Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 176 The rain is coming

Do you want to tell my dad about this? "

I asked Jiang Youxin who was sitting opposite.

In order to lure Meng Yuejin and Ma Wencai into the trap, I spent more than half a year, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and invested thousands of "huge sums" of money, waiting for this result.In two lifetimes, I have never designed such a big "trap" to deliberately deal with others, and the pressure in my heart is not the slightest bit.In essence, I am the kind of lazy person who can't do it. The experience of my previous life has somewhat given me the idea of ​​muddling along.This time so "deliberate", in fact, the most difficult thing is not to defeat the opponent, but to defeat oneself.

To change from a "grassroots" to a "yamen", it is not enough to change the identity, but the thinking habits and the way of doing things have to be changed.This is why I want to invite Jiang Youxin to discuss.

I need someone to affirm, someone to support! [

Jiang Youxin mused, but did not reply right away.

He is now the Deputy Secretary of the Revolutionary Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the District Party Committee in Taishan District, and he is also considered a celebrity. During this sensitive period, it is not convenient for me to go to Taishan District to find him, so I had to ask Su Jianzhong to pick him up at Qiaoqiao Bakery.

This is my safest base, and when it comes to discussing anything, Qiaoer and Sister Shaolan will never talk about it, and neither will Liang Xiuju.

In the past few days, because of the arrest of Meng Yuejin and Ma Wencai, the entire Xiangyang County has become an uproar.Jiang Youxin naturally knew about it a long time ago, but he never expected that it was all from me.It's normal to hesitate for a while.

"I think there's no need to tell Director Liu for now."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Youxin spoke slowly.

"This matter. Director Liu and Secretary Tang occupy a very favorable position right now. They can advance and retreat freely. If we talk to them, it will be a psychological burden instead. Maybe it is easy to make mistakes..."

I nodded.

In fact, this is what I mean.It's just that it's such a big deal.It's not good to keep Dad in the dark.

"Xiaojun. This matter. How do you plan to end it?"

"The end?" I was surprised: "Why should I end it? How to investigate the case and deal with it. It's all a matter for the judiciary. Even if I want to interfere, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

"That's good. Let the judiciary deal with it. We'll just watch."

I laughed.

"It's not a thing to be afraid just by looking at it. I have to do something else, light the fire, and the general election of the party congress is about to be held!"

This sentence is the point.

Jiang Youxin's face turned serious, and he asked, "Your plan?"

"I want to spread the inside story of Meng Yuejin and Ma Wencai's arrest as soon as possible, and it's best to make it known to everyone."

The key to these words is "insider information".Many people already knew about Meng Yuejin and Ma Wencai's arrest, but the inside story was spread in various ways, some of which were far from the truth, and most of them were hearsay.The viability of this thing is very limited, and after a few days of excitement, it will be gradually forgotten.But there is still one month before the party congress is held.After a few days of rumors, the banner died down, and the desired effect could not be achieved.Therefore, it is necessary to continuously spread the "latest inside information" and "hot spots" will continue to appear, so that people will continue to pay attention to this matter.To put it bluntly, it is "unified publicity, series of reports".Gradually accumulate the dissatisfaction of the masses and reach a climax before the party congress is held.

And when did Meng Yuhan have the face to sit on the rostrum? [

I think the district will definitely consider the factor of "public opinion" as to who will be appointed as the secretary of the county party committee.

Jiang Youxin fell into deep thought again, tapping his fingers on the table lightly.I worked as a secretary for my dad for two years, and even this habit has been learned vividly.I was very patient. I picked up the sauced beef piece by piece and put it into my mouth, chewing slowly without urging him.

"Catch Meng Yuejin and let Ma Wencai go."

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Youxin said something.

I also thought about it and gave a thumbs up.

Don't make too many enemies, this is number one.He wanted to remove Meng Yuhan and Ma Zhikuan at the same time. He was refreshing, but he was afraid that the big bosses in the area would have "hot eyes".If people believe that there is no black hand behind it, such as Dad or Tang Haitian, then it is called a ghost.Which of those big bosses in the region is not a human being?Can it make you so blind?If you don't make it right, you will steal the chicken or lose the rice!It would be better to concentrate firepower on Meng Yuejin.

Secondly, Ma Zhikuan has worked in Xiangyang County for many years. He has a large group of old colleagues and old friends, and his network of relationships is intricate.Unlike Meng Yuhan, who just came here not long ago and has a shallow foundation, most of the people who approach him are a bunch of snobs.If Ma Zhikuan is pushed too hard, the effect may be counterproductive.

