Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1699

In December, the Jiangbei land is already very cold, especially Anfeng City, the northern part of the province, and the south of the big river, it is even more cold. In a hotel in Anfeng City, Governor Liu slept soundly.

Anfeng City is the seventh stop of Liu Jun's inspection tour of the whole province, and the sixth stop is Song City.According to official information, Governor Liu should still be in Songdu City today. Chai Shaoji, Vice Governor of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Songdu City Party Committee, accompanied Governor Liu to conduct inspections in the countryside of Songdu City.

But in fact, only Chai Shaoji was inspecting in the countryside. Liu Jun had already left Song City overnight and rushed to Anfeng City across the river.

According to the report of the two policemen sent by Wang Bochao, the situation of the shanty town reconstruction in Anfeng City is not optimistic, and there are very serious problems.

Wang Bochao is Liu Jun's senior brother. He has followed Liu Jun for more than 34 years and understands his thoughts very well. The two policemen he dispatched are both very capable and steady policemen from Anfeng. He looks about the same age as Liu Jun, and his police rank is second-class superintendent, and his position is the deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment of the Songdu Public Security Bureau and the head of the first brigade.The young man was named Wu Weihang, about 30 years old, a deputy section-level cadre of the Political Department of the Songdu City Public Security Bureau, and a third-level police inspector. [

After the two police officers were ordered, they went to Anfeng City to conduct a several-day undercover investigation.Wang Bochao's instructions to them were very clear, that is, to find out as much as possible the basic situation of the shantytown renovation in Anfeng City, and to get the most top-notch first! $ material.However, the local government should not be alarmed, and any injustices are not allowed to intervene, so as not to leak secrets.

Although Wang Bochao has not been in office for a long time, he treats people fairly and is upright and selfish. He has a high prestige in the Songdu Public Security Bureau. Both Yu Yong and Wu Weihang are officers he trusts. Interested in the renovation of the shantytowns, but he readily accepted the order and immediately rushed to Tuofeng City for an unannounced visit.

A week later, Yu Yong and Wu Weihang rushed back to Songdu to report to Wang Bochao.Wang Bochao then called Liu Jun to report.Soon after, Pan Zhiren also fed back the preliminary audit results to Liu Jun's desk.There are various signs that there are serious problems in the shantytown renovation project in Anfeng City, so Liu Jun decided to go to the site in person.

Liu Jun is very clear about the methods of whitewashing peace by local officials.In particular, Hong Tianjing, Secretary of the Anfeng Municipal Party Committee, was known for being able to "fool". Liu Jun decided not to reveal his identity, and went to the shantytowns in Anfeng City to find out the most real situation in person.

After Liu Jun arrived in Songdu, he personally summoned Yu Jian and Wu Weihang, and listened to their reports face to face.Yu Yong and Wu Weihang were a little confused, completely confused about the situation.As grassroots police officers, these two never dreamed that one day they would be summoned by the governor in person to have a face-to-face conversation.However, as Liu Jun's questioning deepened, Yu Yong and Wu Weihang finally understood why Director Wang sent them to Tuofeng City not long ago, and this was personally instructed by Governor Liu.I heard that Liu Jun is a famous governor who loves the people. It is "Liu Qingtian". Seeing that he attaches so much importance to the reconstruction of shantytowns in Anfeng City, his reputation is indeed well-deserved.

After listening to Yu Yong and Wu Weihang's report, Liu Jun was deeply shocked.He almost suspected that the two policemen were deliberately "adding oil and vinegar".Assuming this is the case, the shantytown renovation project in Tuofeng City is simply a complete jerk!

Liu Jun didn't quite believe that Hong Tianjing really had such courage.In Liu Jun's view, treating the people under his rule in this way is not only dereliction of duty, but also a crime.Does Hong Tianjing really dare to risk the dissatisfaction of the world?

However, Liu Jun's rationality told him that what the two policemen reported was probably true.Because they have absolutely no need to deceive the governor.

So Governor Liu arranged such an "empty city obituary" for Chai Shaoji to stay in Song City to continue his inspection. Liu Jun himself, with Hu Haoran, Ke Qifan, Yu Yong, and Wu Weihang, arrived in Anfeng City overnight.

When he woke up, Governor Liu felt refreshed and full of energy.After greeting Hu Haoran and the other four people to have breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel, they went out and took two taxis to Jiji, the largest shantytown in Sanshan District, Anfeng City.

Anfeng City is a traditional resource-rich city in the province. In the early days of liberation, the East China Bureau set up a mining area here to produce coal and supply the coal energy needed by the province and East China.A few years later, Anfeng City under the provincial jurisdiction was established. In the middle and late 70s, with the massive mining of coal, Tuofeng City developed rapidly. By the early 80s, the urban population of Anfeng City exceeded 60. After entering the new century, the urban population of Anfeng City exceeded 100 million. Step into the ranks of megacities.

