Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 177 County Party Secretary

Before the Party Congress and People's Congress of Yangxian County were held, the Provincial Party Committee of N Province issued an order to cancel the title of "revolutionary committee" and change it to "people's government" in Wendi and cities.The Regional Revolutionary Committee was renamed "Commission Office".

And the Revolutionary Committee of N Province has been renamed the People's Government of N Province at the end of March!

The "revolutionary committee" that existed in N province for 14 years has finally become history.Comrade Liu Jincai became the first magistrate of the Xiangyang County People's Government after the Great Revolution.However, he did not serve as the county magistrate for a few days.

The district and commune regimes below the county level also abolished the name of the revolutionary committee. director.

On April 29, the Xiangyang County Party Congress was held as scheduled. Meng Yuhan's name did not appear on the list of candidates. As early as three days ago, Meng Yuhan had been transferred to the post of Baozhou District Health Bureau. [

A secretary of the county party committee, serving as the director of the district health bureau, has a bit of relegation in it.I heard that it was Meng Yuhan himself who sent the request for transfer report. This is an explanation from the other side, and it also covers the last bit of face for himself.

However, it is estimated that this call for a report was not really voluntary by him.Meng Yuhan's political sensitivity is not so high.

The Party Congress elected the Xiangyang County Committee composed of 45 members and the Xiangyang County Disciplinary Inspection Commission composed of 33 persons.Immediately, the plenary session of the county party committee elected Liu Jincai, Tang Haitian, Ma Zhikuan, Wu Qiuyang, Zhou Heping, Li Chengyan, Liang Guoqiang, Chen Liyou, Yu Xiaohan, Lu Zhen, Li Yong and other eleven comrades as standing committee members by secret ballot. As the secretary, he fully presided over the work of the Xiangyang County Committee. Tang Haitian, Ma Zhikuan, Wu Qiuyang, and Zhou Heping were the deputy secretaries, assisting Liu Jincai in his work.On the same day, the Xiangyang County Commission for Disciplinary Inspection held a plenary meeting and elected Comrade Zhou Heping as its secretary.

The next day, the Xiangyang County People's Congress unanimously agreed that Comrade Liu Jincai resigned from the post of county magistrate of Xiangyang County People's Government, and that Comrade Ma Zhikuan resigned from the post of executive deputy county magistrate.Comrade Tang Haitian was elected as the magistrate of the Xiangyang County People's Government, and Chen Liyou and Li Yong were elected as the deputy magistrates of the Xiangyang County People's Government.

This time, the changes in the two teams are not small.

Naturally, the most conspicuous and expected thing was that my father was elected as the secretary of the county party committee.Everyone said that as early as a year ago, Director Liu should have held this position (the Revolutionary Committee has just been transformed into a people's government, and everyone is still used to calling him Director Liu). If so, the economy of Xiangyang County will continue to develop Faster, maybe it can surpass Baozhou City in one fell swoop.After all, the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee was divided into two camps to restrain each other, which wasted a lot of precious energy and time.Some representatives also said with a smile that Secretary Yan is in charge of Baozhou City now, and it would be bad if he surpassed him, and Secretary Liu would not be able to do that kind of thing.Yan Liu wears a pair of pants, who doesn't know?

There is some truth in that.At the beginning, the prefectural committee transferred Yan Yucheng to serve as the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee.There is such a meaning of trying to keep face in it.

And Tang Haitian was finally upright.One step further.Become a county magistrate.It is also expected.said the representatives.A secretary Liu and a magistrate Tang.They are all practical leaders.The economic development of our Xiangyang County will only get faster and faster in the future.People's lives will get better and better.

In the memory of my previous life.Tang Haitian took Yan Yucheng's class.Became the secretary of the county party committee.But Yan Yucheng was not promoted so fast.Can't remember the exact time.In short, it was impossible to transfer to Baozhou City in [-].That's it.Tang Haitian is not at a disadvantage.

Ma Zhikuan relieved the burden of the executive deputy county magistrate.Take over the position of Tanghai Tiandi.Inaugurated as Deputy Party Secretary.Three handles.Everyone is not very convinced.Lao Ma usually likes to put on airs.The wind reviews are not very good.This time something happened to Marvin again.Lost a lot of points.However, the region should be arranged in this way.Everyone has nothing to do.

