Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1698 Lady Club

For He Zongyan, Governor Liu naturally didn't even bother to look at him. For the sake of his ability to handle affairs, Jin Youwei smiled and exchanged a few words with him.He Zongyan also knew that he was not worthy of Governor Liu's platform, so he didn't dare to nag, so he personally led the way and introduced the two masters to the luxury suite on the fifth floor.Without waiting for instructions, he called seven or eight young and plump masseurs over, and asked two to choose.As usual, Jin Youwei decided on such matters, and Liu Jun ignored them.

Jin Youwei kept four acceptable masseurs, assigned two to each of them, and drove away the other masseuses including He Zongyan. "Hey, Mr. Governor, if you have any orders, tell them quickly! Otherwise, I will always feel uneasy in my heart." Jin Youwei said while changing the massage clothes.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "No hurry. I have knocked down two cars just now, and if I persist for a while, there may be unexpected benefits. Jin Youwei lamented: "Profitable businessman!No wonder you are so rich! "Liu Jun laughed loudly, as if he was in a very happy mood.

After hearing this laughter, Jin Youwei felt relieved.Anyway, Liu Jun doesn't look like he has a lot of thoughts, maybe he really "discovered his conscience" and wanted to give Mr. Jin a courtesy?

The two changed into massage clothes and lay down on the massage table.Because it is winter, the massage beds are covered with thick quilts.This thing is to prevent cold and keep warm, which is more effective than the so-called high technology.Otherwise, an ordinary cotton padded jacket would not be sold for several thousand yuan in a famous shopping mall in the capital.In the era of high-tech popularity, food and clothing began to return to nature and return to nature. [

Among the masseuses, there are also those who have known the identity of these two before, and they are extra attentive when massaging.Sit head to tail on the massage table, hold their heads and feet in their arms, and massage vigorously. "Liu Jun, I heard that you are on the Standing Committee today, and your hard shoes resisted Liu Feipeng?" Jin Youwei asked casually while enjoying the service of the massage lady, with a bit of curiosity in his tone.

It's hard to keep secrets in the officialdom. What happened at the Standing Committee meeting this morning quickly spread throughout the officialdom in Yulan City. When the officials heard the news, Kang couldn't help but be dumbfounded.Of course, the cadres of the Liu family were dumbfounded, while the cadres of the Liu family were overjoyed.This is really great.In the history of Jilai Province, there has never been such a strong governor, and it seems that he is still acting governor.Liu Jun said indifferently: "That's because he has no reason and broke the rules indiscriminately."

"It's true. I thought that as the secretary of the provincial party committee, I can do whatever I want. But... Are you too capable? Will you be disliked by the higher-ups? My old man, but I have this worry."

It seems that Jin Xiushi is too strong and the local forces are too strong, which caused the high-level uneasiness, and finally decided to completely disintegrate the local faction in the province.Today, the provincial local faction that once flourished has long since dissipated.The rookie is really worried that Liu Jun will follow in his footsteps.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern, old man. If you don't like it, you can't get used to it. Are there still few people who don't like me now?"

Jin Youwei couldn't help stretching out his thumb: "Bull!

In front of him, Liu Jun became more and more true to himself.

Liu Jun remained silent and continued to enjoy the super value service of the masseur.

Jin Youwei also gradually entered the state, looking very comfortable.

About half an hour later, Governor Liu changed his posture under the gesture of the massage lady, and suddenly asked: "Jin Youwei, how much do you know about Li Qingqing's Huangshan Charity Foundation?"

Jin Youwei was surprised and said, "Why do you care about this matter?"

Liu Jun smiled without saying a word.

Jin Youwei must be clear about such things.As the most active member of the core class in the provincial commercial prison, Jin Youwei must have a clear understanding of the officialdom and even the private dynamics of officials.Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may offend the master of 7 boards.

"Well, this 'Huangshan Charity Foundation' was established more than a year ago. At that time, Liu Feipeng had just become the governor of the province not long ago.His wife, Li Qingqing, had nothing to do, so she tinkered with this foundation.At the beginning of its establishment, 50 yuan was allocated from a foundation in Mingzhu as the start-up capital.Originally, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs planned to allocate this money, but later, I don't know whose idea it was, so it came directly from Mingzhu.Nominally, it is linked to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, but Li Qingqing actually makes the decision.This charitable foundation is for social donations, individuals and enterprises can donate, and units can also donate..."

