Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1596 Never allow the backyard to catch fire!

Secretary Liu's speech was only carried out in the morning of the next day.

On such a formal occasion, Secretary Liu, who had always disliked suits, had no choice but to put on a black suit and a dark tie, opened the manuscript paper in front of him, and began to speak.

Secretary Liu's manuscript is also a masterpiece of secretaries. However, it is easier for secretaries to write manuscripts for Secretary Liu. There is no need to write in too much detail. It is enough to list an outline. For other contents, Secretary Liu will speak time, add it yourself.

On occasions that are not very formal, Concubine Liu Shu usually speaks more casually, and often does not even use a speech script.Of course, if he is attending a very high-level meeting and giving a very formal speech, Secretary Liu will also "follow the script" and not play on his own indiscriminately.

That kind of speech, the political significance is far greater than the actual content. [

Because there is no complete manuscript of Secretary Liu's speech, no materials will be distributed in advance.The cadres attending the meeting sat upright one by one, and the main leading cadres of the district, county and municipal departments sitting in the front row took out their notebooks one by one and got ready to record.

Naturally, after the meeting, the conference staff will sort out the content of Secretary Liu's speech and make it into an official document for distribution.However, the effect of recording the key points of Secretary Liu's speech in person is definitely better than reading documents.The document can only show the content, but cannot show the expression and gestures of Secretary Liu when he spoke.It is often only from these expressions and gestures that it can be seen which content Secretary Liu really values.Can't go wrong with this one!

Everyone knew very well that the work arranged by Secretary Liu was the really important work. If it was missed or not done well, the future would be very worrying.

What's more, the cadres in the front rows are looking at Secretary Liu's eyes, and everyone is recording, where you are the only one with Erlang's legs up, and you look so relaxed. If Secretary Liu finds out, let Secretary Liu feel how to think?In officialdom, disrespecting superiors is taboo.

Liu Jun's speech has never been a lot of nonsense, and all cutscenes are basically avoided. If there is any, it will not exceed a hundred words.The first thing Secretary Liu talked about was beyond the expectations of the cadres. (

As soon as Liu Jun came up, he began to directly comment on the work of the municipal districts and counties and major municipal departments last year.In order, Secretary Liu's first comment was the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee is the most important functional department of the Party Committee, and Fan Zhiwei, the Minister of Organization, ranks sixth in the Municipal Party Committee team, second only to the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhong Yongming.

Liu Jun's evaluation of the organization department is quite high, and his evaluation of Fan Zhiwei is even higher.Secretary Liu believes that since Fan Zhiwei became the head of the organization of the Municipal Party Committee, the construction of cadres in Yulan City has really begun to be formalized.Liu Jun said that Fan Zhiwei was the most principled organization minister he had ever met. When inspecting cadres, he was serious and cautious, never going through the motions, always seeking truth from facts, and never pretending to be wrong.It is precisely because of the efforts of Fan Zhiwei and other comrades in the Organization Department that the promotion of cadres in Yulan City has always been carried out in accordance with the path of "combining ability and political integrity".Facts have proved that most of the newly promoted main leading cadres at the department level are comrades with strong political skills and outstanding abilities.

After praising the Organization Department and Fan Zhiwei, Liu Jun talked about the decision to streamline the organization and personnel.This decision was made after he and Li Tao discussed and reached a consensus, and before the cadre meeting was held, the JL Standing Committee discussed it. The Standing Committee members may also have opinions on this decision.Liu Jun not only deprived the "privilege" of the top leaders of the district, county and municipal units to install personnel, but also deprived other members of the municipal party committee of the privilege.Just like "a financial pen", Liu Jun unceremoniously held the power of personnel placement in his own hands.The new cadres above the sub-section level in Yulan City's jurisdiction don't count if Secretary Liu nods.But since it has been discussed by the Standing Committee, everyone can only hold back their opinions.

The reason is simple, Li Tao did not raise objections to this matter.The mayor didn't say a word, what can other people say, do they think that they have more power than the mayor in terms of personnel arrangements?Even Xie Yuan, the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, is not easy to speak.

When he got up, Xie Yuan was the one who was really holding his breath.For the arrangement of ordinary cadres and employees, Liu Jun delegated the authority to Fan Zhiwei and the director of the Municipal Personnel Bureau. For the new arrangements for cadres above the deputy department, Liu Jun himself firmly took control of it. The deputy secretary of the party and the masses was emptied.

Xie Yuan didn't have a fit yet, but she just reminded Li Tao with winks, hoping that he could stand up and "fight with reason" with Liu Jun. Unexpectedly, Li Bang never raised his eyelids even if he didn't see him.Xie Yuan was furious at that moment.In fact, Xie Yuan is angry, so why isn't Li Tao angry?He is the mayor!