"Divide and disintegrate, break each one!"

Jiang Youxin added another sentence.

I laughed: "That's the way to do it, let them bite the dog, and make a mouthful."


After Meng Yuejin and Ma Wencai were arrested, Meng Yuhan and Ma Zhikuan naturally couldn't ignore them.However, the methods adopted by the two are completely different.As we have analyzed, Meng Yuhan's foundation in Xiangyang County is shallow, and there seem to be a lot of sycophants around on weekdays. At the critical moment, he realizes that these guys are basically unreliable and useless.In desperation, he had no choice but to take the upper-level route and ask Liu Wenju for emergency help.

Liu Wenju's depression can be imagined, he didn't know whether his brother-in-law was eating or eating grass.It took a lot of effort to help him to the position of secretary of the county party committee, and it took him three months to transfer Liu Jin, which was considered a great opportunity and finally stabilized his position.Unexpectedly, at a critical juncture, another case of "gathering together for gambling" and "whoring" came up.


The secretary of the eight county and city committees in the Baozhou area, only his old Meng family has such talents!

Liu Wenju was depressed and depressed, and he had to work hard to deal with his wife's tears and snot.He also knew that Liu Jincai and Tang Haitian were the only ones who could interfere in this matter in Xiangyang County, but to find these two, it would be more reliable to just take off his shoes and hit him in the face.After deliberation, Liu Wenju called Mao Yinong, a member of the prefectural committee, secretary of the regional political and legal committee, and director of the public security department.Mao Yinong is Liu Wenju's old colleague and subordinate, so he expected to sell himself to save face?

When Mao Yinong received a call from Liu Wenju, his head immediately grew bigger.

During this sensitive period, he really didn't want to get involved in the fight in the county below.Although this seemed like an ordinary criminal case, there was no sign that Liu Jincai and Tang Haitian were involved.But who can sit in the position of Secretary Mao, who doesn't have a string in his head?Meng Yuhan is Liu Wenju's brother-in-law, but Liu Jincai is Long Tiejun's favorite general. It seems that Yan Yucheng, Liu Jincai's best friend, is also a member of the prefectural committee, so it doesn't do any good to offend anyone!

"Secretary Liu, I don't know about this yet... Haha, I'll make a phone call first to ask about the situation."

But since Liu Wenju called, this matter can't be exhausted.

Not past.Mao Yinong said with a haha.

Liu Wenju felt displeased for a while. Mao Yinong didn't have this attitude before. Whether in person or on the phone, he was very respectful.But it's no wonder if you think about it, now that he is also a deputy department-level cadre, how can he be like the third grandson?Besides, I have something to ask for from others, so I naturally have to lower my posture. [

Mao Yinong's phone call put a lot of pressure on Liang Guoqiang, after all Mao Yinong is also the immediate boss of Zhengguan.So Liang Guoqiang carefully reported the relevant case to Mao Yinong on the phone, and politely asked "Secretary Mao for instructions."

Unexpectedly, Mao Yinong hung up the phone after only saying five words, one of which was "hummed" out of his nose - "Well, I see."

Liang Guoqiang put down the phone and pondered for a long time, but he still didn't understand what Secretary Mao meant.But since Secretary Mao personally intervened, this matter has to be more careful, and it must be an "iron case"!

As for Ma Zhikuan, he doesn't have such a strong backer in the region, he can only start from within the Public Security Bureau.

Ma Zhikuan has worked in Xiangyang County for many years, and there are several veteran subordinates who know the basics of each system available.Not long after, there was a clearer feedback on the case.

Ma Zhikuan was so angry that he dropped his cup!

According to news from the Public Security Bureau, Meng Yuejin put all the blame on Ma Wencai, and pretended to be "Gu was deceived". I heard that Secretary Mao of the Regional Political and Legal Committee even called Liang Guoqiang.

Ma Zhikuan is also aware of the relationship between Mao Yinong and Liu Wenju.

These bastards!

Ma Zhikuan was wandering around in the living room, while his wife looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Ma Wencai's performance at the beginning was quite good, he did not hesitate to carry what he should carry, and even carried some things that shouldn't be carried - one must be loyal!

A few days later, Ma Wencai's confession was completely changed, and it was similar to Meng Yuejin's. The mastermind was Meng Yuejin, and he was just a small follower, playing cards and drinking with him.

As soon as Ma Wencai's confession changed, the case became turbulent again.

