Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1733 spying on state secrets

Wang Mengmeng glanced at Qiu Jingchuan, a little discouraged.

Don't say that Qiu Qingchuan never told her anything, even if Qiu Qingchuan's character was more easy-going, she would not dare to ask.After years of accumulating prestige, many things have become habits.

"It's okay, if you ask him, he will tell you." Liu Junhui smiled and said, "He is neither the deputy director of the Central Bank's Policy and Currency Department, nor the chairman of the Banking Regulatory Commission for the time being, nor the secretary of the Jiangkou Municipal Party Committee. Taboo." Qiu Qingchuan frowned and said, "It's fine if you don't say it yourself, why bother dragging me into the water?" Liu Jun smiled and said, "Because I really want to hear your opinion."

This remark is not flattery, but the truth. Liu Jun really wants to discuss this issue with his old man again.In his memory, in another parallel world, the renminbi has indeed appreciated, and after the first appreciation, it has always been in an appreciation trend.But he couldn't remember the exact time.After all, the human brain does not have many memories, which will gradually become blurred or even disappear with time.Liu Jun's past life memories cannot help him judge the merits of appreciation.

As the top elite in the domestic financial industry, Qiu Qingchuan's opinion is undoubtedly very important. [

"Governor Liu praised me too much, I dare not be."

Qiu Qingchuan said something indifferent.Everyone couldn't help but smile, as long as he was with Liu Jun, Secretary Qiu, who has always been calm and serious, would also become "serious and yangqiu"

Liu Jun smiled and handed him a cigarette, and then to Li Jianan and He Shengli.

He Mengying frowned and said, "Can't you smoke less?"

Governor Liu ignored it at all.Lighted a cigarette.In matters like this, Governor Liu is very able to insist on "independence".

"Looking at the domestic situation, there are advantages to not appreciating. In our country's market, there is such a strange phenomenon that the renminbi appreciates. It is said that the value of the money will reduce the price of other commodities. But in fact, once the renminbi appreciates , Prices will also rise accordingly, and the cost increase is all-round. When everyone has money, the price of goods will naturally increase.

In this way, the situation that Meng Ying just mentioned will appear.A large number of migrant labor unions are unemployed. The country must cancel the agricultural tax in advance and gradually increase investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers in order to alleviate this social problem.It will be stressful. "Qiu Zanchuan said slowly.

Originally, he didn't need to explain it in such detail, but this way of doing it kind of meant to popularize financial knowledge for Wang Mengmeng.Regardless of Wang Yinyin's intention to focus on the overall financial situation, as long as she is willing to learn, Qiu Qingchuan will be more than happy to "give me advice".Liu Jun nodded.

"However, the appreciation of the renminbi is not all bad, and the objective effect is more obvious. Personally, I think that some of our entrepreneurs should be well persuaded. The self-circulation ability of the economy must be strengthened, and we cannot always rely on it. Cheap labor to make money. If domestic companies take advantage of the cost advantages brought about by favorable exchange rates for a long time, the easier it is to earn profits by exporting low-end products, the less incentive domestic companies will invest in product research and development. This is very detrimental to national competitiveness. Long-term development……"

He Mengying smiled sarcastically and said, "Commonness! The commonality of domestic elites. Officials rely on land sales to develop the economy, while entrepreneurs rely on sweatshops to make money. It's easy, no need to use your brain. One word, 慊!" After hearing this, Governor Liu had a meaningful smile on his face.

He Mengying was startled for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Liu Jun's smile. She looks like Miss He, who is not very hardworking, and has a net worth of tens of billions, most of which are earned by others. "Hmph, I'm a woman!" He Mengying immediately said angrily.

Everyone didn't understand Miss He's sudden words.But looking at Liu Jun's smile and Miss He's "out of breath", I also know that the two of them are "playing the game" and it seems that Miss He is slightly "destroyed".This is also normal, there are not many people who are not deflated in front of Liu Jun, and Miss He is no exception.

Qiu Qingchuan smiled slightly, ignoring the "quarrel" between the couple and continued his conversation: "From the perspective of increasing the freedom of monetary policy, appropriate appreciation is necessary. In order to maintain the fixed exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar, we Banks must buy dollars from the market and release renminbi. This makes it difficult for the central bank to control the money supply within the target range. In order to offset the impact of foreign exchange holdings, the central bank must carry out 'local and foreign currency hedging operations,...

