Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1764 Yu Xianghong was deflated

The red banquet was grand and warm.Zheng Hao and Liu Jun made short written speeches respectively

For Liu Jun, the legendary governor, son of the current prime minister, many cadres in Mingzhu City have been famous for a long time, and they are full of curiosity.Liu Jun's demeanor is graceful, calm and introverted, coupled with his young and handsome appearance, it will make people feel "weird" from time to time.

It is said that Governor Liu is a "stab head" who often shows thunderbolt methods in political struggles, killing opponents to the ground.Liu Feipeng, the former Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection who was known for his strength in Mingzhu City, fought against Liu Jun in the province, and lost repeatedly, making his face disheartened.It even surprised the cadres of Mingzhu City.

Just looking at the appearance, Liu Yanei doesn't look aggressive like that.

Or, this is called, "A person should not be judged by his appearance." [

After the dinner, Zheng Hao left.

Governor Liu and the guests from the province went back to the room to rest.Before the official queen call, there are some preparations to be done.

Liu Jun returned to the luxury suite, followed by Wu Chengjun, intending to report to Governor Liu about his itinerary for the next few days.Although this arrangement was approved by Liu Jun.But you can't expect the governor to keep this itinerary firmly in mind. When it's time to remind you, you should still remind him.

Seeing Wu Chengjun standing there respectfully, Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Chengjun, sit down. You've worked hard all day.

Wu Chengjun was flattered, and hurriedly said: "Governor, don't pay homage."

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

Wu Chengjun carefully sat down on the sofa on one side.The back is straight.Generally speaking, the director of the provincial government's office is considered one of the closest people to the governor, so he has to be so cautious.It's just that Wu Chengjun is still consciously still, "in the investigation period." He dare not "get carried away"

Ke Qifan then handed Wu Chengjun some tea.

"Governor, I would like to report to you the itinerary for the past few days"

Liu Jun nodded, took a sip from his teacup.In the luxurious suite of Qiushui Hotel, the best Mingqian green tea is also prepared, which tastes very mellow and fragrant.

Before the official meeting, Governor Liu asked several other governors to have a meeting.It is also necessary to inspect several key projects in Mingzhu City, and the schedule is relatively tight.

"Secretary Yu Xianghong, the time to visit you is set at eight o'clock tomorrow night."

Wu Chengjun said.This is the only itinerary that is arranged in the evening.When communicating with the General Office of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee, Wu Chengjun also implicitly expressed his dissent.The itinerary scheduled during the day is already quite tense, Governor Liu should be given a good rest at night.

However, the Mingzhu City Office replied that Yu's political situation was even tighter.

When a deputy director of the Mingzhu City General Office said this, his words were slightly arrogant.The implication is to remind Wu Chengjun, don't make a mistake.Yu Xianghong is a member of the Politburo, a party and state leader.He is on an equal footing with Liu Jun's old man.It is up to you to decide when to meet a new governor like Xiao Liu.

Wu Chengjun saw that others insisted, so it's hard to talk about it.

He also heard some gossip that Yu Xianghong was actually very "unconventional" and dared to confront Liu Jun's old man at the caucus meeting, and he even slapped the table.Such an attitude towards the Prime Minister, let alone Liu Jun.

Wu Chengjun found that when he reported here, Governor Liu frowned slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed across his face.Wu Chengjun couldn't help being surprised.Who is Governor Liu's displeasure aimed at?

Could it be aimed at Xiang Hong? [

Well, it's possible.Yu Xianghong didn't give the old man "face." Governor Liu must be upset.You know, Governor Liu is notoriously strong.In the province, all the guys who dared to confront Governor Liu, from the secretary of the provincial party committee to the leaders of the prefectures and cities, all had a good ending.

No matter how high and powerful Yu Xianghong is, I'm afraid he won't be put in Liu Yanei's eyes.

Wu Chengjun couldn't help feeling a little worried, and the two met.Just don't make any sparks.

While reporting, Wu Chengjun's phone rang suddenly.Wu Chengjun immediately asked Liu Jun for instructions with his eyes, and Liu Jun nodded calmly.Wu Chengjun picked it up and his face became serious, and he pressed the answer button.

"Hi, Director Xia

Director Xia is the deputy director of the General Office of the Pearl Municipal Party Committee and the director of the General Office.In some provinces and cities, the secretarial organization that directly serves the secretary of the party committee is called the First Secretary, and some are called the General First.

This director Xia is actually Yu Xianghong's chief secretary, the first secretary of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee.

"Director Wu, hello. Is Governor Liu at the hotel now?"

Director Xia's slightly arrogant voice came from the phone, with a hint of condescension.Speaking of it, Director Xia is only a deputy department-level cadre, and Xiao Wu Chengjun is a real department-level official.But Director Xia leaned on Yu Xianghong behind his back, and he worked in a first-class metropolis like Mingzhu City, and was a cadre from other provinces.I have always felt good about myself and have a haughty attitude, which makes sense.

"Director Xia, Governor Liu is here!

Wu Chengjun replied cautiously.

Director Xia said: "That's good. Director Wu, please tell Governor Liu that Yu Zhengzheng will come to visit him immediately, and Governor Liu will wait at the hotel."

