Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1563 Business cooperation cannot be a "bad man"!

Strictly speaking, the itinerary of Liu Jun's visit to St. Petersburg is not very tight.The mutual visits of so-called sister cities often have the nature of tourism.Since they are sister cities, the rulers of each other must have an understanding of each other.

St. Petersburg is a famous tourist city in Russia. Long ago, Liu Jun hoped to walk around this city.The Russian side is happy to fulfill Secretary Liu's wish.Of course, the business that should be done must be done first.

In the morning of the next day, Liu Jun led all the members of the delegation to hold formal talks with Mayor Antonina and other St. Petersburg dignitaries in the Smolny Palace.During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on some interesting topics, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

As Xiaoqing said on the phone, Antonina is new in charge of the city. As a confidant of President Ivan, she very much hopes to make brilliant achievements during her term of office.But speaking of it, this female mayor's first big move after taking office has a bit of a "quiet" nature.

After Antonina took office, the first major event was "rat extermination" o[

Because of the plague of rats in St. Petersburg, Antonina had to issue a mobilization order, calling for a "human-rat war" to mobilize all forces to "eliminate" the rampant taboo rats in St. Petersburg.

This human-mouse war has just started, and it is said to be quite effective. The number of mice killed is calculated in "tons".

Naturally, eradicating rats is a phased "battle." Antonina could not rely on the size of rats to establish her position.To win everyone's approval, she has to make convincing achievements in other fields.For example, economic construction.

Since Russia broke away from the Soviet Union more than ten years ago and became independent again, the economic situation was once very bad. Because the former Soviet Union implemented a strict planned economy, there were many large-scale machinery production factories in Russia, but there was a shortage of light industrial products, and there was even a supply of toilet paper It became a problem.For a large country with a vast territory, it is not that simple to achieve economic transformation.

After Ivan became president, he tried to revive Russia's great power and adopted a series of tough measures in the economic field, which achieved relatively obvious results.The long-lost sense of honor has gradually returned to ordinary Russian citizens.However, Russia's current economic situation cannot be said to be very good, and there are still many problems to be solved.As the second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg has an important economic status in the country.

Before the visit, Liu Jun had a detailed communication with Minister Zhao Xinghua. Minister Zhao suggested that he could strengthen cooperation with St. Petersburg in the economic field. His support will be more conducive to his goal of visiting Russia this time.

According to the analysis, Antonina is still able to talk to President Ivan.St. Petersburg is also very important in Ivan's heart.

Therefore, Secretary Liu made it clear during the meeting that Yulan City intends to strengthen economic and cultural cooperation with St. Petersburg.Among his entourage this time, there are not only the heads of government functional departments, but also several famous entrepreneurs in the industrial and commercial circles of Yulan City, such as Kang Jingai, the chairman of Yinhai City, and the "Wanli Tourism Group Company" of Yulan City. The general manager and others are willing to invest in St. Petersburg, and hope that the Russian side can give full support.

This time, there are no fewer than ten companies interested in investing in St. Petersburg. If the conditions are right, the total investment will be no less than one billion US dollars.

After listening to Liu Jun's words, Antonina was inexplicably excited.

A one-time investment of more than one billion U.S. dollars in St. Petersburg is indeed a huge support for her, the new mayor.Other dignitaries in St. Petersburg also smiled.

To be honest, their politeness to Liu Jun at the beginning was mainly due to the need for diplomatic etiquette, coupled with Liu Jun's special status.That kind of politeness is just a face-off, but there is still indifference and guard in his bones.Now that Liu Jun made such a statement, everyone treated Secretary Liu and the guests of Yulan City completely differently, and the intimacy in their eyes was obvious.Liu Jun will not participate in specific business negotiations.

However, he has given programmatic instructions on the cooperation in the economic field of the sister cities.He instructed that cooperation with St. Petersburg should focus on relatively high-end and formalized fields.In particular, we should pay attention to the cultural cooperation between each other.

Before the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, because the political situation in the Soviet Union was chaotic at one time, the country implemented a dual-track economic system, which caused chaos in the economic field by no means weaker than the chaos in the political situation.Some smart businessmen in our country started bartering in the border area of ​​​​Russia very early.Domestic light industrial products and chemical products are exchanged for Russian heavy industrial products, as well as valuables such as precious furs and medicinal materials.

Qiaoer established a company in the border city to run this business, and it has done a lot.A lot of equipment of Tengfei Industrial Exhibition Headquarters was "purchased" from Russia.Now the company has grown and expanded its business to many cities in Russia, earning a lot of money every year.

However, having said that, it is very rare to be able to expand the scale of operations like Qiaoer's company.