Because the current arrests can be regarded as "ironclad evidence", it is basically impossible to overturn the whole case.Seventeen men and women were arrested on the spot. If they cheated, no one would be able to make the confessions of the seventeen people consistent.Unless, like in Qing'an County, the Public Security Bureau "works together" from top to bottom, maybe they can find a scapegoat to take the blame for Mengya Nei and Ma Yanei.It's a pity that Xiangyang County is not Qing'an County, and Liang Guoqiang is not so easy to manipulate.

Since there is no hope of completely reversing the case, this master-slave dispute has become extremely important.Everyone knows that in such a gang case, the sentencing of the main criminal and the accessory criminal is far apart.

The alliance between Meng Yuhan and Ma Zhikuan inevitably broke down.

At the secretary's office meeting discussing the preparations for the Party Congress and the National People's Congress, Ma Zhikuan had a sullen face and never looked at Meng Yuhan from the beginning to the end.Meng Yuhan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he stared straight ahead. He still didn't respond when Lu Zhen, secretary-general of the county party committee, who was in charge of the two sessions, finished his report.

Lu Zhen looked embarrassed, looked at his father and Tang Haitian, hoping that the two would say something.

As usual, Dad did not take the initiative to speak on party affairs, but took a sip of tea while holding a teacup.

Seeing that it was not the head, Tang Haitian coughed and said, "Secretary Meng, what instructions do you have regarding the election of individual party representatives?"

"Ah... oh, well... the comrades of the preparatory committee can handle it according to the rules of previous years..."

Meng Yuhan said so indifferently.

Tang Haitian nodded to Lu Zhen.

"Secretary Lu, follow Secretary Meng's instructions!"

Next, Wu Qiuyang began to report the resumes of some of the cadres who were going to be promoted or transferred.Originally, this matter was the most concerned issue of Meng Yuhan and Ma Zhikuan, but today they seem to have lost interest.Basically just nodding in approval.More words, not a word.


"It's been quite lively during this time."

Seeing that the situation is developing step by step according to the expectation, the yamen is in a good mood, and even chatted with Liang Qiao about these "big things".

At the critical moment, according to Jiang Youxin's proposal, everyone should be careful, and meet as little as possible. If there is anything, just communicate by phone.Although the confidentiality of the calls transferred through the switchboard was extremely poor, without the intervention of the judiciary, it is expected that the guys from the post office would not be able to talk to each other to monitor every call.

"Really? What's so lively?"

Seeing that I was in a good mood, Liang Qiao was also very happy, and asked with a smile.

"Hey, we will have a good show in Xiangyang County soon."

It is now mid-April, and the party congress and the people's congress will be held in more than ten days. There has already been news that the prefectural committee intends to change people.Meng Yuhan is not suitable to serve as the secretary of the county party committee in Xiangyang County.Because judging from the current situation, if the prefectural committee insists on keeping Meng Yuhan in Xiangyang County, it is very likely that he will lose the election at the party congress.

The grassroots cadres and the masses are very dissatisfied with his indulgence of his son's "self-made fortune"!This is simply stealing and extortion!

If he can't even be elected as a member of the county party committee, how can he be a member of the standing committee of the county party committee and continue to serve as the secretary of the county party committee?

In the more than 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has never been a situation in which the candidate for the county party secretary designated by the higher-level organization was defeated at the party congress.Once this happens, there is no doubt that it will be a lose-lose consequence.

Although Meng Yuhan was disgraced and his official career ended, his father and Tang Haitian may not have a good fruit to eat.

Even if the prefectural committee's intentions cannot be implemented in Xiangyang County, don't you two guys have any responsibility?In order to fight for power and profit, you don't even want organizational principles?No one will believe that the two of you are not behind this.

So now we have to take a gamble, betting that the prefectural committee is not willing to take this risk.If this happens, both Long Tiejun and Zhou Peiming will be punished, and Liu Wenju may not be able to escape.The provincial party committee will definitely doubt their ability to control!Even if Liu Jincai and Tang Haitian were withdrawn by then, what would it do to help?

Meng Yuhan's appointment as secretary of the Xiangyang County Party Committee was a result of balance.

Now that it is so difficult, not to mention that Long Tiejun and Zhou Peiming are unwilling to play with him, even Liu Wenju, who supports him, may retreat.If you fight head-to-head, the loss outweighs the gain!

After much deliberation, the odds are pretty good.

Seeing Liang Qiao approaching with a smile on her face, her pretty face was bright red, so bright, I couldn't help being "sexy", taking advantage of Liang Shaolan and Liang Xiuju's not paying attention, I jumped up and lightly smacked her tender cheeks.

Liang Qiao was panicked and sweet at the same time, lowering her head and giggling non-stop.

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