Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1763 Going to Pearl City Again

In June, Liu Jun appeared in Mingzhu City.

Governor Liu is here this time.It is to participate in the "East China Forum" hosted by the Mingzhu Municipal Government.The theme of this year's forum is how to strengthen economic cooperation between several provinces in East China.In addition to Liu Jun, the governors of provinces S, F, Donghai and Ludong also arrived.

On Mingzhu's side, the etiquette is still very considerate.Although Zheng Hao did not go to the airport to greet him in person, he appointed a deputy mayor to lead the team and organized a welcome ceremony at the airport to express a warm welcome to Liu Jun's arrival.

Those who came to the meeting were all the governors of a province, and Mingzhu City placed the governors in the most luxurious hotel - Qiushui Hotel.

Not long after Liu Jun and his party arrived at the hotel, Zheng Hao, the mayor of Mingzhu, made a special trip to visit. [

According to the data, Zheng Hao is 51 years old this year and served as the mayor of Mingzhu two years ago.Zheng Hao has a clear face and wears a pair of framed glasses. He looks polite and has a learned demeanor.When meeting with Liu Jun, he was wearing a dark suit, looking very young and vigorous.

He became the mayor of Mingzhu when he was less than 50 years old. Zheng Hao can also be called a typical young man.

Naturally, this young faction is relative and cannot be compared with Liu Yanei.Look at the whole country.Liu Junjun is an outlier.

It was not the first time that Liu Jun and Zheng Hao had met. They had met in many central meetings.But most of them just nodded their heads and never talked about it in depth.Because he came to participate in the East China Forum, Governor Liu still knew a little about Mayor Zheng's resume.

According to his resume, Zheng Hao is a native of Donghai Province, with a master's degree, proficient in economic construction, and has the title of senior economist.Zheng Hao has always worked in Mingzhu City. He came out of the factory, worked in the regiment, and served as the head of the district. His resume is very neat.

"Hello, Governor Liu, welcome!"

In the reception room of the luxury suite where Liu Jun stayed, Zheng Hao was all smiles, shaking hands with Liu Jun, shaking them again and again, very affectionate.

"Hello, Mayor Zheng!"

Liu Jun is also smiling, very polite.

The spotlight flashed, and the accompanying reporters took many photos.It is estimated that the next day's "Pearl Daily" will publish relevant pictures and news reports.

"Governor Liu took time out of his busy schedule to attend the meeting, which is a great support for our work. On behalf of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and the city's cadres and masses, I would like to express my warm welcome and sincere thanks to Governor Liu."

The two sides sat down according to the host and guest, and Zheng Hao gave a welcome speech with a smile.

Tell the truth.Zheng Hao is also very curious about the youngest governor in the country and the son of the current prime minister.Ever since Liu Jun emerged in the system, Liu Yanei has become the object of everyone's research, especially the core cadres of the Pearl Department like Zheng Hao, who have studied it more in-depth.Of course, because of different identities, the focus of research is also different.

Zheng Hao, as the mayor of Mingzhu City and the leader of the city with the largest economic aggregate in China, mainly studies Liu Jun's economic construction measures.Mingzhu City has a solid foundation and strong state support, so it is only natural that it has achieved good results.Zheng Hao, the mayor of the Pearl, is naturally complacent. He is very eye-catching in the leadership of the provincial and municipal government.However, every time Liu Jun takes power in a region, it doesn't take long, and within three or two years, he quickly starts the backward economy and catches up quickly, which is quite surprising.

Such as Qianzhou, Yulan and other cities.Prior to this, purely in terms of economic aggregate, it was completely comparable with the Pearl City.However, the rapid development and the fierce growth momentum in the past few years are not impressive.In particular, it is a miracle that these two cities took the lead in stabilizing housing prices and maintaining rapid economic growth without selling land.

As the mayor of Mingzhu City, Zheng Hao knows very well how difficult it is to maintain rapid economic growth without selling land.

"Mayor Zheng is too polite. I came this time mainly to learn from Mayor Zheng and the comrades in Mingzhu City. I learned your advanced concepts and experience in economic development. I hope that by learning from your valuable experience, I can contribute to the province. It is a great inspiration for the economic construction of the country."

Liu Jun replied politely according to the standard "official speech".

Zheng Hao waved his hand and said: "Governor Liu is too modest. The provincial economy has made remarkable progress under the leadership of Governor Liu. The 'Six Strategies for Enriching the People and Strengthening the Province' that Governor Liu talked about on CCTV is very inspiring to me. .It really deserves to be a strongman in economic construction.”[

Zheng Hao's words carried a certain polite meaning, and also had some real thoughts.Through research, Zheng Hao discovered that Liu Jun's thinking in governing is actually very clear and not mysterious.Everywhere he went, he would build roads extensively, attract investment and other usual methods.However, Liu Jun's use of these methods seems to be different from that of ordinary leading cadres.That is to do it very thoroughly and never engage in bureaucratic articles.For example, when I was in Qianzhou City.It took three years to borrow money to build roads, and Qianzhou City's road traffic network and waterway wharf construction have been done very well.National highways, provincial highways, county-level highways, and even rural highways are all built in accordance with high standards and strict requirements. At present, Qianzhou can be said to be the city with the most developed transportation network in the province.