Many businessmen have always stayed at the level of "bad guy" without making any progress.Moreover, many domestic businessmen are very good, and often exchange low-quality products for other people's valuables.Russians have been cheated more times. They hate these good businessmen from neighboring countries in the south, and they have damaged the image of businessmen in the entire republic. At present, the overall reputation of our products and businessmen in Russia is extremely low, and the evaluation is extremely poor. , It even affected some regular large companies, and they were discriminated against in Russia's domestic business.There is even discrimination not only from the people, but also from the government.This made Liu Jun very unhappy.

Liu Jun is the kind of person with a very strong sense of honor in his heart, and even a little "idealism". It should not only be reflected in the enhancement of comprehensive national strength, but also in the improvement of national quality, the improvement of the overall national image, and the improvement of the image and status of our citizens abroad.

In a word, we want to become a responsible big country, not just a country that can make money.This is the core of a truly great country! [

Therefore, Liu Jun's requirements for business cooperation are very clear. It must be large-scale and large-scale, and no small troubles should be avoided.Entrepreneurs in a dignified provincial capital city can't regard themselves as "bad guys" o

Kang Jingai, chairman of Yinhai Group, plans to build a large retail market in St. Petersburg.This is his line of work, and he has done very successfully in Yulan City and even the province.Kang Jingai's visit to Russia with Liu Jun this time was also done by Jin Youwei.Originally, Jin Youwei intended to go to Russia with Liu Jun.It's not for "public travel" that Mr. Jin is not bad at plutonium.He mainly wanted to show his face in such a big event, not only to help his son-friend, but also to show Mr. Jin's identity and taste.Let everyone know that Mr. Jin is not an ordinary dandy, and he spares no effort to revitalize the country.

But in the end Liu Jun still did not agree with Jin Youwei to visit St. Petersburg with him.

The reason is that Jin Youwei's identity is more sensitive.

After Jin Xiushi completely retired, Jin Youwei unceremoniously "removed" Zhong Haiyun and put the big hat of chairman of Xingyu Real Estate Group on his own head.

For this reason, Zhong Haiyun was very dissatisfied, and clamored that Jin Youwei could not trust her.Mr. Jin had a playful smile on his face, saying that it was too hard for his wife to work day and night for the company's trivial matters, and it was more appropriate for him, a big man, to do the public affairs.Before the old man was in power, due to the regulations of the central government, Mr. Jin was not good at doing business openly, at least he had to pay attention to taboos, he could not hold a serious position in Xingyu Real Estate, he could only be a "consultant".That is also a helpless thing, I can only work hard on my wife.Now that the old man is officially retiring, and Mr. Jin hides behind the scenes and does not show up, it is unjustifiable to call Zhong Haiyun a woman to work hard. It makes people misunderstand that Mr. Jin is not capable enough, and he has to rely on his wife for food.For Jin Youwei's explanation, Zhong Haiyun scoffed and didn't believe it at all.

She didn't believe that Jin Youwei would really be so kind to her, and he thought it was when he fell in love more than ten years ago?Even when they were in love, Zhong Haiyun took care of Jin Youwei meticulously. From the beginning to the end, Mr. Jin was a master who was not diligent!He doubted that Jin Youwei could not trust her and wanted to take her "power".

And the fact is the same, Jin Youwei really can't trust Zhong Haiyun.Of course, this letter is only a general reference, Mr. Jin is not afraid that Zhong Haiyun will set up a small treasury privately and transfer part of the company's money into his own small treasury.Jin Youwei doesn't care much about money, the company is making a good profit, and it doesn't matter if his wife wants to save some money.The key point is that Jin Youwei is very clear that the reason why Zhong Haiyun didn't dare to make trouble in front of him was too much, mainly because he was afraid of the big brand of his old Jin's family secretary of the provincial party committee.Now that the old man has completely retired, the scale of Xingyu Real Estate is far from comparable to when it was first established. It has become a first-class large company in Yulan City and even the entire province, with a total asset value of billions. Zhong Haiyun is no longer the old Wuxia Amon.When this woman's wings are hardened, her mind will become lively, and she will not be so in awe of Mr. Jin.

Everything else is fine, Mr. Jin has quite a few concubine.Zhong Haiyun knew most of them.In the past, I "swallowed my breath" because Xingyu Real Estate could not do without Jin Youwei, and Zhong Haiyun could not do without Xingyu Real Estate.Now that the situation has changed, if Mr. Jin still allows Zhong Haiyun to control Xingyu Real Estate, it will be a matter of private money, but Mr. Jin himself will be in danger of being stuck in the neck.

Such a danger cannot be tolerated by Mr. Jin.to be continued,

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