Wang Mengmeng was fascinated by what she heard, and asked casually, "Brother, what is 'domestic and foreign currency hedging operation\':}"

Qiu Qingchuan explained patiently: "It is to sell government bonds or central bank bills through open market operations at the same time as buying US dollars, and withdraw RMB from the market. In this case, moderately expanding the range of RMB fluctuations can increase monetary policy. degree of freedom. In addition, the appreciation of the renminbi can also alleviate the overheating of the economy... Wang Mengmeng and He Shengli are both refreshed. The meaning of Qiu Qingchuan's words can be

It is relatively clear - the RMB may appreciate.Everyone knows that the reason why the central government has been insisting on macro-control is that "economic overheating" has been "tenaciously resisted" by many provinces and cities. Politically, it is a fierce game.Analyzing from the standpoint of Liu Jincai, he may be more willing to use "pure economic means" to solve the problem.

Qiu Qingchuan said: "Usually under a fixed exchange rate, the pressure of RMB appreciation will be transformed into inflationary pressure. Excessive foreign exchange purchases will lead to an increase in money supply, and inflationary pressure will follow. At the same time, by issuing central bank bills to The practice of withdrawing foreign exchange funds is not sustainable and will lead to an increase in the government's financial burden. Reducing foreign exchange funds can reduce the money supply, and at the same time lower import prices may also lower the domestic prices of some commodities. Everyone will not order At the same time, a large number of migrant workers are returning, and the pressure on rural employment is increasing. The State Council has reason to increase investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The proportion of financial payments will change, which can also effectively prevent repeated investment in infrastructure construction in large cities .”

He Mengying sighed sincerely: "Secretary Qiu, you are indeed a financial expert. I have been going to the local area for several years, and I have not let go of my efforts. I admire it!"

Qiu Qingchuan said with a smile: "Mengying, why are you infected with this problem? Is it true that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black?" He Mengying said in amazement: "Secretary Qiu made such a statement? I really appreciate it." Everyone laughed. [

Li Jianan said at the right time: "I think that if the value appreciates at this time, there may be considerations for preparing for hard currency. In addition, it can be used to narrow the exchange rate difference between the Hong Kong dollar and the renminbi. , and the same as the mainland, implement a single currency." Qiu Qingchuan glanced at him appreciatively and nodded slightly.

These are all necessary conditions for a country to grow into an economic power.Although Liu Jincai acted in a low-key manner, it must be his goal to achieve great achievements during his term of office.It is one of the prerequisites for the Republic to grow into a real super economic power and the currency to become a hard currency.Li Jianan's Fenxuan is pretty good.

"Actually, judging from the overall trend, the renminbi has been in a state of appreciation. Before [-], we artificially overestimated the value of the renminbi. It was important to save face... This policy could not be sustained and was forced to give up. Now it is artificially underestimated. The value of the renminbi is also unsustainable. On the exchange rate issue, policy intervention can play a role in the short term, but in the end it is up to the market to decide. As long as China can maintain high economic growth, the renminbi can be fully convertible at the same time. , Then, it will not be too long before the RMB appreciates and becomes a regional or even world currency. The central bank has been making announcements for the past few years, saying that the RMB will eventually become fully convertible. This should also be preparing for the appreciation.” Li Jianwei simply further exerted compliance.

Wang Mengmeng couldn't help but excitedly said: "So, the price will definitely increase, so when will it start?"

The others couldn't help but look at each other, Qiu Qingchuan said helplessly: "Mengmeng, what you said is really spying on state secrets."

Wang Mengmeng pursed her lips and said, "Guessing doesn't work, does it?"

"Okay, even if we guessed it for you, can you believe it? What if we are not sure?

Seeing Wang Mengmeng's eagerness to make money, Qiu Jingchuan had to remind her a few words.After all, the foreign exchange market is extremely risky. A "rookie" like Wang Xunmeng who has no operating experience rushes into it rashly. If he is not careful, he will lose everything.Qiu Qingchuan understands her cousin's character very well. If she really suffers too much, she might be involved in a case similar to the "Southeast Case" again, which is not easy.

He Mengying patted Wang Mengmeng's shoulder and said, "Mengmeng, are you nervous about money?"

Wang Mengmeng also knew that He Mengying was the most famous "big sister" in the circle of the capital's yamen, and she was very righteous, as long as she asked herself, there would be no problem in turning over a sum of money.But Wang Yinyin's ambition is not here. "Sister Mengying, it's not that I'm nervous. I'm just thinking, it's a pity not to seize such a good opportunity to earn money." If you can accurately predict the time and approximate magnitude of the appreciation of the renminbi, the money you can make will be huge.

He Mengying smiled and said: "Don't be so anxious, there are many ways to earn plutonium in this world. How about this, let's talk about it another day, and I will give you the total to see which projects are better to invest in, how about it?" "Really ? That's great, thank you, Sister Mengying." Wang Xunmeng was overjoyed.

Since He Mengying said so, it must not be as simple as giving her a random trick, basically finding a project for her to make money without losing money.

Liu Jun and Qiu Qingchuan smiled at each other and shook their heads slightly.


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