monastery.

The Smolny Palace is an elegant three-story Baroque building, extremely luxurious.Part of the house used to be a boarding school, but it was moved out because the monastery buildings were not suitable for classrooms

Until it was moved to Moscow in [-], it was the center of the Soviet regime.

Russia has always implemented the policy of "letting the scenery to the people". Even in Moscow, the Kremlin, where the president works, is also open to the outside world.Tourists can go in and visit, and believers can pray in the church separated by a wall from the president.

The same is true in St. Petersburg: Smolny Palace has always been the joint office building of the city of St. Petersburg and Leningrad in the former Soviet Union. Up to now, the city government is still working here from the mayor to various departments. Here is the mayor The office over there used to be the office of President Ivan, but now it is the office of the director of the foreign affairs office of the municipal government.There are only two taboos for tourists entering the Smolny Palace. One is not to make loud noises, and the other is not to take pictures, so as not to affect the normal work of officials.Even if there are important VIPs visiting today, this rule is still enforced.

After the motorcade led by Secretary Liu arrived, there were many foreign tourists among the welcoming crowd.Of course, rather than saying that they were welcoming Secretary Liu, it would be more appropriate to say that they were watching the excitement.

Originally, the guests came from afar, so they should stay in the hotel first, and then arrange the official visit itinerary.However, Liu Jun asked to go to the Smolny Palace first to see the place where the revolutionary mentor Lenin once worked and lived.The Russian side will naturally not refuse such a request from the guests.

Due to time constraints, there was no official visit and talks with Anza today, it was just a cleansing feast.

Secretary Liu led all the members of the delegation to pay homage to the Holy Land of the Revolution, and then, accompanied by Russian personnel, went to the hotel to stay.In the evening, Mayor Antonina hosted a banquet in honor of Secretary Liu Jun and his party.

According to the Russian personnel, this banquet is the same as the Russian state banquet.

Accompanied by Mayor Antonina and Special Representative Andre, Liu Jun and his party entered the banquet hall, and the band played a cheerful welcome song.A smiling Russian girl leads the guests to the table.The guests are ready to enter, and the banquet officially begins.The audience stood up, and the band played the national anthems of the two countries.Before the host and the guests are seated, cold dishes have been set up. Each person has four or five kinds of cold dishes, usually both vegetarian and meat dishes.During the banquet, Mayor Antonina had a brief exchange with Secretary Liu, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

The banquet dishes are simple but exquisite, including all famous Russian dishes, such as goulash, butter grilled fish, caviar, beetroot soup, etc., are all available.

It tasted very similar to the dishes prepared by Wang Xunmengqing's two beautiful Russian chefs for Secretary Liu last time. [

After the banquet, the host and guest held the first meeting, which was purely polite, did not involve much formal content, and the time was not very long.Mayor Antonina asked Secretary Liu and his party to have a good rest.

Afterwards, the staff negotiated and confirmed Secretary Liu's itinerary during his visit to St. Petersburg.These things naturally require Liu Shuji to be strong.

In the VIP suite where he was staying, Secretary Liu changed into a set of comfortable pajamas after washing up, and sat on the sofa to call Xiaoqing.Of course, considering the poor confidentiality of online communication, when Liu Jun talked with Xiaoqing, he used the Liujiashan dialect.

The variety of dialects in our country is definitely the most in the world.Among them, the n province is the most.Within a province, no single dialect is commonly used.Specific to Xiangyang District, Baozhou City, the types of dialects can be said to have different sounds for ten miles.The most "excessive" situation is: people in the same village have subtle differences in the accents of the village head and the village tail.And a township has at least three distinct accents.The Liujiashan dialect is relatively remote in Chaoyang District.

No matter how powerful the secret agents are, they may not be able to find someone who is proficient in the Liujiashan dialect to do the "translation".

Even so, Liu Jun and Xiaoqing were still relatively cautious, and modified some very sensitive topics, and did not talk very deeply.Besides, the two of them have been husband and wife for many years, and many times they have been able to "communicate with each other". "Xiaojun, have you arrived in St. Petersburg?" Xiaoqing asked in a relaxed tone on the phone.Liu Jun replied with a smile: "Well, I just finished eating and took a good bath.

Originally, Xiaoqing planned to go to St. Petersburg to preside over the "underground work". Considering the impact, he did not make the trip in the end, and only appointed a representative. If Liu Jun needed it, he could instruct this representative at any time.

Xiaoqing knew that Ailang had a major mission to ask about Russia this time, so he naturally paid close attention to it, and issued an order to "go all out" to the Russian branch of Sheng Ye Group. "Hee hee, do you get used to the Russian-style feast?" Xiaoqing asked with a smile. "Hehe, you are asking this question knowingly, what kind of flavor am I not used to?"

Xiaoqing was mischievous and said, "So, you can get used to the taste of African cannibal tribes?"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Don't be naughty. I just finished eating, okay? Russia is no better than China. If I vomit, no one will give me nutrition."

Xiaoqing giggled, "That's the best, and it will let you taste the taste of starvation... Hey. Xiaojun, that Antonina, just became the mayor and is eager to get results. You have to do something for her! Liu Jun smiled slightly, agreeing to Xiaoqing's idea.

ps: Well, fortunately, Pie had the foresight yesterday. He didn't intend to ask for votes, but when he saw the situation was critical, he had to speak up.If Zhang Yueli hadn't been asked for z2, he would have been stabbed in the back with a knife.If so, the current situation is also extremely critical, but it is only a few votes short of Xun, and the knife in Chongyan's hand is a little longer, and the pie will still be cut off.So, I have no choice, I dare not slack off, old friends, if you see this little tail who is asking for support, if you still have tickets, you can reward me with one and a half tickets, and keep your current position, okay?Thank you very much! ! !to be continued,

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