In addition to these rigid economic measures, Liu Jun's magic weapon for building a strong man in the economy actually lies in the construction of cadre teams, the establishment and implementation of rules.During Liu Jun's tenure, the local cadres really became one. Everyone had clear goals, worked together, and worked hard to develop.The internal friction is reduced to an extremely low level, and the team operates at a high speed, which has exerted great benefits.

Although Zheng Hao didn't say anything, he deeply believed in Liu Jun's vision and methods in his heart.

Liu Jun can be said to have won the true meaning of the superior.It is very clear that the power of a single KO is always limited.So she kept her eyes on the main goal firmly and never let go. After a few years, when the rules were established and the cadre team was built, sustainable development was truly realized.

Liu Jun is young.It is really not a blessing to be able to do such a thing.

It was the first formal meeting with Zheng Hao, Liu Jun naturally had to be modest and cautious.In terms of age and seniority alone, the governments of all provincial administrative regions in the country can be regarded as Liu Jun's seniors.Modesty and prudence are natural.

The two senior officials had a cordial and friendly conversation at the hotel.Later, Zheng Hao told Liu Jun that when the political situation was convenient, he would also come to visit Governor Liu.

The Yu Zhengju that Zheng Hao said naturally refers to Yu Xianghong, a member of the Politburo and secretary of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee.

Liu Jun, the new governor, is currently only an alternate member of the Central Committee.And Yu Xianghong's status in the party.Very different.Generally speaking, Liu Jun should visit Yu Xianghong in person.But now that Liu Junyuan is a guest, it makes sense for Yu Xianghong, as a landlord, to visit these governors in person.

Liu Jun expressed his gratitude to Zheng Hao in accordance with the standard diplomatic rhetoric, saying that he was very happy to be able to meet with the political situation.

For these itineraries, the Provincial Government Office had already communicated and held several meetings with the Mingzhu Municipal Government Office, which is the Municipal Party Committee Office, and the arrangements were relatively proper.

Zheng Hao's timing was very accurate. After the two talked for about half an hour, Zheng Hao invited Liu Jun to have dinner with a smile.

The dinner will be held in the Chinese restaurant of Qiushui Hotel.In addition to Zheng Hao and Liu Jun, the two officials of the frontier, the Mingzhu City Government has a huge lineup of accompanying guests. , as well as some heads of departments directly under the municipal government, all attended the dinner.

The delegation brought by Liu Jun from the province was relatively capable, and only a deputy provincial cadre like the female deputy governor Hou Yonghong came together.Hou Yonghong's work in the provincial government has not changed. He is still in charge of commerce, tourism, materials, family planning, industrial and commercial administration, quality and technology supervision, food and drug supervision and management, intellectual property rights, economic cooperation, and overseas Chinese affairs.Although this time is to participate in a forum meeting, not a formal official inspection, but since it involves five provinces and one city in East China, Liu Jun also hopes to carry out economic cooperation with other provinces and cities.Hou Yonghong was in charge of this job, so it was very reasonable to invite her to come with her.

In addition to Hou Yonghong, Wu Chengjun, Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government, Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Director of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, Director of the Provincial Tourism Bureau and other relevant provincial department heads also came to attend the meeting with Governor Liu.

The entire delegation, only twenty or so people.

According to Wu Chengjun, Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government, the provincial delegation is the most capable delegation participating in the meeting this time.For the other four provinces, S, F, Donghai, and Ludong, the size of the participating delegations was much larger.In addition to the governor, at least two people above the vice governor level accompanied him. Province S even had a deputy director of the National People's Congress and a vice chairman of the CPPCC.The smallest Donghai Province delegation has more than 40 people.The largest delegation from province s has more than 70 people.It's a bit like a delegation to attract investment.

As the city with the most active commercial activities in China, Mingzhu City was known as the "Ten Miles Foreign Market" in the old days, and it is still very attractive to people from other provinces and cities.Taking advantage of the opportunity of a meeting, to come here for a stroll, to take a tour, and then to do some shopping is considered a very good leisure activity.

Many provinces and cities regard going to other places for meetings as a kind of welfare, which is allocated to "meritorious officials".

Wu Chengjun reported the situation to Liu Jun truthfully.

Because of Ling Ya's suggestion, Liu Jun gave Wu Chengjun "a chance". The position of the Director of the Government Office.Wu Chengjun knew very well that as the director of the provincial government office and the chief steward of the provincial government, one of his main responsibilities was to collect relevant information and report to Liu Jun in time.As for these situations, whether Governor Liu can use them or not is another matter.

He had to put on the posture of a direct confidant.This is the basic element of survival in officialdom. [

Judging from the reality of the province, Wu Chengjun's decision is undoubtedly very correct.Defeating Hong Tianjing and being elected governor with a high number of votes has already revealed Liu Jun's strength.

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