The development of Anfeng City is closely related to coal mining.It can be said that it is coal, coal mines and coal miners that have made this megacity.Because of this, the problems left over from history are also very heavy, and the most worrying one is the renovation of shantytowns.The area of ​​shanty towns that need to be remodeled and the number of residents in Anfeng City are the highest in the province, and it is still higher than Songdu City, which is also a resource-rich city.The State Council issued an instruction in the first half of last year, calling for speeding up the renovation of shantytowns across the country to solve the housing problems of shantytown residents.Relatively, the task of renovating shantytowns in the province is not as heavy as that of the northern provinces with large resources, and it is mainly concentrated in the northern coal-producing cities.Hong Tian respected this person, and he always liked to show off his political achievements. When he heard the news, he immediately proposed ambitiously to create an "Anfeng Miracle" for the transformation of shantytowns.

Since Hong Tianjing became the mayor of Anfeng, all kinds of "Anfeng Miracles" have emerged and appeared in the newspapers.It seems that Hong Tianjing is a "miracle happening period" and an "Anfeng miracle" will explode every once in a while.The coverage of the "Tuofeng Miracle" created by Hong Tianjing is even more extensive, involving all aspects of economic construction.And the media seems to be particularly interested in these "miracles" and flock to them one after another.Not only Anfeng City's propaganda media went full steam ahead to publicize the "miracle" of Anfeng City, but some media from the central government also came to join in and shouted for the "Anfeng Miracle".On the contrary, the media in the province was relatively calm. At the beginning, they followed suit for a while, and then gradually cooled down their enthusiasm, withdrew, and stopped "accompanying" them. This has something to do with Yang Yi.

As Yang Yi pointed out at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Hong Tianjing's so-called performance projects, model projects, are too watery.What this "Hong Dapao" said was not very credible.

However, what Hong Tianjing did was the "standard routine" of the officialdom. The so-called "officials out of numbers and out of officials" refers to the situation of Hong Tianjing and Anfeng City.Because Hong Tianjing is very good at blowing, Anfeng City is quite famous in the whole country, and relatively, it can be regarded as a face to the governor.When Qu Haojin was in office, he used to ridicule Hong Tianjing as an "official star" with admiration.Although he was criticized several times by Qu Haojin, he was asked not to pick up these things of human relations all the time, but to concentrate on the economic development of Anfeng City and the construction of the cadre team.But Hong Tianjing has a very thick skin, and he doesn't care about the old leader's criticism. Every time he "accepts with an open mind" with a smile, he "resolutely refuses" afterwards.

Hong Tianjing knew very well that in the officialdom, what things should be said, what things can only be done but not done, and what things can only be done but not said.This is a standard bureaucracy.

At the Standing Committee, the words of Yang Yi and other members of the Shuliu Clan criticizing Anfeng City and Hong Tianjing would naturally reach Hong Tianjing's ears.It is said that Hong Tianjing was very angry. After getting drunk with his closest confidants, he said viciously that one day, when he went up, he would make Liu Jun and Yang Yuanyi look good.

The cronies echoed casually, but no one took it seriously.

According to how much Hong Tianjing is valued, it is very possible for him to go a step further, to be on an equal footing with Yang Yuanyun, and maybe he can make Yang Yi look good.But when it comes to making Liu Jun look good, everyone knows that this is just Secretary Hong's drunken nonsense and cannot be taken seriously. [

Liu Jun is not at the same level as Hong Tianjing at all. When Hong Tianjing reaches Liu Jun's current position, I am afraid that Liu Ya Nei will already be the leader of the party and the country. one. ?

He is the designated successor of the big faction! The 35-year-old governor, looking at the whole country, can he find the second one?

But Comrade Hong Tianjing is indeed not easy to mess with. Although the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee failed to pass a resolution, the development zone at the deputy department level of Anfeng City could not be established. The high-tech zone was established, and the workstation team and management committee team members of the two development zones were appointed. Not long ago, the two development zones were established, and they were publicly listed on the news reports of Anfeng TV Station and "Anfeng Daily" "'s headlines.Secretary Hong Tianjing delivered a long speech at the inaugural meeting of the two development zones, and newspapers published large color photos of Secretary Hong's speech.Secretary Hong was wearing a suit, looking radiant and energetic.

Last night, at the hotel where he was staying, Liu Jun carefully read the "Anfeng Daily" of the day, and his eyes stayed on Secretary Hong Tianjing's chubby face for a long time. "Boss, please get in!" Ke Qifan hailed a taxi and respectfully invited Liu Jun to get in.

Since it was a private visit via Weibo, it was natural not to call him "Governor".In fact, in many places, this term has been popular for a long time, calling the leader "boss" Liu Jun, but the "big boss" is so close.Especially between the subordinates and subordinates of cronies, I like it very much.But Liu Jun doesn't like this title very much, it's too vulgar.

Because of Liu Jun's insistence, few people in Yulan City and even the provincial government dare to call it that.

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