Jin Youwei estimated that Liu Jun asked him out tonight mainly for this matter, so he introduced it in more detail.Liu Jun was surprised and said: "The unit can also donate?" "Of course, for charity, anyone can contribute a piece of love, right? But the main body of donation is still the enterprise." "How much is the general amount of donation?" Liu Jun It seems that he really paid more attention to this matter and asked more detailed questions.Jin Youwei glanced at him, and said: "Individual donations are generally 20 yuan, and corporate donations are 50 yuan. If you reach this level, you can get Li Qingqing's personal interview, and sometimes you can have dinner together. If you donate more than 100 million yuan, you can become a The director of the foundation. If the accumulated donations of individuals or companies reach more than 300 million, they are the executive directors. They can often drink tea, play cards or attend other activities with Li Qingqing and the others, which is considered a very close relationship."

Liu Junhui frowned, and asked, "How many executive directors have been donated since the foundation was established?"

Jin Youwei thought for a while and said, "I don't know exactly how many there are. Li Qingqing personally grasped this. Luo Zili's wife and Zhuang Guosheng's wife, who are also vice-chairmen, assist Li Qingqing in managing this charity foundation. I It is estimated that there should be more than a dozen standing directors from the donation, right? It seems that the big fat man Miao Zhengqiang is the first standing director."

Hearing Jin Youwei mention the big fat man Miao Zhengqiang, the young girl who was giving Liu Jun a massage couldn't help but chuckle.Liu Jun was slightly surprised, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Han is nothing... Well, that Mr. Miao is really fat. When he came to us for a massage, the sisters said that his body was like a cotton ball, soft, no matter how hard he tried. I can't feel the bones..." the masseuse lady couldn't help laughing out loud as she said.Several other masseurs also laughed together, as if they thought this matter was very interesting. [

Jin Youwei said disdainfully: "It would be a strange thing if you could touch the bones on him. Pity his two legs, how can he support such a big piece of fat! Come and see, he is the one with f. It can only be a female superior, otherwise, he will crush them to death!"

Mr. Jin's Xingyu Real Estate and Jiu Zhengqiang's Haoyuan Real Estate are competitors. Miao Zhengqiang is a good man, Mr. Jin looks down on him very much, and his words are quite mean.

The masseur said, "Hee hee, it's true... One of our sisters has been with Mr. Miao. She hasn't seen her for a few months and she's so skinny... Who can bear two or three hundred?" Liu Jun and Jin Youwei couldn't help smiling.

Governor Liu was seldom serious when meeting with Si Youwei in private.It's just something beyond the standard, but Governor Liu doesn't do it.

"Miao Zhengqiang has always been hugged when he has thick legs. He used to desperately want to make love to Xie Ai, but now that Xie prostitute is unlucky, he is going to make love to Li Qingqing...well, it should be said that he was going to make love to them both at the same time. He doesn't care about the little money anyway." Jin Youwei said disdainfully.Liu Jun smiled and said: "Young Master Jin, it seems that you have something to say?" "Hey, Liu Jun, you don't have to talk to me. Since you asked about this matter, I- - know, as long as I know, I will Do not hide.

Jin Youwei said carelessly, stretched out a hand from the young lady's lap, picked up the cigarette beside the bed, and threw one to Liu Jun, and the masseur quickly lit a fire for them.

"Miao Zhengqiang, a profiteer, is very Japanese in his work. He is successful, but he definitely won't do things with no return on investment. When he usually spends money, he is always stingy. He sharpened his head and went to the 'Madame Club', Drilling in..."

"Lady's Club?"

Liu Jun interrupted Jin Youwei and asked.

"Hehe, this 'Huangshan Charity Foundation' is run by the wives of the big leaders. They play cards, sing songs, do maintenance and other things together on weekdays. Behind the scenes, everyone calls this foundation the 'Ladies Club'.Don't underestimate these women, they are amazing, whether it's land or items, you can get what you want.If I can't get the approval, I will play mahjong with my wives, and I will say a lot of flattery, and I have everything.In Yulan City, they don't dare to intervene. In other places, their hands can be stretched as long as they want. Who dare not give face? "Jin Youwei said without any concealment.

Liu Jun frowned deeply.I didn't expect this "charitable foundation" to have such a "power cabin"

"How does the audit work?"

After a while, Liu Jun asked.

"Hehe, Governor, are you really... who will audit them? Will Wu Yonghua dare? Well, now that Xiao Pan is the head of the Audit Department, maybe he will dare, after all, this is an official charity foundation. I Say, aren’t you making some crooked ideas again? Let me report in advance, my wife is also a director of this foundation... Zhong Haiyun even donated 100 million to them! Think my money is blown by the wind!” Thinking of this incident, Jin Youwei was very upset.

Mr. Jin doesn't care much about money, but you have to spend it happily!This is Mr. Jin's principle.How can Mr. Jin feel comfortable donating to a group of officials' wives for no reason?

Liu Jun said indifferently: "Those who should be audited must be audited, and no one is an exception. However, Jin Youwei, don't be so petty, donate 100 million to do good deeds, and become so angry, are you so angry? Don't get involved in the future!" "

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