Wu Qiuyang further became the deputy secretary in charge of organizational personnel.Slightly unexpected.so.Old Comrade Wu is at this age.Is there room for improvement?But Wu Qiuyang is upright and honest.Highly anticipated.The prefectural committee used him like this.It can also be regarded as discerning people.

Zhou Heping, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, was an airborne cadre appointed by the local government.In the past, he was a member of the Standing Committee of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the chief of the Second Supervision Section.The qualifications are not too old to be a deputy director.Put it in the county below.The intention of gold plating is obvious.Like Jiang Liqun in front.Not to mention the rapid economic development of Xiangyang County in the past two years.As he wished, Gao Sheng went to Baoxi County to become the county magistrate.

Today's Xiangyang County has become a sweet pastry if you are not careful, and it is no longer the poor place where "cadres were assigned" in the past.

Li Chengyan, Minister of Propaganda, Liang Guoqiang, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Yu Xiaohan, Minister of Armed Forces, and Lu Zhen, Secretary-General, are still doing their old jobs.

The two new members of the Standing Committee, Chen Liyou and Li Yong, are also very powerful cadres. Needless to say, Chen Liyou has been a model of advanced middle-level cadres for two consecutive years. The "Agricultural Science and Technology Sending to the Countryside" project has been done impressively, and it has indeed done a lot of practical things for the common people. It is reasonable for such comrades to be promoted and reused.As the top leader of Shima District, Li Yong was active and enterprising without waiting or relying on him. Shima District set up more than a dozen townships and team-run collective enterprises with remarkable achievements. He was selected as the deputy county magistrate in charge of industry and transportation. Emotionally and rationally should be.

Comrade Wei Yuhua, former member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Commission for Disciplinary Inspection, retired honorably to the second line because of reaching the age limit, and enjoyed the treatment of the director level.Everyone also gave full affirmation to this old Comrade Wei, who was tactful and sophisticated, but performed well in the end.

Generally speaking, to paraphrase a very fashionable saying: the team in Xiangyang County is a united team, a progressive team, and a leadership group full of combat effectiveness!

It was the first time for the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee after the change of term. Apart from expressing welcome to the new Standing Committee members such as Zhou Heping, Chen Liyou, and Li Yong, Secretary Liu did not exchange too many pleasantries.

Secretary Liu's goal is very clear. Within this year, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Xiangyang County will increase by at least 50.00% on the basis of last year.Fiscal revenue should increase by more than [-]%. [

To this end, we must continue to implement the reform of the production responsibility system, and further stimulate the production enthusiasm of the majority of farmers.The "courtyard economy" model like Hongqi Commune deserves to be spread across the entire county.

In terms of industry, we must continue to vigorously support key state-owned enterprises such as "Wufeng Liquor Company", give preference to policies and funds, let go of our hands and feet, and let them

Quickly occupy a broader market.The County Agricultural Machinery Factory and the Shanbei District Cement Factory9) enterprises also need to vigorously support them.The cement plant in Shanbei District may consider expanding the third phase of the project to expand its production capacity to an annual output of 30 to 40 tons of cement.

As for all kinds of collective enterprises, team-run enterprises and self-employed households, we should also vigorously support and encourage their development.Party committees and governments at all levels must guide them correctly, and they must not be solicitous and unhealthy.

Zhou Heping participated in the county standing committee for the first time, and was very surprised by it.He originally thought that Secretary Liu was a theoretical cadre, and when the new official took office, he would definitely hold a "personal speech meeting" and talk endlessly, and he would never stop talking for two hours.Unexpectedly, it was over in half an hour, and the talks were all very specific practical work.

This is a world of difference from when he attended the Standing Committee Meeting of the Regional Commission for Discipline Inspection.Every time Secretary Liu Wenju opened his mouth, everyone took a deep breath and prepared to suffer!

I heard that Secretary Liu is a man of action, and it seems that the rumors are true.

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, Magistrate Tang only said a few words.He has just taken over as the county magistrate, and the handover work has not yet been completed, and he has not entered the role yet.What should have been said by him, the county magistrate, was finished by Secretary Liu.Tang Haitian was not annoyed either, he and his father were considered old partners, even though they were not as close as his father and Yan Yucheng, they were still very harmonious, they knew each other quite well, and he knew what his father meant by never squeezing the power in his hand .

Afterwards, Zhou Heping also made a brief speech, which was nothing more than a polite remark of "I'm new here, I hope you can give me some advice".