But for this matter, no one else can be blamed, only himself can be blamed. This "better troops and simpler administration" plan was originally proposed to Liu Jun. Although it has a bit of a "seductive" nature, it can't change Li Tao. The fact that he took the initiative to suggest to Liu Jun.You have already proposed it in front of Liu Jun. Now that you are at the regular wife's meeting, can you still go back on your word?Li Tao didn't want to form the impression of a villain in Liu Jun's mind. He didn't know that he had been "calculated" by Liu Jun again until he arrived at the Standing Committee. This person has a keen eye and is accurate in seizing opportunities. He really is a leader. Lunbi. He's openly teasing you and making you speechless!

Secretary Liu generally does not repeat what others have already said, because the practical significance of "better troops and simpler administration" is of great practical significance. disregard.

Liu Jun didn't say much, but simply said that Minister Fan's statement represented the attitude of the municipal party committee, and there were no conditions for this.

Everyone found that Liu Jun did not add "city government" to the municipal party committee according to the usual practice. Not long.

Xie Yuan held her breath, and suddenly realized that the so-called team members and the so-called prestige she had cultivated during this time were actually under Liu Jun's control. Without Liu Jun's support, Xie Yuan would be an empty-headed deputy to the municipal party committee. secretary.Thinking of this, Xie Yuan couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

It seems that his plan to rely on Tai Weiqing's support to gradually fight against Liu Jun in Yulan City is not feasible.

When it comes to fundamental rights, Liu Jun will not make concessions to anyone, not to mention Xie Yuan, even if Tai Weiqing comes in person, it may not be effective.After Liu Jun entered the officialdom, he was very clear from the beginning to the end, where his goal was! [

After commenting on the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Liu Jun immediately commented on the work of the Propaganda Department and the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee.Secretary Liu's evaluation of these two departments is only moderate.He even vaguely criticized the work of the Propaganda Department, at least expressing his dissatisfaction. (

"Comrades in charge of propaganda work should have a longer-term political vision and a stronger sense of cooperation. The management and training of internal personnel must be strengthened, and mistakes in organizational discipline must not be made."I hope that the work of the Propaganda Department will be improved to a higher level under the leadership of Comrade Wu Xingping this year. "

Secretary Liu said calmly.

Wu Xingping felt a little feverish on his face, knowing that Liu Jun remembered the "Report on the Song City Weapon Fighting Incident", so he beat him in public.Secretary Liu would never allow the media under his control to stab him in the back at a critical moment.

After this incident, Wu Xingping understood where Liu Jun's bottom line was.

Later, Liu Jun also commented on the work of the municipal party committee office and gave a high evaluation.I think the office is still very effective in implementing leadership instructions.

Following Secretary Liu's comments, everyone gradually understood some truths. What Secretary Liu has been emphasizing is a "order and prohibition". All districts, counties and municipal departments must ensure that the instructions of the municipal party committee are implemented, and cannot be vague or discounted. .

The cadres can also understand Secretary Liu's deliberate emphasis on the authority of the municipal party committee.It's not that Secretary Liu's prestige in Yulan City is not high enough, the key is that the time is too sensitive, Liu Jun must strengthen his control over Yulan City, and he must not let the backyard catch fire.

I heard that even powerful figures like the Central Inspection Team and Old Secretary Jiang were forced back by Secretary Liu.All the cadres who heard the news were stunned with shock.

Secretary Liu is in a "full-scale attack" posture.There is no doubt that the "battlefield" is not in Yulan City.No one in Yulan City can shake Secretary Liu's authority.It can be seen that the high-level political game must have reached a feverish stage.At such a time, if any cadre in Yulan City dared to jump out and make trouble for Secretary Liu, the ending would definitely be "tragic".

Liu Jun, like Li Tao, highly praised Wang Liangxu and Wu Shijiang in Hualin District, fully affirmed their work, and called on the cadres to learn from Wang Liangxu and Wu Shijiang, be down-to-earth, and work diligently Good job.As long as the achievements are made, the superior leaders will see it.

Secretary Liu commented on the work of various districts, counties and municipal departments for a full three hours.If the work is unsatisfactory, the criticism is also merciless.

In the afternoon, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Xie Yuan, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, read out the commendation decision of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, commending 130 outstanding leadership teams and [-] six outstanding leading cadres, and giving a yellow card warning to one leadership team. The four leading cadres were notified and criticized.

The "squad leaders" and outstanding leading cadres of these excellent leading groups stepped onto the rostrum amidst the cheerful music, and received the red certificates and honorary certificates from the leaders of the municipal party committee.

The summary commendation conference was successfully concluded.

ps: Nothing else, just ask for a monthly pass as usual.But... But everyone, don't ignore it as usual... This is the voice of Pie, it cannot be ignored... Ignore it?Do not ignore!vote

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