Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1595 Blockbuster

The agenda for the meeting -, is set to be two days.

This is also very rare in the history of Yulan City's summary and commendation conference.Secretary Liu hopes to turn this meeting into a milestone meeting with the meaning of "carrying on the past and ushering in the future".At noon, the Yulan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government hosted a banquet for all participants at the Qiushui Hotel.

More than 300 people participated in the meeting, which is really unbearable for ordinary hotels.Li Tao had some concerns about holding a banquet at Qiushui Hotel.Qiushui Hotel is a high-end and civilized hotel not only in Yulan City, but also in the whole country and even the whole world.Yulan City held a cadre meeting, and more than a thousand people ate at the Qiushui Hotel for two days. This is not in line with the principle of thrift.In case of being pursued, it is difficult to resist.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "It's okay, Qiushui Hotel will give us a discount, just add a little profit to the cost price, and won't ruthlessly 'kill us'."

Li Tao didn't know the source of Liu Jun and Qiushui Hotel's test, and he was relieved seeing Liu Jun's words with certainty.Since it was decided by the top leader, he wouldn't be entirely to blame if he really wanted to "hold it up".Liu Jun's strength is well known to everyone.Immediately smiled and said: "Isn't that good? The charging standard of Qiushui Hotel was approved by the Price Bureau, which is a legitimate high consumption. It's a bit bullying for us to eat 'cheap' like this..." Liu Jun also knew that Li Tao is joking, just laugh it off.[

The luncheon was very grand, because it was a work banquet, Liu Jun didn't serve spirits, but only served some beer, low-alcohol fruit wine, and drinks on each table.In front of the main leaders and other colleagues in the city, everyone is very self-conscious, even those who love alcohol can restrain themselves, for fear of making a fool of themselves.Making a fool of yourself on such an occasion will affect your future.The meeting continued in the afternoon, and Fan Zhiwei, Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, made an important speech.

The focus of Fan Zhiwei's speech was on the construction of the cadre team and the appointment and selection of cadres.According to this kind of content, it is relatively boring and basically belongs to bureaucratic articles.This is not like Li Tao's work summary, there are some interesting data.This year's work arrangement is also more important.The cadres are very clear that the second half of Li Tao's speech is actually the focus of their work this year, and they put forward very specific requirements for them.

While listening to Mayor Li's report, the cadres have already figured out how to go back and implement the plans and plans proposed by Mayor Li, and try to be ahead of others to meet Secretary Liu's criteria for employing people. The famous six-character mantra one by one must make progress and achieve results!

As for Minister Fan's speech, he might as well relax and let his mind wander occasionally.Which of the cadres present has not done a similar report on stage?It's just that the specifications of the meeting are different, there is no difference in essence. (

In fact, among the cadres of Yulan City, Fan Zhiwei has high prestige, but he is the most unpopular leader of the municipal party committee.

This man's inspection of cadres is really too strict.He is the most faithful executor of Liu Jun's "six-character mantra".

When Liu Jun asked Fan Zhiwei to come to Yulan City to be the head of the organization, many Yulan cadres didn't think so.Since Fan Zhiwei was not treated by Tai Weiqing like this, why did Liu Jun decide to confront Tai Weiqing?After all, Tai Weiqing is the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, so he always makes him unhappy, which may not be of any benefit to Liu Jun.If Fan Zhiwei was Liu Jun's former direct descendant, that's fine. Secretary Liu can use this action to declare to everyone that any comrade who closely follows me, Secretary Liu, will never forget you.But Fan Zhiwei is He Yanan's confidant.Although He Yan'an is really not fond of Liu Jun, after all, we are not in the same faction.

In addition, the head of the organization is usually held by a cadre who is experienced in this field. The general head of the organization is either airborne from the higher-level organization department, or promoted from among the top leaders of the lower-level party committee.Before that, Fan Zhiwei mainly worked in the provincial departments. He didn't have much contact with cadres, so he didn't have much experience.Let such a "half-experienced" lead the work of cadres in provincial capitals, the prospects are not very promising.

Unexpectedly, after Fan Chiwei took office, he immediately resorted to "iron-fisted means" to show no respect to anyone, and his business affairs were messed up.

According to the usual understanding, the head of the organization must not only adhere to principles, but also be able to "understand" some sensitive personnel issues and adopt some compromise methods in order to appease the various forces and maintain a good situation of "unity and harmony".There is nothing to say about Fan Zhiwei's insistence on principles. As for "integration and mastery", it seems that Minister Fan doesn't have this word in his dictionary.

But everyone found that Fan Zhiwei's "single" method was very effective in the management of cadres in Yulan City. Some cadres even joked in private that Fan Zhiwei was a tailor-made organization minister for Liu Jun.