When it was Liang Guoqiang's turn to speak, this upstart Xiangyang was even more down-to-earth. He straightforwardly asked for an increase in funding, police force, and case-handling equipment.The reason is that the public security situation is becoming more and more serious, and various criminal cases and public security cases are on the rise. We must increase our strength and resolutely crack down on them.

Master's speech has a lot to do with my constant instilling a "sense of crisis" in him.

In [-], that is, the next year, the central government will issue an order to carry out "severely cracking down on criminal crimes" nationwide through legislation by the National People's Congress, referred to as "severely cracking down".Some hooligans who do evil things have eaten too many "peanuts".I can't remember the specific month, but it should start shortly after the new semester starts in the second half of the year.Since Master has fulfilled his wish and became "the first brother in the political and legal system of Xiangyang County", we have the obligation to help him secure this position.

This is also helping myself.

Now there are actually two members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee in the "Shadow Cabinet" in this yamen. Every time I think about it, I don't even mention the sense of accomplishment and pride in my heart.

Dad agrees with Liang Guoqiang's statement.But when he was about to express his opinion, he finally realized that his identity was no longer the county magistrate but the secretary of the county party committee.

"I agree with this matter in principle. But for the money, Comrade Guoqiang is going to ask County Magistrate Tang. I don't have any money now..."

Tang Haitian was in a good mood, and continued with a smile: "Comrade Guoqiang, don't be fooled. Secretary Liu is still holding the money bag. I have nothing in my hands, and I don't have any money..."

There was laughter in the meeting room, and the tense and serious atmosphere was relieved.

All joking aside, Dad still agrees that the political and legal system, especially the public security system, should increase its police force, necessary equipment and funds for handling cases. Liang Guoqiang should come up with a specific plan and discuss it in detail at the Standing Committee next time. .

Next, Chen Liyou and Li Yong, newly appointed members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, made speeches respectively.

Since Chen Liyou joined my "shadow cabinet", he has followed his father for some years. He has a very thorough understanding of Secretary Liu's character and behavior, and knows that this is a leader who advocates "pragmatic".No nonsense at the moment, and with a few simple and humble words, I put out a plan, which is about further implementing the rural production responsibility system, contracting production to households, and vigorously expanding the "courtyard economy" throughout the county.

This plan is full of thousands of words. What is rare is that there are not a few empty words, but real data and specific implementation methods.Including which districts and communes are suitable for planting, what is suitable for breeding, and how the products are packaged and sold, there are detailed analysis and explanations, which are clearly structured and followed. [

At the beginning, Chen Liyou was just a Qingshui yamen official who ate and drank and waited to retire. He was confused, his thinking was rigid, and he didn't even have the concept of "customer". After two years, he has become an expert leader in economic construction. Cadres.

Chen Liyou spoke for a full hour, twice as long as his father, the top leader, but none of the Standing Committee members expressed impatience. On the contrary, they all listened attentively, including party workers such as Ma Zhikuan, Wu Qiuyang, and Li Chengyan. They are all very serious, nodding thoughtfully from time to time.

"Okay, very good. Comrade Li You, you should have this down-to-earth and pragmatic style of work in revolutionary work. Our Xiangyang County's economy needs to develop, and the people's living standards must continue to improve. It must be done step by step!"

Dad said excitedly.

At this time, Li Yong regretted a little. He joined the Standing Committee of the current Party Congress and became the deputy county magistrate in charge of industry. It is really a big mistake to come up with a comprehensive and complete "government strategy".It seems that Chen Li has this guy who will be praised by the general assembly and small meetings. It is not a fluke that he was suddenly promoted to the executive deputy county magistrate in his capacity as the director of agriculture.

It's admirable to do everything up front.

Naturally, as a new member of the Standing Committee, Li Yong must also make his voice heard at the first meeting of the Standing Committee.Fortunately, Li Yong has been the leader of Shima District for many years, and his ability and level are very good.When I make a speech at a meeting, I open my mouth without stuttering.During his tenure in Shima District, he started a collective enterprise. Although he was not as well-prepared as Chen Liyou, he still had a complete and clear idea of ​​developing the county's industry. The unanimous affirmation and praise of the Standing Committee of the meeting.

"Comrade Li Yong, your speech is very good and insightful... Haha, the county magistrate of Haitian, with such strong assistants as Comrade Li You and Comrade Li Yong, it seems that the government work will be successful in the future !"

Dad said with a smile on his face.

Everyone started to play haha.

Only Ma Zhikuan's face was a little unsightly.

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