Wu Chengjun was about to nod his head to promise, when a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he immediately said, "Director Xia, please wait a moment, I must ask Governor Liu for instructions to see if he has any other arrangements."

It should be said that Wu Chengjun's reply was not rude.After all, the originally agreed time was tomorrow night, but Yu Xianghong suddenly changed, and now he was going to visit Governor Liu, so Wu Chengjun naturally wanted to ask for instructions.What if Governor Liu has other arrangements?Didn't it crash!

Moreover, what Director Xia said was a little unpleasant.You just explained that Yu Xianghong wanted to come and see Liu Jun, so why bother to say "Governor Liu please wait at the hotel"?Is the co-author Governor Liu a subordinate of Secretary Yu?

It's still a guest from afar!

, well, please ask for instructions immediately! "

Director Xia obviously didn't expect Wu Chengjun to reply like this, so he hesitated for a while before saying in displeasure.

Wu Chengjun cut off the receiver of the mobile phone in a hurry, and said to Liu Jun very cautiously: "Governor, Director Xia, Secretary Yu's secretary, called and said that Secretary Yu will come to visit you soon, do you have any other arrangements?"

In fact, if Wu Chengjun didn't say this, Liu Jun had already guessed it.For Wu Chengjun's reply, Liu Jun is quite satisfied.Wu Chengjun is a man with a flexible mind, and now it seems that his position is still firm.

"Okay, welcome to Secretary Yu."

Without hesitation, Liu Jun smiled and nodded. [

Wu Chengjun immediately relayed Liu Jun's words to Director Xia.

Director Xia didn't say much, just hung up the phone.

It stands to reason that members of the Politburo came to visit Liu Jun in person, and Liu Jun should go to the hotel lobby to meet him.However, Governor Liu continued to sit there drinking tea, and had no intention of getting up at all.Neither Wu Chengjun nor Ke Qifan mentioned this.

It seems that the rumors may not be all empty rumors. Governor Liu is really not that cold about the political situation, and implicitly put on an equal posture.

Wu Chengjun was even thinking that Yu Xianghong suddenly changed his mind and came to meet Liu Jun one day in advance, maybe there is also the meaning of "strengthening power" in it - when to talk to you, I have the final say!

About twenty minutes later, Wu Chengjun's cell phone rang again, and it was still Director Xia

"Hello, Director Wu, Yu Zhengju will be at the hotel soon

These words are tantamount to reminding Wu Chengjun that Liu Jun can go to the lobby.

Wu Chengjun glanced at Liu Jun, who was still holding a teacup, taking a good rest, and then replied, "Okay, Director Xia, Governor Liu is waiting for Secretary Yu in the room.

On the other end of the phone, I was stunned for a while.Only then did the busy tone of Dulang sound.

Director Xia must have never expected that Governor Liu would be so "cowboyish".Not one or two officials came to Mingzhu City for inspection. The secretary of the provincial party committee and even the members of the Politburo have visited quite a few.Every time Yu Xianghong visits, who doesn't greet him politely in the lobby?In Director Xia's memory, there was only one exception.

He is a member of the Politburo.When Zhai Haojin, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Mingzhu City to attend a meeting, Yu Xianghong visited at the door, and Cui Haojin was waiting in the room.

However, Zhai Haojin is not inferior to Xiang Hong in terms of position and qualifications.Even when Xiang Hong was the deputy secretary and deputy mayor of Mingzhu Municipal Committee.Cui Haojin is already the secretary of the provincial party committee, and his qualifications are older than Yu Xianghong, so it is not out of the ordinary to put on a show like this.

Is Liu too awesome?

Director Xia carefully reported Wu Chengjun's intentions to Yu Xianghong, Yu Xianghong's already stern face became even more poisoned, and he let out a cold "huh" sound from his nostrils, with a very displeased expression.

Director Xia waited for further instructions from Yu Xianghong.He has followed Yu Xianghong for some years, and he is well aware of the character of the political situation, which is the unusually strong type of Xiaoliu's father, the leader of a country, who dares to "smile proudly" in the political situation, let alone a young junior like Liu Jun. .Maybe it is very possible to tell the driver to turn around and go back when the political situation gets angry.

Liu why!

But Yu Xianghong said coldly." After one more ", there was no more text.

So Director Xia knew that Yu Zheng Si still didn't want to be rude.No matter how "ignorant" Xiao Liu is, after all, as a landlord and an elder, Yu Xianghong is not easy to get angry with Xiao Liu.If it spreads out, everyone will say that Xiao Liu is domineering, but they may not necessarily have a good evaluation of the political situation.Xiaoliu is young and well-known, "arrogant and domineering", the old Secretary Jiang of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has "evaluated" like this.You can be forgiven for not knowing things. As the leader of the party and the country, Yu Xianghong is nearly [-] years old. How can you be so irresistible and have the same knowledge as a junior like Liu Jun?

Politburo members should have the bearing of Politburo members.How can you equate your political wisdom with young people!

It seems that this Xiaoliu is really not simple.Just right.

Before meeting each other, Yu Zhengju had a little bit of a crush! (To be continued


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