Because of Liu Jun's promise in Yulan City and Liu Cheng's overwhelming advantage in Yulan City's officialdom, the possibility of Fan Zhiwei needing to take compromise measures was minimized.Liu Jun's instructions to Fan Zhiwei are very clear: strict checks, unqualified guys, let them stay where they are cool.

Secretary Liu insisted that the selection of cadres should be based on meritocracy.It would be great if the promoted cadres have all the talents and abilities, but they cannot have both, at least they must have the same advantages, either "virtuous" or "capable"!

Liu Jun's way of employing people is so simple, it's no wonder that a "stubborn head" like Fan Zhiluo can be a good head of the organization.

At the beginning of Fan Zhiwei's speech, the atmosphere in the venue obviously became a little relaxed. Although everyone did not whisper to each other for a small meeting, the mental outlook was different from that in the morning, and the leaders on the rostrum could feel it. (

Xie Yuan, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, had a gloating smile on her pretty face.Xie Yuji believed that if he had been speaking, the atmosphere at the venue would never have become so relaxed.It's not that everyone will stare at Secretary Xie's beautiful face intently, but that Secretary Xie's self-confidence and prestige are much higher than Fan Zhiwei, and no one dares to neglect her!

However, this situation did not last too long. After Fan Zhiwei read the official article, he suddenly threw out a "blockbuster" saying that starting from this year, the staffing of all districts, counties and units will be strictly controlled. No new personnel in the unit, no matter if they are full-time employees or temporary workers, will not be allowed without the joint signature of Minister Fan Zhiwei and the Municipal Bureau of Personnel.If it is a new cadre above the deputy department, it will be valid without the autograph of Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee.

Anyone who dares to violate this regulation, randomly "recruiting soldiers and buying horses" finds out that one will be investigated and dealt with, and the person in charge of the unit will be punished accordingly. In the same unit, there is an incident of illegal expansion, and the head of the unit notifies and criticizes it twice. , Sanctions within the party, more than three people, dismissed on the spot, re-arranged work.Before Minister Fan finished speaking, the meeting room exploded, and there was a sudden "buzzing" sound.

This content was not included in the materials released in advance, but it was unknown whether Minister Fan added it on a whim, or it was a "premeditated" action deliberately to cause a strong shock to everyone. [

Of course, if you analyze it casually, you know that the former is impossible.No matter how "unique" Fan Zhiwei was, he never dared to make his own opinion on such a major issue of principle, so he added it temporarily and made random remarks at the city-wide cadre meeting.Didn't it mean that the addition of cadres above the deputy department needs to be signed by Secretary Liu?No matter how courageous Fan Zhiwei is, he would not dare to "arrange" the secretary of the municipal party committee by himself, right?

In other words, this must be Liu Jun's idea.

Surprised and angry, everyone turned their gazes over to Fan Zhiwei in front of him, and looked at the young secretary of the municipal party committee who was sitting in the middle of the rostrum.I saw Liu Yanei's face was full of leisure, calm and calm, as if he took what Fan Zhiwei said for granted.This is too much.

Recruiting people has always been one of the privileges of the top leaders of districts and counties and municipal units.

How many mysteries are contained in this "industry"?It is no exaggeration to say that it is a cornucopia.Since ancient times, what is the purpose of being an official?Is it really like the saying in the drama, "Being an official and not making decisions for the people is worse than going home and selling sweet potatoes"?There is an old saying that goes well: one person attains the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven!

Those who are the main leading cadres, who doesn't have a few relatives and friends to take care of?One guy took away this privilege, and told these top leaders how to behave in front of family and friends in the future?Aren't you the number one leader? Why don't you even have the power to arrange individuals?

In addition to relatives and family members, arranging one or two relatives and friends for capable subordinates to enter the system has always been one of the important methods for main leading cadres to win over and unite their subordinates.Without real benefits, who will follow you?

In addition, this is also a good way to accumulate wealth.In many places, entry into state units and public institutions, especially full-staffed units, is almost always "buying and selling". Some particularly bold officials even clearly mark the price, how much a person enters.Of course, in Yulan City, no one dared to do this, unless he didn't want to be the top leader.However, it is impossible to completely eradicate this phenomenon.Now it's a good thing, Fan Zhiwei is going to boast about this power in one word, it's really ruthless!

Of course, only some of the cadres who have this kind of thinking, not all.Liu Jun's insistence on the selection of leading cadres has gradually played a role. A large number of middle-level leading cadres with good integrity have begun to appear in the officialdom of Yulan City, and the atmosphere in the officialdom is becoming more and more clear.

Fan Zhiwei ignored the surprise and dissatisfaction of the cadres present at the meeting, and continued to explain the correctness and necessity of the decision made by the municipal party committee, and emphasized again the "horrific" end that violators will face.

Everyone knows that the overall situation has been settled, and there is no room for "struggle"! ∫ To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to the chapter for more, support the author, and support genuine reading

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